Is it possible to get a notification if kubernetes job fails - kubernetes

I would like to know if it is possible to send notification using yaml config if the kubernetes job fails?
For example, I have a kubetnetes job which runs once in everyday. Now i have been running a jenkins job to check and send notification if the job fails. Do we have any options to get notification from kubernetes jobs directly if it fails? It should be something like we add in job yaml

I'm not sure about any built in notification support. That seems like the kind of feature you can find in external dedicated monitoring/notification tools such as Prometheus or Logstash output.
For example, you can try this tutorial to leverage the prometheus metrics generated by default in many kubernetes clusters:
Or you can theoretically setup Logstash and monitor incoming logs sent by filebeat and conditionally send alerts as part of the output stage of the pipelines via the "email output plugin"
Other methods exist as well as mentioned in this similar issue: How to send alerts based on Kubernetes / Docker events?
For reference, you may also wish to read this request as discussed in github:


Create a cronjob in Knative publishing messages to Kafka

I would like to create a cronjob via Knative that sends healthcheck messages to my Kafka topic every 10 minutes.
Then we will have a separate endpoint created, that will receive these messages and pass some response to a receiver (healthcheck).
Tried using KafkaBinding, which seems suitable, but cannot apply this template (TLS):
I also find it odd, that regular KafkaBinding template contains apiVersion:, while the one with TLS:
Haven't found much documentation on how to create a Cronjob sending messages on Kafka, which is then grabbed using KafkaSource and passed using broker+trigger to my service on K8s.
Anyone got it implemented right? Or found another way for this?
The idea is test the whole flow including KafkaSource, which seems a little bit unstable.

Openshift Prometheus - How do I alert only when there are multiple cronjob failures

I have a couple of cronjobs running in an Openshift cluster and want to monitor for failures. However I don't care about a single failure, I only want to alert when there are two or more consecutive failed jobs. As long as the job completes at least once every 8-12 hours (running in 4 hour steps) then no error should be fired.
I've tried using the guide written here, and also tried modifying it to no avail. blog article
I would recommend to use the OpenShift feature "Userspace Monitoring". With this feature you can define AlertManager Rules based on Prometheus Metrics (in your case the count of container restarts or Job failures) and then send those alerts to your desired destination (e.g. a slack channel).
Further details about this feature can be found here: OpenShift docs

google cloud python kubernetes service performing action on bucket write

I am trying to write some python service that will be deployed on kubernetes that does something similar to a cloud function triggered by action and listening on a bucket. In essence I need to replace a cloud function that was created with the following parameters:
--trigger-resource YOUR_TRIGGER_BUCKET_NAME
however I can't find online any resource on how to do this. What would be the best way for some python script deployed in kubernetes to observe actions performed on a bucket and do something when a new file gets written into it? Thank you
You just need to enable pubsub notifications on the bucket to publish to a pub/sub topic:
And then have you python application listen to a subscription on the topic that you picked, either in a pull or push setup:

How do you create a message queue service for the scope of a specific Kubernetes job

I have a parallel Kubernetes job with 1 pod per work item (I set parallelism to a fixed number in the job YAML).
All I really need is an ID per pod to know which work item to do, but Kubernetes doesn't support this yet (if there's a workaround I want to know).
Therefore I need a message queue to coordinate between pods. I've successfully followed the example in the Kubernetes documentation here:
However, the example there creates a rabbit-mq service. I typically deploy my tasks as a job. I don't know how the lifecycle of a job compares with the lifecycle of a service.
It seems like that example is creating a permanent message queue service. But I only need the message queue to be in existence for the lifecycle of the job.
It's not clear to me if I need to use a service, or if I should be creating the rabbit-mq container as part of my job (and if so how that works with parallelism).

How to create a kubernetes job from a pod

I'm working on a cluster in which I'm performing a lot scraping on Instagram to find valuable accounts and then message them to ask if they're interested in selling their account. This is what my application consists of:
Finding Instagram accounts by scraping for them with a lot of different accounts
Refine the accounts retrieved and sort out the bad ones
Message the chosen accounts
In addition to this, I'm thinking of uploading every data of each step to a database (the whole chunk of accounts gathered in step 1, the refined accounts gathered in step 2, and the messaged users from step 3) in separate collections. I'm also thinking of developing a slack bot that handles errors by messaging me a report of the error and eventually so it can message me whenever a user responds.
As you can see, there are a lot of different parts of this application and that is the reason why I figured that using Kubernetes for this would be a good idea.
My initial approach to this was by making every pod in my node a rest API. Then I could send a request to each pod, each time I wanted them to run. But if figured that this would not be an optimal solution and not in any way a Kubernetes-way approach.
The only way to achieve it in way you describe it is to communicate with Kubernetes API server from inside of your pod. This requires several thing (adding service account and role binding, using kubernetes client etc) and I would not recommended it as regular application flow (unless you are a devops trying to provide some generic/utility solution).
From another angle - sharing a volumes between pods and jobs should be avoided if possible (it adds complexity and restrictions)
You can dit more on this here - - as a starter.
If I can suggest some solutions:
you can share S3 volume and have Cronjob scheduled to
run every some time. If cronjob finds data - it process it. Therefore you do
not need to trigger job from inside a pod.
Two services, sending data via http (if feasible) - second service don't do
anything when it is not requested from it.
If you share your usecase with some details probably better answers could be provided.
There is out of the box support in kubectl to run a job from a cronjob (kubectl create job test-job --from=cronjob/a-cronjob), but there is no official support for running a job straight from a pod. You will need to get the pod resource from the cluster and then create a job by using the pod specification as part of the job specification.