How to create a Facebook ad based on a post? - facebook

After many tries, I'm not getting how we can use the Facebook API to create a simple Ad based on a Post (and it's creative) like it is possible in the Business Manager.
For example, my last attempt failed due to a problem with Instagram:
Facebook API: Instagram Account Is Missing
If there is anybody that has been able to create a basic Ad (within a given or new AdSet) based on a Post, please help me. I've seen many questons like this (especially regarding the Instagram problem) and now I'd like to have a working solution.
What exact requests have to be done or isn't it possible at all?

THe Instagram placement is added by default in the targeting, so if you want to skip it you need to specify in the targeting field when creating the adSet in the publisher field:
publisher_platforms: ['facebook'],
facebook_positions: ['feed', 'right_hand_column'],
device_platforms: ['mobile', 'desktop']
If you want to publish on Instagram also you should also provide an instagram actor ID: The AdsCreative should contain an extra field named instagram_actor_id also remember to add Instagram in the related targeting:
publisher_platforms: ['facebook','instagram'],
facebook_positions: ['feed', 'right_hand_column'],
instagram_positions: ['stream', 'story'],
device_platforms: ['mobile', 'desktop']
Let me know if you need more info or an answer or your other question about Instragam


Getting Error while creating audience of CUSTOM type through Marketing API - Facebook

I am using Facebook PHP SDK, and trying to create Audience of Custom TYPE from Marketing API, and I am getting following Error:
You'll need to agree to the Custom Audience terms before you can
create or edit an audience of CUSTOM type. To accept, go to
Even though I have already accepted the term, I am still getting the error for accepting the terms.
Please find attached screenshot for Terms Acceptance.. Terms & Condition Accepted Screenshot
I would recommend checking the status of tos_accepted via Graph API explorer. You can also use it to debug your Audience Creation calls.
You can check if a Business has signed their Custom Audience terms of service, by making a GET call to an ad account owned by that Business. The ad account can’t be acting on behalf of another business, or be shared. The GET call is:
GET act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>?fields=tos_accepted
A sample response looks like this:
"tos_accepted": {
"custom_audience_tos": 1 // this means the terms were signed
"id": "act_<AD_ACCOUNT>"
Check full docs about TOS here
A bit more info on Custom Audiences
Thanks Artyom Kovalyov.. I have checked the graph API explorer, and this is what I get.
"tos_accepted": {
"web_custom_audience_tos": 1,
"custom_audience_tos": 1,
"value_based_custom_audience_tos": 1
"id": "act_129260934125705"
Please check and let me know if I can do something else to fix the error that I am getting..
It seems ok Vishal. Have you tried to create this same Audience via graph explorer? The ways to go from here are either filing an FB direct support case for your app, they are not usually fast to reply and not every customer is whitelisted for that.
Another assumption is if you try to do it on behalf of your customer with their account, it might be that they have to accept TOS, not you.
FB has a huge amount of setting and from the info, you provide it's pretty hard to tell what exactly fails.

Searching public profiles using Facebook Graph API

I am looking to search Facebook public profiles using the Graph API with parameters like name, location and age. To accomplish this I created a Facebook app to get an app ID but I am unsure as to how to proceed to make the query to the API.
To try it out I tried using the explorer ( but I am unable to get any results that does not contain "me". I made sure to get a access token and enter a query like the following:
The only reply is:
"data": [
I feel like I am missing something but I have been unable to figure out what, please advice.
The search endpoint is broken since 2018-04-04 for certain search types, including pages and users.
Search API
You can no longer use the /search endpoint with the following object types:
Due to what has recently been in the news, searching for users has been deprecated, and is not supported through Facebook APIs.

Yammer REST API - Documented Parameter not working

The API documented here - clearly states:
"4) Alias to /api/v1/users/current user’s id.format. Supports include_followed_users, include_followed_tags, and include_group_memberships parameters.
Yet, when we try this, it does not return any followed user information at all! The request we're using is like so:
However, this request DOES return followed users, but only for the current user:
Am I missing something completely obvious and being stupid or is there a real issue here? If this was taken out for whatever reason, then you'd have thought that the API documentation would have been updated.
The Yammer Team did eventually get back to me on this. Their response below:
(I've removed from URLs because I don't have enough rep' to post more links)
Hey Jason Dunbar looks like the documentation here is wrong.
I looked in to this and had some conversations with a few engineers this week and have the following (albeit more arduous workaround):
1) Call get user by email endpoint and retrieve the id attribute from here: /api/v1/users/by_email.json?email=user…
2) To grab following users, take that id and:
GET /api/v1/users/following/[:id].json
3) To grab group memberships for that user you'll need to impersonate him/her (verified admin only) and
GET /api/v1/users/current.json
We'll get the documentation updated ASAP with this. Also happy to keep the conversation going to help if needed.
Make sure you are setting the email parameter to the user's email that they are registered with.
E.G. if your company has multiple domains but the Yammer network is under and the user is registered with an email under you'll need to make a request to the API with
-as mentioned - it looks like its only for current.json - you can check it here - hope it helps.

OpenGraph: how can i specify a filter in FB.api?

I have built a Facebook app using OpenGraph that permits the users to write reviews on concerts, so that I've defined a concert_id attribute on which the user can insert a review.
Now I would like to show all the reviews inserted for a certain concert_id but cannot find a way. If I do (in JS)
FB.api('/me/MY_APP:action', { limit: 0}, function(response) {
I get all items. This app has to be consumed by mobile, I think it is bad to get all items and, then, filtering only the concert_id i need. What do I have to do to apply a where condition in OpenGraph to a custom action?
As far as I can tell from the API and the Facebook developer pages, it's not possible to filter a call by custom action property using the public Open Graph API.
Two options I can think of:
Option 1:
Implement the category filter by creating custom category objects:
if "review" is a custom action and
returns all review actions then
return actions specific to movie type, where scifi_movie and action_movie are custom objects. You would need to create one object type for each category.
Option 2:
Implement a custom action for each category, e.g.
These are not particularly elegant solutions but perhaps useful as a hack if nothing else works and you really don't want to do filtering on client side.
The Facebook API will not return individual published objects for a particular action, but that's not your only problem. By the look of it, you're trying to bring in ALL the reviews given for a concert, right? (Meaning those by other users too).
The "/me/" part of the Facebook API call will only return those published actions made by the user that is currently logged in. That won't work for you, as you want those of all your users
The only suggestion I can give is to create a simple web service, where you store all the reviews given for the various concerts. Use this service to pull in reviews given for a particular concert. (I use a similar methodology for reviews in an app of my own).
I dont understand javascript or opengraph..
But when I required in JAVA to fetch reviews made by any user I have used FQL for that and It retrived me all the reviews and FQL also used to fetch all the tables related to Facebook.
I don't think that you can pull that off with the JS SDK.
You can do that in your server though, and since this is a mobile app (or has a mobile version) then that's another good reason to remove this from the client responsibility.
In the server side you can ask facebook for the published actions as you posted, filter them and then return the response.
Another thing that you can do is to save each published action in your db (on each action post you should get an id back from facebook, just persist that) and then you can easily filter the published actions according to what ever criteria you want/need (since you are no longer restricted by the facebook api).
The open graph thing is still pretty new and not tat mature, for example you can't use FQL with it, something that could have been handy for your case.
Regardless though I think that a server solution is best for calculations when mobile is concerned.
i don't know exactly but try this
if (session.authResponse) {
FB.api('/me', {
fields: 'name, picture' // here mention your fields
function(response) {
if (!response.error) {
//here response value

iPhone facebook integration

I am using Graph API in my application. I am fetching user's facebook wall feeds using graph API also getting details of particular post i.e (Like count,Comments etc).
but i want to allow user to Like and Comment any post from the application itself.
what is the request format for that?
Please help me or give any pointers.
You would be well served to check out the Publishing section of the documentation. It provides information such as this.
One example is liking, which is defined as:
Method: /OBJECT_ID/likes
Description: Like the given object (if it has a /likes connection)
Arguments: none
Basically, just initiate a Graph API call to something like:
[facebookObject requestWithGraphPath:#"98423808305/likes" andDelegate:self];
That will "like" a picture from Coca-Cola (ID taken from the documentation).
Edit 1
According to the documentation:
Most write operations require extended permissions for the active user. See the authentication guide for details on how you can request extended permissions from the user during the authentication step.
Are you sure you have enough privileges? Unfortunately the documentation is very unclear as to whether it serves the dual purpose of liking the object and returning the likes already on that object.
Edit 2
I did some more research into what could be causing this and came across this question and answer that indicated that the code I posted above using requestWithGraphPath:: should work. However, it does not due to a bug on Facebook's Bug Tracker.
Unfortunately, it looks like there is no way to "like" an object via the Graph API, which seems very strange to me. Perhaps it is possible with the legacy REST API instead of the Graph API?
Edit 3
Well, it looks like your best bet is the stream.addLike method of the legacy REST API which you can still call using the Facebook iOS SDK. You should be able to use the stream.addLike method to "like" something in the "stream". Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to support photos, videos, etc. Only posts and comments.
Finally i found the solution for LIKE option
We should use following method for like option.
-(void) requestWithGraphPath:(NSString *)graphPath
andParams:(NSMutableDictionary *)params
andHttpMethod:(NSString *)httpMethod
andDelegate:(id <FBRequestDelegate>)delegate
graphPath = /OBJECT_ID/likes
Paramas = dictionary with comment ,for like option use empty dictionary
HttpMethod should be POST
you should get response = true if the LIKE request is successful.
