Is there any way to use Angular percent pipe without sign? - angular2-pipe

I am trying to format the value with percent pipe in html(Angular2) and i need the percentage value without % sign

As #Amadan commented in your question, you can use number pipe instead of percent pipe and multiply your value by 100. Like this:
{{ value * 100 | number }}
See this DEMO sample


How to represent percentage values in Matlab

is there any easy way to represent percentage values in Matlab
for example as in excel we can type 8% and it will represent 0.08. the % symbol is suffix to the value.
a = '%.2f%%';
%.2f%% will show the percentage to 2 decimal places and add a % at the end.
Since the percent character is part of the string formatting syntax, you have to escape it if you want to output its literal:
p = 0.08;
txt = sprintf('%.0f%%',p*100)
txt =
For more information, read this page of the official Matlab documentation.

How can i get 6 digits after comma (matlab)?

I read from text some comma seperated values.
I write script below;
get_in = zeros(lendata,2);
nums = str2num(line); % auto comma seperation.(two points)
for x=1:2
it automatically round numbers. For example;
(first row convert to "-8.6186 , 41.1414")
How can i ignore round operation?
I want to get 6 digits after comma.
I tried "str2double" after split line with comma delimeter.
I tried import data tool
But it always rounded to 4 digits, too.
As one of the replies has already said, the values aren't actually rounded, just the displayed values (for ease of reading them). As suggested, if you just enter 'format long' into the command window that should help.
The following link might help with displaying individual values to certain decimal places though:
It suggests using the sprintf function. For example sprintf(%4.6,data) would display the value of 'data' to 6 decimal places.

Matlab - save calculated variable with 5 decimal cases

I want to use a calculated variable which result has 5 decimal cases, but Matlab saves it with only 4. But I need it to have 5 decimal cases to use it in the rest of the code.
Hence: I do NOT want to display this variable to the user.
Matlab stores "fs" as "0.0063" instead of "0.00625", and I need it to be "0.00625".
Thank you for your time and help!
You can use built-in function digits(n) where n is the precision parameter.

How can I round and print a floating point number in a minimum width format in Perl

I wanted to do something like:
printf('%3.3f%% ', $percent);
But I'm still getting the output as:
I would like something like:
So it pads less than the full width with spaces. What format specifier would accomplish what I'm trying to do?
The number before the dot represents the minimum value for the full field width, so you need 7 in there to allow for three digits before and after the decimal point, and one more for the point itself:
printf "%7.3f%%\n", $_ for 99.999, 100;

Crystal Reports Formula: Getting the decimal and non-decimal part

For example I have a value of 103.33 I want to put 100 to one variable and 33 to another variable. How can I do this?
Create two formula fields, eg wholepart and decimalpart.
The formula for wholepart is trunc({yourfieldnamehere}) and the formula for decimalpart is {yourfieldnamehere} - trunc({yourfieldnamehere})
The value you get in decimalpart is going to be the decimal fraction; if you know it's always going to be a 2 digit decimal, multiply by 100. If it's variable, you could do a quick string conversion, count the digits and multiply by the appropriate power of 10.
Use trunc to get Integer portion and then subtract to get decimal portion. Convert decimal portion to text by ToText and then take Split function to get after "." from decimal portion
Use ToText and use Split function to get after and before "."
You can also use the 'Remainder' function to find the number after the decimal point. For example, REMAINDER ({FIELD NAME},1) should give you 0.33