Output for codeception in the command-line looks weird. Encoding issue? - command-line

There are weird characters when running codeception in the command-line. How can I fix this? I'm using Windows and tested in the terminal window for phpstorm and windows cmd.

I'm not sure how it was resolved but I stopped seeing the weird characters after updating PhpStorm to 2018.3.1.

The characters you see there are ANSI colour codes.
They can be disabled by passing --no-ansi parameter to codecept run, or by disabling colours in codeception.yml file:
colors: false


VS Code Powershell "←]633;P;IsWindows=True"

I am working on a web application using Angular in Vs code.
I ran into some errors while I am fixing them in the process my vscode is bricked after a couple of minutes it return to its normal state but some weird beep sounds raised so i restarted my Laptop.
When I opened VS code again beep sound repeated and my powershell is showing some weird text
So, I thought the error this is due to some misconfigurations in my vscode and I uninstalled VScode ,deleted all related data
After installation the same weird text with beep sounds appeared again
The weird text
633;A633;P;Cwd=D:\user\website\quizPS D:\chiru\website\quiz> 633;B
As #meganrogge said in https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/160419 setting terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.enabled to false fixes this
I had in the settings Terminal > Integrated: Windows Enable Conpty (setting ID terminal.integrated.windowsEnableConpty) disabled. After re-enabling it again (which is the default) the problem went away for me.
Do you have scala sbt installed? it does not work well with ms power shell. On Windows it can be used via git bash for example. Go to your user vs code settings and adjust so following terminal integration will be active
"terminal.integrated.profiles.windows":{"Git Bash":{"path":"C:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe"}, },
"terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.windows": "Git Bash",
the close your ms power shell tab in vs code terminal panel and add new bash one.
looks like there is a problem with powershell so i reinstalled my powershell it worked
I solved in this way:
Ctrl + Mayus + P
I faced the same issue. I uninstalled VS Code and installed again and the issue was resolved for me

VS Code-Power Shell Command Line-crazy highlights

Windows Server 2019
VSCode 1.59.1
PowerShell 7.1.4 (same with PS 5.1)
Uninstall PS 7, VS Code, reinstall.
$Profile files are all empty.
settings.json is empty.
Typing one character on terminal command line is ok (plain character on terminal background). Typing a second or more characters gets this strange highlight (background turns magenta, same character color). I have the same setup across 4 computers and they are ok, just this one on the Server has this problem. The weird color highlighting makes it very hard to read!
Started fresh in another Windows 2019 server.
There was no problem in VS Code until using this PowerShell color tool caused the problem:
"concfg-COLOR Tool" import xxxxxx.json WHERE this line occurs:
"screen_colors": "dark_yellow,dark_magenta",
Changing the dark_magenta to dark_blue definitely changes the VS Code Terminal background
but changing to the screen backgound color we actually used #012456 did not work!!
So finally I just left it alone.
Then for VS Code, in Settings.json, changing "ansiMagenta" to the background color we use:
// "terminal.ansiMagenta": "#d338d3",
"terminal.ansiMagenta": "#012456",
did work. BUT WHY? if the settings.json were cleared out and I still had the problem.?
What is the relationship between "terminal.ansiMagenta" and the "dark_magenta" from the "concfg-COLOR Tool"?
So many strange mysteries but at least its working now!!

Visual Studio Code can't encode cyrillic characters in output

Output in Visual Studio Code can't decode Cyrillic characters:
The same code works fine in PyCharm:
How do I quickly fix this issue? There must be some simple way.
Auto Guess Encoding in Settings doesn't work since it's for files, not the output.
Edit: the problem was the Code Runner extension in VSCode. Disabling it or running script in terminal does the job.
You can configure 'Code Runner' plugin to run your code in the integrated terminal.
Try it:
Open VSC Settings: Ctrl + ,
Search: code runner run in terminal
Click on checkbox.
Now your application with Cyrillic symbols run in Integred Terminal without encoding problems.

Having font issue with VS Code Terminal

On my Mac OS Mojave, I am using iTerm2 with powerlevel9k theme.
For the fonts to render well, I am using SourceCodePro+Powerline+Awesome+Regular as the font and also added a line POWERLEVEL9K_MODE='awesome-patched' to the .zhrc.
The emojis are not rendering well on vs code terminal. So vscode's settings.json, I set "terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "'SourceCodePro+Powerline+Awesome+Regular',",. That hasn't fixed the issue. So, I set "terminal.external.osxExec": "iTerm.app". That also doesn't help.
What could be the reason? How can I fix it? How is vs code terminal different from iterm2?
Not sure if this related to the font issue. what ever command I give in VSCode Terminal, is repeating.
demo >> demozsh: command not found: demo
echo >> echo
cd Documents >> cd%
What is the issue I am facing?
Unicode 11 support
The width of characters in the terminal now default to the unicode 11 widths. What this means to most people is that emojis will be correctly showing up as wide characters.
from https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-docs/blob/vnext/release-notes/v1_43.md#unicode-11-support possibly fixed in v1.43

How to display UTF-8 emoji characters in nano editor?

How do I display emojis (UTF-8) when I open a file using the nano editor? I can only see blank spaces where they should be appearing. When
I read in ubuntu thread a proposed solution saying you should check the character encoding of your terminal but when I try it I only see the 'UTF-8' and 'Default UTF-8' options. But I don't think this solves anything for I can see emojis being printed on terminal's screen when I concatenate the file.
Funnily enough, when I use multitail to see the same file in real-time, again from terminal, I see garbage instead of emojis.
My environment variables:
LAN (none)
LC_ALL (none)
Is there any solution to this? Thanks!
I'm using Debian Wheezy.