Windows Server 2019
VSCode 1.59.1
PowerShell 7.1.4 (same with PS 5.1)
Uninstall PS 7, VS Code, reinstall.
$Profile files are all empty.
settings.json is empty.
Typing one character on terminal command line is ok (plain character on terminal background). Typing a second or more characters gets this strange highlight (background turns magenta, same character color). I have the same setup across 4 computers and they are ok, just this one on the Server has this problem. The weird color highlighting makes it very hard to read!
Started fresh in another Windows 2019 server.
There was no problem in VS Code until using this PowerShell color tool caused the problem:
"concfg-COLOR Tool" import xxxxxx.json WHERE this line occurs:
"screen_colors": "dark_yellow,dark_magenta",
Changing the dark_magenta to dark_blue definitely changes the VS Code Terminal background
but changing to the screen backgound color we actually used #012456 did not work!!
So finally I just left it alone.
Then for VS Code, in Settings.json, changing "ansiMagenta" to the background color we use:
// "terminal.ansiMagenta": "#d338d3",
"terminal.ansiMagenta": "#012456",
did work. BUT WHY? if the settings.json were cleared out and I still had the problem.?
What is the relationship between "terminal.ansiMagenta" and the "dark_magenta" from the "concfg-COLOR Tool"?
So many strange mysteries but at least its working now!!
I am working on a web application using Angular in Vs code.
I ran into some errors while I am fixing them in the process my vscode is bricked after a couple of minutes it return to its normal state but some weird beep sounds raised so i restarted my Laptop.
When I opened VS code again beep sound repeated and my powershell is showing some weird text
So, I thought the error this is due to some misconfigurations in my vscode and I uninstalled VScode ,deleted all related data
After installation the same weird text with beep sounds appeared again
The weird text
633;A633;P;Cwd=D:\user\website\quizPS D:\chiru\website\quiz> 633;B
As #meganrogge said in https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/160419 setting terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.enabled to false fixes this
I had in the settings Terminal > Integrated: Windows Enable Conpty (setting ID terminal.integrated.windowsEnableConpty) disabled. After re-enabling it again (which is the default) the problem went away for me.
Do you have scala sbt installed? it does not work well with ms power shell. On Windows it can be used via git bash for example. Go to your user vs code settings and adjust so following terminal integration will be active
"terminal.integrated.profiles.windows":{"Git Bash":{"path":"C:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe"}, },
"terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.windows": "Git Bash",
the close your ms power shell tab in vs code terminal panel and add new bash one.
looks like there is a problem with powershell so i reinstalled my powershell it worked
I solved in this way:
Ctrl + Mayus + P
I faced the same issue. I uninstalled VS Code and installed again and the issue was resolved for me
In the VS Code editor window, there are squares of another color that bother me when coding.
Has anyone had or has the same problem?
I started experiencing this issue in my MacBook Pro M1 after the June 2022 autoupdate.
Setting "disable-color-correct-rendering": false in ~/.vscode/argv.json worked for me.
I hope this is fixed in the next release. It seems to be an old issue based on what I found when searching for a solution.
If you are on a mac, see Different colored area on macOS - although there is a linux report there too. Same dark grey patches of color. There are a couple of suggested fixes mentioned.
The most reliable appears to be changing this setting:
"disable-hardware-acceleration": true
Open command palette and search for "Configure Runtime Arguments"
Set "disable-hardware-acceleration": true
from https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/156405#issuecomment-1196503399
or starting vscode from a terminal with code --disable-gpu.
What did work is removing "disable-color-correct-rendering": true from
~/.vscode/argv.json file and restarting vscode. Now the different
coloured patch on the side and bottom is gone.
This happens to me with an intel mac as well. It was fixed by setting
"disable-hardware-acceleration": true in the .vscode/argv.json file.
More from the issue:
Had the same problem on my M1 macbook air, I had to open the argv.json
file (you can use Shift + CMD + P and type Configure Runtime Arguments
to open it) and set this line to false :
"disable-color-correct-rendering": false (it was on true, maybe by
After that, just close your VS Code instance with CMD + Q and restart
And here are download links (for macOS) for the previous vscode version v1.68 in case you want to rollback:
Thanks for the information to those posting in the issue comments.
if you are facing this on mac you have to follow following steps
open terminal and type cd ~/.vscode
then open 'argv.json' file using vim argv.json
just uncomment the line // "disable-hardware-acceleration": true to "disable-hardware-acceleration": true
quit vim Esc then shift+: then wq then press enter, restart vs code your vs code will work normal again.
I'm using zsh with the Powershell theme and I have a customized prompt that works properly in iTerm, but it's not displaying correctly in VSCode. I have already made the setting for the terminal to inherit.
iTerm prompt:
VSCode prompt:
Amy I missing a setting somewhere?
My iTerm was using a different font, I had to change the one in Visual Studio to match it.
A fully black screen,the window pannnel is fully black and while browse this issue --disable-gpu bt it doesn't work.
Can anybody answer
It will work by changing the compatibility on vs code
Right click on visual studio ->preference->compatibility-> Run this program in compatibility mode
Thus the problem can be resolved
OR on your command prompt type
code --disable-gpu
It will work by changing the compatibility on vs code Right click on visual studio ->preference->compatibility-> Run this program in compatibility mode
Thus the problem can be resolved OR on your command prompt type code --disable-gpu
Tried the above steps issue is not resolved. Still getting Black Screen
On my Mac OS Mojave, I am using iTerm2 with powerlevel9k theme.
For the fonts to render well, I am using SourceCodePro+Powerline+Awesome+Regular as the font and also added a line POWERLEVEL9K_MODE='awesome-patched' to the .zhrc.
The emojis are not rendering well on vs code terminal. So vscode's settings.json, I set "terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "'SourceCodePro+Powerline+Awesome+Regular',",. That hasn't fixed the issue. So, I set "terminal.external.osxExec": "iTerm.app". That also doesn't help.
What could be the reason? How can I fix it? How is vs code terminal different from iterm2?
Not sure if this related to the font issue. what ever command I give in VSCode Terminal, is repeating.
demo >> demozsh: command not found: demo
echo >> echo
cd Documents >> cd%
What is the issue I am facing?
Unicode 11 support
The width of characters in the terminal now default to the unicode 11 widths. What this means to most people is that emojis will be correctly showing up as wide characters.
from https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-docs/blob/vnext/release-notes/v1_43.md#unicode-11-support possibly fixed in v1.43