MongoDB addToSet in nested array - mongodb

I'm struggling to insert data inside a nested array in MongoDB.
My schema looks like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("5c0c55642440311ff0353846"),
"name" : "Test",
"email" : "",
"username" : "test",
"password" : "$2a$10$RftzGtgM.DqIiaSvH4LqOO6RnLgQfLY3nk7UIAH4OAvvxo0ZMSaHu",
"created" : ISODate("2018-12-08T23:36:04.464Z"),
"classes" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5c0c556e2440311ff0353847"),
"cName" : "1A",
"student" : [
"grades" : [ ],
"_id" : ObjectId("5c0c55812440311ff0353848"),
"name" : "StudentName",
"lname" : "StudenteLastName",
"gender" : "M"
insert }
"__v" : 0
What I want to do is inserting a grade for the student inside "grades" array.
Expected result is:
"_id" : ObjectId("5c0c55642440311ff0353846"),
"name" : "Test",
"email" : "",
"username" : "test",
"password" : "$2a$10$RftzGtgM.DqIiaSvH4LqOO6RnLgQfLY3nk7UIAH4OAvvxo0ZMSaHu",
"created" : ISODate("2018-12-08T23:36:04.464Z"),
"classes" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5c0c556e2440311ff0353847"),
"cName" : "1A",
"student" : [
"grades" : [6],
"_id" : ObjectId("5c0c55812440311ff0353848"),
"name" : "StudentName",
"lname" : "StudenteLastName",
"gender" : "M"
"__v" : 0
I tried some queries but none of them helped me, even searching a lot.
db.teachers.update({"_id": ObjectId("5c0c55642440311ff0353846"), "classes._id": ObjectId("5c0c556e2440311ff0353847"), "classes.student._id": ObjectId("5c0c55812440311ff0353848")},{$addToSet: {"classes.$.student.grades":6}})
Basically, I searched for the student with the first curly bracket (if I do "db.teachers.find(the three conditions) the result is correct) and then add to the grades array (of Integer) the value 6. But at this point I get errors, I think I'm making a mistake on the "adding" part.
I need also to do the same thing in Mongoose.
Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!
Edit: I solved. I post my solution hoping it'll be useful to other:
For pushing inside a triple nested array do:
db.teachers.update({"_id":ObjectId("5c0c59985ae5981c58937e12"),"classes":{ $elemMatch : { _id : ObjectId("5c0c59a35ae5981c58937e13") }},"classes.student": { $elemMatch : { _id : ObjectId("5c0c59aa5ae5981c58937e14")} }},{$addToSet:{"classes.$.student.0.grades":3}})
Try using $elemMatch
"classes":{ $elemMatch : { _id : ObjectId("5c0c556e2440311ff0353847") }},
"classes.student": { $elemMatch : { _id : ObjectId("5c0c55812440311ff0353848")} }


How to query element in array of arrays in MongoDB?

I'm learning MongoDB on my own. I have a collection with entries that look like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("5d0c13fbfdca455311248d6f"),
"borough" : "Brooklyn",
"grades" :
{ "date" : ISODate("2014-04-16T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "A", "score" : 5 },
{ "date" : ISODate("2013-04-23T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "B", "score" : 2 },
{ "date" : ISODate("2012-04-24T00:00:00Z"), "grade" : "A", "score" : 5 }
"name" : "C & C Catering Service",
"restaurant_id" : "40357437"
And I want to find all restaurants in Brooklyn with at least one grades.grade of A.
I've figured out the first half of the puzzle:
But how do I query in the "grades" array for grade A?
Use dot (.) to access and query nested objects:
db.restaurants.find({'borough':{$eq:"Brooklyn"}, 'grades.grade': 'A'})
db.restaurants.find({"borough" : "Brooklyn","grades.grade":"A"})

How do i remove array item from collection

How do i remove array item from collection in mongodb? Below is my structure.
"__v" : 12,
"_id" : ObjectId("52cc27daasdsc797ec7s8000001"),
"email" : "",
"joindate" : ISODate("2014-01-07T16:14:18.158Z"),
"location" : "Canada",
"name" : "Albert",
"oauthID" : 58558855,
"myvideos" : [
"vid" : "wssEoGquzsiw1c",
"date" : ISODate("2014-06-01T05:28:32.713Z")
"vid" : "0_Vko7RXsdsmoI",
"date" : ISODate("2014-06-01T05:29:01.888Z")
"vid" : "ctbvhucsds050g",
"date" : ISODate("2014-06-01T05:29:27.395Z")
"username" : "myusername"
I would like to remove item vid (ctbvhucsds050g) from the myvideos array.
Appreciate any advice.
Found a solution to this.
db.users.update({"name":"Albert"}, {'$pull': {"myvideos": {"vid": "ctbvhucsds050g" }}});

Limit results of Mongodb find() query not working

I must be overlooking really simple, here's a sample of my db :
{ "_id" : ObjectId("545e7e45a69b6c5c0caeafcc"), "url" : "", "name" : "product1", "retailer" : "123", "extra" : [ ], "timestamp" : 1415478797263, "processed" : 0 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("545e7e45a69b6c5c0caeafcc"), "url" : "", "name" : "product2", "retailer" : "123", "extra" : [ ], "timestamp" : 1415478797263, "processed" : 0 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("545e7e45a69b6c5c0caeafcc"), "url" : "", "name" : "product3", "retailer" : "123", "extra" : [ ], "timestamp" : 1415478797263, "processed" : 0 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("545e7e45a69b6c5c0caeafcc"), "url" : "", "name" : "product3", "retailer" : "123", "extra" : [ ], "timestamp" : 1415478797263, "processed" : 0 }
I'm trying to get 2 results only using :
I have read and tried similar questions on Stack Overflow, so please keep that in mind before flagging as duplicate.
No matter what I try it gives me the full set... The strangest thing is that I'm using a similar find() elsewhere and it works. An experienced pair of eyes should be able to spot the problem, thanks in advance!!
use this query, does it work?
now to use it with node js native driver you can do this
db.products.find({timestamp:1415478797263,processed:0}).limit(2).each(function(err, doc) {
or in array form you can get this as
db.products.find({timestamp:1415478797263,processed:0}).limit(2).toArray(function(err, docs) {
console.log("Returned #" + docs.length + " documents");

MongoDB query insert field into document from a list of Id's

I'm kind of stuck with the following problem. I have a MongoDB filled with documents, of these documents (I have a list with Id's) I need to insert a field.
I have this document:
"id" : 3639,
"type" : "P",
"createdate" : "2011-10-19T11:45:14+0200",
"name_creator" : "",
"latitude" : "50.887",
"longitude" : "9.14999",
"themes" : [{
"name" : "Fun",
"id" : "4"
}, {
"name" : "Kids",
"id" : "5"
I need a query the can insert the themes field into the document, the current themes field does not have to be updates, just 1 new one. I have over 300 Id's where this has to be done.
The document should then look like this:
(all the other fields in themes should be removed, just one new one 'Outside')
"id" : 3639,
"type" : "P",
"createdate" : "2011-10-19T11:45:14+0200",
"name_creator" : "",
"latitude" : "50.887",
"longitude" : "9.14999",
"themes" : [{
"name" : "Outside",
"id" : "6"
I would normally write a bit of Java code that would loop over the documents and change them, but I believe (hope) this could be done in a query.
Anyone got an idea on how I could do this?
Thanks for any help!
All you need to do is
{id : {$in : [your list of ids]}},
{$set : {
theme : [{
"name" : "Outside",
"id" : "6"
{multi : true}

Two MongoDB queries same result, what is the difference?

I'm playing around with mongoDB and I can't figure out what is the difference between my two queries.
I use following collection:
"_id" : ObjectId("520b79869971eb1a0fdd0ad4"),
"created" : 1376483718636,
"updated" : 1376483718636,
"firstName" : "Jakob",
"lastName" : "D",
"email" : "",
"emailValidated" : false,
"phoneNumber" : "",
"lastLogin" : 1376483718624,
"linkedProviders" : [
"userId" : "1XXXXXXXX6",
"providerId" : "facebook",
"password" : "",
"salt" : "",
"authMethod" : "oauth2",
"avatarUrl" : ""
"userRoles" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("520b7dd09971ebcd35dd0ad6"),
"created" : 1376484816666,
"updated" : 1376484816666,
"firstName" : "Jakob",
"lastName" : "D",
"email" : "",
"emailValidated" : false,
"phoneNumber" : "",
"lastLogin" : 1376484816666,
"linkedProviders" : [
"userId" : "",
"providerId" : "userpass",
"password" : "7e4aff9e0d90db2318ffcc689c11b66d",
"salt" : "N1GgNvy3NnS0i5GFDyglQZ9s4CeFNndn",
"authMethod" : "userPassword",
"avatarUrl" : ""
"userRoles" : [
The two queries that gives me the correct and same result(the one with objectId 520b79869971eb1a0fdd0ad4) are:
db.users.find({"linkedProviders": {"$elemMatch": {"userId":"1XXXXXXXX6" },"$elemMatch": {"providerId":"facebook" }}})
So what is the difference between these two?
The difference is that $elemMatch finds items for one single array element.
This solution:
"linkedProviders.userId": "1XXXXXXXX6",
"linkedProviders.providerId": "facebook"
Finds any user that has that userId and that providerId, but possibly in different items in linkedProviders, e.g., if linkedProviders[0].userId matches the first and linkedProviders[1].providerId matches the second part of the query, the full document (i.e., the user) will match that query.
On the other hand,
"linkedProviders": {
"$elemMatch": {
"userId": "1XXXXXXXX6",
"providerId": "facebook"
will match only if the index values (0 and 1 in the previous example) are the same in the document, i.e., only if one array element matches both.
When there's only one key-value mapping in the $elemMatch, it should do the same as the query with the key-value mapping applied directly.
More information: