command line to wait for input and then process next step - powershell

I am writing a batch script to automate some processes.
this process runs a few different tools by stages, those tools creates the input necessary to run the next stage.
In one of the stages basically I open an .exe file and call a powershell file to simulate the "enter key" press, so far so good, it opens the tools and it starts to run run it, however what happens is that command line executes the next stage without waiting for the .exe file to finish, which is a important step thus that process creates the input for the next stage.
the command line I use is:
START /WAIT powershell -command .\bat.ps1
which runs this powershell script
[System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start("C:\folder\file.exe", "C:\temp\TestProject1\TestProject1.pjs /run /exit /SilentMode")
$wshell = New-Object -ComObject;
$wshell.AppActivate('title of the application window')
Sleep 1
I would like to know if there is a workaround that makes me wait till the .exe file finish running, and then start the new stage.
thanks for your help

I found a workaround, that partially responds to my question.
I put the START /WAIT command after the powershell command, so while the .exe is running the next stage is on waiting, however I will have to press "y" to continue the process once the .exe file is finished, which is a start.
Thanks once again

Have you tried using the Start-Process cmdlet and including the -Wait parameter in lieu of a direct call to Start()?
From your powershell prompt try help start-process to see if some of the other parameters like -NoNewWindow would also be useful to you.


Is it possible in Powershell to enter a value to a program via script?

I'm quite new to powershell. I would like to create a powershell script that starts automatically and writes sth into the window. It should also work with task scheduler. It seems possible to start a program by using Start-Process. For example I start a program and would like to enter a text. How can I do it while it being executable using the task scheduler when a user is not logged in?
I found wshell.SendKeys but it only works when the user is logged in. Any other ideas?
In a file test.ps1 save this.
$wshell = New-Object -ComObject
Start-Process Notepad
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
$wshell.SendKeys('Hello World')
In the task scheduler configure to your needs.
Program: "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe"
Arguments: -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File test.ps1
Paths must be adjusted, try with absolute paths first. Be aware that the scheduled task must be somehow user interactive.

Powershell script triggers process only when invoked manually. Timing out when triggered via Scheduled Task

On a Windows 2012 R2 server there is a Powershell script that I can manually invoke to start a process on some EXE, this works just fine.
But when trying to trigger it via a scheduled task (invoking the same script) the start-process within the script just doesn't trigger or finish. Causing the task scheduler to terminate the task due to exceeding the timeout threshold.
Here's the core section of the script:
$exe = "c:\some\app.exe"
$arguments = "-user me -pwd secret"
$process = Start-Process $exe -ArgumentList $arguments -PassThru -Wait
return $process
Is there some way I can get some insights into what start-process is doing or why the same script works when invoked manually but not programmatically?
I want to emphasize that the way the script is invoked from the scheduled task is not a problem! The script triggers because the corresponding log file populates.
Any insights or help on this is greatly appreciated!
quick update on this since I found the problem. It turns out, it had nothing to do with either the powershell script or the scheduled task itself...
On the machine the script is running on, there is a network share that is mapped as the z:\ drive. I use it to save logs to. Now apparently that mapping/mounting is handled differently depending on whether the script is invoked interactively or programatically, because in the latter case it appears that the resoultion of the network path \\network\share\folder1 does not succeed, however there is nothing complaining about it, the process just silently does not start. If however, I point the logs to a physical local path or the explicit full network path itself, there is no problem running the script.
Lesson learned, never trust OS' drive mapping of network paths :D

Automatically execute .cmd file requiring user input

We have a .cmd file we want to be able to execute automatically using Powershell (from TFS Release).
The issue with using start-process in Powershell is that execution gets stuck waiting for user input (Press any key to continue...).
Is there any way that we can pass variables to this call or call it in a different way where we no longer require user input for this .cmd?
Don't use Start-Process.
"`n" | & 'C:\path\to\your.cmd'
Powershell isn't getting stuck, Start-Process is working correctly - it's running the process (assume cmd.exe) and waiting for that process to terminate before continuing.
cmd.exe is prompting for interactive user input (PAUSE) before continuing, again working as you have instructed it to.
The issue is you're running non-interactively, and aren't providing the input required to continue.
You can update the cmd file and add an optional parameter so you can 'skip' the PAUSE when running unattended:
if "%1"=="unattended" goto skippause
then run it using unattended:
CMD /c c:\folder\file.cmd unattended

Kill a separate powershell script from the main script

I'm using a Powershell script to perform some automated testing on a web application.
Part of this script runs a small, separate script which basically monitors the web app for pop ups and closes them if they appear. It is called during the main script like so:
Start-Process Powershell.exe -Argumentlist "-file C:\Users\Documents\Monitor.ps1"
At some point though I would like to close the monitor script, perform some commands, and then start the monitor script again.
Is there a way for me to kill the monitor script from the main, without closing the main script as well in the process?
You would want to save it to a variable:
$a = start-process notepad.exe -PassThru
So you could later kill it.

Powershell config to force a batch file to run within the powershell window?

I've got a powershell script that eventually passes a stack of arguments into a batch file via invoke-expression command.
However, on one server, when the powershell scripts executes that batch file, that batch file opens in a new window, but on the other server, the batch file executes within the powershell window.
What that means, is that I've got a sleep interval that is starting once the batch file begins executing in the new window, and thus screwing up my timings, unlike the other server, where the sleep interval doesn't begin until after the batch file has finished executing.
So my question is... does anybody know why the behaviours are different between the two servers, and how to get the batch file to execute in the powershell window? I'm thinking it's a configuration thing, but can't actually find anything that tells me how to make it do what I want it to do.....
I'm currently just piping the line straight through like this:
E:\Software\ibm\WebSphere\AppServer\bin\wsadmin -lang jython -username $($username) -password $($password) -f "F:\Custom\" $($servers)
Previously, it was
$invokeString = 'E:\Software\ibm\WebSphere\AppServer\bin\wsadmin -lang jython -username $($username) -password $($password) -f "F:\Custom\" $($servers)'
$output = invoke-expression $invokeString
Both had the same behaviour.
So my question is... does anybody know why the behaviours are different between the two servers
Most often I've seen this sort of thing related to how a scripts is called. If the same user is logged on multiple times on the same server (i.e., console and RDP) then the window might appear in a different session. Similarly, if the script runs as a scheduled task and the user that runs the task isn't the user logged on, the window will never be visible. If the same user is logged on, it might be visible.
how to get the batch file to execute in the powershell window?
You could try Start-Process with -NoNewWindow, as #Paul mentions.
What that means, is that I've got a sleep interval that is starting once the batch file begins executing in the new window, and thus screwing up my timings, unlike the other server, where the sleep interval doesn't begin until after the batch file has finished executing.
It sounds like your actual problem is that your code has a race condition. You should fix the actual problem. Use Start-Process with the -Wait parameter, or use the jobs system in PowerShell.