unity2d not rendering on phone correctly - unity3d

Just started in Unity I'm trying to make a platform game. But having issues with aligning the bottom of the platforms with the bottom of the phone screen. Everything looks fine on the Scene windows but is not right on the Game window or on the phone.

Figured it out, i guess. it was the camera, I reset it and noticed the camera view was off so i was able to move it to fix it.


Unity, Vuforia AR Camera shows splash screen instead of scene view after loading scene

I am using Unity 2019.2 with its Vuforia plugin. My initial scene is just a menu without camera, from which AR scenes are loaded- These use regular Image Targets for 3D stuff as well as UIs in different screen spaces based on needs.
With the current configuration, the AR works normally under all Android devices and on two iPhones, 7 and 11, with the latest software updates. Only on the only iPad I can test on, an iPad Air 2 with the latest software updates, there is a strange bug I can find no answer to:
As soon as I load into a an AR scene from my main menu, instead of showing the camera view, it shows the splash screen again, frozen halfway through the default Dolly animation, or sometimes a black screen or weird pixelated markings (like something was extremely zoomed in). UIs that use "Screen Space - Overlay", or "Screen Space - Camera" with a non-AR camera, work fine, and the Image Targets are recognised just fine. But my 3D stuff that should be laid over the image targets just doesn't appear (it's there and active though, scripts that rely on them work). So I can say with confidence everything in the app works and the Splash Screen is just hiding my AR camera view.
I have tried to turn the Splash Screen off via script in one of the AR scenes, but that simply didn't do anything. Adding an AR or regular camera to the start menu made the whole app crash/not start up properly.
In the ARCamera, I have tried to make the Background transparent (didn't change anything) and adjusted clipping planes (neither). Turning off the Splash Screen in the Player Settings just turned the views black. Changing the Architecture to ARM64 didn't change anything, either. The XCode log doesn't say anything useful, either - the camera is working, Vuforia is working, everything is working just fine, there is just a Splash Screen in front of the iPad's camera that shouldn't be there, by all accounts.

Weird behavior with Canvas Screenspace with Camera?

I am building an application for Android-Oculus Quest. I set the canvas to Screenspace-Camera and it works perfectly fine in Player on Windows. That is, the texts are visible in the game view through Oculus Rift. But when I build it for Quest, the UI Texts disappear. They are nowhere to be seen. It is not just texts, even simple images are not to be seen. This is my set up. What is the mistake I am committing?
I had the same problem before. I guess your text is just too small. Try to scale your text and see what's happening

Animation stopping object rendering on Android device

If I create a blank scene, add a cube and attach an Animation Controller to it, then create a blank Animation and add that to the Animation Controller and then run the game in the editor - all is good.
If I then edit the Animation to spin the cube in the editor and run - all is still good.
My problem is, if I then push this to my attached Android device, the cube is not rendered - even though it is rendered in the editor.
The issue has something to do with the animation clip itself, as the cube will render on the Android device if an animation clip is empty.
If there is somewhere practical to upload the sample scene file, let me know and I'll do that.
It turns out this was a bug starting in Unity 3D 5.3.0. I submitted this to Unity and they have just responded:
Thanks for reporting the issue.
We have fixed this and problem should not appear in the latest version
(5.3.2p3). If you are still able to reproduce it on the latest
version of Unity, please respond to this email.

Unity Screen Resolution after build .exe Issue

So I'm trying to make a game in Unity, and everything is fine, the screen resolution on the Game and Scene view are perfect and well adjusted for every aspect ratio, but after I build the game, and execute the built version of it, the resolution goes crazy.. Before executing the game, there's an option to change resolution but all of them won't work!
I only see 1/4 of the game, it's like the game is being pushed down and to the right.
How can I fix this? Am I missing anything obvious here?
I fixed it.
All I had to do was add a main camera to the scene, I thought since I had the UI canvas I didn't need a camera but I was wrong.
Now it's all working perfectly.

unity to xcode orientation issue

I used Unity iPhone(1.7) to build an app and brought it into Xcode (3.2.3). When the game is built out, Unity creates an appController file automatically and in it, a window is created which displays the game. When I launch the game, I can clearly see when I rotate the device that the window is rotating as well. The game elements themselves do not rotate but I see an outline of a window rotating. Since it is not a view controller, I cannot use the standard orientation methods. Before building out from Unity, the game was set to Landscape Left and the info.plist is set to the same so I am a little confused as to why I see a window rotating. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Nevermind, I fixed it by commeting out: iphone::KeyboardOnScreen::Init();