Can I have a "semi-private" google action? - actions-on-google

I'm attempting to write a google action that is only intended for use by me and my immediate family. I have it working currently in the simulator, and on my device, but I haven't "released" it yet.
This may be a result of it being still in the testing phase, but it seems to be able to be invoked only by my google account. Everything I do with the action works, but neither my wife nor kids can use it; they just get "I don't understand".
What do I have to do to allow other voice-recognized google accounts to be able to use my action?

This is intentional - your Action is currently in a "development" state. While you can permit it to other developers, this isn't a great approach.
You can "release" it into an Alpha channel and let a limited number of accounts have access to the Alpha channel version. This isn't quite a "private" action, but it doesn't require review from Google, and it does let you limit which accounts have access to it. Once they're in the Alpha channel, they can activate the Action just like public Actions.


Can I disable Google apps as a 2FA method for my Google Workspace domain?

I've had multiple users complain that when they tried to do 2FA validation Google forced them to use one of Google's app based (YouTube, GMail, etc) verification methods and blocked all other methods (email, text), then glitched and would not allow verification via the apps even after closing/reopening apps and clicking Resend for codes. I just sat with a user and went through this glitchy mess firsthand. I told them I'd disable the Google Apps based 2FA since it can't be counted on to work reliably, but now that I go to the admin page it doesn't look like Google will allow this to be disabled. Is there any way to block their forcing users to use the questionable Google Apps method and to only allow traditional/reliable methods?
These particular users have been pretty pissed (rightfully so) when not allowed to log in to their legitimate accounts at important points, to the point where one is pushing for us to get off Google altogether and go to Office365, which would be a major pain. Hard for me to argue though if Google can't guarantee reliable 2FA options. I guess turning off 2FA is a workaround, but at that point even I'd prefer to go to Office365. Any suggestions on how to turn off the Google Apps based method?

Is there a way to restrict google assistant app only to a certain set of people?

I am creating an app using actions-on-google and dialogflow. Is there any way where I can restrict it to only a certain set of people? Others should not be able invoke it.
The short answer is "not really". Think of an Action like a website - anyone with the address can find it and access it.
That said - we have a few approaches that we can use to address this.
First is that, like a website, you can make sure the user is authorized to access the Action. For users not authorized, you can tell them they're not. In some cases, you might want to tell them how to get added to the authorized list, but that may not be appropriate in your case.
You can also look into the Alpha / Beta release system. This isn't quite what you're looking for, but you may be able to use it to your advantage.

Can I trigger a Google Assistant action without a conversation?

I'm trying to develop an action for my Google Assistant. I'd like for it to be fire and forget type deal (i.e. 'Add x to my todo list').
The problem is, the assistant won't recognise the command without me first starting a conversation with the assistant app that the action exists within.
(Hey Google, I want to talk to ... )
I'm using webhooks to call a webserver that will handle the request.
I can't use IFTTT in this instance as it needs to be available for everyone in my home. (IFTTT actions are private or public to EVERYONE)
Is there any way to trigger an action without having to say anything else (besides 'Hey Google')?
There's a few ways to complete a quick action. There is implicit triggering, when your action gets matched based on a certain set of requests.
You: Hey Google, add paying taxes to my to-do list
Google: Ok, for that you may want to try talking to My App.
You: Okay
My App: Ok, added paying taxes
That may work, although still may require an extra step with the Google Assistant. Alternatively, you can also launch a specific intent in a conversation without a full conversation.
You: Hey Google, tell My App to add paying taxes to my to-do list
Google: Ok, getting My App
My App: Ok, added paying taxes
A third alternative would be to use the Google Assistant shortcuts feature which will take something you say and interpret that as something else. It only works for static utterances, so it may not work in your case.
You: Hey Google, add paying taxes to my to-do list
Google: Ok, getting My App
My App: Ok, added paying taxes
In this scenario, you'd need to have the shortcut "add paying taxes to my to-do list" to be interpreted as "tell My App to add paying taxes to my to-do list".
If this is designed to be used by several people in your home, you may need to think about how and whether each account should be able to access the same lists.

Does fulfillment changes require a new review?

Given I have a published google assistant voice app with dialogflow. If I change fulfillment parameters (e. g. sent headers or URL), will this require a new review of the voice app?
If so, how can I smoothly change these parameters without breaking my app? I never really know when the review is finished, but I have to since I would need to change my deployment configuration to fit the new fulfillment properties in the right moment.
Fulfillment changes do not require a new review. Once you deploy to your server, it is effectively live and new users will use the latest webhook. Things that do require a new review are:
Actions on Google console changes such as a thumbnail or description ...etc.
Changes made to the action package (if you are using Actions SDK).
Changes made to Dialogflow that involve adding or removing account linking and/or involve things like adding intents or user expressions for implicit invocation purposes.
Once you pass the first review, it will frequently be faster for simple changes like these.

Google Actions - how to add testers before final deployment

someone knows how to add testers to an action on google package?
So other users can test the implementation on their Google Home devices?
Today you must use the developer's account to test except for the case of account linking where testers can put their own credentials in for that specific step, and test any functionality that relies on that. I am told by the Actions on Google support team that providing a mechanism for testers (with different accounts than the developer) to access Actions/agents prior to deployment is the number 1 requested feature "by far" so hopefully we will see it down the road.
Yes. Make sure everything under "Directory information" is filled out. Then go to the "Release" tab under "Deploy", and click on Alpha (which allows a quicker deploy for up to 20 users without review). Click "Submit for Alpha", and ensure you meet the requirements to check the checkboxes there. After that, you can press "Manage alpha testers" under the Alpha pane, where you can generate a link or add email addresses.
(screenshots anyone?)