How to use $unwind and $match with MongoDB? - mongodb

I have a document of the following format:
"P": {
"Workspaces": [
"Key": "Value1",
"Size": 2.27,
"Status": 'something'
"Key": "Value2",
"Size": 3.27,
"Status": 'somethingelse'
The following query returns the average correctly.
{ $unwind: "$P.Workspaces" },
{ $group: { _id: "$P.Workspaces.Key", average: { $avg: "$P.Workspaces.Size" } } }
I am trying to add a match to filter the status as shown below. However I am not getting no result even though there are documents with matching status. I am trying to filter the results before taking the average. Am I missing something here?
{ $unwind: "$P.Workspaces" },
{ $match: { "P.Workspaces.Status":'something'}},
{ $group: { _id: "$P.Workspaces.Key", average: { $avg: "$P.Workspaces.Size" } } }

[ { $match : { author : "dave" } } ]
The examples use a collection named articles with the following documents:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("512bc95fe835e68f199c8686"), "author" : "dave", "score" : 80, "views" : 100 } { "_id" : ObjectId("512bc962e835e68f199c8687"), "author" : "dave", "score" : 85, "views" : 521 } { "_id" : ObjectId("55f5a192d4bede9ac365b257"), "author" : "ahn", "score" : 60, "views" : 1000 } { "_id" : ObjectId("55f5a192d4bede9ac365b258"), "author" : "li", "score" : 55, "views" : 5000 } { "_id" : ObjectId("55f5a1d3d4bede9ac365b259"), "author" : "annT", "score" : 60, "views" : 50 }


How to get percentage total of data with group by date in MongoDB

How to get percentage total of data with group by date in MongoDB ?
Link example :
I have some collection structure like this
"_id" : ObjectId("5ccbb96706d1d47a4b2ced4b"),
"date" : "2019-05-03T10:39:53.108Z",
"id" : 166,
"update_at" : "2019-05-03T10:45:36.208Z",
"type" : "image"
"_id" : ObjectId("5ccbb96706d1d47a4b2ced4c"),
"date" : "2019-05-03T10:39:53.133Z",
"id" : 166,
"update_at" : "2019-05-03T10:45:36.208Z",
"type" : "image"
"_id" : ObjectId("5ccbb96706d1d47a4b2ced4d"),
"date" : "2019-05-03T10:39:53.180Z",
"id" : 166,
"update_at" : "2019-05-03T10:45:36.208Z",
"type" : "image"
"_id" : ObjectId("5ccbb96706d1d47a4b2ced4e"),
"date" : "2019-05-03T10:39:53.218Z",
"id" : 166,
"update_at" : "2019-05-03T10:45:36.208Z",
"type" : "image"
And I have query in mongodb to get data of collection, how to get percentage of total data. in bellow example query to get data :
{ "$match": {
"update_at": { "$gte": "2019-11-04T00:00:00.0Z", "$lt": "2019-11-06T00:00:00.0Z"},
"id": { "$in": [166] }
} },
"$group" : {
"_id": {
$substr: [ '$update_at', 0, 10 ]
"count" : {
"$sum" : 1
"$project" : {
"_id" : 0,
"date" : "$_id",
"count" : "$count"
"$sort" : {
"date" : 1
and this response :
"date" : "2019-11-04",
"count" : 39
"date" : "2019-11-05",
"count" : 135
how to get percentage data total from key count ? example response to this :
"date" : "2019-11-04",
"count" : 39,
"percentage" : "22%"
"date" : "2019-11-05",
"count" : 135,
"percentage" : "78%"
You have to group by null to get total count and then use $map to calculate the percentage. $round will be a useful operator in such case. Finally you can $unwind and $replaceRoot to get back the same number of documents:
// previous aggregation steps
$group: {
_id: null,
total: { $sum: "$count" },
docs: { $push: "$$ROOT" }
$project: {
docs: {
$map: {
input: "$docs",
in: {
date: "$$",
count: "$$this.count",
percentage: { $concat: [ { $toString: { $round: { $multiply: [ { $divide: [ "$$this.count", "$total" ] }, 100 ] } } }, '%' ] }
$unwind: "$docs"
$replaceRoot: { newRoot: "$docs" }
Mongo Playground

how to fix this aggregation issue in mongodb redact

i have people dataset in mongodb, where i want to get all people whom friends has id greater than 1. i tried using $redact aggregation pipeline but it is not working. here is sample data
"_id" : "5d7a16904d08c0c435e4255b",
"name" : {
"first" : "Roberta",
"last" : "Jackson"
"company" : "YURTURE",
"email" : "",
"registered" : "Sunday, May 5, 2019 2:44 PM",
"latitude" : "36.56389",
"longitude" : "-72.518115",
"friends" : [
"id" : 0,
"name" : "Vicki Peck"
"id" : 1,
"name" : "Jeanie Boyd"
"id" : 2,
"name" : "Terra Curtis"
i tried using aggregation pipeline redact but i am not getting any data in friends list.
db.getCollection('test_redact').aggregate([ { $project:{
"name" : 1,
"friends" : 1,
"greeting" : 1,
$cond: {
if: { $gte: [ "$", 1 ] },
then: "$$DESCEND",
else: "$$PRUNE"
here is sample output i am getting after executing aggregation
"_id" : "5d7a16904d08c0c435e4255b",
"age" : 26,
"friends" : [],
"greeting" : "Hello, Roberta! You have 9 unread messages."
The following query can get us the expected output:
To get only those friends which has id greater than 1:
Using $redact:

How to count occurences of values in a nested array?

I've searched but could not find an answer to my problem. I need to count the occurences of the field "nationalCode". I've got a collection with this sample structure in MongoDB:
"_id" : ObjectId("5d7519cc6c17d65d4983f048"),
"origin" : "Base1",
"topic" : [
"nationalTopic" : {
"nationalCode" : 26
"dateTime" : NumberLong(20120927000000)
"nationalTopic" : {
"nationalCode" : 132
"dateTime" : NumberLong(20120927000000)
"nationalTopic" : {
"nationalCode" : 26
"dateTime" : NumberLong(20120927000000)
"nationalTopic" : {
"nationalCode" : 26
"dateTime" : NumberLong(20121005000000)
I've used the following code (I tried many variations of it, but none of them got me the right results):
{ "$unwind": "$topic" },
{"$match": {"origin": "Base1"}},
{"$group": { "_id": { nationalCode: "$topic.nationalTopic.nationalCode", "count": { "$sum": 1 }} } }
I'm expecting something like this:
"_id" : {
"nationalCode" : 26,
"count" : 3.0
/* 2 */
"_id" : {
"nationalCode" : 132,
"count" : 1.0
You should extract the count element from the _id.
The following query worked for me.
{ "$unwind": "$topic" },
{"$match": {"origin": "Base1"}},
{"$group": { _id: { "nationalCode": "$topic.nationalTopic.nationalCode" },
"count": {$sum: 1} }
just do it with $project to change your format
do it like this
MongoDB Enterprise >
{"$match": {"origin": "Base1"}},
{"$group": { "_id": { nationalCode: "$topic.nationalTopic.nationalCode"},
"count": { "$sum": 1 } }},
{$project :{"_id.nationalCode":1,"_id.count":"$count"}}
here it the result !
{ "_id" : { "nationalCode" : 26, "count" : 3 } }
{ "_id" : { "nationalCode" : 132, "count" : 1 } }

Count of MongoDB aggregation match results

I'm working with a MongoDB collection that has a lot of duplicate keys. I regularly do aggregation queries to find out what those duplicates are, so that I can dig in and find out what is and isn't different about them.
Unfortunately the database is huge and duplicates are often intentional. What I'd like to do is to find the count of keys that have duplicates, instead of printing a result with thousands of lines of output. Is this possible?
(Side Note: I do all of my querying through the shell, so solutions that don't require external tools or a lot of code would be preferred, but I understand that's not always possible.)
Example Records:
{ "_id" : 1, "type" : "example", "key" : "111111", "value" : "abc" }
{ "_id" : 2, "type" : "example", "key" : "222222", "value" : "def" }
{ "_id" : 3, "type" : "example", "key" : "222222", "value" : "ghi" }
{ "_id" : 4, "type" : "example", "key" : "333333", "value" : "jkl" }
{ "_id" : 5, "type" : "example", "key" : "333333", "value" : "mno" }
{ "_id" : 6, "type" : "example", "key" : "333333", "value" : "pqr" }
{ "_id" : 7, "type" : "example", "key" : "444444", "value" : "stu" }
{ "_id" : 8, "type" : "example", "key" : "444444", "value" : "vwx" }
{ "_id" : 9, "type" : "example", "key" : "444444", "value" : "yz1" }
{ "_id" : 10, "type" : "example", "key" : "444444", "value" : "234" }
Here is the query that I've been using to find duplicates based on key:
$match: {
type: "example"
$group: {
_id: "$key",
count: {
$sum: 1
$match: {
count: {
$gt: 1
Which gives me an output of:
"_id": "222222",
"count": 2
"_id": "333333",
"count": 3
"_id": "444444",
"count": 4
The result I want to get instead:
You are almost there, just missing the last $count:
$match: {
type: "example"
$group: {
_id: "$key",
count: {
$sum: 1
$match: {
count: {
$gt: 1
$count: "count"
Akrion's answer seems to be correct, but I can't test it because we're on an older version of MongoDB. A coworker gave me an alternative solution that works on 3.2 (not sure about other versions).
Adding .toArray() will convert the results to an array, and you can then get the size of the array using .length.
$match: {
type: "example"
$group: {
_id: "$key",
count: {
$sum: 1
$match: {
count: {
$gt: 1

Aggregating an array of values in MongoDB

I have an array of values I want to group by the id of, and get the sum of all the values. Currently I'm trying:
{ $match: {"user": "John" } },
{ "$unwind": '$games'},
{ $group: {
"_id": "$",
"score": { "$sum": "$games.score"} }},
The data looks like:
In this example, for "John" I would like to get the total of all the unique game scores. I should get (123 + 256) in this example.
However, right now I'm getting the sum of individual games, not all of them as a total.
I have here:
> db.entries.find();
{ "_id" : ObjectId("56a9610cca390d7e14a54486"), "user" : "john", "games" : [ { "id" : 123, "score" : 123 } ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("56a9610cca390d7e14a54487"), "user" : "john", "games" : [ { "id" : 123, "score" : 123 } ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("56a9610cca390d7e14a54488"), "user" : "john", "games" : [ { "id" : 256, "score" : 256 } ] }
> db.entries.aggregate([ {$match: {user: "john"}}, {$unwind: "$games"}, {$group: {_id: "$", score: {$sum: "$games.score"}}} ]);
{ "_id" : 256, "score" : 256 }
{ "_id" : 123, "score" : 246 }
What’s the problem?