I’m seeing a “DynDNS2” protocol referenced a lot but
I have a hard time locating its specification. AFAICS,
RFC 2136 is not versioned on the protocol level so I’m
inclined to rule that one out. Somehow I can find
numerous implementations of DynDNS2 but the repos I’ve
browsed don’t link to a canonical document either.
Example: https://support.google.com/domains/answer/6147083
– that’s Google claiming they support this protocol without
further explanation.
Where can I find the official specification of DynDNS2?
Who is in charge of its standardization and development?
The link (now) shows how to do so "manually":
And gives more specs.
You should check the link to the support page again and click the Using the API to update your Dynamic DNS record
Example HTTP query:
POST /nic/update?hostname=subdomain.yourdomain.com&myip= HTTP/1.1
Host: domains.google.com
Authorization: Basic base64-encoded-auth-string User-Agent: Chrome/41.0 your_email#yourdomain.com
Also you need to add the User Agent header to make sure your call is not ignored or worse, your client is blocked.
At source forge you can find a list of these dynamic DNS "protocols".
Dyn.com has quite good documentation on their site including flow diagram, update api and return codes
The RFC 2136 spec is an extension of the DNS itself and used by nsupdate command. It's complicated and is used by sysadmins.
Routers are using just a plain HTTP GET requests to some DDNS provider. Their urls are looking the same as original Dyn.com have: /nic/update?hostname=[DOMAIN]&myip=[IP].
Is there any spec or convention on URL where one should place swagger.json (or whatever name it is agreed) so that public API of my site can be automatically discovered?
Updated 19 April 2017: The OpenAPI Wiki answer I gave previously is "for a very very very old version of the spec". The same source states that for 2.0 the standard is swagger.json, for 3.0 it changes to openapi.json.
Original answer:
The OpenAPI Wiki recommends using an /api-docs endpoint, at
least for server APIs. I've seen several sites in the wild that use
that, and it's our shop standard.
Hope that helps.
How about serving the Swagger JSON in an HTTP response body, in response to an OPTIONS request for the URL / ?
This is specifically permitted by the relevant RFC.
Further, consider implementing HATEOAS, as strongly advocated by Roy Fielding.
Okay. OpenAPI 3.0 still lacking auto-discovery mechanism, I try to propose a scheme based on some things that were already working:
https://example.com/.well-known/schema-discovery is a JSON document pointing to array of available schemas:
"schema_url": "/openapi.json",
"schema_type": "openapi-3.0"
"schema_url": "/v2/openapi.json",
"schema_type": "openapi-3.0"
If there is only one version of API, then https://example.com/openapi.json should be enough.
HTTP Headers. I remember somebody from Google proposed HTTP header for pointing to API. If you can find or remember it, please tell me.
In owasp 2014 (https://www.owasp.org/images/5/58/OWASP_ASVS_Version_2.pdf) we have:
V 11.2 (page 31): Verify that the application accepts only a defined
set of HTTP request methods, such as GET and POST and unused methods
are explicitly blocked.
Does it mean we cannot use non-standard HTTP methods? If yes, can we say that WebDAV doesn't conform to OWASP ASVS standard? If the answer is no, is there any formal document, blog post or a FAQ for this?
The way I read this is that as long as you define which request methods you accept and block everything else you can use any method you want.
only a defined set
is not the same as you cannot use none standard, it say that for instance if you are not using POST you should explicitly block POST
such as GET and POST
here GET and POST are examples of methods, not a complete list of available methods.
So use the methods that fits with your needs, but verify that the application do not accept any request not in the list of acceptable requests
The quick answer is NO! I asked Andrew van der Stock the Owasp ASVS project leader. This is my question:
Dear Owasp Asvs project leaders (Daniel & Vanderaj),
I want to know if OWASP ASVS 2014 Level 1 force us to use just
standardized Http Methods(GET,HEAD,POST,PUT,
DELETE,CONNECT,OPTIONS,TRACE) or we can use non-standardized Http
methods too? (by listing them in a document like what
WebDav(https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/WebDAV) did)
With Respect
And he replied me:
I think the primary driver is not to worry about which methods are
available, but if they are necessary and safely configured.
Essentially, we are asking for: All methods are denied by default,
except for: A positive set of allowed methods, AND all these methods
are correctly and securely configured
For example, OPTIONS and HEAD are required by Chrome doing pre-flight
CORS checks on AngularJS and other apps, and many apps require PUT and
DELETE. Therefore these methods are necessary. If you use a new
method, such as "EXAMPLE", the idea is that you don't also accept any
other words, such as "RIDICULOUS", and "EXAMPLE" is correctly
configured to be safe.
So if WebDAV is also enabled for whatever reason, it's important to
make sure that it is properly secured. There may be a solid reason for
it to exist (e.g. SharePoint), but to allow anonymous users to
overwrite your site or change things is not okay.
thanks, Andrew
I was doing some reading on REST this morning and I came across the HATEOAS principle ("hypermedia as the engine of application state").
Quoting the REST Wikipedia page:
Clients make state transitions only through actions that are dynamically identified within hypermedia by the server (e.g. by hyperlinks within hypertext). Except for simple fixed entry points to the application, a client does not assume that any particular actions will be available for any particular resources beyond those described in representations previously received from the server.
And Roy Fielding's blog:
...if the engine of application state (and hence the API) is not being driven by hypertext, then it cannot be RESTful and cannot be a REST API. Period.
I read this as: The client may only request state changes based on the actions made available from the body of the response from the server (the hypertext).
In an HTML world, this makes perfect sense. The client should only be able to request state changes (new actions/pages) based on the links made available to them through the hypertext (HTML).
When the resource is represented in other ways - such as JSON, XML, YAML etc. This is not so apparent.
Let's take an example "REST" JSON API:
I create a new resource (a new comment for example) by sending a POST request to
/comments.json? # with params...
The server responds with:
# Headers
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: http://example.com/comments/3
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
... Etc.
# Body
{"id":3,"name":"Bodacious","body":"An awesome comment","post_id":"1"}
I know that I can now access this comment at the URI returned in the header: http://example.com/comments/3.json
When I visit http://example.com/comments/3.json I see:
{"id":3,"name":"Bodacious","body":"An awesome comment","post_id":"1"}
Suppose the API's documentation tells me that I can delete this comment by sending a DELETE request to the same URI. This is fairly common amongst "REST" APIs.
The response from the server at GET http://example.com/comments/3.json doesn't tell me anything about being able to delete the comment by sending a DELETE request. All it shows me is the resource.
That I can also DELETE a comment with the same URL is something the client knows through out-of-band information (the documentation) and is not discovered and driven by the response from the server.
Here, the client is assuming that the DELETE action (and possible others) are available for this resource and this information has not been previously received from the server.
Have I misunderstood HATEOAS or am I right in saying than an API matching the above description would not, in the strict sense, be a REST API?
I'm aware 100% adherence to REST is not always possible or the most pragmatic way to go. I've posted this question purely to satisfy my own curiosity about the theory behind REST, not for advice on real world best-practice.
Jon Moore gave an excellent talk in Nov 2010 about the nuts and bolts of writing a truly RESTful (i.e. HATEOAS supporting) API and client. In the first part, he suggests the JSON is not a proper media type for REST because it lacks a commonly understood way of representing links and supported HTTP methods. He argues that good ol' XHTML is actually perfect for this since tools for parsing it (i.e. XPath) are readily available, it supports forms (think GET link templating and PUT, POST, and DELETE methods) and has a well-understood way of identifying hyperlinks, plus some other advantages mainly achieved through the ability to use the API with any standard web browser (eases the jobs for devs, QA, and support staff.)
The argument I'd always made prior to watching his talk is that JSON is so much lower of bandwidth consumer than any *ML language e.g. XML, HTML, XHTML. But by using terse XHTML where possible such as relative links instead of absolute ones (hinted at but not so evident in the example he uses throughout his talk), and by using gzip compression, this argument loses a lot of weight.
I realize efforts such as JSON-Schema and other RFC's are underway to try standardizing things in JSON, but in the meantime, Moore's talk convinced me to give XHTML a try.
JSON as a hypermedia type doesn't define an identifier for application flow. HTML has link and form tag that that guide a user through a process.
If your application is only concerned with PUT, POST, DELETE, GET on a resource, your documentation could easily explain that.
However, if it were more complicated like adding a rebuttal to a comment and that rebuttal was a different resource then the comment you would need hypermedia type that would guide the consumer create the rebuttal.
You could use HTML/XHTML, Create your own 'bodacious+json' or use something else. Here are all the different media types
I'm using HAL and it has a pretty active group. Here are links to it.
The book "Building Hypermedia APIs with HTML5 and Node" goes deep into hypermedia and media types. It shows how to create a media type for a specific or general purpose in XML or JSON.
A RESTful solution would be to utilise the Allow-header to inform the client of the available methods/actions:
> GET /posts/1/comments/1 HTTP/1.1
> Content-Type: application/json
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: application/json
< {
< "name": "Bodacious",
< "body": "An awesome comment",
< "id": "1",
< "uri": "/posts/1/comments/1"
< }
Fielding's dissertation sets out two types of metadata: representation metadata; and resource metadata.
The Allow-header in HTTP/1.1 functions as resource metadata because it describes some property of a resource; i.e. the methods it allows.
By fully utilising the features provided by HTTP you eliminate the need for any out-of-bound information, and become more RESTful.
HATEOAS in a simple HTTP context describes how a client can navigate from one representation to another by following URIs using GET, whilst the Allow-header informs the client of the additional methods supported by the resource that generated the representation.
It's a neat design; the client asked for a representation, and additionally received a whole bunch of extra metadata about the resource that enables the efficient requesting of further representations.
I think the quote you have from the Wikipedia REST page is somewhat misleading in its choice of words and hasn't helped here (N.B. It has been improved since this question was asked).
All HTTP clients have to assume that a GET-method is likely to be available for the majority of resources. They do this because support for GET and HEAD are the minimum requirements for an HTTP/1.1 server. Without this assumption the web would not function. If a client can assume GET is available, then why not make other assumptions about common methods such as DELETE, or POST?
REST and HTTP aim to leverage the power of making assumptions about a basic set of methods in order to reduce the overall volume of requests on a network; if a request succeeds there's no need for further communication; but if a request fails with status '405 Method Not Allowed', then the client is immediately in receipt of the requests that could succeed via the Allow-header:
> ANNIHILATE /posts/1/comments/1 HTTP/1.1
> Content-Type: application/json
< HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed
< Content-Type: application/json
If the basic set of HTTP/1.1 methods aren't enough then you are free to define your own. However, it would be RESTful to solve problems using the available features of HTTP before defining new methods or putting metadata into the message-body.
A fully discoverable JSON API that doesn't require any out-of-band knowledge as you put it so succinctly:
"That I can also DELETE a comment with the same URL is something the client knows through out-of-band information (the documentation) and is not discovered and driven by the response from the server."
...is completely possible. It just requires a simple standard and a client that understands the standard. Check out hm-json and the hm-json Browser project:
As you can see in the demo, absolutely no out-of-band documentation is needed - only one entry point URI from which all other resources and their HTTP methods can be discovered by browsing.
By the way, HAL as mentioned in suing's answer is very, very close to your hypothetical requirements for HATEOAS. It's a great standard and it has a lot of cool ideas like embedded resources, but it has no way of informing the client about all available HTTP methods such as DELETE for a given resource.
Another solid (and new as of May 2013) attempt at resolving HATEOAS for JSON can be found here:
JSON API: http://jsonapi.org/
The premise of your question contains an often misunderstood aspect of REST – that the API response body entity be responsible for not only communicating the representational state of the requested resource but for also communicating the over-all state of the application the resource belongs to. These two things - resource state and application state are not the same thing.
The response entity body by definition provides you the state of the resource at a point in time. But a single resource is only one of many that comprises an application. Application state is the combined states of all in scope related resources – at any point in time – from the perspective of the application consumer - human or machine. To deliver this 'application state' a level 3 REST API make possible HATEOAS.
Since Hypertext is what most people mean when referring to the 'Hyper'media in HATEOAS, the special power of hypertext is it's ability to link to other media. Further, since most experience hypertext via HTTP/HTML this tends to lead many to think hyperlinks are only possible via an anchor tag or link tag within the body of a response entity - but this is not so.
If the transport protocol is HTTP then application state can and should be communicated via headers. Specifically, one or more 'Link' HEADERS with a 'rel' attribute to provide semantics. The Link HEADER along with the ALLOW header are the HTTP mechanisms for communicating what the next possible state transitions are and how to go about accessing them.
If you decide to not use these built-in mechanisms than your options are to try and communicate the application state by 'piggy-backing' on your resource state communication channel i.e. the response body, which leads to trying to devise some form of additional specification into the design of the resource itself.
When this is done - 'piggy-backing'- many run into content-type issues because the response body has to be specified by a MIME/Content-type like XML or JSON which means figuring out how to implement the HATEOAS mechanisms via some custom content-type specific format like custom XML tags or key:value pairs of nested object. You can do this, many do - e.g. see json-api suggestion above, but again HTTP already provides mechanisms for this.
I think it goes to us as humans always thinking we have to see or be able to click on these links as in the normal web use-case but we are talking about APIs that I can only assume are being built not for human consumption but for machine consumption - right? The fact that headers - which are there by the way as part of the response - are not visible in most human interfaces to HTTP i.e. browsers is not an issue with REST but rather an implementation limitation of the HTTP Agents on the market.
Hope this helps. BTW if you want a good human browser for APIs google 'Paw API Browser'
I'm trying to come to terms with REST, as defined by Roy Fielding. Recently I've been trying to wrap my mind around:
The concept I'm interested in is in this quote:
The transitions may be determined (or limited by) the client’s knowledge of media types and resource communication mechanisms, both of which may be improved on-the-fly (e.g., code-on-demand).
Specifically, what is knowledge of "resource communication mechanisms", how is that knowledge described in documentation/specs and realised in an implemntation?
Then, how best to improve that knowledge 'on-the-fly'?
I think I understand addressing 'the client's knowledge of media types'.
I have some guesses (PUT,GET, etc.) but would appreciate any suggestions, examples or pointers to RESTful API's that explicitly adress the issues in that quote. If it helps I'm thinking about these issues in the context of HTTP+JSON, I appreciate REST isn't limited to HTTP+*.
The Sun Cloud API has previously been cited as good RESTful design, I couldn't see where or how it addressed these specific issues - maybe a case of not seeing the wood for the trees?
What puzzles me is if PUT,GET,etc. are these mechanisms, this suggests a client knows which to apply to specific hyperlinks within some <media-type>, and this seems fragile, and might suggest hypertext-links map (directly) to resources.
Resource Communication Mechanisms
By "resource communication mechanisms", I believe Roy is referring to HTTP requests and HTTP verbs. He is just saying it without being specify to HTTP because REST is not dependent on HTTP. I would say that for 99.99% of all REST services, the resource communication mechanism is documented in RFC2616.
The Sun Cloud API meets these requirements because all a client needs to understand to use the API is how to do HTTP requests and the semantics of the returned media types. For example if a client does not understand what is contained in a document of type application/vnd.com.sun.cloud.Cloud+json then it will not be able to use the API.
This is in contrast with services like OData and SData that do not define new media-types, but assume a client knows how to extract domain data out of an Atom feed and expects the client to construct URLs based on a set of rules that define the URI space. This is in direct violation of Roy's recommendations.
Improved on the fly
To be honest, I can only guess at what Roy is alluding to here. I could imagine a scenario where downloaded javascript could be used to construct an url based on user input. This could prevent the server from having to explicitly generate an url for each element in a list.
Also, certain valid transitions could be enabled or disabled on the fly based on user input. Consider the case where you do not want to enable a submit button until the user has entered all the required fields. The retrieved document contains the link to allow the transition, but the downloaded code controls when and if the user can select the link.
Downloaded code could also, be used to dynamically change the verb on a link. If you wish to edit a resource, it could do a GET, if you want to delete that resource, you do a DELETE. This would allow the representation to only contain a single link but be able to perform multiple operations.
Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post.
Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm writing a specification for a RESTful API for a new internal web service. It's not hugely long and fairly simple, but even so, it's my first time using strict REST (as opposed to cheating for practical reasons - avoiding PUT and DELETE because they're a pain in PHP, and so on). I was wondering if there were any standard methods or best practices for documenting a REST interface? I want the rest of the team to understand it at a glance, and for anyone that wants to write a client to be able to do so without understanding the underlying code.
Sure, REST APIs should ideally use HATEOAS and be hypertext driven (with heavy use of media types), but also having simple human-friendly documentation for developers to work off of is helpful.
Some specific tools that are helpful for generating documentation like this:
An open spec for describing REST APIs [ github ]
Tools for auto-generating
Code for your API
Donated to the OpenAPI initiative and renamed OpenAPI in 2015
An open source project [ github ]
Tools for generating
An exploration interface for your API
Apiary and API Blueprint
Write the API description in a DSL within markdown
Tools for auto-generating
Mock server
Seems to be focused on ruby+mac devs
A spec for describing REST APIs [ github ]
A spec for writing discoverable API docs with XML
Some discussion comparing WSDL and WADL
A commercial product with some documentation features
A commercial product with some documentation features
Commercial REST API documentation generator
Java specific
I've been using http://apiary.io, which is pretty nice. You can also export the API documentation to github.
In Roy's post here he states
A REST API should spend almost all of
its descriptive effort in defining the
media type(s) used for representing
resources and driving application
state, or in defining extended
relation names and/or
hypertext-enabled mark-up for existing
standard media types. Any effort spent
describing what methods to use on what
URIs of interest should be entirely
defined within the scope of the
processing rules for a media type
(and, in most cases, already defined
by existing media types).
A good ReST documentation would mean documenting your media type and only your media type.
In a typical scenario, you'd produce a document like so:
The Acme Corp XML formats
Link Discovery
Links to various resources are described in a document that can be found by issuing a GET or HEAD request to the server on a bookmark URI (typically the root of the server, http://www.acme.org), and looking for an HTTP Link header:
Link: <xxx>;rel="http://rel.acme.org/services";type=application/vnd.acme.services+xml
where the rel part is the link relationship, and the xxx is the URI for which the relationship has been established.
Link Relationships
This document defines the following relationship names:
The link relationship describes the list of links that can be navigated.
The link for which this relationship is used is the list of customers.
Media Types
The application/vnd.acme.services+xml is a document with an xml serialization that describes a list of links an application may want to process.
<link rel="http://rel.acme.org/customers" href="http://www.acme.org/services/customers" type="application/vnd.acme.customers+xml" />
The applcation/vnd.acme.customers+xml is a document with an xml serialization that describes customers.
Example documents:
<customer firstname="Darth" lastname="Vador" href="http://www.acme.org/services/customers/28" />
The point is to give a way to the developer to follow the links you define. First find the link to the index so they can get the list of things they can navigate to.
Once they discover that document, they discover that they can see a list of customers at a certain Uri, and can do a GET against it.
If they find a customer of interest, they can follow the link defined in /customers/customer/#href and issue a GET to retrieve a representation of that customer.
From there, your media type could embed actions that are available to the user, using more links. You also have the additional option of issuing an OPTIONS request on the resource to know if you can allow deleting the resource, or a PUT if you can save the document back after modification.
So a good documentation doesn't ever:
give static links
give interaction such as "you can issue POST on Customer with this media type and that will mean the move operation". The client should issue a POST against Customer only because your XML document has specified it that way.
The point of all this is to achieve minimum coupling between clients and servers. The client can be very smart in displaying and discovering resources (showing forms and god knows what else), but is totally dumb as to what the actual workflow is: the server decides.
At my company, we've been very happy using WADL, Web Application Description Language. Wikipedia describes it as: "an XML-based file format that provides a machine-readable description of HTTP-based web applications". I find raw WADL easy to write, read, and understand, and it maps directly to RESTful concepts. The official project provides a simple spec, XSD and RELAX NG schemata, and Java tools.
A number of tools and resources exist for working with WADL, including:
wadl_stylesheets, XSLT stylesheets to create HTML documentation from WADL files
Restlet, a Java framework for building RESTful servers and clients, includes a WADL extension
A tip: try including human-readable documentation, such as descriptions, concepts, getting started, usage tips, etc, in the WADL document's doc element by including HTML elements, using the XHTML namespace. It can make a big difference!
You might find rest-tool useful.
It follows a language agnostic approach to write specification, mock implementation and automated unit-testing for RESTful APIs. It also provides a cook-book however it is in a very early stage, but its content is continuously growing.
The services you just described can be immediately used, so it is also good for experimenting.
Initially, we went for static documentation of resources but just had to field too many questions. Eventually, we moved to using Live documentation pages using IO/Docs (actually a fork).
Been working great.
To create understanding/documentation, heavyweight solutions aren't always needed. Examples of (great) heavyweight tools are: IO/Docs / Apigee (although great tools).
For tiny projects that already have a docchain setup (doxygen/phpdoc/phpdoctor/custom/etc) I use the following shellscript to just include the page in the full generated documentation:
A demo: http://pastie.org/5657190
It just use custom comment-tags in your sourcecode.
It can also be a nice starting point for documenting any sourcecode (language).