Does the OWASP ASVS standard forbid the use of non-standard HTTP methods? - owasp

In owasp 2014 ( we have:
V 11.2 (page 31): Verify that the application accepts only a defined
set of HTTP request methods, such as GET and POST and unused methods
are explicitly blocked.
Does it mean we cannot use non-standard HTTP methods? If yes, can we say that WebDAV doesn't conform to OWASP ASVS standard? If the answer is no, is there any formal document, blog post or a FAQ for this?

The way I read this is that as long as you define which request methods you accept and block everything else you can use any method you want.
only a defined set
is not the same as you cannot use none standard, it say that for instance if you are not using POST you should explicitly block POST
such as GET and POST
here GET and POST are examples of methods, not a complete list of available methods.
So use the methods that fits with your needs, but verify that the application do not accept any request not in the list of acceptable requests

The quick answer is NO! I asked Andrew van der Stock the Owasp ASVS project leader. This is my question:
Dear Owasp Asvs project leaders (Daniel & Vanderaj),
I want to know if OWASP ASVS 2014 Level 1 force us to use just
standardized Http Methods(GET,HEAD,POST,PUT,
DELETE,CONNECT,OPTIONS,TRACE) or we can use non-standardized Http
methods too? (by listing them in a document like what
WebDav(https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/WebDAV) did)
With Respect
And he replied me:
I think the primary driver is not to worry about which methods are
available, but if they are necessary and safely configured.
Essentially, we are asking for: All methods are denied by default,
except for: A positive set of allowed methods, AND all these methods
are correctly and securely configured
For example, OPTIONS and HEAD are required by Chrome doing pre-flight
CORS checks on AngularJS and other apps, and many apps require PUT and
DELETE. Therefore these methods are necessary. If you use a new
method, such as "EXAMPLE", the idea is that you don't also accept any
other words, such as "RIDICULOUS", and "EXAMPLE" is correctly
configured to be safe.
So if WebDAV is also enabled for whatever reason, it's important to
make sure that it is properly secured. There may be a solid reason for
it to exist (e.g. SharePoint), but to allow anonymous users to
overwrite your site or change things is not okay.
thanks, Andrew


REST API design for a "reset to defaults" operation

I'm surprised to find so little mention of this dilemma online, and it makes me wonder if I'm totally missing something.
Assume I have a singleton resource called Settings. It is created on init/install of my web server, but certain users can modify it via a REST API, lets say /settings is my URI. I have a GET operation to retrieve the settings (as JSON), and a PATCH operation to set one or more of its values.
Now, I would like to let the user reset this resource (or maybe individual properties of it) to default - the default being "whatever value was used on init", before any PATCH calls were done. I can't seem to find any "best practice" approach for this, but here are the ones I have come up with:
Use a DELETE operation on the resource. It is after all idempotent, and its pretty clear (to me). But since the URI will still exist after DELETE, meaning the resource was neither removed nor moved to an inaccessible location, this contradicts the RESTful definition of DELETE.
Use a POST to a dedicated endpoint such as /settings/reset - I really dislike this one because its the most blatantly non-RESTful, as the verb is in the URI
Use the same PATCH operation, passing some stand-in for "default" such as a null value. The issue I have with this one is the outcome of the operation is different from the input (I set a property to null, then I get it and it has a string value)
Create a separate endpoint to GET the defaults, such as /setings/defaults, and then use the response in a PATCH to set to those values. This doesn't seem to contradict REST in any way, but it does require 2 API calls for seemingly one simple operation.
If one of the above is considered the best practice, or if there is one I haven't listed above, I'd love to hear about it.
My specific project has some attributes that simplify this question, but I didn't mention them originally because my aim was for this thread to be used as a reference for anyone in the future trying to solve the same problem. I'd like to make sure this discussion is generic enough to be useful to others, but specific enough to also be useful to me. For that, I will append the following.
In my case, I am designing APIs for an existing product. It has a web interface for the average user, but also a REST (ish) API intended to meet the needs of developers who need to automate certain tasks with said product. In this oversimplified example, I might have the product deployed to a test environment on which i run various automated tests that modify the /settings and would like to run a cleanup script that resets /settings back to normal when I'm done.
The product is not SaaS (yet), and the APIs are not public (as in, anyone on the web can access them freely) - so the audience and thus the potential types of "clients" I may encounter is rather small - developers who use my product, that is deployed in their private data center or AWS EC2 machines, and need to write a script in whatever language to automate some task rather than doing it via UI.
What that means is that some technical considerations like caching are relevant. Human user considerations, like how consistent the API design is across various resources, and how easy it is to learn, are also relevant. But "can some 3rd party crawler identify the next actions it can perform from a given state" isn't so relevant (which is why we don't implement HATEOAS, or the OPTIONS method at all)
Let's discuss your mentioned options first:
1: DELETE does not necessarily need to delete or remove the state contained in the resource targeted by the URI. It just requires that the mapping of target URI to the resource is removed, which means that a consecutive request on the same URI should not return the state of the resource further, if no other operation was performed on that URI in the meantime. As you want to reuse the URI pointing to the client's settings resource, this is probably not the correct approch.
2: REST doesn't care about the spelling of the URI as long as it is valid according to RFC3986. There is no such thing as RESTful or RESTless URI. The URI as a whole is a pointer to a resource and a client should refrain from extracting knowledge of it by parsing and interpreting it. Client and server should though make use of link relation names URIs are attached to. This way URIs can be changed anytime and client will remain to be able to interact with the service further. The presented URI however leaves an RPC kind of smell, which an automated client is totally unaware of.
3: PATCH is actually pretty-similar to patching done by code versioning tools. Here a client should precalculate the steps needed to transform a source document to its desired form and contain these instructions into a so called patch document. If this patch document is applied by someone with the state of a document that matches the version used by the patch document, the changes should be applied correctly. In any other cases the outcome is uncertain. While application/json-patch+json is very similar to the philosophy on a patch-document containing separate instructions, application/merge-patch+json has a slightly different take on it by defining default rules (nulling out a property will lead to a removal, including a property will lead to its adding or update and leaving out properties will ignore these properties in the original document)
4: In this sense first retrieving the latest state from a resource and locally updating it/calculating the changes and then send the outcome to the server is probably the best approach of the ones listed. Here you should make use of conditional requests to guarantee that the changes are only applied on the version you recently downloaded and prevent issues by ruling out any intermediary changes done to that resource.
Basically, in a REST architecture the server offers a bunch of choices to a client that based on his task will chose one of the options and issue a request to the attached URI. Usually, the client is taught everything it needs to know by the server via form representations such as HTML forms, HAL forms or ION.
In such an environment settings is, as you mentioned, a valid resource on its own, so is also a default settings resource. So, in order to allow a client to reset his settings it is just a matter of "copying" the content of the default settings resource to the target settings resource. If you want to be WebDAV compliant, which is just an extension of HTTP, you could use the COPY HTTP operation (also see other registered HTTP operations at IANA). For plain HTTP clients though you might need a different approach so that any arbitrary HTTP clients will be able to reset settings to a desired default one.
How a server wants a client to perform that request can be taught via above mentioned form support. A very simplistic approach on the Web would be to send the client a HTML page with the settings pre-filled into the HTML form, maybe also allow the user to tweak his settings to his wishes beforehand, and then click a submit button to send the request to the URI present in the action attribute of the form, which can be any URI the server wants. As HTML only supports POST and GET in forms, on the Web you are restricted to POST.
One might think that just sending a payload containing the URI of the settings resource to reset and optionally the URI to the default settings to a dedicated endpoint via POST is enough and then let it perform its magic to reset the state to the default one. However, this approach does bypass caches and might let them believe that the old state is still valid. Caching in HTTP works as such that the de-facto URI of a resource is used as key and any non-safe operations performed on that URI will lead to an eviction of that stored content so that any consecutive requests would directly go to the server instead of being served by the cache instead. As you send the unsafe POSTrequest to a dedicated resource (or endpoint in terms of RPC) you miss out on the capability to inform the cache about the modification of the actual settings resource.
As REST is just a generalization of the interaction model used on the human Web, it is no miracle that the same concepts used on the Web also apply onto the application domain level. While you can use HTML here as well, JSON-based formats such as application/hal+json or the above mentioned HAL forms or ION formats are probably more popular. In general, the more media-type your service is able to support, the more likely the server will be to server a multitude of clients.
In contrast to the human Web, where images, buttons and further stuff provide an affordance of the respective control to a user, arbitrary clients, especially automated ones, usually don't coop with such affordances good. As such other ways to hint a client on the purpose of a URI or control element need to be provided, such as link relation names. While <<, <, >, >> may be used on a HTML page link to indicate first, previous, next and last elements in a collection, link relation here provide first, prev, next and last as alternatives. Such link relations should of course be either registered with IANA or at least follow the Web linking extension approach. A client looking up the URI on a prev relation will know the purpose of the URI as well as still be able to interact with the server if the URI ever changes. This is in essence also what HATEOAS is all about, using given controls to navigate the application though the state machine offered by the server.
Some general rules of thumb in designing applications for REST architectures are:
Design the interaction as if you'd interact with a Web page on the human Web, or more formally as a state machine or domain application protocol, as Jim Webber termed it, a client can run through
Let servers teach clients on how requests need to look like via support of different form types
APIs shouldn't use typed resources but instead rely on content type negotiation
The more media type your API or client supports the more likely it will be to interact with other peers
Long story short, in summary, a very basic approach is to offer a client a pre-filled form with all the data that makes up the default settings. The target URI of the action property targets the actual resource and thus also informs caches about the modification. This approach is on top also future-proof that clients will be served automatically with the new structure and properties a resource supports.
... so the audience and thus the potential types of "clients" I may encounter is rather small - developers who use my product, that is deployed in their private data center or AWS EC2 machines, and need to write a script in whatever language to automate some task rather than doing it via UI.
REST in the sense of Fielding's architectural style shines when there are a multitude of different clients interacting with your application and when there needs to be support for future evolution inherently integrated into the design. REST just gives you the flexibility to add new features down the road and well-behaved REST clients will just pick them up and continue. If you are either only interacting with a very limited set of clients, especially ones under your control, of if the likelihood of future changes are very small, REST might be overkill and not justify the additional overhead caused by the careful desing and implementation.
... some technical considerations like caching are relevant. Human user considerations, like how consistent the API design is across various resources, and how easy it is to learn, are also relevant. But "can some 3rd party crawler identify the next actions it can perform from a given state" isn't so relevant ...
The term API design already indicates that a more RPC-like approach is desired where certain operations are exposed user can invoke to perform some tasks. This is all fine as long as you don't call it REST API from Fielding's standpoint. The plain truth here is that there are hardly any applications/systems out there that really follow the REST architectural style but there are tons of "bad examples" who misuse the term REST and therefore indicate a wrong picture of the REST architecture, its purpose as well as its benefits and weaknesses. This is to some part a problem caused by people not reading Fielding's thesis (carefully) and partly due to the overall perference towards pragmatism and using/implementing shortcuts to get the job done ASAP.
In regards to the pragmatic take on "REST" it is hard to give an exact answer as everyone seems to understand different things about it. Most of those APIs rely on external documentation anyway, such as Swagger, OpenAPI and what not and here the URI seems to be the thing to give developers clue about the purpose. So a URI ending with .../settings/reset should be clear to most of the developers. Whether the URI has an RPC-smell to it or whether or not to follow the semantics of the respective HTTP operations, i.e. partial PUT or payloads within GET, is your design choice which you should document.
It is okay to use POST
POST serves many useful purposes in HTTP, including the general purpose of “this action isn’t worth standardizing.”
POST /settings HTTP/x.y
Content-Type: text/plain
Please restore the default settings
On the web, you'd be most likely to see this as a result of submitting a form; that form might be embedded within the representation of the /settings resource, or it might live in a separate document (that would depend on considerations like caching). In that setting, the payload of the request might change:
POST /settings HTTP/x.y
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
On the other hand: if the semantics of this message were worth standardizing (ie: if many resources on the web should be expected to understand "restore defaults" the same way), then you would instead register a definition for a new method token, pushing it through the standardization process and promoting adoption.
So it would be in this definition that we would specify, for instance, that the semantics of the method are idempotent but not safe, and also define any new headers that we might need.
there is a bit in it that conflicts with this idea of using POST to reset "The only thing REST requires of methods is that they be uniformly defined for all resources". If most of my resources are typical CRUD collections, where it is universally accepted that POST will create a new resource of a given type
There's a tension here that you should pay attention to:
The reference application for the REST architectural style is the world wide web.
The only unsafe method supported by HTML forms was POST
The Web was catastrophically successful
One of the ideas that powered this is that the interface was uniform -- a browser doesn't have to know if some identifier refers to a "collection resource" or a "member resource" or a document or an image or whatever. Neither do intermediate components like caches and reverse proxies. Everybody shares the same understanding of the self descriptive messages... even the deliberately vague ones like POST.
If you want a message with more specific semantics than POST, you register a definition for it. This is, for instance, precisely what happened in the case of PATCH -- somebody made the case that defining a new method with additional constraints on the semantics of the payload would allow a richer, more powerful general purpose components.
The same thing could happen with the semantics of CREATE, if someone were clever enough to sit down and make the case (again: how can general purpose components take advantage of the additional constraints on the semantics?)
But until then, those messages should be using POST, and general purpose components should not assume that POST has create semantics, because RFC 7231 doesn't provide those additional constraint.

REST convention for a move operation

Is there a REST convention for a call to move a resource? I want to move an item (say item1) from location loc1 to location loc2. I could do a delete/insert, but that would require two separate calls. How can I do it with just one call? I've thought about several possibilities, like:
but that looks awkward to me. In that URI it looks like the second location is a property of the item. Switching loc2 and item would then make it look as if loc2 is a property of loc1, again an awkward thing. As you can see I'm thoroughly confused, any suggestions?
As you can see I'm thoroughly confused, any suggestions?
In REST, identifiers are identifiers. They don't have any domain semantics associated with them. You can use any spelling you want for a resource.
Your resources are usually going to be affordances - documents about things, or documents that enable protocols that do things. Think web pages with links and forms.
POST /4e52bfd1-87d0-4cf1-8b45-175fb13294f3
POST is the right method token to use for request messages that aren't worth standardizing.
The target URI will normally identify some resource that we expect to be changed by the request. The reason for this choice is that it gives us invalidation of client/intermediate caches "for free".
Most of the semantic information you need to describe this "not worth standardizing" method belongs in the payload, not in the URI.
POST /4e52bfd1-87d0-4cf1-8b45-175fb13294f3
Content-Type: text/plain
Please move /4e52bfd1-87d0-4cf1-8b45-175fb13294f3 to /fc32bf42-b757-4ae2-b164-2cb61e3ca8fd
It is normal that a single resource might accept several different kinds of requests that all use the POST method. The server can discriminate based on the payload (consider, for example, multiple web forms that all POST to the same resource - it works just fine, but you do need to include enough information in the form that the server can figure out what the request means.)
For "move" semantics specifically -- the WebDAV specification does define a MOVE method token. If those standardized semantics match what you want to do, then it could be appropriate to support that. (I tend to avoid WebDAV myself - I'm suspicious of the constraints on "WebDAV-compliant resources", and therefore somewhat concerned about what assumptions general purpose clients are entitled to make about resources when one of the WebDAV method tokens is used. It might be fine? it might not be fine? but what I'm looking for is "obviously better than using POST" and I don't see that.)
I have to admit I'm still confused about this REST thing,
That's not your fault: LOTS of people are confused by this REST thing. There is much more misleading noise than there is signal.
Three talks that might help:
Jim Webber, 2011 - REST: DDD In the Large
Stefan Tilkov, 2014 - REST: I don't Think it Means What You Think it Does
Jon Moore, 2010 - Hypermedia APIs

REST Best Practice GET with context parameters

We have a series of REST services that pull resources by identifier but we've been recently tasked with passing disclosure parameters to save with audit.
What use to be...
GET entity/{id}
now turns into something like...
GET entity/{id}?requestName=&requestingOrganization=&reasonForUse=&verificationMethod=&otherAuditDisclosureProperties....
The state of entity does not change and is still idempotent however we must audit the additional information with each call in order to provide it.
First thought was to construct a body instead but that did not seem proper for a GET. This is the second approach using query parameters which have no intention of querying/filtering. These additional parameters are truly context information captured at the point of request. These are the equivalent of SAML attributes within a SOAP call that live outside of the SOAP body (which makes me think as possible header attributes).
Also note, that this information is relayed so the authentication token provided is for the service user calling in and not the actual identity of the context. The identity of the original caller is implicitly trusted in the trust framework surrounding.
How would you define this verb/path?
Maybe a custom header: vnd.mycompany.myheader; where you put all the params you need in some parseable format: name1=value1; name2=value2. You take the waste out of the query string.
The off-topic response
I cannot imagine an scenario where you are asking the user of an API for such subjective information, that requires a lot of effort to provide (as it changes per request) and provides no value to the client. It is only for your internal use. The most probable result is clients hard coding those values and repeating them over in all requests.
If the client is internal you may be looking for ways to correlate requests that span multiple services, like Sleuth, which will let you understand why clients are using your API.
If the client is external, think of making surveys and personal interviews with developers. I'd also suggest that you first nurture your API community to reach those people and understand how and why they use your API.
I agree with Daniel Cerecedo. The proper way is to add the information as part of your Request Header.
A general information can be found at:
The implementation will depends on your programming language.

Versioning REST API

After having read a lot of material on REST versioning, I am thinking of versioning the calls instead of the API. For example:
instead of first having
then going to
The advantage I see are:
When the calls change, I do not have to rewrite my entire client - only the parts that are affected by the changed calls.
Those parts of the client that work can continue as is (we have a lot of testing hours invested to ensure both the client and the server sides are stable.)
I can use permanent or non-permanent redirects for calls that have changed.
Backward compatibility would be a breeze as I can leave older call versions as is.
Am I missing something? Please advise.
Require an HTTP header.
Version: 1
The Version header is provisionally registered in RFC 4229 and there some legitimate reasons to avoid using an X- prefix or a usage-specific URI. A more typical header was proposed by yfeldblum at
X-API-Version: 1
In either case, if the header is missing or doesn't match what the server can deliver, send a 412 Precondition Failed response code along with the reason for the failure. This requires clients to specify the version they support every single time but enforces consistent responses between client and server. (Optionally supporting a ?version= query parameter would give clients an extra bit of flexibility.)
This approach is simple, easy to implement and standards-compliant.
I'm aware that some very smart, well-intentioned people have suggested URL versioning and content negotiation. Both have significant problems in certain cases and in the form that they're usually proposed.
URL Versioning
Endpoint/service URL versioning works if you control all servers and clients. Otherwise, you'll need to handle newer clients falling back to older servers, which you'll end up doing with custom HTTP headers because system administrators of server software deployed on heterogeneous servers outside of your control can do all sorts of things to screw up the URLs you think will be easy to parse if you use something like 302 Moved Temporarily.
Content Negotiation
Content negotiation via the Accept header works if you are deeply concerned about following the HTTP standard but also want to ignore what the HTTP/1.1 standard documents actually say. The proposed MIME Type you tend to see is something of the form application/vnd.example.v1+json. There are a few problems:
There are cases where the vendor extensions are actually appropriate, of course, but slightly different communication behaviors between client and server doesn't really fit the definition of a new 'media type'. Also, RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) reads, "Media-type values are registered with the Internet Assigned Number Authority. The media type registration process is outlined in RFC 1590. Use of non-registered media types is discouraged." I don't want to see a separate media type for every version of every software product that has a REST API.
Any subtype ranges (e.g., application/*) don't make sense. For REST APIs that return structured data to clients for processing and formatting, what good is accepting */* ?
The Accept header takes some effort to parse correctly. There's both an implied and explicit precedence that should be followed to minimize the back-and-forth required to actually do content negotiation correctly. If you're concerned about implementing this standard correctly, this is important to get right.
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) describes the behavior for any client that does not include an Accept header: "If no Accept header field is present, then it is assumed that the client accepts all media types." So, for clients you don't write yourself (where you have the least control), the most correct thing to do would be to respond to requests using the newest, most prone-to-breaking-old-versions version that the server knows about. In other words, you could have not implemented versioning at all and those clients would still be breaking in exactly the same way.
Edited, 2014:
I've read a lot of the other answers and everyone's thoughtful comments; I hope I can improve on this with the benefit of a couple of years of feedback:
Don't use an 'X-' prefix. I think Accept-Version is probably more meaningful in 2014, and there are some valid concerns about the semantics of re-using Version raised in the comments. There's overlap with defined headers like Content-Version and the relative opaqueness of the URI for sure, and I try to be careful about confusing the two with variations on content negotiation, which the Version header effectively is. The third 'version' of the URL is wholly different than the 'second', regardless of whether it contains data or a document.
Regarding what I said above about URL versioning (endpoints like, for instance) the converse probably holds more truth: if you control all servers and clients, URL/URI versioning is probably what you want. For a large-scale service that could publish a single service URL, I would go with a different endpoint for every version, like most do. My particular take is heavily influenced by the fact that the implementation as described above is most commonly deployed on lots of different servers by lots of different organizations, and, perhaps most importantly, on servers I don't control. I always want a canonical service URL, and if a site is still running the v3 version of the API, I definitely don't want a request to to come back with their web server's 404 Not Found page (or even worse, 200 OK that returns their homepage as 500k of HTML over cellular data back to an iPhone app.)
If you want very simple /client/ implementations (and wider adoption), it's very hard to argue that requiring a custom header in the HTTP request is as simple for client authors as GET-ting a vanilla URL. (Although authentication often requires your token or credentials to be passed in the headers, anyway. Using Version or Accept-Version as a secret handshake along with an actual secret handshake fits pretty well.)
Content negotiation using the Accept header is good for getting different MIME types for the same content (e.g., XML vs. JSON vs. Adobe PDF), but not defined for versions of those things (Dublin Core 1.1 vs. JSONP vs. PDF/A). If you want to support the Accept header because it's important to respect industry standards, then you won't want a made-up MIME Type interfering with the media type negotiation you might need to use in your requests. A bespoke API version header is guaranteed not to interfere with the heavily-used, oft-cited Accept, whereas conflating them into the same usage will just be confusing for both server and client. That said, namespacing what you expect into a named profile per 2013's RFC6906 is preferable to a separate header for lots of reasons. This is pretty clever, and I think people should seriously consider this approach.
Adding a header for every request is one particular downside to working within a stateless protocol.
Malicious proxy servers can do almost anything to destroy HTTP requests and responses. They shouldn't, and while I don't talk about the Cache-Control or Vary headers in this context, all service creators should carefully consider how their content is consumed in lots of different environments.
This is a matter of opinion; here's mine, along with the motivation behind the opinion.
include the version in the URL.
For those who say, it belongs in the HTTP header, I say: maybe. But putting in the URL is the accepted way to do it according to the early leaders in the field. (Google, yahoo, twitter, and more). This is what developers expect and doing what developers expect, in other words acting in accordance with the principle of least astonishment, is probably a good idea. It absolutely does not make it "harder for clients to upgrade". If the change in URL somehow represents an obstacle to the developer of a consuming application, as suggested in a different answer here, that developer needs to be fired.
Skip the minor version
There are plenty of integers. You're not gonna run out. You don't need the decimal in there. Any change from 1.0 to 1.1 of your API shouldn't break existing clients anyway. So just use the natural numbers. If you like to use separation to imply larger changes, you can start at v100 and do v200 and so on, but even there I think YAGNI and it's overkill.
Put the version leftmost in the URI
Presumably there are going to be multiple resources in your model. They all need to be versioned in synchrony. You can't have people using v1 of resource X, and v2 of resource Y. It's going to break something. If you try to support that it will create a maintenance nightmare as you add versions, and there's no value add for the developer anyway. So, , where Resource is the type of resource, and 12345 gets replaced by the resource id.
You didn't ask, but...
Omit verbs from your URL path
REST is resource oriented. You have things like "CallFoo" in your URL path, which looks suspiciously like a verb, and unlike a noun. This is wrong. Use the Force, Luke. Use the verbs that are part of REST: GET PUT POST DELETE and so on. If you want to get the verification on a resource, then do GET http://domain/v1/Foo/12345/verification. If you want to update it, do POST /v1/Foo/12345.
Put optional params as a query param or payload
The optional params should not be in the URL path (before the first question mark) unless you are suggesting that those optional params constitute a self-standing resource. So, POST /v1/Foo/12345?action=partialUpdate&param1=123&param2=abc.
Don't do either of those things, because they push the version into the URI structure, and that's going to have downsides for your client applications. It will make it harder for them to upgrade to take advantage of new features in your application.
Instead, you should version your media types, not your URIs. This will give you maximum flexibility and evolutionary ability. For more information, see this answer I gave to another question.
I like using the profile media type parameter:
application/json; profile=""
More Info:
It depends on what you call versions in your API, if you call versions to different representations (xml, json, etc) of the entities then you should use the accept headers or a custom header. That is the way http is designed for working with representations. It is RESTful because if I call the same resource at the same time but requesting different representations, the returned entities will have exactly the same information and property structure but with different format, this kind of versioning is cosmetic.
In the other hand if you understand 'versions' as changes in entity structure, for example adding a field 'age' to the 'user' entity. Then you should approach this from a resource perspective which is in my opinion the RESTful approach. As described by Roy Fielding in his disseration ...a REST resource is a mapping from an identifier to a set of entities... Therefore makes sense that when changing the structure of an entity you need to have a proper resource that points to that version. This kind of versioning is structural.
I made a similar comment in:
When working with url versioning the version should come later and not earlier in the url:
Another way of doing that in a cleaner way but which could be problematic when implementing:
Doing it this way allows the client to request specifically the resource they want which maps to the entity they need. Without having to mess with headers and custom media types which is really problematic when implementing in a production environment.
Also having the url late in the url allows the clients to have more granularity when choosing specifically the resources they want, even at method level.
But the most important thing from a developer perspective, you don't need to maintain the whole mappings (paths) for every version to all the resources and methods. Which is very valuable when you have lot of sub-resources (embedded resources).
From an implementation perspective having it at the level of resource is really easy to implement, for example if using Jersey/JAX-RS:
public class CustomerResource {
public IDto getCustomer(#PathParam("version") String version, #PathParam("id") String id) {
return locateVersion(version, customerService.findCustomer(id));
public IDto insertCustomerV1(CustomerV1Dto customer) {
return customerService.createCustomer(customer);
public IDto insertCustomerV2(CustomerV2Dto customer) {
return customerService.createCustomer(customer);
IDto is just an interface for returning a polymorphic object, CustomerV1 and CustomerV2 implement that interface.
Facebook does verisoning in the url. I feel url versioning is cleaner and easier to maintain as well in the real world.
.Net makes it super easy to do versioning this way:
public HttpResponseMessage someCall(string version, int id))

REST's 'resource communication mechanisms' and 'on-the-fly' improvement of a client's knowledge of them

I'm trying to come to terms with REST, as defined by Roy Fielding. Recently I've been trying to wrap my mind around:
The concept I'm interested in is in this quote:
The transitions may be determined (or limited by) the client’s knowledge of media types and resource communication mechanisms, both of which may be improved on-the-fly (e.g., code-on-demand).
Specifically, what is knowledge of "resource communication mechanisms", how is that knowledge described in documentation/specs and realised in an implemntation?
Then, how best to improve that knowledge 'on-the-fly'?
I think I understand addressing 'the client's knowledge of media types'.
I have some guesses (PUT,GET, etc.) but would appreciate any suggestions, examples or pointers to RESTful API's that explicitly adress the issues in that quote. If it helps I'm thinking about these issues in the context of HTTP+JSON, I appreciate REST isn't limited to HTTP+*.
The Sun Cloud API has previously been cited as good RESTful design, I couldn't see where or how it addressed these specific issues - maybe a case of not seeing the wood for the trees?
What puzzles me is if PUT,GET,etc. are these mechanisms, this suggests a client knows which to apply to specific hyperlinks within some <media-type>, and this seems fragile, and might suggest hypertext-links map (directly) to resources.
Resource Communication Mechanisms
By "resource communication mechanisms", I believe Roy is referring to HTTP requests and HTTP verbs. He is just saying it without being specify to HTTP because REST is not dependent on HTTP. I would say that for 99.99% of all REST services, the resource communication mechanism is documented in RFC2616.
The Sun Cloud API meets these requirements because all a client needs to understand to use the API is how to do HTTP requests and the semantics of the returned media types. For example if a client does not understand what is contained in a document of type application/ then it will not be able to use the API.
This is in contrast with services like OData and SData that do not define new media-types, but assume a client knows how to extract domain data out of an Atom feed and expects the client to construct URLs based on a set of rules that define the URI space. This is in direct violation of Roy's recommendations.
Improved on the fly
To be honest, I can only guess at what Roy is alluding to here. I could imagine a scenario where downloaded javascript could be used to construct an url based on user input. This could prevent the server from having to explicitly generate an url for each element in a list.
Also, certain valid transitions could be enabled or disabled on the fly based on user input. Consider the case where you do not want to enable a submit button until the user has entered all the required fields. The retrieved document contains the link to allow the transition, but the downloaded code controls when and if the user can select the link.
Downloaded code could also, be used to dynamically change the verb on a link. If you wish to edit a resource, it could do a GET, if you want to delete that resource, you do a DELETE. This would allow the representation to only contain a single link but be able to perform multiple operations.