How to add a tab bar to a Mac application (Swift/AppKit) - swift

I am creating a code editor for Mac using Xcode and Swift. I already have a toolbar (NSToolbar) but am not sure how I would achieve a tab design simmilar to Firefox's. I don't want to use NSTabView as those are more like tabbed buttons, and I am looking for a proper tab bar for Mac.
Example of what I want to achieve
In the below image, I have edited the tab bar from Firefox into the design of the app so you can see what I would like to accomplish.
Will I have to implement something like this from scratch, and if so - how would I go about doing it?
Thanks, dhilln.


Is it ok to use the official iPhone compose icon on the tab bar of my app?

I have a tab bar for my app. One of the tab is an "action" tab for which I would like to use the official iPhone compose icon here as the tab item icon, is it allowed?
It is allowed provided you use it they way it was intended to be used. So if it is used to initiate a "compose" feature it would be allowed.
Apple will not hesitate to reject an app if any of their icons are used in unintended or nonstandard ways - and will site their HIG. So if you aren't sure, I would suggest just creating something very similar yourself.
The compose item is a bar button system item, not a tab bar item. I think you will run into HIG issues with it - it is typically used to summon a modal controller for you to create an item (usually a message).
That doesn't really fit as a tab bar item, which suggests a view of information that you can switch into or out of at any time.
In addition, the graphic may not be in the correct proportion or have the right properties to use in a tab bar.

How do I create tabs for an iPhone app without using the Tab Bar?

I am teaching myself iOS5 with Xcode 4.2.1 and did a bit of digging into tabs. I found information on tab bars and how to make them do a lot of neat things, however, I have not found any information on how to create this type of tab:
I came to the conclusion that this type of tab cannot be created using a Tab Bar app or utilizing the toolbar in some fancy way, based on the research I have done. How can I create this type of tab for an iPhone app?
You can use multiple customized 'UIButton' objects, or a customized 'UISegmentedControl', that when tapped change the contents of 'UIView' which gives you the desired effect.

What is a good framework for using web-view like tabs for native applications?

I would like to implement web-view like tabs in a native iPhone application. I would prefer not to write it from scratch. Is there a framework I can use for this feature? Here is an example.
Apple's Guidelines would tell you to use a Tab Bar placed at the bottom for this. It's also possible to create upper "tabs" using a styled UISegmentedControl or just UIButton's that switches views.

Beginner Question: Navigation Based Application iPhone

Okay, so I am a beginner at Cocoa and I've decided to try to make my first app. I went into Xcode and made a new app, I chose Navigation Based Application because it was the first one on the list.I need a tutorial that teaches me how to make a simple Navigation Based Application for the iPhone. I want it to be able to allow me to control what shows up when I click the '+'.
To see how navigation-based applications work, it would be suggestible to choose view-based application instead and work from there.
I would also suggest watching: Navigation & Tab Bar Controllers

iPhone Changing TabBar on-the-fly?

I'm quite new in iPhone Programming, but I'm trying to do my best cause I have some skills in OOP.
I'm creating an iPhone app based on a four element Tabbar. I would like to use other functionalities already implemented by a friend of mine in his own iPhone app (a three elements TabBar app).
Since I would like my app's users could "switch" to old application (3 tabs) by pressing on one of my app's tab, my question is: is it possible to do this, maybe by "popping out my tabbar" (4 tabs) and "pushing in the old tabbar" (3 tabs)?
For a better problem description, we could say that I'm trying to implement a "new mode" and "old mode" in the same application.
Thank you in advance.
P.S. I'm using Xcode 3.2.2 on a Macbook Pro coreDuo and 3.1.3 iPhone simulator
Your question is a little bit vague, but if you want to be able to choose between two different tab bars, the easiest way to do it is to include both tab bars in the application, and simply hide the one you don't want active. You can still do this in Interface Builder. Just wire up both tab bars, and let your view controller hide the old one in -viewDidLoad. Then, when the "old mode" button is pressed, show the old tab bar and hide the new one.