Is it ok to use the official iPhone compose icon on the tab bar of my app? - iphone

I have a tab bar for my app. One of the tab is an "action" tab for which I would like to use the official iPhone compose icon here as the tab item icon, is it allowed?

It is allowed provided you use it they way it was intended to be used. So if it is used to initiate a "compose" feature it would be allowed.
Apple will not hesitate to reject an app if any of their icons are used in unintended or nonstandard ways - and will site their HIG. So if you aren't sure, I would suggest just creating something very similar yourself.

The compose item is a bar button system item, not a tab bar item. I think you will run into HIG issues with it - it is typically used to summon a modal controller for you to create an item (usually a message).
That doesn't really fit as a tab bar item, which suggests a view of information that you can switch into or out of at any time.
In addition, the graphic may not be in the correct proportion or have the right properties to use in a tab bar.


Objective C Master Detail project with tab bar on detail

My project is setup so that a user will search for a particular item. This item has three different groups of detail information. What I wanted to do, is create a Master/Detail scenario and then on the Detail screen have a tab bar with three different views to match the three different groups of detail info. However, I'm having a lot of trouble getting it to work. I searched and found this stackoverflow question:
IOS - How can I add a tab bar to navigation controller (Master Detail template)?
Which seems to suggest that if I follow my plan, Apple will likely not accept my app because the tab bar should be persistent across the app. This seems ridiculous to me. There are plenty of scenarios where the tab bar shouldn't be on every view. For instance, the first view in my app is a login screen. I certainly don't want the tab bar there. Is this something anyone else has encountered? And if so, do you know of any tutorials that could help me get this working?
I work in xcode 4.4 and use the storyboard rather than the nib files. Right now I'm able to get my master view to navigate to the detail view and I can see the tab bar on the detail view. However, my views in the detail have table views with static cells and I can't see any of the information that is supposed to be in them.
There are rules and there are guidelines. Apple does not have a rule that if you have a tab bar, it must be present everywhere in your app. They have guidelines which state that tab bars should be consistent across views. Apple has rules like, don't use unpublished API calls. Those rules will get your app rejected, and they are in the app store submission guidelines. The user interface guidelines are really guidelines for how you should create your app, unless you have an overriding good reason to do otherwise.

How do I create tabs for an iPhone app without using the Tab Bar?

I am teaching myself iOS5 with Xcode 4.2.1 and did a bit of digging into tabs. I found information on tab bars and how to make them do a lot of neat things, however, I have not found any information on how to create this type of tab:
I came to the conclusion that this type of tab cannot be created using a Tab Bar app or utilizing the toolbar in some fancy way, based on the research I have done. How can I create this type of tab for an iPhone app?
You can use multiple customized 'UIButton' objects, or a customized 'UISegmentedControl', that when tapped change the contents of 'UIView' which gives you the desired effect.

Remove a tab from a tabGroup's navigation without removing it from the tabGroup?

I'm using Appcelerator Titanium to build an iPhone app. I currently have a tabGroup control that links to the major sections of the app, including the home screen.
What I'd like to do is remove the "Home" tab only from the navigation, without removing it from the tabGroup object. So, for example, I'd still be able to call tabGroup.setActiveTab(0) and it would take me to the home screen, but the tabs at the bottom wouldn't have a "home" button.
Is this even possible? If so, how can I do it?
Notes: I do not want to hide the whole bar, just a single tab. I also do not want to remove the screen from the underlying object, just the navigation UI. Also, I'm only developing for iPhone and don't care if other platforms aren't supported, so iPhone-only solutions are acceptable.
take the home screen out of the tab group completely and manage displaying it and transitioning to it separately; in the end, it will be a cleaner solution.
Have you tried tab.hide() or when creating the tab setting it to visible: 0?

use two different uitab bar in application

I want to use two different uitabbar control in the application. first UITABbar control i add in the starting windows. and in this after the navigation i want to show the other tab bar with 5 tabs. can any one suggest how i do this ?
Or we need to add a different window for add this and need to show this windows on the click or other?
Please suggest.
The Human Interface Guidelines specifically recommend against having multiple tab bars in your application:
If your application provides different
perspectives on the same set of data,
or different subtasks related to the
overall function of the application,
you might want to use a tab bar. A tab
bar appears at the bottom edge of the
A tab bar gives users the ability to switch among different modes or
views in an application, and users
should be able to access these modes
from everywhere in the application.
However, a tab bar should never be
used as a toolbar, which contains
buttons that act on elements in the
current mode (see “Toolbars” for more
information on toolbars).
If you need to have context-specific actions, use a toolbar instead.

TabBar app or Navigation Bar App?

i have recently started working on iPhone but i am completely confused which application is best for the programming.. i mean TabBar Application, Navigation based app or window based . As we generally need all tab bar and navigation bar in our application In that case which application i should use??? Please explain it.
The need for a TabBar, NavBar, or Window based application is mostly subjective. This will depend on:
How you want the application to look
Whether or not you need the functionality of the nav and tab bars
Window only applications are typically the EASIEST to implement, at first, but do not provide the necessary functionality that many people are use to. Window/OpenGL based applications are ideal for games that require "full screen."
TabBar applications are perfect for applications that have several main "sections." Akin to a website that has "blog", "products", and "contact us", you can have many sections with the TabBar.
NavBar applications let you stack up additional views, one at a time, that you can transition to as necessary. A typical implementation of this is a "drill-down" menu.
Good luck!
If you are wondering which user interface element to use, I recommend reading the "Navigation Bars, Tab Bars, Toolbars, and the Status Bar" section of the iPhone Human Interface Guidelines.
If you're asking which application template to start from, it doesn't really matter. You won't be locked into a particular type of application if you start from a particular template. You can even start multiple templates, and copy across the relevant code and interface elements that Apple provides for you to combine functionality.