How to start with a new GItHub repository - github

I made several attempts, and you could see on the screenshots
How can I start with my GitHub repository?

"Как настроить" is not exactly "tune", but "start working with", as in set up.
All you need to do is to clone that GitHub repo locally, add some files, commit and push back, as seen here.
If you need to use GitHub Desktop, you can follow "Cloning a repository from GitHub to GitHub Desktop"


Cloning a repository not locally, but in a server

Let's say I want to clone a Github repo from somebody but not to my local machine, but to my Github so I can work from the Github website and push changes from there. Is this possible? I seem only to be able to "download" locally whenever I want to clone.
Maybe you can fork the repository first. Then edit the forked repo, and then commit the changes on github directly.

Github for Windows Pull Request for remote Bitbucket Repo

Based on this tutorial I was able to successfully connect Github for Desktop with my remote Bitbucket repo.
Looking at the example tutorial repo I see there is an Pull Request option built in the application - great:
However the option is missing when I chose my remote Bitbucket repo:
I couldn't find any option that is reponsible for this.
Anyone knows what affects this behavior?
"Pull Request" is very much a GitHub feature, associated to GitHub repos.
So For BitBucket, the simplest approach is to push your feature branch to the remote repo (which is a BitBucket one, not a GitHub one), and make your PR from there (from the remote BitBucket web GUI, even within the same repo)
Once the PR is initiated, each push done from the GitHub Desktop will complete said PR.
In Bitbucket go to Settings -> Branch Permissions, and add a new branch permission with your name.

Can't checkout remote branch using GitHub Desktop

When I first clone a repo using GitHub Desktop (windows version), I'm able to see all of the branches and can checkout the branches.
However, if another contributor creates a new remote branch (after I've done the clone), GitHub Desktop isn't able to fetch and checkout the new branches. The branches are visible via the GitHub website. The only way I've found to checkout these branches via GitHub desktop is to delete the local repo and clone again. I was expecting the "Sync" button to handle fetching new branches from the remote repo.
Any ideas?
According to Steve Ward at GitHub Support:
You should be able to hit F5 in GitHub Desktop to refresh the repository and fetch any new branches from the remote repository. There currently aren't any animations for this process, but it should work without issue. [...] we automatically fetch new branches every five minutes as well.
You can also click on the "Gear" button in upper right of the client, select "Open in Git Shell" and type the command git fetch in the command window that is opened...

Eclipse Egit: Update a github fork to merge changes of master repo?

I have forked a github repo. Now my worked repo is out of sync with the original repo.
I understand that I need to do a merge, but how to do this with Eclipse git is a bit unclear to me.
Question: How do I update my fork to include changes made to the original repo made by the owner?
Edit 1: I've added another remote. But I don't see any Pull buttons on the context menu:
You do the merge on your local machine and then push the result from your local machine to your own github repo. There is no way to update your github repo directly on the server.
To do that, add that original github repo as a new remote. This is described in the egit user manual. Choose "configure for fetch" instead and give it the URI of the original repo. Afterwards you can simply use the context menu "Pull" on that new remote node to fetch and merge all the new stuff. After finishing the merge, you "Push to upstream", which is your own github repo.
Try the second url under upstream to push your changes. The first one ist just for fetching (see the green/red arrows ;-)

Why does nothing happen when I click fork on github?

I created a repository in github and then issued the following command on my local box:
git push origin master
Now I see all of the files on github.
I would like to start work on making changes. With this in mind I clicked the fork button on the
github screen. However nothing happens. I see a message at the bottom of my browser screen but
that's all.
How do I copy my "forked" version to my local computer?
If you want to work on your GitHub repo, you need to clone it locally.
If you want others to contribute directly in your repo, you need to declare them as collaborator.
You could set up a dedicated branch for them to use.
If you don't want them to push directly to your repo, then your colleagues need to fork your repo, and clone their fork locally.
If it's your repository, there's no need to fork the repo.
If I read your question correctly, to make changes, simply edit the files in question in a text editor, save them, open terminal, change directory to the one with the code, and write git add . then git commit -m "Your commit message" and then git push. The new code should be updated in GitHub as a new commit.