Can't checkout remote branch using GitHub Desktop - github

When I first clone a repo using GitHub Desktop (windows version), I'm able to see all of the branches and can checkout the branches.
However, if another contributor creates a new remote branch (after I've done the clone), GitHub Desktop isn't able to fetch and checkout the new branches. The branches are visible via the GitHub website. The only way I've found to checkout these branches via GitHub desktop is to delete the local repo and clone again. I was expecting the "Sync" button to handle fetching new branches from the remote repo.
Any ideas?

According to Steve Ward at GitHub Support:
You should be able to hit F5 in GitHub Desktop to refresh the repository and fetch any new branches from the remote repository. There currently aren't any animations for this process, but it should work without issue. [...] we automatically fetch new branches every five minutes as well.

You can also click on the "Gear" button in upper right of the client, select "Open in Git Shell" and type the command git fetch in the command window that is opened...


Github for Windows Pull Request for remote Bitbucket Repo

Based on this tutorial I was able to successfully connect Github for Desktop with my remote Bitbucket repo.
Looking at the example tutorial repo I see there is an Pull Request option built in the application - great:
However the option is missing when I chose my remote Bitbucket repo:
I couldn't find any option that is reponsible for this.
Anyone knows what affects this behavior?
"Pull Request" is very much a GitHub feature, associated to GitHub repos.
So For BitBucket, the simplest approach is to push your feature branch to the remote repo (which is a BitBucket one, not a GitHub one), and make your PR from there (from the remote BitBucket web GUI, even within the same repo)
Once the PR is initiated, each push done from the GitHub Desktop will complete said PR.
In Bitbucket go to Settings -> Branch Permissions, and add a new branch permission with your name.

How to push unsynced commits to GitHub?

I have a GitHub source control tool added to my copy of Visual Studio 2013 and when I right click on the solution and make a commit it says created the commit locally. When I try to sync the commit with the server, the sync button is greyed out.
My question is how do I set it up or what steps do I take so that the commit is pushed to the server?
It looks like you do not have the upstream remote / branch configured for this branch. Visual Studio operates as if the "push.default" configuration is set to "upstream".
If you go to the branches page, this branch should be listed under the "Unpublished" branches section. From that page, you can choose to "publish" this branch by right clicking on the unpublished branch and selecting publish in the resulting context menu. This will push the branch to the origin remote (with a branch of the same name as your local branch) and set the upstream tracking information for this branch. From then on, you can push and fetch from the Unsynced Commits page.
Here is a screen capture of where you need to go to publish an unpublished branch:
You need to add the online GitHub repo as a remote in your local git repo.
On the command line, that's git remote add origin <urL>; I don't know if the VS git UI exposes this.
We use Atlassian Stash but also found the Visual Studio UI a bit confusing at first. The sequence that works for us, using only the UI, is as follows:
First you have to add your "username" and e-mail address in the Git global settings via Team Explorer > Home > Git > Git Settings
On the "Solution Explorer" tab, right click on the solution and "Add Solution to Source Control" and choose Git.
On the "Team Explorer" tab, click on the repo you just created and go to branches
Choose the master branch, right click on it and choose "Publish" - you will be asked for the remote URL whereupon after you enter it, you will get a username/password prompt (for the remote server i.e. GitHub, Stash, etc.)
All this is doing is git push origin masterbut Microsoft chose to make it confusing by giving it another name.
Wait for the "publish" to be completed (there will be a file transfer status shown in the UI)
Once it is completed, go to the commits tab and you will see that all the options for Push/Pull/Fetch etc are available
Note: If you create another branch locally, you will have to push, er "publish", that one as well before the remote knows about it.
Final note: Visual Studio will not create projects and repos for you on the remote. You have to make sure the repo is setup on the remote before you can push a branch to it.
Weird issue: We found that if you try to push to a branch but fail (due to incorrect URL or a permissions issue) that we had to go back to the command prompt to "fix" the remote configuration for the repo/branch. This is using the standard git command:
git remote add origin
After you publish a branch as in #jamill's answer you may run into this.
In Team Explorer, I was able to publish a branch, but then I could not do anything. Pull and Push were grayed out as shown:
So I did Actions > Open Command Prompt. Then Type:
git push origin My_Branch_Name
After doing this I could see the branch and my commit in my remote. (Github or whatever in your case). Also when running the command, the output said,
remote: Create pull request for My_Branch_Name:
If you want to keep this branch and merge it into master, then you can create a pull request on your remote. Otherwise as in my case I want to abandon the branch. You don't have to do anything.

Egit can't fetch README changes

I'm using Eclipse 4.2.1 and EGIT. I've done the following:
Created an account on Github.
Created a Repo and initialized it with a readMe from Github at the time I created it.
Cloned the repo using EGIT.
Created a Java project in Eclipse, a single class with a main method.
Share the project with GIT. Team-> Share Project-> GIT
In the Configure GIT repo dialog: Selected the repo I just cloned from Github.
Do a commit.
Push to remote origin.
Go back to Github and make a change to the readMe. (This shows in the commits on Github)
Fetch the changes with EGIT.
The changed readMe is shown in the remote tracking branch in EGIT but not in my local master branch. I tried refreshing but it still doesn't work. After doing this my local master is one behind and I can't push. I get rejected non-fast forward.
I can fix this by creating a new local branch based on HEAD then merging it into my local master. But why is this happening? Is anyone else experiencing this?
Fetching only gets the changes from github into the remote tracking branch (imagine this as a kind of index) on your local machine, but not into your working directory (the real files you edit). You still have to merge the remote changes into your local branch (which you can do by expanding the repository node Branches -> Remote Tracking -> origin/master and selecting "Merge" in the context menu).
If you always just want to fetch and immediately merge the remote changes, use the "Pull" command instead of the "Fetch" command, it is a combination of fetch and merge.

Eclipse Egit: Update a github fork to merge changes of master repo?

I have forked a github repo. Now my worked repo is out of sync with the original repo.
I understand that I need to do a merge, but how to do this with Eclipse git is a bit unclear to me.
Question: How do I update my fork to include changes made to the original repo made by the owner?
Edit 1: I've added another remote. But I don't see any Pull buttons on the context menu:
You do the merge on your local machine and then push the result from your local machine to your own github repo. There is no way to update your github repo directly on the server.
To do that, add that original github repo as a new remote. This is described in the egit user manual. Choose "configure for fetch" instead and give it the URI of the original repo. Afterwards you can simply use the context menu "Pull" on that new remote node to fetch and merge all the new stuff. After finishing the merge, you "Push to upstream", which is your own github repo.
Try the second url under upstream to push your changes. The first one ist just for fetching (see the green/red arrows ;-)

Fork from a branch in github

Is there a way to fork from a specific branch on GitHub? … For example, moodle has many branches (1.9, 2.0 … and so on). Can a clone be performed of just branch 1.9 and not the master branch always? Is it possible to clone a specific branch onto my PC?
I don’t know a native way yet, but you can do it following this recipe:
Fork the repository in question (called ‘upstream’) on the GitHub website to your workspace there.
Run the GitHub desktop application and clone the repository onto your PC.
Use the GitHub desktop application to open a shell in the repository. (The git commands are not available from the default PowerShell unless you configure that manually.)
Set the source repository as upstream:
git remote add upstream{user}/{source-repo}.git
Fetch the full upstream repository. (Right now, you only have a copy of its master branch.)
git fetch upstream
Make your file system copy the branch you want and give it any name:
git checkout upstream/{branch-in-question}
git checkout -b temporary
Publish your repo using the GitHub desktop application.
On the GitHub website, open your repository and click ‘settings’.
Change the “Default branch” to ‘temporary’. (Just change the drop-down menu, you don’t need to click the “Rename” button.)
Go back to your repository, go to the ‘branches’ tab, now you can delete the “master” branch.
Delete the master branch on your shell and make a new master branch:
git branch -d master
git branch master
git checkout master
git -d temporary
Once more, publish your repo using the GitHub desktop application.
On the GitHub website, open your repository and click ‘settings’.
Change the “Default branch” back to the (new) ‘master’ branch.
Go back to your repository, go to the ‘branches’ tab, now you can delete the “temporary” branch.
This should be what you were looking for. Perhaps GitHub will provide a more convenient way to do this in future (e.g., clicking “Fork” from a project’s branch results in exactly this behaviour).
Cloning means that you create a copy of the whole repository in your account including all branches and tags. However you are free to switch and track branches however you like.
No command line needed. Just create a new branch in your forked repository in GitHub. GitHub will ask you if you want to clone/mirror this new branch from the upstream repository. You can give any name to the new branch.
Yes, you can clone the single branch. For example, you have a branch named release1.0. If you would like to clone this branch into your pc then use the following line of code:
$ git clone -b release1.0 --single-branch
For those who don't like working with command-line. Here is a simple guide using the desktop client for GitHub:
Click the fork button of the repo on
Make sure you have the desktop client installed
Click this button:
Clone the repo
In the desktop client, select the desired branch
Select the branch you'd like to work on and you're done
I'm posting here the method I've used.
Like the OP I wanted to only copy/fork one branch. But couldn't find an easy way.
in your repo create a new branch. It doesn't need to have the same name as the branch you want to fork
once created, verify that it is the selected branch, and click "Compare"
reverse the order of comparison (I have a userscript for that, see my profile if it's something you want to test).
the "base" repository must be yours, with the branch you've created
the "head" repository is the original, and the branch is the branch you want to fork
hit "create pull request" and continue until the PR is applied
That's it. You have the branch forked.
I'm using bitbucket but I'm sure this would work for GitHub as well.
Create a new repository
Checkout the branch using GitExtensions
Click Push to open the Push dialog
Set the destination URL to the new repository
Set the destination branch to "master"
Your new repository will have the full history of the one branch only (not all branches like forking will have).
A fast, alternative approach is to create your own new repo.
Go to and make a new repo. Do not initialize with README.
Scroll down to get your git remote
git remote rm origin
git config master.remote origin
git config master.merge refs/heads/master
// Run code from above image
git push --set-upstream origin yourbranchname
You will have a new repo with the original repo's code and a branch that can be made into a pull request.
For remote repository on GitHub and local repository
After fork all branches to your GitHub repository, you can delete Redundant branches in your GitHub repository.
And then you can only clone the branches you need to local.
Step One
Step Two
Only For local repository
git clone -b <branch name> --single-branch <repository>
If you want to further save your disk space, you can clone remote repository without history:
git clone -b <branch name> --depth 1 <repository>
notice: --depth implies --single-branch unless --no-single-branch is given.
Switch to the branch you need in source repo
Click "Fork". You'll get forked master and the branch you're in.
I don't know how it works with more branches, but for my needs worked pretty well.