how can i reflect changes from AEM author server to publish server? - aem

I am new to AEM. and I have two instances of author and publish.
how can I reflect my changes from author to publish.
I have tried from frontend but it didnt work for me..
-Thank you

I'm not sure what your exact problem is. But to view your changes you need to publish your pages or workflow in the author instance, once it is published open your publish instance. Now in browser edit the URL of the publish instance to your website and the page you want to visit. That should work for you!
You can refer the documentation here: Publishing Pages

you will only be able to see the changes reflected after creating a package of your project you wish to see on publish instance. I will guide you through the steps that should be followed while publishing your pages and sites from author to publish instance.
1.Create a replication agent on author by filling all of the required fields like mentioned below:
you have to provide your Publish instance uri
use it enter link description here
2.Then you have to test connection after starting publish instance
3.Then create a package of your project and install it on publish instance.
4.Now when you'll open your publish instance you'll be able to see default we retail website mapped on your publish instance. You can map your website url in following manner.
open your publish instance and visit enter link description here
Search Day cq root mapping and provide your web page url you want to map for example:
5.And then when you'll run your publish instance youll be able to see your site like this:


Deploy changes from GitHub to Salesforce

How can I add a custom button on which I could click on in order to deploy changes from the Master branch to a related DEV Org?
What have you tried? Have you seen ?
You can steal sample actions from SF official repo at
You'll need to provide the secret login URL to your target org, there are blog posts how to generate it and store in GitHub variable, for example or
Last but not least - to have action available for manual run (not just automated) read up about "workflow_dispatch"

Jekyll workflow on GitHUB creates website in a subdomain

I created my website using the tutorial available at
I used /docs as origin of the data and pushed the website as described.
I successfully created the website using Jekyll.
Now I wanted to change the name of the website. To do so, I decided to delete the previous repository and start the process again.
I deleted the repository and removed the origin.
I then started the process trying to create the website, but at the end, what I get is a website with the address
I would need some help to do that.

Project nuget feed in azure dev cannot be accessed from reader

I have created a Project scoped nuget feed in azure dev. I have some developers that I want them to be able to list/restore and read nuget packages so that they can add them in the projects they are working on.
I have added them in my organization (they are using an email address like and without any project access and then from the nuget feed permissions I gave the permissions as Readers
When they try to run nuget list they get
Unable to load the service index for source
Response status code does not indicate success: 404 (Not Found - VS800075: The project with id 'vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/e1f090d9-f848-428b-b774-7fd9dfc873ef' does not exist, or you do not have permission to access it. (DevOps Activity ID: 09410946-865a-4d69-9b05-f1fd1d668891)).
Why they are not be able to access this feed?
Project nuget feed in azure dev cannot be accessed from reader
That is because the Project-scoped feeds inherit the visibility of the project.
So, if the user is not added to the project, will not access the feed.
To resolve this issue, please try to add the user to the project.
As test, I add my test use as Project Readers:
Then my test user could access the feed:

How to display a VSTS Build Badge in a file hosted on GitHub?

I have developed a tiny library that I chose to host on GitHub. The code is being built by a VSTS build and published as a NuGet package.
I have written a file and I am trying to include a Build badge on it, as described in the Microsoft documentation. Consequently, I have added the following line in the MD file and replaced the placeholders accordindly:
![Build status](https://{my-organisation}{my-project}/_apis/build/status/{my-build-definition-name}?branch=master)
The problem is that the link is not accessible to anyone that is not logged-in on VSTS and I end up with a 'broken' link on my readme page:
What must be done to make the VSTS Build Badge available to a GitHub repo?
I suppose you must include an authentication token of sorts in order to have at least read-access to the VSTS build from your GitHub page.
Note that the documentation lists also multiple pending issues, including MicrosoftDocs/vsts-docs issue 1499:
Build status badge added to GitHub readme doesn't show up.
So this is still in progress.
On that last issue, it says:
This is due to public vs. private projects.
If you make your project public the image URL will render.
There are other potential workarounds we are looking at for the doc.
See "Change the project visibility, public or private".

How to configure hub uri to mvc controller in tfs 2017 extension

I try to add extension to tfs 2017.
I created mvc web application and uploaded assembly to bin directory to tfs (and it normally opened by direct link "http://currentip/tfs/{collectionname/{projectname}/controllername" being processed in controller and displaying view)
Also I added hub group and hub, that normally displayed.
When clicking hub I need to be redirected to relative uri like http://currentip/tfs/{collectionname/{projectname}/controllername
But now I'm always redirected to http://ip/tfs/{collectionname/{projectname}/_apps/hub/extensionname-hubgroup-hub.
How can i configure link of hub to redirect to my controller in the same server?
ps. I made attention to "base uri" core parameter of extension. But there is too pure info about it on official help page.
uri path (relative to the extension's baseUri) of the page to surface as the hub.
You could set only *.html files(html page to be used for your hub) that described in the your extension's manifest file: vss-extension.json . Can't not configured the detail uri yourself. Since it will be loaded from VSTS or TFS server.
Actually baseuri is used for local debug/develop your extension. Without this, for every small change you make, you need to completely redeploy the package and then use your browser to validate the changes.
When you add this property, you override the default location of your assets. By letting this property point to your local host you can serve the files locally and your extension will load them into the context of VSTS or TFS.
After you finished with development, just remove the baseUri from your manifest file and publish the extension to the marketplace. Afraid this is not helpful in your case. More details please refer this tutorial: Using BaseUri to develop your VSTS extension