Join two strings in Scala with one to one mapping - scala

I have two strings in Scala
Input 1 : "a,c,e,g,i,k"
Input 2 : "b,d,f,h,j,l"
How do I join the two Strings in Scala?
Required output = "ab,cd,ef,gh,ij,kl"
I tried something like:
var columnNameSetOne:Array[String] = Array(); //v1 = "a,c,e,g,i,k"
var columnNameSetTwo:Array[String] = Array(); //v2 = "b,d,f,h,j,l"
After I get the input data as mentioned above
columnNameSetOne = v1.split(",")
columnNameSetTwo = v2.split(",");
val newColumnSet = IntStream.range(0, Math.min(columnNameSetOne.length, columnNameSetTwo.length)).mapToObj(j => (columnNameSetOne(j) + columnNameSetTwo(j))).collect(Collectors.joining(","));
But I am getting error on j
Also, I am not sure if this would work!

object Solution1 extends App {
val input1 = "a,c,e,g,i,k"
val input2 = "b,d,f,h,j,l"
val i1= input1.split(",")
val i2 = input2.split(",")
val x =i1.zipAll(i2, "", "").map{
case (a,b)=> a + b
//output : ab,cd,ef,gh,ij,kl

Easy to do using zip function on list.
val v1 = "a,c,e,g,i,k"
val v2 = "b,d,f,h,j,l"
val list1 = v1.split(",").toList
val list2 = v2.split(",").toList",") // res0: String = (a,b),( c,d),( e,f),( g,h),( i,j),( k,l)


How to create a DataFrame using a string consisting of key-value pairs?

I'm getting logs from a firewall in CEF Format as a string which looks as:
ABC|XYZ|F123|1.0|DSE|DSE|4|externalId=e705265d0d9e4d4fcb218b cn2=329160 cn1=3053998 dhost=SRV2019 duser=admin msg=Process accessed NTDS fname=ntdsutil.exe filePath=\\Device\\HarddiskVolume2\\Windows\\System32 cs5="C:\\Windows\\system32\\ntdsutil.exe" "ac i ntds" ifm "create full ntdstest3" q q fileHash=80c8b68240a95 dntdom=adminDomain cn3=13311 rt=1610948650000 tactic=Credential Access technique=Credential Dumping objective=Gain Access patternDisposition=Detection. outcome=0
How can I create a DataFrame from this kind of string where I'm getting key-value pairs separated by = ?
My objective is to infer schema from this string using the keys dynamically, i.e extract the keys from left side of the = operator and create a schema using them.
What I have been doing currently is pretty lame(IMHO) and not very dynamic in approach.(because the number of key-value pairs can change as per different type of logs)
val a: String = "ABC|XYZ|F123|1.0|DSE|DCE|4|externalId=e705265d0d9e4d4fcb218b cn2=329160 cn1=3053998 dhost=SRV2019 duser=admin msg=Process accessed NTDS fname=ntdsutil.exe filePath=\\Device\\HarddiskVolume2\\Windows\\System32 cs5="C:\\Windows\\system32\\ntdsutil.exe" "ac i ntds" ifm "create full ntdstest3" q q fileHash=80c8b68240a95 dntdom=adminDomain cn3=13311 rt=1610948650000 tactic=Credential Access technique=Credential Dumping objective=Gain Access patternDisposition=Detection. outcome=0"
val ttype: String = "DCE"
type parseReturn = (String,String,List[String],Int)
def cefParser(a: String, ttype: String): parseReturn = {
val firstPart = a.split("\\|")
var pD = new ListBuffer[String]()
var listSize: Int = 0
if (firstPart.size == 8 && firstPart(4) == ttype) {
pD += firstPart(0)
pD += firstPart(1)
pD += firstPart(2)
pD += firstPart(3)
pD += firstPart(4)
pD += firstPart(5)
pD += firstPart(6)
val secondPart = parseSecondPart(firstPart(7), ttype)
pD ++= secondPart
listSize = pD.toList.length
(firstPart(2), ttype, pD.toList, listSize)
} else {
val temp: List[String] = List(a)
(firstPart(2), "IRRELEVANT", temp, temp.length)
The method parseSecondPart is:
def parseSecondPart(m:String, ttype:String): ListBuffer[String] = ttype match {
case auditActivity.ttype=>parseAuditEvent(m)
Another function call to just replace some text in the logs
def parseAuditEvent(msg: String): ListBuffer[String] = {
val updated_msg = msg.replace("cat=", "metadata_event_type=")
.replace("destinationtranslatedaddress=", "event_user_ip=")
.replace("duser=", "event_user_id=")
.replace("deviceprocessname=", "event_service_name=")
.replace("cn3=", "metadata_offset=")
.replace("outcome=", "event_success=")
.replace("devicecustomdate1=", "event_utc_timestamp=")
.replace("rt=", "metadata_event_creation_time=")
Final function to get only the values:
def parseEvent(msg: String): ListBuffer[String] = {
val newMsg = msg.replace("\\=", "$_equal_$")
val pD = new ListBuffer[String]()
val splitData = newMsg.split("=")
val mSize = splitData.size
for (i <- 1 until mSize) {
if(i < mSize-1) {
val a = splitData(i).split(" ")
val b = a.size-1
val c = a.slice(0,b).mkString(" ")
pD += c.replace("$_equal_$","=")
} else if(i == mSize-1) {
val a = splitData(i).replace("$_equal_$","=")
pD += a
} else {
The returns contains a ListBuffer[String]at 3rd position, using which I create a DataFrame as follows:
val df = ss.sqlContext
.createDataFrame(tempRDD.filter(x => x._1 != "IRRELEVANT")
.map(x => Row.fromSeq(x._3)), schema)
People of stackoverflow, i really need your help in improving my code, both for performance and approach.
Any kind of help and/or suggestions will be highly appreciated.
Thanks In Advance.

Flatten array in yield statement in Scala

I have the following piece of code
var splitDf = => {
val ID = row.getAs[String]("ID")
val CertificateID = row.getAs[String]("CertificateID")
val CertificateTag = row.getAs[String]("CertificateTag")
val CertificateDescription = row.getAs[String]("CertificateDescription")
val WorkBreakdownUp1Summary = row.getAs[String]("WorkBreakdownUp1Summary")
val ProcessBreakdownSummaryList = row.getAs[String]("ProcessBreakdownSummaryList")
val ProcessBreakdownUp1SummaryList = row.getAs[String]("ProcessBreakdownUp1SummaryList")
val ProcessBreakdownUp2Summary = row.getAs[String]("ProcessBreakdownUp2Summary")
val ProcessBreakdownUp3Summary = row.getAs[String]("ProcessBreakdownUp3Summary")
val ActualStartDate = row.getAs[java.sql.Date]("ActualStartDate")
val ActualEndDate = row.getAs[java.sql.Date]("ActualEndDate")
val ApprovedDate = row.getAs[java.sql.Date]("ApprovedDate")
val CurrentState = row.getAs[String]("CurrentState")
val DataType = row.getAs[String]("DataType")
val PullDate = row.getAs[String]("PullDate")
val PullTime = row.getAs[String]("PullTime")
val split_ProcessBreakdownSummaryList = ProcessBreakdownSummaryList.split(",")
val split_ProcessBreakdownUp1SummaryList = ProcessBreakdownUp1SummaryList.split(",")
val Pattern = "^.*?(?= - *[a-zA-Z])".r
subSystem : String <- split_ProcessBreakdownSummaryList
} yield(ID,
for{ system: String <- split_ProcessBreakdownUp1SummaryList if(system contains subSystem.trim().substring(0,11))}yield(system),
How can I get the first matching element from the following portion of the above statement:
for{ system: String <- split_ProcessBreakdownUp1SummaryList if(system contains subSystem.trim().substring(0,11))}yield(system)
At the moment it returns an array with one element in it. I dont want the array I just want the element.
Thank you in advance.

for loop into map method with Spark using Scala

Hi I want to use a "for" into a map method in scala.
How can I do it?
For example here for each line read I want to generate a random word :
val rdd = => (line,{
val chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
val word = new String;
val res = new String;
val rnd = new Random;
val len = 4 + rnd.nextInt((6-4)+1);
for(i <- 1 to len){
val char = chars(rnd.nextInt(51));
My current output is :
Array[(String, String)] = Array((1,""), (2,""), (3,""), (4,""), (5,""), (6,""), (7,""), (8,""), (9,""), (10,""), (11,""), (12,""), (13,""), (14,""), (15,""), (16,""), (17,""), (18,""), (19,""), (20,""), (21,""), (22,""), (23,""), (24,""), (25,""), (26,""), (27,""), (28,""), (29,""), (30,""), (31,""), (32,""), (33,""), (34,""), (35,""), (36,""), (37,""), (38,""), (39,""), (40,""), (41,""), (42,""), (43,""), (44,""), (45,""), (46,""), (47,""), (48,""), (49,""), (50,""), (51,""), (52,""), (53,""), (54,""), (55,""), (56,""), (57,""), (58,""), (59,""), (60,""), (61,""), (62,""), (63,""), (64,""), (65,""), (66,""), (67,""), (68,""), (69,""), (70,""), (71,""), (72,""), (73,""), (74,""), (75,""), (76,""), (77,""), (78,""), (79,""), (80,""), (81,""), (82,""), (83,""), (84,""), (85,""), (86...
I don't know why the right side is empty.
There's no need for var here. It's a one liner
This will create a sequence of Char of length len by repeatedly calling chars(rnd.nextInt(51)), then makes it into a String.
Thus you'll get something like this :
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import scala.util.Random
val chars = ('a' to 'z') ++ ('A' to 'Z')
val rdd = => {
val randomWord = {
val rnd = new Random
val len = 4 + rnd.nextInt((6 - 4) + 1)
(line, randomWord)
word.concat doesn't modify word but return a new String, you can make word a variable and add new string to it:
var word = new String
for {
word += char

obtain a specific value from a RDD according to another RDD

I want to map a RDD by lookup another RDD by this code:
val product ={case((a,b),c)=>
val h = keyValueRecords.lookup(b).take(1).mkString.toInt
a,b are Strings and c is a Integer. keyValueRecords is like this: RDD[(string,string)]-
i got type missmatch error: how can I fix it ?
what is my mistake ?
This is a sample of data:
I'm triying by this code:
val lines = sc.textFile("ratings.txt").map(s => {
val substrings = s.split(",")
(substrings(0), (substrings(1),substrings(1)))
val shoppingList = lines.groupByKey()
val coOccurence = shoppingList.flatMap{case(k,v) =>
val arry1 = v.toArray
val arry2 = v.toArray
val pairs = for (pair1 <- arry1; pair2 <- arry2 ) yield ((pair1,pair2),1)
val numOfT = coOccurence.reduceByKey((a,b)=>(a+b)) // (((item,rate),(item,rate)),coccurence)
// produce recommend for an especial user
val keyValueRecords = sc.textFile("ratings.txt").map(s => {
val substrings = s.split(",")
(substrings(0), (substrings(1),substrings(2)))
}).filter{case(k,v)=> k=="1"}.groupByKey().flatMap{case(k,v) =>
val arry1 = v.toArray
val arry2 = v.toArray
val pairs = for (pair1 <- arry1; pair2 <- arry2 ) yield ((pair1,pair2),1)
val numOfTForaUser = keyValueRecords.reduceByKey((a,b)=>(a+b))
val joined = numOfT.join(numOfTForaUser).map{case(k,v)=>(k._1._1,(k._2._2.toFloat*v._1.toFloat))}.collect.foreach(println)
The Last RDD won't produced. Is it wrong ?

Spark: split rows and accumulate

I have this code:
val rdd = sc.textFile(sample.log")
val splitRDD = => StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(r, "\\|"))
val rdd2 = splitRDD.filter(...).map(row => createRow(row, fieldsMap))
sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd2, structType).save(
org.apache.phoenix.spark, SaveMode.Overwrite, Map("table" -> table, "zkUrl" -> zkUrl))
def createRow(row: Array[String], fieldsMap: ListMap[Int, FieldConfig]): Row = {
//add additional index for invalidValues
val arrSize = fieldsMap.size + 1
val arr = new Array[Any](arrSize)
var invalidValues = ""
for ((k, v) <- fieldsMap) {
val valid = ...
var value : Any = null
if (valid) {
value = row(k)
// if (v.code == "SOURCE_NAME") --> 5th column in the row
// sourceNameCount = row(k).split(",").size
} else {
invalidValues += v.code + " : " + row(k) + " | "
arr(k) = value
arr(arrSize - 1) = invalidValues
fieldsMap contains the mapping of the input columns: (index, FieldConfig). Where FieldConfig class contains "code" and "dataType" values.
TOPIC -> (0, v.code = "TOPIC", v.dataType = "String")
GROUP -> (1, v.code = "GROUP")
This is the sample.log:
The goal is to split the input (sample.log), based on the number of source_name(s).. In the example above, the output will have 3 rows:
This is the new code I am working on (still using createRow defined above):
val rdd2 = splitRDD.filter(...).flatMap(row => {
val srcName = row(4).split(",")
val srcType = row(5).split(",")
val srcCount = row(6).split(",")
val destName = row(7).split(",")
val destType = row(8).split(",")
val destCount = row(9).split(",")
var newRDD: ArrayBuffer[Row] = new ArrayBuffer[Row]()
//if (srcName != null) {
println("\n\nsrcName.size: " + srcName.size + "\n\n")
for (i <- 0 to srcName.size - 1) {
// missing column: destType can sometimes be null
val splittedRow: Array[String] = Row.fromSeq(Seq((row(0), row(1), row(2), row(3),
srcName(i), srcType(i), srcCount(i), destName(i), "", destCount(i)))).toSeq.toArray[String]
newRDD = newRDD ++ Seq(createRow(splittedRow, fieldsMap))
Since I am having an error in converting my splittedRow to Array[String]
error: type arguments [String] do not conform to method toArray's type parameter bounds [B >: Any]
I decided to update my splittedRow to:
val rowArr: Array[String] = new Array[String](10)
for (j <- 0 to 3) {
rowArr(j) = row(j)
rowArr(4) = srcName(i)
rowArr(5) = row(5).split(",")(i)
rowArr(6) = row(6).split(",")(i)
rowArr(7) = row(7).split(",")(i)
rowArr(8) = row(8).split(",")(i)
rowArr(9) = row(9).split(",")(i)
val splittedRow = rowArr
You could use a flatMap operation instead of a map operation to return multiple rows. Consequently, your createRow would be refactored to createRows(row: Array[String], fieldsMap: List[Int, IngestFieldConfig]): Seq[Row].