Spark: split rows and accumulate - scala

I have this code:
val rdd = sc.textFile(sample.log")
val splitRDD = => StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(r, "\\|"))
val rdd2 = splitRDD.filter(...).map(row => createRow(row, fieldsMap))
sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd2, structType).save(
org.apache.phoenix.spark, SaveMode.Overwrite, Map("table" -> table, "zkUrl" -> zkUrl))
def createRow(row: Array[String], fieldsMap: ListMap[Int, FieldConfig]): Row = {
//add additional index for invalidValues
val arrSize = fieldsMap.size + 1
val arr = new Array[Any](arrSize)
var invalidValues = ""
for ((k, v) <- fieldsMap) {
val valid = ...
var value : Any = null
if (valid) {
value = row(k)
// if (v.code == "SOURCE_NAME") --> 5th column in the row
// sourceNameCount = row(k).split(",").size
} else {
invalidValues += v.code + " : " + row(k) + " | "
arr(k) = value
arr(arrSize - 1) = invalidValues
fieldsMap contains the mapping of the input columns: (index, FieldConfig). Where FieldConfig class contains "code" and "dataType" values.
TOPIC -> (0, v.code = "TOPIC", v.dataType = "String")
GROUP -> (1, v.code = "GROUP")
This is the sample.log:
The goal is to split the input (sample.log), based on the number of source_name(s).. In the example above, the output will have 3 rows:
This is the new code I am working on (still using createRow defined above):
val rdd2 = splitRDD.filter(...).flatMap(row => {
val srcName = row(4).split(",")
val srcType = row(5).split(",")
val srcCount = row(6).split(",")
val destName = row(7).split(",")
val destType = row(8).split(",")
val destCount = row(9).split(",")
var newRDD: ArrayBuffer[Row] = new ArrayBuffer[Row]()
//if (srcName != null) {
println("\n\nsrcName.size: " + srcName.size + "\n\n")
for (i <- 0 to srcName.size - 1) {
// missing column: destType can sometimes be null
val splittedRow: Array[String] = Row.fromSeq(Seq((row(0), row(1), row(2), row(3),
srcName(i), srcType(i), srcCount(i), destName(i), "", destCount(i)))).toSeq.toArray[String]
newRDD = newRDD ++ Seq(createRow(splittedRow, fieldsMap))
Since I am having an error in converting my splittedRow to Array[String]
error: type arguments [String] do not conform to method toArray's type parameter bounds [B >: Any]
I decided to update my splittedRow to:
val rowArr: Array[String] = new Array[String](10)
for (j <- 0 to 3) {
rowArr(j) = row(j)
rowArr(4) = srcName(i)
rowArr(5) = row(5).split(",")(i)
rowArr(6) = row(6).split(",")(i)
rowArr(7) = row(7).split(",")(i)
rowArr(8) = row(8).split(",")(i)
rowArr(9) = row(9).split(",")(i)
val splittedRow = rowArr

You could use a flatMap operation instead of a map operation to return multiple rows. Consequently, your createRow would be refactored to createRows(row: Array[String], fieldsMap: List[Int, IngestFieldConfig]): Seq[Row].


in countWord example, I apply foreach but it has cannot resolved symbol error

here is example about countWords. (Scala)
def countWords(text: String): mutable.Map[String, Int] = {
val counts = mutable.Map.empty[String, Int]
for (rawWord <- text.split("[ ,!.]+")) {
val word = rawWord.toLowerCase
val oldCount =
if (counts.contains(word)) counts(word)
else 0
counts += (word -> (oldCount + 1))
return counts
[my code]
here is my code.
def countWords2(text: String):mutable.Map[String, Int] = {
val counts = mutable.Map.empty[String, Int]s
text.split("[ ,!.]").foreach(word =>
val lowWord = word.toLowerCase()
val oldCount = if (counts.contains(lowWord)) counts(lowWord) else 0
counts += (lowWord -> (oldCount + 1))
return counts
I tried transfer "for()" sentence to "foreach" but I got "cannot resolved symbol" error message.
how to use foreach in this case?

Evaluating multiple filters in a single pass

I have below rdd created and I need to perform a series of filters on the same dataset to derive different counters and aggregates.
Is there a way I can apply these filters and compute aggregates in a single pass, avoiding spark to go over the same dataset multiple times?
val res = => {
// ............... Generate data here for each row.......
val all = res.count()
val stats1 = res.filter(row => row.getInt(1) > 0)
val stats1Count = stats1.count()
val stats1Agg = => r.getInt(1)).mean()
val stats2 = res.filter(row => row.getInt(2) > 0)
val stats2Count = stats2.count()
val stats2Agg = => r.getInt(2)).mean()
You can use aggregate:
case class Stats(count: Int = 0, sum: Int = 0) {
def mean = sum/count
def +(s: Stats): Stats = Stats(count + s.count, sum + s.sum)
def <- (n: Int) = if(n > 0) copy(count + 1, sum + n) else this
val (stats1, stats2) = res.aggregate(Stats() -> Stats()) (
{ (s, row) => (s._1 <- row.getInt(1), s._2 <- row.getInt(2)) },
{ _ + _ }
val (stat1Count, stats1Agg, stats2Count, stats2Agg) = (stats1.count, stats1.mean, stats2.count, stats2.mean)

Split a list in several files scala

I have the following list,
Then I am creating one file with it is content with the following code:
val fstream:FileWriter = new FileWriter("patSPO.csv")
var out:BufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(fstream)
val sl = listSPO.sortBy(l => (l.sub, l.pre))
for ( a <- 0 to listSPO.size-1){
However I want to divide the content in a n files, then I try the following for 4 files:
val fstream:FileWriter = new FileWriter("patSPO.csv")
val fstream1:FileWriter = new FileWriter("patSPO1.csv")
val fstream2:FileWriter = new FileWriter("patSPO2.csv")
val fstream3:FileWriter = new FileWriter("patSPO3.csv")
val fstream4:FileWriter = new FileWriter("patSPO4.csv")
var out:BufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(fstream)
var out1:BufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(fstream1)
var out2:BufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(fstream2)
var out3:BufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(fstream3)
var out4:BufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(fstream4)
val b :Int = listSPO.size/4
val sl = listSPO.sortBy(l => (l.sub, l.pre))
for ( a <- 0 to listSPO.size-1){
for ( a <- 0 to b-1){
for ( a <- b to (b*2)-1){
for ( a <- b*2 to (b*3)-1){
for ( a <- b*3 to (b*4)-1){
Then my question is if exist a general code where I put the number of files to generate, for example 32, and not to write 32 times the out, the for and the fstream?
First, let's make some utilities to eliminate ugly boilerplate:
def open(
number: Int = 1,
prefix: String,
ext: String
) = (0 to n-1)
.map { i =>
"%s%s%s".format(prefix, if(i == 0) "" else i.toString, postfix)
}.map(new FileWriter(_))
.map(new BufferedWriter(_))
def toString(l: WhateverTheType) = Seq(
).mkString(",") + "\n"
And now to the implementation:
listSPO: List[WhateverTheType],
numFiles: Int = 1,
prefix: String = "pasSPO",
ext: String = ".csv"
) = listSPO
.zip(open(numFiles, prefix, ext))
.foreach { case (input, file) =>
try {
} finally {
Assuming the objects in the list have this type (otherwise, relpace SPO in the below code with your type):
case class SPO(sub: Int, pre: Int, obj: Int)
This should do it:
val sl = listSPO.sortBy(l => (l.sub, l.pre))
val files = 5 // whatever number you want
// helper function to write a single list - similar to your implementation but shorter
def writeListToFile(name: String, list: List[SPO]): Unit = {
val writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(name))
list.foreach(spo => writer.write(s"${spo.sub},${spo.pre},${spo.obj}\n"))
sl.grouped(sl.size / files) // split into sublists
.zipWithIndex // add index of sublists for file name
.foreach {
case (sublist, 0) => writeListToFile(s"pasSPO.csv", sublist) // if indeed you want the first file name NOT to include the index
case (sublist, index) => writeListToFile(s"pasSPO$index.csv", sublist)

obtain a specific value from a RDD according to another RDD

I want to map a RDD by lookup another RDD by this code:
val product ={case((a,b),c)=>
val h = keyValueRecords.lookup(b).take(1).mkString.toInt
a,b are Strings and c is a Integer. keyValueRecords is like this: RDD[(string,string)]-
i got type missmatch error: how can I fix it ?
what is my mistake ?
This is a sample of data:
I'm triying by this code:
val lines = sc.textFile("ratings.txt").map(s => {
val substrings = s.split(",")
(substrings(0), (substrings(1),substrings(1)))
val shoppingList = lines.groupByKey()
val coOccurence = shoppingList.flatMap{case(k,v) =>
val arry1 = v.toArray
val arry2 = v.toArray
val pairs = for (pair1 <- arry1; pair2 <- arry2 ) yield ((pair1,pair2),1)
val numOfT = coOccurence.reduceByKey((a,b)=>(a+b)) // (((item,rate),(item,rate)),coccurence)
// produce recommend for an especial user
val keyValueRecords = sc.textFile("ratings.txt").map(s => {
val substrings = s.split(",")
(substrings(0), (substrings(1),substrings(2)))
}).filter{case(k,v)=> k=="1"}.groupByKey().flatMap{case(k,v) =>
val arry1 = v.toArray
val arry2 = v.toArray
val pairs = for (pair1 <- arry1; pair2 <- arry2 ) yield ((pair1,pair2),1)
val numOfTForaUser = keyValueRecords.reduceByKey((a,b)=>(a+b))
val joined = numOfT.join(numOfTForaUser).map{case(k,v)=>(k._1._1,(k._2._2.toFloat*v._1.toFloat))}.collect.foreach(println)
The Last RDD won't produced. Is it wrong ?

Iterating over cogrouped RDD

I have used a cogroup function and obtain following RDD:
org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(Int, (Iterable[(Int, Long)], Iterable[(Int, Long)]))]
Before the map operation joined object would look like this:
RDD[(Int, (Iterable[(Int, Long)], Iterable[(Int, Long)]))]
(-2095842000,(CompactBuffer((1504999740,1430096464017), (613904354,1430211912709), (-1514234644,1430288363100), (-276850688,1430330412225)),CompactBuffer((-511732877,1428682217564), (1133633791,1428831320960), (1168566678,1428964645450), (-407341933,1429009306167), (-1996133514,1429016485487), (872888282,1429031501681), (-826902224,1429034491003), (818711584,1429111125268), (-1068875079,1429117498135), (301875333,1429121399450), (-1730846275,1429131773065), (1806256621,1429135583312))))
(352234000,(CompactBuffer((1350763226,1430006650167), (-330160951,1430320010314)),CompactBuffer((2113207721,1428994842593), (-483470471,1429324209560), (1803928603,1429426861915))))
Now I want to do the following:
val globalBuffer = ListBuffer[Double]()
val joined = data1.cogroup(data2).map(x => {
val listA = x._2._1.toList
val listB = x._2._2.toList
for(tupleB <- listB) {
val localResults = ListBuffer[Double]()
val itemToTest = Set(tupleB._1)
val tempList = ListBuffer[(Int, Double)]()
for(tupleA <- listA) {
val tValue = someFunctionReturnDouble(tupleB._2, tupleA._2)
val i = (tupleA._1, tValue)
tempList += i
val sortList = tempList.sortWith(_._2 > _._2).slice(0,20).map(i => i._1)
val intersect = sortList.toSet.intersect(itemToTest)
if (intersect.size > 0)
localResults += 1.0
else localResults += 0.0
val normalized = sum(localResults.toList)/localResults.size
globalBuffer += normalized
//method sum
def sum(xs: List[Double]): Double = {//do the sum}
At the end of this I was expecting joined to be a list with double values. But when I looked at it it was unit. Also I will this is not the Scala way of doing it. How do I obtain globalBuffer as the final result.
Hmm, if I understood your code correctly, it could benefit from these improvements:
val joined = data1.cogroup(data2).map(x => {
val listA = x._2._1.toList
val listB = x._2._2.toList
val localResults = {
case (intBValue, longBValue) =>
val itemToTest = intBValue // it's always one element
val tempList = {
case (intAValue, longAValue) =>
(intAValue, someFunctionReturnDouble(longBvalue, longAValue))
val sortList = tempList.sortWith(-_._2).slice(0,20).map(i => i._1)
if (sortList.toSet.contains(itemToTest)) { 1.0 } else {0.0}
// no real need to convert to a set for 20 elements, by the way
Transformations of RDDs are not going to modify globalBuffer. Copies of globalBuffer are made and sent out to each of the workers, but any modifications to these copies on the workers will never modify the globalBuffer that exists on the driver (the one you have defined outside the map on the RDD.) Here's what I do (with a few additional modifications):
val joined = data1.cogroup(data2) map { x =>
val iterA = x._2._1
val iterB = x._2._2
var count, positiveCount = 0
val tempList = ListBuffer[(Int, Double)]()
for (tupleB <- iterB) {
for(tupleA <- iterA) {
val tValue = someFunctionReturnDouble(tupleB._2, tupleA._2)
tempList += ((tupleA._1, tValue))
val sortList = tempList.sortWith(_._2 > _._2).iterator.take(20)
if (sortList.exists(_._1 == tupleB._1)) positiveCount += 1
count += 1
At this point you can obtain of local copy of the proportions by using joined.collect.