Visual Studio Code Bracket Matching - match

I'm using Visual Studio Code for web development. It's very useful tool but when i select a tag, element etc. Visual Studio Code show all the same tag, element or etc. I only know where tag is closed. How can i do that?

Unfortunately, this is not supported yet, as you can see in this open issue.
Go there and add a :thumbs_up:, so they could priorize in the next releases, or someone else would create an extension for that.


How can I use visual studio code features on android studio while coding in flutter?

I want to use some features that I can use with VS Code on Android Studio as well. Are these possible?
1- I want it to recognize the word written without distinguishing upper or lower case letters. For example, like the string example in the image below. Even if the letter s is written in lower case, vs code detects it, but android studio does not.
2- Refactor features are a lot through visual studio and it works. But I could not see these features in android studio. You can see it in the picture below.
3- Android studio warns on words other than English. How can we remove this problem.
Yes you can I am currently codding in flutter and also kotlin I installed tabnine plugin, tabnine is really usefull and save your time for example as u said when u type string, it automaticly show words that are related to that sitution and place where u code.
and for third problem u can ignore those words

Is there any way to highlight a file in the Visual Studio Code explorer?

As a reminder, I would like to be able to highlight a file (in Explorer) that I have made important changes to. Highlighting it would make it easy to find again!
Visual Studio Code still doesn't provide such a feature. If you have source control, it will allow you to track modified files unless it is not available yet.

How can I list and edit js/css files linked in a master page in Visual Studio Code?

I've started to use Visual Studio Code instead of Dreamweaver and one of the things I loved about Dreamweaver is that it listed all the "Related" js/css/php files that were included/linked as href/src values in to the master page for quick editing.
Is there any way I can get this functionality in VSCode? I can't seem to find an extension that does this.
You can try the extension HTML Related Links.
Feel free to add feature requests.

How to assimilate into visual studio code from visual studio ( the difference of hotkeys )?

I have been using VS for years. I'm trying to use vscode to develop frontend project.
This is my first time touching visual studio code. I feel the hotkeys are so different when compared with visual studio 2015. For example, format code in VS is ctrl+k+f and format code in visual studio 2015 is shift+alf+f. If I even want to perform a simple copy/paste folder operation I also cannot.
As I know, visual studio code supports customized hotkeys. So, I think that someone may have already config the hotkeys in a form like visual studio 2015.
However, I'm not sure this is even possible.
Please give me some suggestion or direction.
There are a few ways to solve this:
manually recreating all the keys you love from Visual Studio in your keybindings.json
Hoping somebody else has made one that you can copy and paste into your keybindings.json -- I can't find any
Find one in the marketplace. There are a few keybinding extensions, but I don't see any for Visual Studio, though there is a Resharper one if you're used to that.
If you do end up doing number 1, you could benefit the community by bundling it as an extension to share on the marketplace.
Edit: typo. exceptions -> extensions

How to hook into the Visual Studio IntelliSense completion keys to change when it triggers

Visual Studio 2015 does not have a way to only select IntelliSense when I press Enter or Tab anymore in C# for 2015. It's available for JavaScript but not C#.
I'm trying to create a MEF project and hook into the IntelliSense to change this behaviour for C# files. Just to get started, I tried to implement this sample plugin from Microsoft:
The sample compiles, but it does not work. Nothing in the code is triggered from the debugged IDE. The samples tells to start a new text file and press "a" to get demo IntelliSense, but it never trigger.
Here's the code project if anyone want to look into it:
Could someone guide me in the right direction here, the documentation in this area is very fluid.
There isn't a supported way to use the APIs to customize this. The behavior you're looking to change falls under the Roslyn project on GitHub so you're more than welcome to file a bug there as feedback. You're also welcome to send a pull request, but at this point it's really tricky to make a change to the editor components of Roslyn and apply those to your locally installed Visual Studio. It's something we're working on fixing but it's not done yet.
The workaround is to press Ctrl+Alt+Space when inside the editor. That will toggle into the correct IntelliSense behaviour. Not a very easy thing to find, but it saved my day. They should probably give better information about this toggle feature, and make it more visible.. Still, it will not be remembered after closing the IDE, so you have to do it every time you start the IDE.