How do I get dimensions of an image SAPUI5? - sapui5

I have an image which is being set through:
var oImage = new sap.m.Image({
id: image0,
src: "img/image0.jpg"
I want to figure out the width and height of the image ?
I have tried oImage.getWidth() and oImage.getHeight() but those return empty. I have also tried parseInt(oImage.getWidth()) and parseInt(oImage.getHeight()) but those return NaN.

The values are empty because you haven't set them yet. Both getHeight and getWidth return the set values not the default height and width of the image. Have a look at Image Control.
var oImage = new sap.m.Image("image0", {
src: "img/load.gif",
height: "30vh",
width: "30vw"
This oImage.getWidth() will return "30vw"

Since, you have not specified with and height of the image, you will have to use the DOM to get the details of the image. Try the following code in your controller:
var image = this.byId("image0");
var oDomRef = image.getDomRef()
console.log(oDomRef .width, oDomRef .height);
It will give the image width and height in px.


determine the size of placeholder to match the actual size of the image

I'm trying to load images from internet but i want to show a placeholder till load finishes.
How can i determine the size of placeholder to match the actual size of the image?
The width and height of the image from the api are 2000, 3000 respectively. How can I convert these values?
There are a few parts to the question,
First, you should download an image the from the web through one of many methods.
get the bytes and convert to an image with this
Here are the widgets you should use.
You should use this widget as a sized placeholder.
Here is a possible child to show a loading animation
To display it, you can either complete the FutureBuilder or
Image im = null;
Map imageDimensions = null;
fetchImageDimension.fetch().then((imageD) => setState(){imageDimensions = imageD;})
somefuntion.fetch().then((image) => setState(){im = image;})
Widget build(buildContext context){
var width = imageDimensions["width"];
var height = imageDimensions["height"];
var placeholderColor = imageDimensions["color"];
var dimensionsLoaded = imageDimensions != null;
var imageLoaded = im != null;
return if(imageLoaded)
else {
if(dimensionsLoaded) {
width: width,
height: height,
child: const Card(child: Container(color: Color(placeholderColor)),
} else {
//neigher image or dimensions are Loaded. Nothing you can do
This code is not meant to be compiled but it is meant to show the possible options to answer the question.

sap.ui.table.Table "VisibleRowCountMode.Auto" mode does not work

I'm having trouble setting the number of rows for a table to automagically fill the available estate of its encapsulating container.
According to the API, setting the visibleRowCountMode property to sap.ui.table.VisibleRowCountMode.Auto should render the table to
"[...] automatically fills the height of the surrounding container.
The visibleRowCount property is automatically changed accordingly. All
rows need the same height, otherwise the auto mode doesn't always work
as expected."
I have used the following code:
var oTable = new sap.ui.table.Table( {
rowHeight : 30,
height : "100%",
// The below property is seemingly ignored... What did I do wrong?
visibleRowCountMode : sap.ui.table.VisibleRowCountMode.Auto
...but as you can see in this jsbin example it just shows the default 10 rows, and certainly doesn't "change the visibleRowCount property accordingly" :-(
Anyone has a solution?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Thanks to #matz3's answer below, I was ultimately able to solve this issue.
Setting the surrounding container DIV to 100%, this seems to be ignored. Setting it to a fixed height, however, worked just fine. But what I really wanted, if a user resized the window, the number of available rows needs to be adjusted accordingly. Setting it to a fixed height is therefor not an option...
However, the trick was in some extra CSS: not only the DIV needed to be set to 100% height, also both BODY and HTML (!!) needed to have a height set to 100%:
html, body {
height: 100%
div#uiArea {
height: 100%
Now, the table spans the full height of the available viewport, and resizing the window adjusts the table rather nicely. See the final working solution here:
Matz3, thanks for your help!
CSS hacks is a dirty way. In my application I use to bind visibleRowCount to Array.length
For example, if you have model with this data:
[{firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Smith',
{firstName: 'David', lastName: 'Ericsson'}]
You can bind to Array property length like this:
var oTable = new sap.ui.table.Table({
visibleRowCount : '{/length}'
[...] automatically fills the height of the surrounding container [...]
Your surrounding container is the view, so you have to set the height of it also to a value (e.g. 100%)
And your view will be set into the uiArea-div, so this one also needs a height (e.g. 500px)
<div id="uiArea" style="height:500px"></div>
With these changes it now works as expected
I'm with the same issue. I "resolve" that in this manner. This is not perfect, but it's better than UI5 resizing...
  _resizeTableRow: function () {
var oTable = this.getView().byId("referenceTabId");
var sTop = $('#' + oTable.getId()).offset().top;
var sHeight = $(document).height();
//if there a row, you can take the row Height
//var iRowHeight = $(oTable.getAggregation("rows")[0].getDomRef()).height();
var iRowHeight = 40;
var iRows = Math.trunc((sHeight - sTop ) / iRowHeight);
Other option is to put the Table in sap.ui.layout.Splitter:

Change padding on fancybox depending on image width

I am new to javascript and jQuery and am trying to make a slideshow using Fancybox.
The problem is that I want the images to display on a box of the same size regardless of whether they are portrait or landscape images. My images are all either 700 X 525 for landscape or 525 X 700 for portrait.
The way I have it the landscape images load like it is showed on the top of the image below, the portrait images load as shown in the middle, and I want the portrait images to load as shown on the bottom, with the box with the same dimensions as if it were landscape:
I think what I should do is change the left padding depending on the image dimensions but I have no idea how.
Thank you for your help in advance.
I am using Fancybox version: 2.1.4 and I have set the defaults as such:
padding : 15,
margin : 20,
width : 800,
height : 600,
minWidth : 100,
minHeight : 100,
maxWidth : 9999,
maxHeight : 9999,
autoSize : true,
autoHeight : false,
autoWidth : false,
autoResize : true,
autoCenter : !isTouch,
fitToView : true,
aspectRatio : false,
topRatio : 0.5,
leftRatio : 0.5,
I know this post is 11 months old, but I thought I would share my solution in case it helps someone else out in the future.
Basically I have set a min-width css attribute onto the fancybox element and am comparing that against the current image width, if it is smaller I am adding padding to the fancybox element so that the fancybox element stays the same width but the image inside is horizontally centered.
Step 1: in your css set a min-width on the fancybox element. This is the width that you want your fancybox element to stay at regardless of image width.
.fancybox-wrap { min-width: 1120px; }
Step 2: add in the afterLoad function when you call fancybox
afterLoad: function(current) {
var $el = $(".fancybox-wrap").eq(0); // grab the main fancybox element
var getcurrwidth = current.width; // grab the currrent width of the element
var getdesiredwidth = $el.css('min-width'); // grab our min-width that we set from the css
var currwidth = Number(getcurrwidth);
var desiredwidth = Number(getdesiredwidth.replace('px', ''));
if (currwidth < desiredwidth)
var custompadding = (desiredwidth - currwidth) * 0.5; // if the width of the element is smaller than our desired width then set padding amount{'padding-left': custompadding+'px', 'padding-right': custompadding+'px' }); // add equal padding to the fancybox skin element

Titanium.UI.Label property height

In my code I am doing this:
var taskLabel = Ti.UI.createLabel({color:'#777', top:3, textAlign:'center', height:'auto', text:task.title});'Next info is: taskLabel.height');;
But, the output from this is:
[INFO] [123,883] Next info is: taskLabel.height
And nothing more, it looks like it breaks silently, but I guess it shouldn't, based on the API.
I am trying to sum some heights of the elements, but I would prefer it behaved like html postion:relative. Anyway, I'd like to read the height in float, how can I achieve that?
You need to set a fixed width when you use an auto height. For example:
var taskLabel = Ti.UI.createLabel({color:'#777', top:3, textAlign:'center', height:'auto', width: 200, text:task.title});
you are not going to get the height until it is actually rendered and added to view or window.
You cant read the height property off like that, if you didn't manually define it.
It has to be added to a view, and then displayed (assuming it doesn't auto display) before Titanium will return anything about the height.
var window = Ti.UI.createWindow();
var taskLabel = Ti.UI.createLabel({color:'#777', top:3, textAlign:'center', height:'auto', text:task.title});
window.add(taskLabel);;'Next info is: taskLabel.height');;
That should work to show the height.
This should work.
var lbl_obj = Ti.UI.createLabel( { height: 'auto', text:'Test Label', top:10 } );
var height = lbl_obj.toImage().height;;

Appcelerator - Newbie in the mix!

Quick one for any developers using appcelerator out there. I have two labels (This may even bew wrong) which are populated from an RSS feed. One label houses the title and another the description. The content for these comes from an RSS list which all works fine. THe issue I'm having is that some titles are longer than others so I cant fix label heights or it just wont work.
So with that in mind I set the titles height to be auto. The only problem is I cant reference this height from my second label to use the top: property to space it correctly.
Has anyone got any good suggestions?, Am I using the wrong type of Titanium UI method?
My current code is as follows
var current = Titanium.UI.currentWindow;
var selectedItem = current.item;
var description = selectedItem.getElementsByTagName("description");
var story = description.item(0).text;
var label = Ti.UI.createLabel({
var story = Ti.UI.createLabel({
the minimum size of the font when the font is sized based on the contents. Enables font scaling to fit and forces the label content to be limited to a single line
On the containing window / view, set the layout property to 'vertical' - this means the views are stacked on top of one another so your top value doesn't have to know the height of the previous component.
// Windows
var window = Ti.UI.createWindow({
layout: 'vertical',
backgroundColor: '#FFF'
var label = Ti.UI.createLabel({
width: 200,
height: 'auto',
text: 'some long text'
var label2 = Ti.UI.createLabel({
width: 200,
height: 'auto',
text: 'more long text',
top: 10 // This just adds some padding between the two labels