How to used scheduler in informix - scheduler

If I have a stored procedure and need to be run automatically for example every 5 minutes, so how can I use the built in scheduler function in Informix 12.10 ?
Can someone give me advice on what I need to do?

Essentially what you need to do is add a row into the ph_task table of the sysadmin database. Take a look at the topic "Creating a task" in the section describing the scheduler in the Administrator's Guide
There is also further information describing the columns of the ph_task table at


Talend open studio run only created or modified records among 15k

I have a job in talend open studio which is working fine, it conects a tMSSqlinput to a tMap then tMysqlOutput, very straight forward. My problem is that i need this job running on daily basis, but only run when a new record is created or modified...any help is highly aprecciated!
It seems that you are searching for a Change Data Capture Tool for Talend.
Unfortunately it is only available on the licenced product.
To implement your need, you do have several ways. I want to show the most popular ones.
CDC from Talend
As Corentin said correctly, you could choose to use CDC (Change Data Capture) from Talend if you use the subscription version.
Alternatively you can check if you can activate or use CDC in your MSSQL server. This depends on your license. If it is possible, you can use the function to identify new elements and proceed them.
Also you can create triggers on your database (if you have access to it). For example, creating a trigger for the cases INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE would help you getting the deltas. Then you could store those records separately or their IDs.
Software driven / API
If your database is connected to a software and you have developers around, you could ask for a service which identifies records on insert / update / delete and shows them to you. This could be done e.g. in a REST interface.
Delta via ID
If the primary key is an ID and it is set to autoincrement, you could also check your MySQL table for the biggest number and only SELECT those from the source which have a bigger ID than you have already got. This depends of course from the database layout.

Advance Job Sheduler for ISeries

I use INavigor system for ad-hoc data extraction from the DB2 database. Only issue is that when it comes to automation. Is there a way I could automate the SQL code to be run on a specific time? I know there is Advance Job Sheduler but I'm not sure how the SQL can be added to the Sheduler. Any one who can help?
IBM added a Run SQL Statements (RUNSQL) CL command at v7.1.
Prior to that, you could store SQL statements in source files and run them with the Run SQL Statements (RUNSQLSTM) command.
Neither of the above allow an SQL Select to be run by itself. For data extraction, you'd want INSERT INTO tbl (SELECT <...> FROM <...>)
For reporting SELECTs, your best bet is to create a Query Manager query (*QMQRY object) and form (*QMFORM object) via Start DB2 UDB Query Manager (STRQM); which can then be run by the Start Query Management Query (STRQMQRY) command. Query Manager (QM) is SQL based, unlike the older Query/400 product. QM manual is here
One last option, is the db2 utility available via QShell.
Don't waste effort creating a day late going out of business because the job scheduler hasn't updated the file system.
Real businesses need real time data.
Just make a SQL view on the iseries that pulls the info you need together.
Query the view externally in real time. Even if you need last 30 days or last month or year to date. These are all simple views to create.

How to create thousands of dummy records in a table - Oracle

I am learning oracle myself with help of internet...
Now, for some scenario I need thousands of records which should be available in my table.
It is not possible to create thousands of records manually...
Is there any tools or any other way to do the same in ORACLE 10g...
As I said I am a novice to Oracle I need some advices from you SOF professionals....
Thanks in advance...
This database has a JDBC driver. Download Eclipse, add this driver to the path and write ten lines of code to insert as much blabla as required, here tutorial. Even if you have never programmed Java before and would not try again, easy enough to do.

postgresql procedures/triggers

Is it possible to write a stored procedure or trigger that will be executed automatically inside of a database on particular time without any calls from application? If yes, then could anybody give me an example or link to some resource where I can read how to do that.
Check out pgAgent. If that doesn't work for you, there's always cron in Unix/Linux and the Task Scheduler service in Windows.
I don't think there's anything built-in, but you might want to check out
pgjobs or pgAgent.
You can use Stored Procedures. Stored Procedure is a set of statements, which allow ease and flexibility for a programmer because stored procedure is easy to execute than reissuing the number of individual SQL statements but they need to perform the same database operations.Using the stored procedure less information needs to be sent between the server and the client.
You can visit These links :-
Postgres Procedures
Best way to use stored Procedures

monitor Postgres table activity

i need to monitor my postgres server. i need to get an alarm if there is no change in certain tables after a given time. i've been trying to get xymon and nagios to do this and i have not been able to. please help
You probably want to look at pg_stat_user_tables and note whether the statistics for row insertion/deletion/updates have changed for the table. That's the easiest way to check for this sort of activity in monitoring software.
You might also get ideas in this area from looking at the source code to the best of the PostgreSQL monitoring plug-in, the Nagios one: check_postgres
First, create a trigger on the table that activates on any modification statement (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE). This trigger should update a "last-changed" timestamp somewhere (e.g. a field in some other control table).
Then, you'll need a separate process that is started regularly by some external means (e.g. cron on Unix). This process is run e.g. every 10 minutes, or every hour -- whatever granularity you need. It simply checks the last-changed timestamp to determine whether there has been any activity in the period since the last check.
It's not a free solution, but LogicMonitor's postgres monitoring can do this trivially.
If you have a means to get an alert when a file does not change in some time, then I have a less elegant, but probably simpler solution: try to find out the filename where Postgres stores the table in question (someone should dig into system tables in Postgres - maybe ask this in a separate question) and then have your monitoring tool set up to watch the modify time of that file.