monitor Postgres table activity - postgresql

i need to monitor my postgres server. i need to get an alarm if there is no change in certain tables after a given time. i've been trying to get xymon and nagios to do this and i have not been able to. please help

You probably want to look at pg_stat_user_tables and note whether the statistics for row insertion/deletion/updates have changed for the table. That's the easiest way to check for this sort of activity in monitoring software.
You might also get ideas in this area from looking at the source code to the best of the PostgreSQL monitoring plug-in, the Nagios one: check_postgres

First, create a trigger on the table that activates on any modification statement (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE). This trigger should update a "last-changed" timestamp somewhere (e.g. a field in some other control table).
Then, you'll need a separate process that is started regularly by some external means (e.g. cron on Unix). This process is run e.g. every 10 minutes, or every hour -- whatever granularity you need. It simply checks the last-changed timestamp to determine whether there has been any activity in the period since the last check.

It's not a free solution, but LogicMonitor's postgres monitoring can do this trivially.

If you have a means to get an alert when a file does not change in some time, then I have a less elegant, but probably simpler solution: try to find out the filename where Postgres stores the table in question (someone should dig into system tables in Postgres - maybe ask this in a separate question) and then have your monitoring tool set up to watch the modify time of that file.


How can I discover which user and when an index was created?

I have a postgres table with duplicated indexes (called someName and someName1) applied to the same columns. I would like to know which user executed the ddl that created these indexes, and when it happened. Is this possible on postgres?
If you hadn't already set up some kind of auditing or aggressive logging before this happened, then your options are pretty limited.
If you retain WAL files, you could go exploring through those (with pg_waldump and other tools, or by doing PITR) to pinpoint the time. This will probably not be a quick and painless exercise. By looking at surrounding changes, or at log files from the same time, you might be able to figure out who was logged on at the time and also had permissions to create the index.

DB2 updated rows since last check

I want to periodically export data from db2 and load it in another database for analysis.
In order to do this, I would need to know which rows have been inserted/updated since the last time I've exported things from a given table.
A simple solution would probably be to add a timestamp to every table and use that as a reference, but I don't have such a TS at the moment, and I would like to avoid adding it if possible.
Is there any other solution for finding the rows which have been added/updated after a given time (or something else that would solve my issue)?
There is an easy option for a timestamp in Db2 (for LUW) called
This is managed by Db2 and could be defined as HIDDEN so existing SELECT * FROM queries will not retrieve the new row which would cause extra costs.
Check out the Db2 CREATE TABLE documentation
This functionality was originally added for optimistic locking but can be used for such situations as well.
There is a similar concept for Db2 z/OS - you have to check that out as I have not tried this one.
Of cause there are other ways to solve it like Replication etc.
That is not possible if you do not have a timestamp column. With a timestamp, you can know which are new or modified rows.
You can also use the TimeTravel feature, in order to get the new values, but that implies a timestamp column.
Another option, is to put the tables in append mode, and then get the rows after a given one. However, this option is not sure after a reorg, and affects the performance and space utilisation.
One possible option is to use SQL replication, but that needs extra tables for staging.
Finally, another option is to read the logs, with the db2ReadLog API, but that implies a development. Also, just appliying the archived logs into the new database is possible, however the database will remain in roll forward pending.

How to tell if a table has been used in Postgres (9.4)

I am using Postgres 9.4 and I am doing some table clean-up.
Specifically I need to do the clean-up to free up some hard disk space so I am looking at removing tables altogether that are part of old systems that are no longer needed (I will just back them up and remove them).
I know the main ones that are or are no longer needed, however I would like to see if there is a simple way to see the statistics of a table for the following:
The last time an INSERT was performed
The last time a SELECT was performed
The last time an UPDATE was performed
Is there a simple way to see this?

Database Content Versioning

I am interested in keeping a running history of every change which has happened on some tables in my database, thus being able to reconstruct historical states of the database for analysis purposes.
I am using Postgres, and this MVCC thing just seems like I should be able to exploit it for this purpose but I cannot find any documentation to support this. Can I do it? Is there a better way?
Any input is appreciated!
I have marked Denis' response as the answer, because he did in fact answer whether MVCC is what I want which was the question. However, the strategy I have settled on is detailed below in case anyone finds it useful:
The Postgres feature that does what I want: online backup/point in time recovery. explains how to use this feature but essentially you can set this "write ahead log" to archive mode, take a snapshot of the database (say, before it goes live), then continually archive the WAL. You can then use log replay to recall the state of the database at any time, with the side benefit of having a warm standby if you choose (by continually replaying the new WALs on your standby server).
Perhaps this method is not as elegant as other ways of keeping a history, since you need to actually build the database for every point in time you wish to query, however it looks extremely easy to set up and loses zero information. That means when I have the time to improve my handling of historical data, I'll have everything and will therefore be able to transform my clunky system to a more elegant system.
One key fact that makes this so perfect is that my "valid time" is the same as my "transaction time" for the specific application- if this were not the case I would only be capturing "transaction time".
Before I found out about the WAL, I was considering just taking daily snapshots or something but the large size requirement and data loss involved did not sit well with me.
For a quick way to get up and running without compromising my data retention from the outset, this seems like the perfect solution.
Time Travel
PostgreSQL used to have just this feature, and called it "Time Travel". See the old documentation.
There's somewhat similar functionality in the spi contrib module that you might want to check out.
Composite type audit trigger
What I usually do instead is to use triggers to log changes along with timestamps to archival tables, and query against those. If the table structure isn't going to change you can use something like:
CREATE TABLE sometable_history(
command_tag text not null check (command_tag IN ('INSERT','DELETE','UPDATE','TRUNCATE')),
new_content sometable,
change_time timestamp with time zone
and your versioning trigger can just insert into sometable_history(TG_OP,NEW,current_timestamp) (with a different CASE for DELETE, where NEW is not defined).
hstore audit trigger
That gets painful if the schema changes to add new NOT NULL columns though. If you expect to do anything like that consider using a hstore to archive the columns, instead of a composite type. I've already added an implementation of that on the PostgreSQL wiki already.
If you want to avoid impact on your master database (growing tables, etc), you can alternately use continuous archiving and point-in-time recovery to log WAL files that can, using a recovery.conf, be replayed to any moment in time. Note that WAL files are big and they include not only the tuples you changed, but VACUUM activity and other details. You'll want to run them through clearxlogtail since they can have garbage data on the end if they're partial segments from an archive timeout, then you'll want to compress them heavily for long term storage.
I am using Postgres, and this MVCC thing just seems like I should be able to exploit it for this purpose but I cannot find any documentation to support this. Can I do it?
Not really. There are tools to see dead rows, because auto-vacuuming is so that will eventually be reclaimed.
Is there a better way?
If I get your question right, you're looking into logging slowly changing dimensions.
You might find this recent related thread interesting:
Temporal database design, with a twist (live vs draft rows)
I'm not aware of any tools/products that are built for that purpose.
While this may not be exactly what you're asking for, you can configure Postgresql to log ddl changes. Setting the log_line_prefix parameter (try including %d, %m, and %u) and setting the log_statement parameter to ddl should give you a reasonable history of who made what ddl changes and when.
Having said that, I don't believe logging ddl to be foolproof. For example, consider a situation where:
Multiple schemas have a table with the same name,
one of the tables is altered, and
the ddl doesn't fully qualify the table name (relying on the search path to get it right),
then it may not be possible to know from the log which table was actually altered.
Another option might be to log ddl as above but then have a watcher program perform a pg_dump of the database schema whenever a ddl entry get's logged. You could even compare the new dump with the previous dump and extract just the objects that were changed.

Database last updated?

I'm working with SQL 2000 and I need to determine which of these databases are actually being used.
Is there a SQL script I can used to tell me the last time a database was updated? Read? Etc?
I Googled it, but came up empty.
Edit: the following targets issue of finding, post-facto, the last access date. With regards to figuring out who is using which databases, this can definitively monitored with the right filters in the SQL profiler. Beware however that profiler traces can get quite big (and hence slow/hard to analyze) when the filters are not adequate.
Changes to the database schema, i.e. addition of table, columns, triggers and other such objects typically leaves "dated" tracks in the system tables/views (can provide more detail about that if need be).
However, and unless the data itself includes timestamps of sorts, there are typically very few sure-fire ways of knowing when data was changed, unless the recovery model involves keeping all such changes to the Log. In that case you need some tools to "decompile" the log data...
With regards to detecting "read" activity... A tough one. There may be some computer-forensic like tricks, but again, no easy solution I'm afraid (beyond the ability to see in server activity the very last query for all still active connections; obviously a very transient thing ;-) )
I typically run the profiler if I suspect the database is actually used. If there is no activity, then simply set it to read-only or offline.
You can use a transaction log reader to check when data in a database was last modified.
With SQL 2000, I do not know of a way to know when the data was read.
What you can do is to put a trigger on the login to the database and track when the login is successful and track associated variables to find out who / what application is using the DB.
If your database is fully logged, create a new transaction log backup, and check it's size. The log backup will have a fixed small lengh, when there were no changes made to the database since the previous transaction log backup has been made, and it will be larger in case there were changes.
This is not a very exact method, but it can be easily checked, and might work for you.