Script that shows every group user belongs - powershell

I have to create script which lists every group that user, specified by name belongs and shows name of specified user(only local groups and accounts). Specified username should be only argument in script. If we don't declare username, script should use name of user running script. If we declare username which isn't current in system, script shows nothing so there won't be error.
It's my first script homework, I understand how basic programing algorithms work. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with scripting in powershell. I would be very glad if someone could lend a hand and write script or show some directed tutorials.

As for …
Apparently Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership is not the way
… that's not really a valid statement and there are several Q&A's on your use case on this very site. Basically, it's just something like this.
# Get users with base properties and their group membership, display user and group name
ForEach ($TargetUser in (Get-ADUser -Filter *))
"`n" + "-"*12 + " Showing group membership for " + $TargetUser.SamAccountName
Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $TargetUser.SamAccountName | Select Name
# Results
------------ Showing group membership for Administrator
Domain Users
------------ Showing group membership for Guest
Domain Guests
Update for OP
I used the cmdlet to explain what you were using.
If you are on PowerShell v5, there are already local group cmdlets for this.
Get-Command -Name *LocalUser*
# Results
CommandType Name
Cmdlet Disable-LocalUser
Cmdlet Enable-LocalUser
Cmdlet Get-LocalUser
Cmdlet New-LocalUser
Cmdlet Remove-LocalUser
Cmdlet Rename-LocalUser
Cmdlet Set-LocalUser
Get-Command -Name *LocalGroup*
# Results
CommandType Name
Cmdlet Add-LocalGroupMember
Cmdlet Get-LocalGroup
Cmdlet Get-LocalGroupMember
Cmdlet New-LocalGroup
Cmdlet Remove-LocalGroup
Cmdlet Remove-LocalGroupMember
Cmdlet Rename-LocalGroup
Cmdlet Set-LocalGroup
Then doing something like this...
$LocalUserName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter a username'
# If no user is passed, list all
If($LocalUserName -eq '')
ForEach($GroupName in Get-LocalGroup)
Get-LocalGroupMember -Group "$($GroupName.Name)" |
Select #{n='GroupName';e={$($GroupName.Name)}},Name
# process only the user passed
Get-LocalGroup |
If(Get-LocalGroupMember -Group "$($_.Name)" -Member $LocalUserName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
GroupName = $_.Name
Username = $LocalUserName
If you are on lower versions, the you can use the module, or use ADSI directly. There are lots of articles and samples for this on this site and all over the web.
LocalUserManagement 3.0
a module that performs various local user management functions
See also:
Managing Local User Accounts with PowerShell - Part 1


How to run this script against another domain

I have the script below to give me the distinguished name for groups in a spreadsheet I have. The issue is, the groups are located in another domain. How do I point my script to that domain? Issue is I know I have to be logged in to that domain to run it but I cant.
$Groups = Get-Content -Path C:\Scripts\DistinguishedName.csv
ForEach ($Group in $Groups) {
Get-ADGroup -Identity $Group | Select-Object distinguishedName
The cmdlets in the Active Directory module support passing in the value of the domain controller you are wanting to query. By default when you call Get-ADGroup (or any of the other) it will validate what domain it should query by checking the domain of your current machine.
The other option is to provide the -Server (doc) with the value of the Active Directory Domain Services you want to execute your query against.
You can also provide the -Credential parameter with a PSCredential object that contains your login for that other domain. This is required if the current login of your PowerShell session is not authorized to authenticate against that other domain.
So your example script would look something like this:
$AdDomain = ""
$adCred = Get-Credential
$Groups = Get-Content -Path C:\Scripts\DistinguishedName.csv
ForEach ($Group in $Groups) {
Get-ADGroup -Identity $Group -Server $AdDomain -Credential $adCred | Select-Object distinguishedName

Powershell GPO Login Script checking AD resource group membership

The system I have to work with uses AD resource group membership to manage most of the permissions for users and computers. I have been asked to improve the current logon script as it currently contains some VB ADSISEARCHER calls. I started trying to do this purely in powershell but have hit a number of hurdles.
Target machines do not have the Active Directory Module installed
The users logging into the system have a restricted user accounts
The resource groups are nested so the script needs to handle this
I have tried a couple of approaches firstly the pure Powershell Cmdlet method of Get-ADGroup or Get-ADPricipalGroupMembership but these Cmdlet's require the Active Directory Module. Then I tried the .net approach with System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry although this is a step away from a pure PowerShell solution at least it isn't as Legacy as the VB route. However when I try to build the object it also appears to be missing the name space.
First Attempt:
function Get-UserResourceMembership
# Username or Groupname to Discover Group Membership
$Groups = #(Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $User)
foreach($ADGroup in $Groups)
if($ADGroup.ObjectClass -eq "Group")
Get-UserResourceMembership $ADGroup
$GrpMembership = #($ADGroup)
return ,$GrpMembership
Second Attempt:
# $rootGroup is passed in from earlier in the script
$groupname = $rootGroup.'Group Name'
$filter = ("(&(objectCategory=Group)(name=$($groupname)))")
$searcher.Filter = $filter
$searcher.SearchScope = "Subtree"
$searchResults = $searcher.FindAll().GetDirectoryEntry().memberOf |
% { (New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://"+$_)) } |
Sort-Object Children | select #{name="Group Name";expression={$_.Name}}
foreach($resource in $searchResults)
if($resource.'Group Name' -match "<Groupname>")
$printResource += $resource
Does anyone in the community have any suggestions how to pull group membership [nested] from Active Directory from a standard users login script??? Any idea's much appreciated....
PS I can't change the way the system is designed (above my pay grade).
As for ...
• Target machines do not have the Active Directory Module installed
• The users logging into the system have a restricted user accounts
• The resource groups are nested so the script needs to handle this
Does not matter, they do not need to be installed on a client to use
them. You can use PSRemoting to proxy those using 'Implicit
Remoting'. The cmdlets are only available in the remote session.
Does not matter, as every user has read access, by default to ADDS
in Windows.
You can get to those using the cmdlets you are using and
there are even pre-built scripts in the Microsoft
for this as well.
As for …
I have tried a couple of approaches firstly the pure Powershell Cmdlet
method of Get-ADGroup or Get-ADPricipalGroupMembership but these
Cmdlet's require the Active Directory Module.
As noted above, this can be addressed as described below:
PowerShell Implicit Remoting: Never Install a Module Again
Remote Session
# create a session then import a module via the session, for example:
$adsess = New-PSSession -ComputerName savdaldc01
Import-Module -Name ActiveDirectory -PSSession $adsess
Get-ADUser -Filter *
Remove-Module ActiveDirectory
# It's also possible to prefix modules loaded from remote servers to differentiate from local modules, e.g.
Import-Module -Name ActiveDirectory -PSSession $adsess -Prefix OnDC
Get-OnDCADUser -Filter * #I don't have regular Get-ADUser anymore
Remove-Module ActiveDirectory
Remove-PSSession $adsess
As for ...
Does anyone in the community have any suggestions how to pull group
membership [nested]
Get nested group membership - function
This function will recursively enumerate members of a given group
along with nesting level and parent group information. If there is a
circular membership, it will be displayed in Comment column.It accepts
input from pipeline and works well with get-adgroup. Download:
As well as just doing this...
We can get group members by using the Active Directory powershell
cmlet Get-ADGroupMember. The Get-ADGroupMember cmdlet provides the
option to get all the nested group members by passing the parameter
-Recursive. This powershell script also handles circular membership (infinite loop) problem.
Function Get-ADNestedGroupMembers
[String] $Group
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
($Members = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group -Recursive)
Get-ADNestedGroupMembers "Domain Admins" | Select Name,DistinguishedName
or this way.
function Get-NestedGroupMember
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$user = Get-ADUser -Identity $Identity
$userdn = $user.DistinguishedName
$strFilter = "(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=$userdn)"
Get-ADGroup -LDAPFilter $strFilter -ResultPageSize 1000
All of the methods below list all groups including nested groups.
The example below would execute a gpresult command in the user's context. The gpresult outputs to an XML file within the user's local profile, which they should have full access to already. Then the XML file is read and traversed through each node until you reach the node containing the groups. The group list contains local and domain groups and is outputted directly to the console. This can easily be stored in a variable or output to a file. If you only want domain groups, that could easily be filtered from here with a Regex. It requires that the client machines are running at least Windows Vista SP1 or later.
gpresult /USER "$env:userdomain\$env:username" /X "$env:userprofile\rsop.xml"
$xml = [xml](Get-Content "$env:userprofile\rsop.xml")
$xml.Rsop.UserResults.SecurityGroup.Name."#text" # Displays the groups
Remove-Item "$env:userprofile\rsop.xml" # Removes the XML file
You could also use a potentially use Regex matching to find the group list:
$out = gpresult /R /USER $env:username
$GroupsUnfiltered = (($out | out-string) -split "-{10,}")[-1]
$Groups = ($GroupsUnfiltered.trim() -replace "(?m)^\s+","") -split "(?m)\r?\n"
The following can also work if your group list always begins with a predictable group like Domain Users in this example:
$out = gpresult /R /USER $env:username
$GroupList = $out.where({$_ -match "domain users"},'SkipUntil').trim()
This code assumes that the users and machines are joined to the same domain or are at least joined to trusted domains. The second code snippet assumes every user is in the Domain Users group and the machines are natively PowerShell v4 or higher.

PowerShell: Get membership info for a computer account (not a user account)

Getting an ambiguous identity error. I can search successfully to return the group that a user account is a member of, but when I try to search for the groups that a computer account is a member of there is the ambiguous identity error. I tried to use a -type or -identity switch, but either I did not have the syntax correct or it was just not applicable.
Where my targeted computer account is called SNA00760856, I have been working on using...
Get-QADGroup -Containsindirectmember SNA00760856
Any massaging that I can do to the command to get the groups that the computer SNA00760856 is a member of? Dropping in a user account in place of the computer account works like a charm.
I have also tried to qualify the computer name with the domain info.
Ie or mydivision\SNA00760856
Also tried to collect the membership of the computer using which I know is wrong after a closer reading of the switch info....
Get-QADobject -IndirectMemberOf SNA00760856
Results in ambiguous identity as well.
You can get the group memberships of a computer in AD through the ActiveDirectory module with Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership. You'll need to search via the computers DistinguishedName, which can be achieved by leveraging Get-ADComputer:
Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership (Get-ADComputer SNA00760856).DistinguishedName
That'll return all of the group objects SNA00760856 is a member of.
If you want to clean up the output, use this
Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership (Get-ADComputer ComputerName) | select-object name
If you export to a list use
Get-AdPrincipalGroupMembership ( Get-ADComputer XXXXXXX ) | Out-File C:\XXX\XXX
I used something to pull down the AD Computer information and the Computer membership into one Text file.
This is using $Env:computerName to get the name of computer script is run on. If you want to select a different computer, change out the variable $HostName = to a computer name of your choice. Example $HostName = "Janes-Laptop01" .
The computer you run this script on must have the Active Directory module installed for this to work.
Import-module -Name ActiveDirectory
$HostName = $Env:computerName
$path = "c:\temp\Computer_AD_Membership_Info_$($HostName)_$(get-date -f yyyyMMdd-hhmm).txt"
Echo "`r`n ******* Computer OU Information. ******* `r`n" | Out-File -FilePath $path -Encoding utf8 -Force ;
Get-AdComputer -Identity $($HostName) -Properties * | Out-File -FilePath $path -Encoding utf8 -Append -Force ;
Echo "`r`n ******* AD Groups Computer Member of. ******* `r`n" | Out-File -FilePath $path -Encoding utf8 -Append -Force ;
Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership (Get-ADComputer $($HostName)).DistinguishedName | Out-File -FilePath $path -Encoding utf8 -Append -Force ;

Active Directory referral chasing issue

Maybe someone who has more experience with Active Directory can help me.
I need to get info such as OS, name, FQDN from a computer in a different domain.
I will explain what I mean.
I have root domain:, with 2 subdomains: and
Each domain contain 1 computer. Both of them in one group, for example groupfoo, they also in different OU
I can get info about members in group, I try PowerShell and dsquery. Both of them return right list of computers in group. But I can get info only from computer in the same domain where I run PowerShell script and dsquery.
to be clear I have one more computer not in groupfoo, and this computer used for administrating Active Directory.
As I understand in Active Directory we have thing such as "referral chasing".
I read a lot and as I know Power Shell don't have an options such as "enable referral chasing". For dsquery I found option -r for recursive request.
What I have already tried:
PS> dsquery group -name goupfoo | dsget group -members
"CN=member01,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=xxx,DC=example,DC=com"
"CN=member02,OU=XXX,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=yyy,DC=xxx,DC=example,DC=com"
My computer in DC=yyy,DC=xxx,DC=example,DC=com I can get info from CN=member02,OU=XXX,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=yyy,DC=xxx,DC=example,DC=com
PS > dsquery * -filter "(&(objectClass=Computer)(objectCategory=Computer)(sAMAccountName=member02$))" -attr sAMAccountName operatingSystem
sAMAccountName operatingSystem
member02$ Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
running the same command for member01 yielded no results :
PS > dsquery * -filter "(&(objectClass=Computer)(objectCategory=Computer)(sAMAccountName=member01$))" -attr sAMAccountName operatingSystem
PS >
I tried different variation of dsquery, I try -r key for recursive, but it's dosen't work.
Maybe important thing, in the settings of "DC=yyy,DC=xxx,DC=example,DC=com" I saw what "DC=xxx,DC=example,DC=com" it's a trusted parent for "DC=yyy,DC=xxx,DC=example,DC=com" maybe I can get info doing the same from parent domain?
The same I can get with Power Shell Get-ADGroup, Get-ADMember etc, I tried use all options, credentials, server etc. it's always return info only from one computer in the same domain as I am.
Try using a DirectorySearcher object:
$filter = "(&(objectCategory=Computer)(sAMAccountName=$computername))"
$properties = 'distinguishedName', 'sAMAccountName', ...
$search = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$search.SearchRoot = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry
$search.Filter = $filter
$search.SearchScope = 'Subtree'
$search.ReferralChasing = [DirectoryServices.ReferralChasingOption]::All
$properties | % { $search.PropertiesToLoad.Add($_) } | Out-Null
I don't know if ActiveDirectory module cmdlets actually support referral chasing.

List group memberships for AD users

Using the following Powershell snippet I get the names of the group memberships for the current user:
$groups = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Groups
foreach($i in $groups){
How can I modify this such I can supply the user account name as parameter?
If you have access to the ActiveDirectory module, I'd suggest you use Get-ADUser. In case you can't use that module, you could use the System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement assembly:
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement
$username = read-host -prompt "Enter a username"
$ct = [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextType]::Domain
$user = [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal]::FindByIdentity($ct, $username)
$groups = $user.GetGroups()
foreach($i in $groups){
You can download from Quest site this PSSnapin: Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement. (ActiveRoles Management Shell for Active Directory )
Is freeware and the you can do:
(get-qaduser username).memberof
To get the list of direct groups membership for the user 'username'
get-help is your best friend:
PS> get-help *member*
Name Category Synopsis
---- -------- --------
Export-ModuleMember Cmdlet Specifies the module members that are exported.
Add-Member Cmdlet Adds a user-defined custom member to an instance of a Windows PowerShell object.
Get-Member Cmdlet Gets the properties and methods of objects.
Add-ADGroupMember Cmdlet Adds one or more members to an Active Directory group.
Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership Cmdlet Adds a member to one or more Active Directory groups.
Get-ADGroupMember Cmdlet Gets the members of an Active Directory group.
Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership Cmdlet Gets the Active Directory groups that have a specified user, computer, group, or ser...
Remove-ADGroupMember Cmdlet Removes one or more members from an Active Directory group.
Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership Cmdlet Removes a member from one or more Active Directory groups.
$username = "someusername"
get-adprincipalgroupmembership $username | select name