Active Directory referral chasing issue - powershell

Maybe someone who has more experience with Active Directory can help me.
I need to get info such as OS, name, FQDN from a computer in a different domain.
I will explain what I mean.
I have root domain:, with 2 subdomains: and
Each domain contain 1 computer. Both of them in one group, for example groupfoo, they also in different OU
I can get info about members in group, I try PowerShell and dsquery. Both of them return right list of computers in group. But I can get info only from computer in the same domain where I run PowerShell script and dsquery.
to be clear I have one more computer not in groupfoo, and this computer used for administrating Active Directory.
As I understand in Active Directory we have thing such as "referral chasing".
I read a lot and as I know Power Shell don't have an options such as "enable referral chasing". For dsquery I found option -r for recursive request.
What I have already tried:
PS> dsquery group -name goupfoo | dsget group -members
"CN=member01,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=xxx,DC=example,DC=com"
"CN=member02,OU=XXX,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=yyy,DC=xxx,DC=example,DC=com"
My computer in DC=yyy,DC=xxx,DC=example,DC=com I can get info from CN=member02,OU=XXX,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=yyy,DC=xxx,DC=example,DC=com
PS > dsquery * -filter "(&(objectClass=Computer)(objectCategory=Computer)(sAMAccountName=member02$))" -attr sAMAccountName operatingSystem
sAMAccountName operatingSystem
member02$ Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
running the same command for member01 yielded no results :
PS > dsquery * -filter "(&(objectClass=Computer)(objectCategory=Computer)(sAMAccountName=member01$))" -attr sAMAccountName operatingSystem
PS >
I tried different variation of dsquery, I try -r key for recursive, but it's dosen't work.
Maybe important thing, in the settings of "DC=yyy,DC=xxx,DC=example,DC=com" I saw what "DC=xxx,DC=example,DC=com" it's a trusted parent for "DC=yyy,DC=xxx,DC=example,DC=com" maybe I can get info doing the same from parent domain?
The same I can get with Power Shell Get-ADGroup, Get-ADMember etc, I tried use all options, credentials, server etc. it's always return info only from one computer in the same domain as I am.

Try using a DirectorySearcher object:
$filter = "(&(objectCategory=Computer)(sAMAccountName=$computername))"
$properties = 'distinguishedName', 'sAMAccountName', ...
$search = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$search.SearchRoot = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry
$search.Filter = $filter
$search.SearchScope = 'Subtree'
$search.ReferralChasing = [DirectoryServices.ReferralChasingOption]::All
$properties | % { $search.PropertiesToLoad.Add($_) } | Out-Null
I don't know if ActiveDirectory module cmdlets actually support referral chasing.


Set-GPPermission correctly in a script

I started to write a script for my domain but not sure how to finish it.
I got a GPO to turn off Windows firewall without an option to turn it on for endpoint computers in the domain.
I want the new computers to be added to this GPO with the permission "deny all" I'm just not sure how to finish it, this is what I've got so far:
$NewPC=Get-ADComputer -Filter {whenCreated -gt $limit} -Properties whenCreated
$NewPC | ForEach-Object Set-GPPermission -Name <GPO_Name> -TargetType Group -PermissionLevel PermissionLevel
the two 1st lines just to get the list of the computers which is working well, but I've some kind of trouble in the last line, actually getting the computers into the GPO and to set the permissions right, I tried a few methods but I can't get to work, what am I doing wrong here?
After several tries, I managed to figure out a solution to make it work, just keep in mind that, In my environment the PC's are redirected to a different location from the Computer container to an OU and and the principle name is no longer in use so I used the name only.
$NewPC | ForEach-Object {Set-GPPermission -Name <GPO> -TargetType Computer -TargetName $NewPC -PermissionLevel GpoApply}

Trying to dynamically connect in Powershell to nearest Exchange Server

New-PSSession wants a -ConnectionURI of an explict Exchange server. I don't want to hardcode a name in the script (we have 32 servers), and furthermore I want it to select an exchange that is in the same datacenter.
I want a solution similar to Get-ADDomainController -Discover -GetClosestSite But it seems I'm hoping for too much.
I suppose I can pull the members of cn=Exchange Install Domain Servers and do some site dependent ranking on them.
Looking for best practices.
Update Edit: 9/26 I have achieved a solution. It may be site specific, but I'll share below in an answer to show the final code. The answer provided by postanote provided pointers that helped me move forward.
There is no official documented best practices for PowerShell in general (there are too many variables in the mix, but some have put their thoughts in the topic , for example, this one - ) or for what you are asking for from Microsoft.
As for you point here:
I suppose I can pull the members of cn=Exchange Install Domain Servers
and do some site dependent ranking on them.
This is not something new, or tricky, so you can do this.
I have code in my personal library that I use that does this as well as for other doing resources, so I never have to hardcode server names for Exchange, SQL, DC, etc.
There are several blogs (that have been out there for a while now) on the topic with sample code to use as is or tweak as needed, which is why I asked what you've searched for.
One of those blog examples of how to do this is here:
The examples provided:
an active directory user with mailbox will have 2 attributes (msExchHomeServerName and homemdb) that will contain the name of the
mailbox server that has his mailbox - once conected to one server you
can use exchange console to find the rest of them;
Get-ADUser samaccountname -Properties msExchHomeServerName, homemdb |Select-Object msExchHomeServerName, homemdb |Format-List
active directory computer type objects contain "exchange" word in servicePrincipalName attribute; you can use only your
organizational unit that contain your servers if you have one to
narrow your search:
Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase 'OU= SERVERS, DC=domain_name,DC=net' -Properties * | Where-Object {$_.serviceprincipalname -like '*exchange*'} |select-object name
active directory configuration partition contain information about exchange servers in domain; you can search for objects of class
Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter "(objectClass=msExchExchangeServer)" –SearchBase "CN=Configuration,DC=domainname,DC=net" | Select-Object name
or you can list all objects from "CN=Servers,CN=First Administrative Group,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=INTERNAL,CN=Microsoft
Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domainname,DC=net" using
powershell or ADSI Edit console;
Get-ADObject -Filter * -SearchBase "CN=Servers,CN=First Administrative Group,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=INTERNAL,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domainname,DC=net" -SearchScope onelevel
Or this post:
dsquery * "cn=Configuration,dc=MyDomain,dc=com" -Filter "(objectCategory=msExchExchangeServer)"
Or if you are really trying to get an Exchange server in given site, then this to already exists. See this GitHub source:
The sample provided is:
function Get-ExchangeServerInSite {
$ADSite = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.ActiveDirectorySite]
$siteDN = $ADSite::GetComputerSite().GetDirectoryEntry().distinguishedName
$search = new-object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([ADSI]"LDAP://$configNC")
$objectClass = "objectClass=msExchExchangeServer"
$version = "versionNumber>=1937801568"
$site = "msExchServerSite=$siteDN"
$search.Filter = "(&($objectClass)($version)($site))"
[void] $search.PropertiesToLoad.Add("name")
[void] $search.PropertiesToLoad.Add("msexchcurrentserverroles")
[void] $search.PropertiesToLoad.Add("networkaddress")
$search.FindAll() | %{
New-Object PSObject -Property #{
Name = $[0]
FQDN = $_.Properties.networkaddress |
%{if ($_ -match "ncacn_ip_tcp") {$_.split(":")[1]}}
Roles = $_.Properties.msexchcurrentserverroles[0]
I'm accepting postanote's answer as being most helpful.
In the end, I created a solution that may be site and Exchange install specific, but it does illustrate another technique.
My constraints that were different than most other solutions I found and include; that the given user did not currently have a mailbox on the system. Hence the code beyond this snippet will gather some data, then select a specific database.
I discovered that the Exchange server version we have installed, creates some records in "CN=Exchange Install Domain Servers,CN=Microsoft Exchange System Objects," In particular, the Members attribute has a list of servers.
I extracted that list, sorted it by Site (local to front), and then resolved the FQDN to form a URI to connect.
Function Connect-Exchange {
# Find servers list, then sort by name given what site we are running in: SITE1 = Ascending , SITE2 = Descending
$ADSite = (Get-ADDomainController).Site
if ($ADSite -like "SITE1*") { $descOrder = $true } else { $descOrder = $false }
$exchSession = $null
$ExchServersDN = "CN=Exchange Install Domain Servers,CN=Microsoft Exchange System Objects,DC=example,DC=com”
$ExchServers = (Get-ADObject -Identity $($ExchServersDN) -Properties Member).Member | Sort-Object -Descending:$descOrder
# Iterate through Exchange server list until connection succeeds
$i = 0;
while ((-Not $exchSession) -and ($i -lt $ExchServers.Count)) {
$ExchServerURI = "http://" + (Get-ADObject -Identity $ExchServers[$i] -Properties dNSHostName).dnsHostName + "/Powershell"
$exchSession = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionURI $ExchServerURI -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
If (-Not $exchSession) { $i++ }
else {
Import-PSSession $exchSession -DisableNameChecking | Out-Null
return $exchSession

Powershell GPO Login Script checking AD resource group membership

The system I have to work with uses AD resource group membership to manage most of the permissions for users and computers. I have been asked to improve the current logon script as it currently contains some VB ADSISEARCHER calls. I started trying to do this purely in powershell but have hit a number of hurdles.
Target machines do not have the Active Directory Module installed
The users logging into the system have a restricted user accounts
The resource groups are nested so the script needs to handle this
I have tried a couple of approaches firstly the pure Powershell Cmdlet method of Get-ADGroup or Get-ADPricipalGroupMembership but these Cmdlet's require the Active Directory Module. Then I tried the .net approach with System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry although this is a step away from a pure PowerShell solution at least it isn't as Legacy as the VB route. However when I try to build the object it also appears to be missing the name space.
First Attempt:
function Get-UserResourceMembership
# Username or Groupname to Discover Group Membership
$Groups = #(Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $User)
foreach($ADGroup in $Groups)
if($ADGroup.ObjectClass -eq "Group")
Get-UserResourceMembership $ADGroup
$GrpMembership = #($ADGroup)
return ,$GrpMembership
Second Attempt:
# $rootGroup is passed in from earlier in the script
$groupname = $rootGroup.'Group Name'
$filter = ("(&(objectCategory=Group)(name=$($groupname)))")
$searcher.Filter = $filter
$searcher.SearchScope = "Subtree"
$searchResults = $searcher.FindAll().GetDirectoryEntry().memberOf |
% { (New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://"+$_)) } |
Sort-Object Children | select #{name="Group Name";expression={$_.Name}}
foreach($resource in $searchResults)
if($resource.'Group Name' -match "<Groupname>")
$printResource += $resource
Does anyone in the community have any suggestions how to pull group membership [nested] from Active Directory from a standard users login script??? Any idea's much appreciated....
PS I can't change the way the system is designed (above my pay grade).
As for ...
• Target machines do not have the Active Directory Module installed
• The users logging into the system have a restricted user accounts
• The resource groups are nested so the script needs to handle this
Does not matter, they do not need to be installed on a client to use
them. You can use PSRemoting to proxy those using 'Implicit
Remoting'. The cmdlets are only available in the remote session.
Does not matter, as every user has read access, by default to ADDS
in Windows.
You can get to those using the cmdlets you are using and
there are even pre-built scripts in the Microsoft
for this as well.
As for …
I have tried a couple of approaches firstly the pure Powershell Cmdlet
method of Get-ADGroup or Get-ADPricipalGroupMembership but these
Cmdlet's require the Active Directory Module.
As noted above, this can be addressed as described below:
PowerShell Implicit Remoting: Never Install a Module Again
Remote Session
# create a session then import a module via the session, for example:
$adsess = New-PSSession -ComputerName savdaldc01
Import-Module -Name ActiveDirectory -PSSession $adsess
Get-ADUser -Filter *
Remove-Module ActiveDirectory
# It's also possible to prefix modules loaded from remote servers to differentiate from local modules, e.g.
Import-Module -Name ActiveDirectory -PSSession $adsess -Prefix OnDC
Get-OnDCADUser -Filter * #I don't have regular Get-ADUser anymore
Remove-Module ActiveDirectory
Remove-PSSession $adsess
As for ...
Does anyone in the community have any suggestions how to pull group
membership [nested]
Get nested group membership - function
This function will recursively enumerate members of a given group
along with nesting level and parent group information. If there is a
circular membership, it will be displayed in Comment column.It accepts
input from pipeline and works well with get-adgroup. Download:
As well as just doing this...
We can get group members by using the Active Directory powershell
cmlet Get-ADGroupMember. The Get-ADGroupMember cmdlet provides the
option to get all the nested group members by passing the parameter
-Recursive. This powershell script also handles circular membership (infinite loop) problem.
Function Get-ADNestedGroupMembers
[String] $Group
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
($Members = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group -Recursive)
Get-ADNestedGroupMembers "Domain Admins" | Select Name,DistinguishedName
or this way.
function Get-NestedGroupMember
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$user = Get-ADUser -Identity $Identity
$userdn = $user.DistinguishedName
$strFilter = "(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=$userdn)"
Get-ADGroup -LDAPFilter $strFilter -ResultPageSize 1000
All of the methods below list all groups including nested groups.
The example below would execute a gpresult command in the user's context. The gpresult outputs to an XML file within the user's local profile, which they should have full access to already. Then the XML file is read and traversed through each node until you reach the node containing the groups. The group list contains local and domain groups and is outputted directly to the console. This can easily be stored in a variable or output to a file. If you only want domain groups, that could easily be filtered from here with a Regex. It requires that the client machines are running at least Windows Vista SP1 or later.
gpresult /USER "$env:userdomain\$env:username" /X "$env:userprofile\rsop.xml"
$xml = [xml](Get-Content "$env:userprofile\rsop.xml")
$xml.Rsop.UserResults.SecurityGroup.Name."#text" # Displays the groups
Remove-Item "$env:userprofile\rsop.xml" # Removes the XML file
You could also use a potentially use Regex matching to find the group list:
$out = gpresult /R /USER $env:username
$GroupsUnfiltered = (($out | out-string) -split "-{10,}")[-1]
$Groups = ($GroupsUnfiltered.trim() -replace "(?m)^\s+","") -split "(?m)\r?\n"
The following can also work if your group list always begins with a predictable group like Domain Users in this example:
$out = gpresult /R /USER $env:username
$GroupList = $out.where({$_ -match "domain users"},'SkipUntil').trim()
This code assumes that the users and machines are joined to the same domain or are at least joined to trusted domains. The second code snippet assumes every user is in the Domain Users group and the machines are natively PowerShell v4 or higher.

Processing ForeignSecurityPrincipal

DomainA and DomainB trust each other. Some DomainB users are members of DomainA local domain groups. How can I get ForeignSecurityPrincipal in PowerShell and get list of its groups?
That was surprisingly simple:
Get-ADObject -Filter {ObjectClass -eq "foreignSecurityPrincipal"} -Properties msds-principalname,memberof
where "msds-principalname" is sAMAccountName, so I can search now through FSPs by sAMAccountName and get its groups.
You can get the list of foreign security principals in a domain by running Get-ADObject cmdlet with SearchBase set to CN=ForeignSecurityPrincipals,DC=domain,DC=com and LDAPFilter to something acceptable, like (|(objectCategory=user)(objectCategory=group)). Then, you can use this script to get its domain\username. Then you query that domain for DCs via Get-ADDomain and Get-ADDomainController, get the user object from there and run Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership in your current domain against the retrieved user. An example (untested, as I have no env with many domains):
$fsps = get-adobject -ldapfilter $ldf -searchbase $fspc
# got principals here
foreach ($fsp in $fsps) {
$fspsid=New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($
($fspdomain, $fspsam) = ($securityPrincipalObject.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).value).Split("\")
# ^ this can throw exceptions if there's no remote user, take care
$fspdc=(get-addomaincontroller -domainname $fspdomain -discover)[0] # taking first one
$fspuser=get-aduser $fspsam -server $fspdc.hostname # use crossdomain DNS to resolve the DC
$fspgroups=get-adprincipalgroupmembership $fspuser # local query
$fspgroups # now do whatever you need with them and the $fspuser

List of active directory group members that are not disabled

I've been trying to locate / write a script that displays all NON disabled accounts in an active directory group.
The closest I've come to a working script displays all members of a group but it also shows the disabled users.
Here's the non-filtered query.
dsquery group -name "admins" | dsget group -members -expand
Please help,
Given that you tagged this with PowerShell, I will lean that direction with my answer.
If you are have the ActiveDirectory module from the AD DS RSAT tools installed (using PowerShell 3.0 or greater here)
Get-ADGroupMember "CN=Group DN,OU=Group OU,DC=domain,DC=com" | ? ObjectClass -eq "User" | Get-ADUser | ? Enabled
If you want to recourse through nested groups, use the -Recursive parameter on the Get-ADGroupMember cmdlet.