Pass variables to function - powershell

I have 2 functions. The functions need to pass a few earlier declared variables like this:
Function variable1, variable2
Now I've tried doing param with [ref] without success.
Here's the code for one of the functions. In this case the variables that are declared earlier are $wincluster and $vmhostwin.
function deploytemplatewin {
foreach ($image in $winimage) {
$templatename = $image, $wincluster -join "_"
$vcdatastore = $vc + "_vm_template_01"
try {
Get-Template $templatename -ErrorAction Stop;
$TemplateExists = $true
} catch {
$TemplateExists = $false
if ($TemplateExists -eq $false) {
Write-Log -Message "$($templatename) template was copied to cluster $($wincluster) on vCenter $($vc)"
New-VM -Name $templatename -VMHost $vmhostwin -Datastore $vcdatastore -Location (Get-Folder -Name WinTemplates) |
Set-VM -ToTemplate -Confirm:$false
} elseif ($TemplateExists -eq $true) {
Write-Log -Message "Template $($templatename) already existed in cluster $($wincluster) on vCenter $($vc)"
Worst case, I can explicitly state the variables in the function and it works.

If you want a function with parameters you need to define the parameters. You may also want to use the canonical Verb-Noun form for your function name (see here for a list of approved verbs).
Simple approach:
function Deploy-WindowsTemplate($Cluster, $VMHost) {
foreach ($image in $winimage) {
$templatename = $image, $Cluster -join "_"
More advanced approach:
function Deploy-WindowsTemplate {
foreach ($image in $winimage) {
$templatename = $image, $Cluster -join "_"
If you want you could also go without parameters and use the automatic variable $args, although I wouldn't recommend that.
function Deploy-WindowsTemplate {
foreach ($image in $winimage) {
$templatename = $image, $args[0] -join "_"
Note, however, that when calling a function parameter/argument values are separated by whitespace, not commas. They can be passed as positional parameters (by default in the order the parameters were defined)
Deploy-WindowsTemplate $wincluster $vmhostwin
or named parameters
Deploy-WindowsTemplate -Cluster $wincluster -VMHost $vmhostwin
Comma-separated values are passed as a single array argument.
Deploy-WindowsTemplate $wincluster, $vmhostwin
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# one argument!


How to pass $_ ($PSItem) in a ScriptBlock

I'm basically building my own parallel foreach pipeline function, using runspaces.
My problem is: I call my function like this:
somePipeline | MyNewForeachFunction { scriptBlockHere } | pipelineGoesOn...
How can I pass the $_ parameter correctly into the ScriptBlock? It works when the ScriptBlock contains as first line
But as you might have noticed, the powershell built-in ForEach-Object and Where-Object do not need such a parameter declaration in every ScriptBlock that is passed to them.
Thanks for your answers in advance
The goal is: I want comfort for the users of function MyNewForeachFunction - they shoudln't need to write a line param($_) in their script blocks.
Inside MyNewForeachFunction, The ScriptBlock is currently called via
$PSInstance = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock).AddParameter('_', $_)
The point is, how does for example the implementation of the built-in function ForEach-Object achieve that $_ need't be declared as a parameter in its ScriptBlock parameter, and can I use that functionality, too?
(If the answer is, ForEach-Object is a built-in function and uses some magic I can't use, then this would disqualify the language PowerShell as a whole in my opinion)
Thanks to mklement0, I could finally build my general foreach loop. Here's the code:
function ForEachParallel {
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int] $PoolSize = 20,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $PipelineObject
Begin {
$RunspacePool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $poolSize)
$Runspaces = #()
Process {
$PSInstance = [powershell]::Create().
AddCommand('Set-Variable').AddParameter('Name', '_').AddParameter('Value', $PipelineObject).
AddCommand('Set-Variable').AddParameter('Name', 'ErrorActionPreference').AddParameter('Value', 'Stop').
$PSInstance.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool
$Runspaces += New-Object PSObject -Property #{
Instance = $PSInstance
IAResult = $PSInstance.BeginInvoke()
Argument = $PipelineObject
End {
while($True) {
$completedRunspaces = #($Runspaces | where {$_.IAResult.IsCompleted})
$completedRunspaces | foreach {
Write-Output $_.Instance.EndInvoke($_.IAResult)
if($completedRunspaces.Count -eq $Runspaces.Count) {
$Runspaces = #($Runspaces | where { $completedRunspaces -notcontains $_ })
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 250
Code partly from MathiasR.Jessen, Why PowerShell workflow is significantly slower than non-workflow script for XML file analysis
The key is to define $_ as a variable that your script block can see, via a call to Set-Variable.
Here's a simple example:
function MyNewForeachFunction {
[scriptblock] $ScriptBlock
process {
$PSInstance = [powershell]::Create()
# Add a call to define $_ based on the current pipeline input object
$null = $PSInstance.
AddParameter('Name', '_').
AddParameter('Value', $InputObject).
# Invoke with sample values.
1, (Get-Date) | MyNewForeachFunction { "[$_]" }
The above yields something like:
[10/26/2018 00:17:37]
What I think you're looking for (and what I was looking for) is to support a "delay-bind" script block, supported in PowerShell 5.1+. The Microsoft documentation tells a bit about what's required, but doesn't provide any user-script examples (currently).
The gist is that PowerShell will implicitly detect that your function can accept a delay-bind script block if it defines an explicitly typed pipeline parameter (either by Value or by PropertyName), as long as it's not of type [scriptblock] or type [object].
function Test-DelayedBinding {
# this is our typed pipeline parameter
# per doc this cannot be of type [scriptblock] or [object],
# but testing shows that type [object] may be permitted
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory)][string]$string,
# this is our scriptblock parameter
Process {
if (&$filter $string) {
Write-Output $string
# sample invocation
>'foo', 'fi', 'foofoo', 'fib' | Test-DelayedBinding { return $_ -match 'foo' }
Note that the delay-bind will only be applied if input is piped into the function, and that the script block must use named parameters (not $args) if additional parameters are desired.
The frustrating part is that there is no way to explicitly specify that delay-bind should be used, and errors resulting from incorrectly structuring your function may be non-obvious.
Maybe this can help.
I'd normally run auto-generated jobs in parallel this way:
Get-Job | Remove-Job
foreach ($param in #(3,4,5)) {
Start-Job -ScriptBlock {param($lag); sleep $lag; Write-Output "slept for $lag seconds" } -ArgumentList #($param)
Get-Job | Wait-Job | Receive-Job
If I understand you correctly, you are trying to get rid of param() inside the scriptblock. You may try to wrap that SB with another one. Below is the workaround for my sample:
Get-Job | Remove-Job
#scriptblock with no parameter
$job = { sleep $lag; Write-Output "slept for $lag seconds" }
foreach ($param in #(3,4,5)) {
Start-Job -ScriptBlock {param($param, $job)
$lag = $param
$script = [string]$job
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([Scriptblock]::Create($script))
} -ArgumentList #($param, $job)
Get-Job | Wait-Job | Receive-Job
# I was looking for an easy way to do this in a scripted function,
# and the below worked for me in PSVersion 5.1.17134.590
function Test-ScriptBlock {
$_ = $Value
& $FilterScript
Test-ScriptBlock -Value 'unimportant/long/path/to/' -FilterScript { [Regex]::Replace($_,'unimportant/','') }

Add Custom Argument Completer for Cmdlet?

How do I add dynamic argument tab completion to a PowerShell Cmdlet?
When I type this and hit tab, I'd like for it to do tab completion.
PM> Paket-Add -NuGet FSharp.Co
These are the values I'd like to use in this example:
PM> Paket-FindPackages -SearchText FSharp.Co
I found this answer that gave a couple of helpful links and said I should run Get-Content function:TabExpansion2:
It looks like CommandCompletion.CompleteInput needs to implemented. I thought I read somewhere that there is a Hashtable of commands to functions. If so, where is it and how do I install custom ones? I'm using Chocolatey to distribute Paket.PowerShell. Here is the Cmdlet code.
UPDATE 2015-06-20:
I ended up getting it to work with the code here:
function createCompletionResult([string]$text, [string]$value, [string]$tooltip) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($value)) { return }
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($text)) { $text = $value }
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($tooltip)) { $tooltip = $value }
$completionText = #{$true="'$value'"; $false=$value }[$value -match "\W"]
$completionText = $completionText -replace '\[', '``[' -replace '\]', '``]'
New-Object System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult $completionText, $text, 'ParameterValue', $tooltip | write
$findPackages = {
param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter)
Paket-FindPackages -SearchText $wordToComplete -Max 100 | % {
createCompletionResult $_ $_ $_ | write
$findPackageVersions = {
param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter)
if (-not $fakeBoundParameter.NuGet){ return }
Paket-FindPackageVersions -Name $fakeBoundParameter.NuGet -Max 100 | % {
createCompletionResult $_ $_ $_ | write
# create and add $global:options to the list of completers
if (-not $global:options) { $global:options = #{CustomArgumentCompleters = #{};NativeArgumentCompleters = #{}}}
$global:options['CustomArgumentCompleters']['Paket-Add:NuGet'] = $findPackages
$global:options['CustomArgumentCompleters']['Paket-Add:Version'] = $findPackageVersions
$function:tabexpansion2 = $function:tabexpansion2 -replace 'End\r\n{','End { if ($null -ne $options) { $options += $global:options} else {$options = $global:options}'
The completer param names are important. Renaming them will make it not work.
You may want to look at the TabExpansion++ module, which was designed to make extending tab completion easier.
I just played with it for few minutes, and I think you want something like this based on the example:
Import-Module TabExpansion++
function PaketAddNugetCompletion
[ArgumentCompleter(Parameter = 'Nuget', Command = 'Paket-Add')]
param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter)
Paket-FindPackages -SearchText $wordToComplete |
ForEach-Object {
# not quite sure what property to use off the result, but this might work.
New-CompletionResult -CompletionText $_
These are called Dynamic parameters and are described in about_Functions_Advanced_Parameters.
The following example shows a sample function with standard
parameters named Name and Path, and an optional dynamic parameter
named DP1.The DP1 parameter is in the PSet1 parameter set and has a
type of Int32. The DP1 parameter is available in the Sample function
only when the value of the Path parameter contains "HKLM:", indicating
that it is being used in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry drive.
function Get-Sample {
Param ([String]$Name, [String]$Path)
if ($path -match ".*HKLM.*:")
$attributes = new-object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
$attributes.ParameterSetName = "__AllParameterSets"
$attributes.Mandatory = $false
$attributeCollection = new-object -Type System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
$dynParam1 = new-object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter("dp1", [Int32], $attributeCollection)
$paramDictionary = new-object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
$paramDictionary.Add("dp1", $dynParam1)
return $paramDictionary
Here's another example that does validation sets dynamically.
I've re-read your question, and it looks like maybe you just want a static, pre-defined list of tab-completed values for a specific parameter. If that's the case, then you can simply use the [ValidateSet()] attribute:
function Get-Something {
But if the values need to be determined at runtime, then see the above section on dynamic parameters instead.

How can you test if an object has a specific property?

How can you test if an object has a specific property?
Appreciate I can do ...
$members = Get-Member -InputObject $myobject
and then foreach through the $members, but is there a function to test if the object has a specific property?
Additional Info:
The issue is I'm importing two different sorts of CSV file, one with two columns, the other with three. I couldn't get the check to work with "Property", only with "NoteProperty" ... whatever the difference is
if ( ($member.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty" ) -and ($member.Name -eq $propertyName) )
Like this?
[bool]($ -match "myPropertyNameToTest")
You can use Get-Member
if (Get-Member -inputobject $var -name "Property" -Membertype Properties) {
#Property exists
This is succinct and readable:
"MyProperty" -in $MyObject.PSobject.Properties.Name
We can put it in a function:
function HasProperty($object, $propertyName)
$propertyName -in $object.PSobject.Properties.Name
For me MyProperty" -in $MyObject.PSobject.Properties.Name didn't work, however
There are a number of solutions to this question that work in strict mode, but some are better than others.
Solutions that do not appear to iterate through every property are the fastest solutions.
Bernie White's solution and
esskar's solution (modified)
Solutions that look as though they iterate through every property are slower.
sebke CCU's solution and
dan-gph's solution
The solution that appears to iterate through every property and uses a regular expression is a little slower than the previous two solutions (because compiling and executing the regular expression takes more time)
CB.'s solution
The solution that uses GetMethod appears to iterate through every property, but its use of GetMethod makes it significantly slower.
Paul's GetMethod solution
The following script was used to compare the previously mentioned solutions in strict mode:
# Tested in PowerShell core 7.2.0
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$propertyExistsMethods = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary'[string,scriptblock]'
# Fastest
"PSObject.Properties (Bernie White's solution)",
Param( [PSObject] $Object, [string] $Property )
"PSObject.Properties.Item (esskar's solution (modified))",
Param( [PSObject] $Object, [string] $Property )
# Not as fast
"Contains (sebke CCU's solution)",
Param( [PSObject] $Object, [string] $Property )
"-in (dan-gph's solution)",
Param( [PSObject] $Object, [string] $Property )
$Property -in $Object.PSobject.Properties.Name
# Slower than the previously mentioned solutions
"-match (CB.'s solution)",
Param( [PSObject] $Object, [string] $Property )
[bool]($ -match $Property)
# Slowest
"GetMember (Paul's solution)",
Param( [PSObject] $Object, [string] $Property )
Get-Member -inputobject $Object -name $Property -Membertype Properties
foreach ($method in $propertyExistsMethods.Keys) {
$propertyExists = $propertyExistsMethods[$method]
$o = #{}
foreach ($i in 1..100000) {
$o[$i] = "p$i"
Write-Host $method
$measure = Measure-Command {
foreach ($i in 1..100000) {
# Always check for a property that does NOT exist
& $propertyExists -Object $o -Property 'p'
Write-Host $measure | % { $_.Milliseconds }
Write-Host ''
The output is as follows:
PSObject.Properties (Bernie White's solution)
PSObject.Properties.Item (esskar's solution)
Contains (sebke CCU's solution)
-in (dan-gph's solution)
-match (CB.'s solution)
GetMember (Paul's solution)
Try this for a one liner that is strict safe.
For example:
Set-StrictMode -Version latest;
$propertyName = 'Property1';
$myobject = [PSCustomObject]#{ Property0 = 'Value0' };
if ([bool]$myobject.PSObject.Properties[$propertyName]) {
$value = $myobject.$propertyName;
I've been using the following which returns the property value, as it would be accessed via $thing.$prop, if the "property" would be to exist and not throw a random exception. If the property "doesn't exist" (or has a null value) then $null is returned: this approach functions in/is useful for strict mode, because, well, Gonna Catch 'em All.
I find this approach useful because it allows PS Custom Objects, normal .NET objects, PS HashTables, and .NET collections like Dictionary to be treated as "duck-typed equivalent", which I find is a fairly good fit for PowerShell.
Of course, this does not meet the strict definition of "has a property".. which this question may be explicitly limited to. If accepting the larger definition of "property" assumed here, the method can be trivially modified to return a boolean.
Function Get-PropOrNull {
param($thing, [string]$prop)
Try {
} Catch {
Get-PropOrNull (Get-Date) "Date" # => Monday, February 05, 2018 12:00:00 AM
Get-PropOrNull (Get-Date) "flub" # => $null
Get-PropOrNull (#{x="HashTable"}) "x" # => "HashTable"
Get-PropOrNull ([PSCustomObject]#{x="Custom"}) "x" # => "Custom"
$oldDict = New-Object "System.Collections.HashTable"
$oldDict["x"] = "OldDict"
Get-PropOrNull $d "x" # => "OldDict"
And, this behavior might not [always] be desired.. ie. it's not possible to distinguish between x.Count and x["Count"].
Just check against null.
($myObject.MyProperty -ne $null)
If you have not set PowerShell to StrictMode, this works even if the property does not exist:
$obj = New-Object PSObject;
Add-Member -InputObject $obj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Foo -Value "Bar";
$obj.Foo; # Bar
($obj.MyProperty -ne $null); # False, no exception
If you are using StrictMode and the psobject might be empty, it will give you an error.
For all purposes this will do:
if (($json.PSobject.Properties | Foreach {$_.Name}) -contains $variable)
I find this method more strict and faster when checking multiple properties
$null -ne $myobject.PSObject.Properties.Item("myPropertyNameToTest")
Real similar to a javascript check:
foreach($member in $members)
Write $member.PropertyName
Write "Nope!"
Just to clarify
given the following object
With the following properties
type : message
user :
text :
ts : 11/21/2016 8:59:30 PM
The following are true
$Object.text -eq $NULL
$Object.NotPresent -eq $NULL
-not $Object.text
-not $Object.NotPresent
So the earlier answers that explicitly check for the property by name is the most correct way to verify that that property is not present.
I ended up with the following function ...
function HasNoteProperty(
$members = Get-Member -InputObject $testObject
if ($members -ne $null -and $members.count -gt 0)
foreach($member in $members)
if ( ($member.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty" ) -and `
($member.Name -eq $propertyName) )
return $true
return $false
return $false;
I recently switch to set strict-mode -version 2.0 and my null tests failed.
I added a function:
#use in strict mode to validate property exists before using
function exists {
try {
if ($null -ne $obj[$prop]) {return $true}
return $false
} catch {
return $false
return $false
Now I code
if (exists $run main) { ...
rather than
if ($run.main -ne $null) { ...
and we are on our way. Seems to work on objects and hashtables
As an unintended benefit it is less typing.
for me this work
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$TMP = ...
$HAS_SERVERS=($TMP | Select-Object Servers)
if (-not $HAS_SERVERS.Servers){
echo "No servers. Abort."
} else {
I just started using PowerShell with PowerShell Core 6.0 (beta) and following simply works:
if ($members.NoteProperty) {
# NoteProperty exist
if (-not $members.NoteProperty) {
# NoteProperty does not exist
You could check with:
($Member.PropertyNames -contains "Name") this will check for the Named property
For identifying which of the objects in an array have a property
$HasProperty = $ArrayOfObjects | Where-Object {$_.MyProperty}

PowerShell cmdlet parameter value tab completion

How do you implement the parameter tab completion for PowerShell functions or cmdlets like Get-Service and Get-Process in PowerShell 3.0?
I realise ValidateSet works for a known list, but I want to generate the list on demand.
Adam Driscoll hints that it is possible for cmdlets but unfortunately hasn't elaborated.
Trevor Sullivan shows a technique for functions, but as I understand it, his code only generates the list at the time the function is defined.
I puzzled over this for a while, because I wanted to do the same thing. I put together something that I'm really happy with.
You can add ValidateSet attributes from a DynamicParam. Here's an example of where I've generated my ValidateSet on-the-fly from an xml file. See the "ValidateSetAttribute" in the following code:
function Foo() {
Param ()
DynamicParam {
# The "modules" param
$modulesAttributeCollection = new-object -Type System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
# [parameter(mandatory=...,
# ...
# )]
$modulesParameterAttribute = new-object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
$modulesParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $true
$modulesParameterAttribute.HelpMessage = "Enter one or more module names, separated by commas"
# [ValidateSet[(...)]
$moduleNames = #()
foreach($moduleXmlInfo in Select-Xml -Path "C:\Path\to\my\xmlFile.xml" -XPath "//enlistment[#name=""wp""]/module") {
$moduleNames += $moduleXmlInfo.Node.Attributes["name"].Value
$modulesValidateSetAttribute = New-Object -type System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($moduleNames)
# Remaining boilerplate
$modulesRuntimeDefinedParam = new-object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter("modules", [String[]], $modulesAttributeCollection)
$paramDictionary = new-object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
$paramDictionary.Add("modules", $modulesRuntimeDefinedParam)
return $paramDictionary
process {
# Do stuff
With that, I can type
Foo -modules M<press tab>
and it will tab-complete "MarcusModule" if that module was in the XML file. Furthermore, I can edit the XML file and the tab-completion behavior will immediately change; you don't have to re-import the function.
Check the TabExpansionPlusPlus module on github, written by a former PowerShell team magician.
Classically, I used regex.
for example,
function TabExpansion {
param($line, $lastWord)
if ( $line -match '(-(\w+))\s+([^-]*$)' )
### Resolve Command name & parameter name
$_param = $matches[2] + '*'
$_opt = $Matches[3].Split(" ,")[-1] + '*'
$_base = $Matches[3].Substring(0,$Matches[3].Length-$Matches[3].Split(" ,")[-1].length)
$_cmdlet = [regex]::Split($line, '[|;=]')[-1]
if ($_cmdlet -match '\{([^\{\}]*)$')
$_cmdlet = $matches[1]
if ($_cmdlet -match '\(([^()]*)$')
$_cmdlet = $matches[1]
$_cmdlet = $_cmdlet.Trim().Split()[0]
$_cmdlet = #(Get-Command -type 'Cmdlet,Alias,Function,Filter,ExternalScript' $_cmdlet)[0]
while ($_cmdlet.CommandType -eq 'alias')
$_cmdlet = #(Get-Command -type 'Cmdlet,Alias,Function,Filter,ExternalScript' $_cmdlet.Definition)[0]
### Currently target is Get-Alias & "-Name" parameter
if ( "Get-Alias" -eq $_cmdlet.Name -and "Name" -like $_param )
Get-Alias -Name $_opt | % { $_.Name } | sort | % { $_base + ($_ -replace '\s','` ') }
Posh-git renames TabExpansion to TabExpansionBackup in GitTabExpansion.ps1.
And posh-git's redifined TabExpansion calls original TabExpansion(TabExpansionBackup) when completions don't match with git commands.
So all you have to do is redefine TabExpansionBackup.
(cat .\GitTabExpansion.ps1 | select -last 18)
============================== GitTabExpansion.ps1 ==============================
if (Test-Path Function:\TabExpansion) {
Rename-Item Function:\TabExpansion TabExpansionBackup
function TabExpansion($line, $lastWord) {
$lastBlock = [regex]::Split($line, '[|;]')[-1].TrimStart()
switch -regex ($lastBlock) {
# Execute git tab completion for all git-related commands
"^$(Get-AliasPattern git) (.*)" { GitTabExpansion $lastBlock }
"^$(Get-AliasPattern tgit) (.*)" { GitTabExpansion $lastBlock }
# Fall back on existing tab expansion
default { if (Test-Path Function:\TabExpansionBackup) { TabExpansionBackup $line $lastWord } }
Redefine TabExpansionBackup(original TabExpansion)
function TabExpansionBackup {
### Resolve Command name & parameter name
### Currently target is Get-Alias & "-Name" parameter

Is it possible to include functions only without executing the script?

Say I have MyScript.ps1:
param (
[string] $MyInput
function Show-Input {
param ([string] $Incoming)
Write-Output $Incoming
function Save-TheWorld {
Write-Host (Show-Input $MyInput)
Is it possible to dot source the functions only somehow? The problem is that if the script above is dot sourced, it executes the whole thing...
Is my best option to use Get-Content and parse out the functions and use Invoke-Expression...? Or is there a way to access PowerShell's parser programmatically? I see this might be possible with PSv3 using [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput but this isn't an option because it has to work on PSv2.
The reason why I'm asking is that i'm trying out the Pester PowerShell unit testing framework and the way it runs tests on functions is by dot sourcing the file with the functions in the test fixture. The test fixture looks like this:
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
. "$here\$sut"
Describe "Show-Input" {
It "Verifies input 'Hello' is equal to output 'Hello'" {
$output = Show-Input "Hello"
Using Doug's Get-Function function you could include the functions this way:
$script = get-item .\myscript.ps1
foreach ($function in (get-function $script))
$startline = $function.line - 1
$endline = $startline
$successful = $false
while (! $successful)
try {
$partialfunction = ((get-content $script)[$startline..$endline]) -join [environment]::newline
invoke-expression $partialfunction
$successful = $true
catch [Exception] { $endline++ }
Edit: [System.Management.Automation.IncompleteParseException] can be used instead of [Exception] in Powershell V2.
Note -- if you find this answer helpful please upvote jonZ's answer as I wouldn't of been able to come up with this if it weren't for his helpful answer.
I created this function extractor function based on the script #jonZ linked to. This uses [System.Management.Automation.PsParser]::Tokenize to traverse all tokens in the input script and parses out functions into function info objects and returns all function info objects as an array. Each object looks like this:
Start : 99
Stop : 182
StartLine : 7
Name : Show-Input
StopLine : 10
StartColumn : 5
StopColumn : 1
Text : {function Show-Input {, param ([string] $Incoming), Write-Output $Incoming, }}
The text property is a string array and can be written to temporary file and dot sourced in or combined into a string using a newline and imported using Invoke-Expression.
Only the function text is extracted so if a line has multiple statements such as: Get-Process ; function foo () { only the part relevant to the function will be extracted.
function Get-Functions {
param (
[System.IO.FileInfo] $File
try {
$content = Get-Content $File
$PSTokens = [System.Management.Automation.PsParser]::Tokenize($content, [ref] $null)
$functions = #()
#Traverse tokens.
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $PSTokens.Count; $i++) {
if($PSTokens[$i].Type -eq 'Keyword' -and $PSTokens[$i].Content -eq 'Function' ) {
$fxStart = $PSTokens[$i].Start
$fxStartLine = $PSTokens[$i].StartLine
$fxStartCol = $PSTokens[$i].StartColumn
#Skip to the function name.
while (-not ($PSTokens[$i].Type -eq 'CommandArgument')) {$i++}
$functionName = $PSTokens[$i].Content
#Skip to the start of the function body.
while (-not ($PSTokens[$i].Type -eq 'GroupStart') -and -not ($PSTokens[$i].Content -eq '{')) {$i++ }
#Skip to the closing brace.
$startCount = 1
while ($startCount -gt 0) { $i++
if ($PSTokens[$i].Type -eq 'GroupStart' -and $PSTokens[$i].Content -eq '{') {$startCount++}
if ($PSTokens[$i].Type -eq 'GroupEnd' -and $PSTokens[$i].Content -eq '}') {$startCount--}
$fxStop = $PSTokens[$i].Start
$fxStopLine = $PSTokens[$i].StartLine
$fxStopCol = $PSTokens[$i].StartColumn
#Extract function text. Handle 1 line functions.
$fxText = $content[($fxStartLine -1)..($fxStopLine -1)]
$origLine = $fxText[0]
$fxText[0] = $fxText[0].Substring(($fxStartCol -1), $fxText[0].Length - ($fxStartCol -1))
if ($fxText[0] -eq $fxText[-1]) {
$fxText[-1] = $fxText[-1].Substring(0, ($fxStopCol - ($origLine.Length - $fxText[0].Length)))
} else {
$fxText[-1] = $fxText[-1].Substring(0, ($fxStopCol))
$fxInfo = New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Property #{
Name = $functionName
Start = $fxStart
StartLine = $fxStartLine
StartColumn = $fxStartCol
Stop = $fxStop
StopLine = $fxStopLine
StopColumn = $fxStopCol
Text = $fxText
$functions += $fxInfo
return $functions
} catch {
throw "Failed in parse file '{0}'. The error was '{1}'." -f $File, $_
# Dumping to file and dot sourcing:
Get-Functions -File C:\MyScript.ps1 | Select -ExpandProperty Text | Out-File C:\fxs.ps1
. C:\fxs.ps1
Show-Input "hi"
#Or import without dumping to file:
Get-Functions -File C:\MyScript.ps1 | % {
$_.Text -join [Environment]::NewLine | Invoke-Expression
Show-Input "hi"