How to pass $_ ($PSItem) in a ScriptBlock - powershell

I'm basically building my own parallel foreach pipeline function, using runspaces.
My problem is: I call my function like this:
somePipeline | MyNewForeachFunction { scriptBlockHere } | pipelineGoesOn...
How can I pass the $_ parameter correctly into the ScriptBlock? It works when the ScriptBlock contains as first line
But as you might have noticed, the powershell built-in ForEach-Object and Where-Object do not need such a parameter declaration in every ScriptBlock that is passed to them.
Thanks for your answers in advance
The goal is: I want comfort for the users of function MyNewForeachFunction - they shoudln't need to write a line param($_) in their script blocks.
Inside MyNewForeachFunction, The ScriptBlock is currently called via
$PSInstance = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock).AddParameter('_', $_)
The point is, how does for example the implementation of the built-in function ForEach-Object achieve that $_ need't be declared as a parameter in its ScriptBlock parameter, and can I use that functionality, too?
(If the answer is, ForEach-Object is a built-in function and uses some magic I can't use, then this would disqualify the language PowerShell as a whole in my opinion)
Thanks to mklement0, I could finally build my general foreach loop. Here's the code:
function ForEachParallel {
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int] $PoolSize = 20,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $PipelineObject
Begin {
$RunspacePool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $poolSize)
$Runspaces = #()
Process {
$PSInstance = [powershell]::Create().
AddCommand('Set-Variable').AddParameter('Name', '_').AddParameter('Value', $PipelineObject).
AddCommand('Set-Variable').AddParameter('Name', 'ErrorActionPreference').AddParameter('Value', 'Stop').
$PSInstance.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool
$Runspaces += New-Object PSObject -Property #{
Instance = $PSInstance
IAResult = $PSInstance.BeginInvoke()
Argument = $PipelineObject
End {
while($True) {
$completedRunspaces = #($Runspaces | where {$_.IAResult.IsCompleted})
$completedRunspaces | foreach {
Write-Output $_.Instance.EndInvoke($_.IAResult)
if($completedRunspaces.Count -eq $Runspaces.Count) {
$Runspaces = #($Runspaces | where { $completedRunspaces -notcontains $_ })
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 250
Code partly from MathiasR.Jessen, Why PowerShell workflow is significantly slower than non-workflow script for XML file analysis

The key is to define $_ as a variable that your script block can see, via a call to Set-Variable.
Here's a simple example:
function MyNewForeachFunction {
[scriptblock] $ScriptBlock
process {
$PSInstance = [powershell]::Create()
# Add a call to define $_ based on the current pipeline input object
$null = $PSInstance.
AddParameter('Name', '_').
AddParameter('Value', $InputObject).
# Invoke with sample values.
1, (Get-Date) | MyNewForeachFunction { "[$_]" }
The above yields something like:
[10/26/2018 00:17:37]

What I think you're looking for (and what I was looking for) is to support a "delay-bind" script block, supported in PowerShell 5.1+. The Microsoft documentation tells a bit about what's required, but doesn't provide any user-script examples (currently).
The gist is that PowerShell will implicitly detect that your function can accept a delay-bind script block if it defines an explicitly typed pipeline parameter (either by Value or by PropertyName), as long as it's not of type [scriptblock] or type [object].
function Test-DelayedBinding {
# this is our typed pipeline parameter
# per doc this cannot be of type [scriptblock] or [object],
# but testing shows that type [object] may be permitted
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory)][string]$string,
# this is our scriptblock parameter
Process {
if (&$filter $string) {
Write-Output $string
# sample invocation
>'foo', 'fi', 'foofoo', 'fib' | Test-DelayedBinding { return $_ -match 'foo' }
Note that the delay-bind will only be applied if input is piped into the function, and that the script block must use named parameters (not $args) if additional parameters are desired.
The frustrating part is that there is no way to explicitly specify that delay-bind should be used, and errors resulting from incorrectly structuring your function may be non-obvious.

Maybe this can help.
I'd normally run auto-generated jobs in parallel this way:
Get-Job | Remove-Job
foreach ($param in #(3,4,5)) {
Start-Job -ScriptBlock {param($lag); sleep $lag; Write-Output "slept for $lag seconds" } -ArgumentList #($param)
Get-Job | Wait-Job | Receive-Job
If I understand you correctly, you are trying to get rid of param() inside the scriptblock. You may try to wrap that SB with another one. Below is the workaround for my sample:
Get-Job | Remove-Job
#scriptblock with no parameter
$job = { sleep $lag; Write-Output "slept for $lag seconds" }
foreach ($param in #(3,4,5)) {
Start-Job -ScriptBlock {param($param, $job)
$lag = $param
$script = [string]$job
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([Scriptblock]::Create($script))
} -ArgumentList #($param, $job)
Get-Job | Wait-Job | Receive-Job

# I was looking for an easy way to do this in a scripted function,
# and the below worked for me in PSVersion 5.1.17134.590
function Test-ScriptBlock {
$_ = $Value
& $FilterScript
Test-ScriptBlock -Value 'unimportant/long/path/to/' -FilterScript { [Regex]::Replace($_,'unimportant/','') }


powershell: function call inside a function while procesing them paralelly [duplicate]

Assuming Get-Foo and Get-Foo2 and Deploy-Jobs are 3 functions that are part of a very large module. I would like to use Get-Foo and Get-Foo2 in Deploy-Jobs's Start-ThreadJob (below) without reloading the entire module each time.
Is an working example available for how to do this?
function Deploy-Jobs {
foreach ($Device in $Devices) {
Start-ThreadJob -Name $Device -ThrottleLimit 50 -InitializationScript $initScript -ScriptBlock {
Get-Foo | Get-Foo2 -List
} -ArgumentList $Device | out-null
The method you can use to pass the function's definition to a different scope is the same for Invoke-Command (when PSRemoting), Start-Job, Start-ThreadJob and ForeEach-Object -Parallel. Since you want to invoke 2 different functions in your job's script block, I don't think -InitializationScript is an option, and even if it is, it might make the code even more complicated than it should be.
You can use this as an example of how you can store 2 function definitions in an array ($def), which is then passed to the scope of each TreadJob, this array is then used to define each function in said scope to be later used by each Job.
function Say-Hello {
"Hello world!"
function From-ThreadJob {
"From ThreadJob # $i"
$def = #(
function Run-Jobs {
param($numerOfJobs, $functionDefinitions)
$jobs = foreach($i in 1..$numerOfJobs) {
Start-ThreadJob -ScriptBlock {
# bring the functions definition to this scope
$helloFunc, $threadJobFunc = $using:functionDefinitions
# define them in this scope
${function:Say-Hello} = $helloFunc
${function:From-ThreadJob} = $threadJobFunc
# sleep random seconds
Start-Sleep (Get-Random -Maximum 10)
# combine the output from both functions
(Say-Hello) + (From-ThreadJob -i $using:i)
Receive-Job $jobs -AutoRemoveJob -Wait
Run-Jobs -numerOfJobs 10 -functionDefinitions $def

Reuse 2 functions in Start-ThreadJob

Assuming Get-Foo and Get-Foo2 and Deploy-Jobs are 3 functions that are part of a very large module. I would like to use Get-Foo and Get-Foo2 in Deploy-Jobs's Start-ThreadJob (below) without reloading the entire module each time.
Is an working example available for how to do this?
function Deploy-Jobs {
foreach ($Device in $Devices) {
Start-ThreadJob -Name $Device -ThrottleLimit 50 -InitializationScript $initScript -ScriptBlock {
Get-Foo | Get-Foo2 -List
} -ArgumentList $Device | out-null
The method you can use to pass the function's definition to a different scope is the same for Invoke-Command (when PSRemoting), Start-Job, Start-ThreadJob and ForeEach-Object -Parallel. Since you want to invoke 2 different functions in your job's script block, I don't think -InitializationScript is an option, and even if it is, it might make the code even more complicated than it should be.
You can use this as an example of how you can store 2 function definitions in an array ($def), which is then passed to the scope of each TreadJob, this array is then used to define each function in said scope to be later used by each Job.
function Say-Hello {
"Hello world!"
function From-ThreadJob {
"From ThreadJob # $i"
$def = #(
function Run-Jobs {
param($numerOfJobs, $functionDefinitions)
$jobs = foreach($i in 1..$numerOfJobs) {
Start-ThreadJob -ScriptBlock {
# bring the functions definition to this scope
$helloFunc, $threadJobFunc = $using:functionDefinitions
# define them in this scope
${function:Say-Hello} = $helloFunc
${function:From-ThreadJob} = $threadJobFunc
# sleep random seconds
Start-Sleep (Get-Random -Maximum 10)
# combine the output from both functions
(Say-Hello) + (From-ThreadJob -i $using:i)
Receive-Job $jobs -AutoRemoveJob -Wait
Run-Jobs -numerOfJobs 10 -functionDefinitions $def

Powershell - pass a value to parameter

How to pass value along with parameter? Something like ./test.ps1 -controllers 01. I want the script to use hyphen and also a value is passed along for the parameter.
Here is the part of the script I wrote. But if I call the script with hyphen (.\test.ps1 -Controllers) it says A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'Controllers'.
# [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=0)]
Also I need to pass a value to it which is then used for a property.
if ($options -eq "controllers")
$callsomething.$arg1 | where {$_ -eq "$arg2" }
Lets talk about why it does not work
function Test()
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=0)]
Parameters are Variables that are created and filled out at the start of the script
ValidateSet will only allow the script to run if $Options equals one of the three choices 'Controllers','test2','test3'
Lets talk about what exactly all the [] are doing
Mandatory=$false means that $options doesnt have to be anything in order for the script to run.
Position=0 means that if you entered the script without using the -options then the very first thing you put would still be options
#If Position=0 then this would work
Test "Controllers"
#Also this would work
Test -options Controllers
[ValidateSet('Controllers','test2','test3')] means that if Option is used or is Mandatory then it has to equal 'Controllers','test2','test3'
It sounds like you are trying to create parameters at runtime. Well that is possible using DynamicParam.
function Test{
DynamicParam {
$Parameters = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
'Controllers','test2','test3' | Foreach-object{
$Param = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
$Param.Mandatory = $false
$AttribColl = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
$RuntimeParam = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter("$_", [string], $AttribColl)
$Parameters.Add("$_", $RuntimeParam)
return $Parameters
$PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object{
Set-Variable $_.Key -Value $_.Value
process {
"$Controllers $Test2 $Test3"
DynamicParam allows you to create parameters in code.
The example above turns the array 'Controllers','test2','test3' into 3 separate parameters.
Test -Controllers "Hello" -test2 "Hey" -test3 "Awesome"
Hello Hey Awesome
But you said you wanted to keep the hypen and the parameter
So the line
$PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object{
Set-Variable $_.Key -Value $_.Value
allows you to define each parameter value. a slight change like :
$PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object{
Set-Variable $_.Key -Value "-$($_.Key) $($_.Value)"
Would return
-Controllers Hello -test2 Hey -test3 Awesome

PowerShell: Invoking a script block that contains underscore variable

I normally do the following to invoke a script block containing $_:
$scriptBlock = { $_ <# do something with $_ here #> }
$theArg | ForEach-Object $scriptBlock
In effect, I am creating a pipeline which will give $_ its value (within the Foreach-Object function invocation).
However, when looking at the source code of the LINQ module, it defines and uses the following function to invoke the delegate:
# It is actually surprisingly difficult to write a function (in a module)
# that uses $_ in scriptblocks that it takes as parameters. This is a strange
# issue with scoping that seems to only matter when the function is a part
# of a module which has an isolated scope.
# In the case of this code:
# 1..10 | Add-Ten { $_ + 10 }
# ... the function Add-Ten must jump through hoops in order to invoke the
# supplied scriptblock in such a way that $_ represents the current item
# in the pipeline.
# Which brings me to Invoke-ScriptBlock.
# This function takes a ScriptBlock as a parameter, and an object that will
# be supplied to the $_ variable. Since the $_ may already be defined in
# this scope, we need to store the old value, and restore it when we are done.
# Unfortunately this can only be done (to my knowledge) by hitting the
# internal api's with reflection. Not only is this an issue for performance,
# it is also fragile. Fortunately this appears to still work in PowerShell
# version 2 through 3 beta.
function Invoke-ScriptBlock {
param (
begin {
# equivalent to calling $ScriptBlock.SessionState property:
$SessionStateProperty = [ScriptBlock].GetProperty('SessionState',([System.Reflection.BindingFlags]'NonPublic,Instance'))
$SessionState = $SessionStateProperty.GetValue($ScriptBlock, $null)
process {
$NewUnderBar = $InputObject
$OldUnderBar = $SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('_')
try {
$SessionState.PSVariable.Set('_', $NewUnderBar)
$SessionState.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript($SessionState, $ScriptBlock, #())
finally {
$SessionState.PSVariable.Set('_', $OldUnderBar)
This strikes me as a bit low-level. Is there a recommended, safe way of doing this?
You can invoke scriptblocks with the ampersand. No need to use Foreach-Object.
$scriptblock = {## whatever}
& $scriptblock
#(1,2,3) | % { & {write-host $_}}
To pass parameters:
$scriptblock = {write-host $args[0]}
& $scriptblock 'test'
$scriptBlock = {param($NamedParam) write-host $NamedParam}
& $scriptBlock -NamedParam 'test'
If you're going to be using this inside of Invoke-Command, you could also usin the $using construct.
$test = 'test'
$scriptblock = {write-host $using:test}

Pass an unspecified set of parameters into a function and thru to a cmdlet

Let's say I want to write a helper function that wraps Read-Host. This function will enhance Read-Host by changing the prompt color, calling Read-Host, then changing the color back (simple example for illustrative purposes - not actually trying to solve for this).
Since this is a wrapper around Read-Host, I don't want to repeat the all of the parameters of Read-Host (i.e. Prompt and AsSecureString) in the function header. Is there a way for a function to take an unspecified set of parameters and then pass those parameters directly into a cmdlet call within the function? I'm not sure if Powershell has such a facility.
for example...
function MyFunc( [string] $MyFuncParam1, [int] $MyFuncParam2 , Some Thing Here For Cmdlet Params that I want to pass to Cmdlet )
# ...Do some work...
Read-Host Passthru Parameters Here
# ...Do some work...
It sounds like you're interested in the 'ValueFromRemainingArguments' parameter attribute. To use it, you'll need to create an advanced function. See the about_Functions_Advanced and about_Functions_Advanced_Parameters help topics for more info.
When you use that attribute, any extra unbound parameters will be assigned to that parameter. I don't think they're usable as-is, though, so I made a little function that will parse them (see below). After parsing them, two variables are returned: one for any unnamed, positional parameters, and one for named parameters. Those two variables can then be splatted to the command you want to run. Here's the helper function that can parse the parameters:
function ParseExtraParameters {
$ParamHashTable = #{}
$UnnamedParams = #()
$CurrentParamName = $null
$ExtraParameters | ForEach-Object -Process {
if ($_ -match "^-") {
# Parameter names start with '-'
if ($CurrentParamName) {
# Have a param name w/o a value; assume it's a switch
# If a value had been found, $CurrentParamName would have
# been nulled out again
$ParamHashTable.$CurrentParamName = $true
$CurrentParamName = $_ -replace "^-|:$"
else {
# Parameter value
if ($CurrentParamName) {
$ParamHashTable.$CurrentParamName += $_
$CurrentParamName = $null
else {
$UnnamedParams += $_
} -End {
if ($CurrentParamName) {
$ParamHashTable.$CurrentParamName = $true
You could use it like this:
PS C:\> ParseExtraParameters -NamedParam1 1,2,3 -switchparam -switchparam2:$false UnnamedParam1
Name Value
---- -----
switchparam True
switchparam2 False
NamedParam1 {1, 2, 3}
Here are two functions that can use the helper function (one is your example):
function MyFunc {
[string] $MyFuncParam1,
[int] $MyFuncParam2,
[Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)]
# ...Do some work...
$UnnamedParams, $NamedParams = ParseExtraParameters #ExtraParameters
Read-Host #UnnamedParams #NamedParams
# ...Do some work...
function Invoke-Something {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
[string] $CommandName,
$UnnamedParameters, $NamedParameters = ParseExtraParameters #ExtraParameters
&$CommandName #UnnamedParameters #NamedParameters
After importing all three functions, try these commands:
MyFunc -MyFuncParam1 Param1Here "PromptText" -assecure
Invoke-Something -CommandName Write-Host -Fore Green "Some text" -Back Red
One word: splatting.
Few more words: you can use combination of $PSBoundParameters and splatting to pass parameters from external command, to internal command (assuming names match). You would need to remove any parameter that you don't want to use though from $PSBoundParameters first:
Read-Host #PSBoundParameters
Sample function body:
function Read-Data {
param (
$PSBoundParameters.Remove('First') | Out-Null
$PSBoundParameters.Remove('Second') | Out-Null
$Result = Read-Host #PSBoundParameters
"First: $First Second: $Second Result: $Result"
Read-Data -First Test -Prompt This-is-my-prompt-for-read-host