Code indentation messed up after pushing to github - swift

The code indentation looks absolutely fine in my Xcode. But when I push it to github, it screws up the indentation
Does anybody know why? The weird thing is everything looks fine in Xcode. I tried to change Xcode Preferences, Ctrl + I, but none of them works. Any help would be appreciated. I'm using Xcode 10.1 and here are my Preferences Settings

Weirdly enough, in Xcode Preferences, switching Prefer indent using to Spaces and switch it back to Tabs seems to fix the issue

You can set indentation per file, group, project, see how to change your indentation settings here
It works for me
After changing your indentations settings, don't forget to reformat your files to apply the change.
⌘+a: to select all
Ctrl+i: to fix code indentation

I have it like this below and it works just fine with github.


DOCTYPE Emmet shortcut stopped working VS Code [duplicate]

Every other snippet is working, but !+tab is not.
! snippet is not working
other snippet is working
I am using Visual Studio Code. I'm using 1.69.0. It was working before, but I wanted to add net html file, named that new.html, because I had index.html already. After that this script stopped working on every html file, but other scripts like "a", "div" etc. is working.
The v1.69.2 recovery release is out now. Emmet in html is working as it should for me now.
Looks like it will be in the Recovery Release, see
Don't know when the recovery release to Stable - presumably v1.69.2 - will be released. The .1 release is out and the fix is not in it.
It has been fixed though, see, and should be in the Insiders Build tomorrow (07/13/2022).
Testing the latest Insiders: ! is working. As is ul>li*3 type expansions (although that never stopped working for me - but it has been reported elsewhere). Should be in the v1.69.2 release out soon.
It is a known issue with the v1.69 release, see html emmet suggestion not automatically display or for example. Lots of issues on github on ! and * not working.
So the emmet snippet will not appear automatically when you type !, but you can press Ctrl/Cmd+Space (which is the command Trigger Suggest) to make it appear and select normally.
Try Ctrl/Cmd+Space for anything emmet-related nnnnnot working in vscode v1.69.
You could also go back to v1.68 to solve the issue.
Try to write "doc" instead of "!". "doc" works for me.
On Windows 10, this worked for me:
Go to "Settings" and type "emmet.trigger" in the search
A checkbox for "Emmet: Trigger Expansion On Tab" will appear
Check the checkbox for allowing Emmet to trigger expansion on tab
After I did that, it worked just fine for !+TAB and any type of mulitpliers (i.e. li*4+TAB).
You need to check this option or put "emmet.triggerExpansionOnTab": true in settings.json to use the emmet abbreviation pressing TAB. I realized this ones what is not working:
!, lorem, >, and .
Examples of use: ul>li, li3, ul>li*3
None of them shows the preview of the emmet, and you can't use them pressing TAB without enabling the option that I sayed above, and even checking the option you won't be able to see the previews, you'll need to know them by yourself and press the TAB even though nothing showing that it's a emmet abbreviation.
You can use CTRL + SPACE too.
Edition Windows 11 Pro
Version 21H2
VSCODE Version 1.69.0
I had the same issue with the ! not working. I found another shortcut that does the same thing: type html:5, and press enter.
Looks like a bug, I have the same problem with 1.69.1, the VSC team is aware and fixing it. Should be fixed with the next release soon.
Meanwhile, you can use either HTML:5 or doc
meanwhile use "HTML:5"
enter image description here
or use "doc"
enter image description here
While #Mark's answer works, another work around would be to use the html:5 snippet which still works as expected in v1.69
Yes, I am facing this issue too since the latest update.
Somehow the solution I have got is :
You can check the box “Emmet: Use Inline Completions”
In settings by typing “emmet” in the setting’s search.
You can see the suggestion now and choose it by pressing the tab.
This is the solution I have got till now but hoping that we could have the previous version back.

Emmet html5 boilerplate shortcut not working as before [duplicate]

Every other snippet is working, but !+tab is not.
! snippet is not working
other snippet is working
I am using Visual Studio Code. I'm using 1.69.0. It was working before, but I wanted to add net html file, named that new.html, because I had index.html already. After that this script stopped working on every html file, but other scripts like "a", "div" etc. is working.
The v1.69.2 recovery release is out now. Emmet in html is working as it should for me now.
Looks like it will be in the Recovery Release, see
Don't know when the recovery release to Stable - presumably v1.69.2 - will be released. The .1 release is out and the fix is not in it.
It has been fixed though, see, and should be in the Insiders Build tomorrow (07/13/2022).
Testing the latest Insiders: ! is working. As is ul>li*3 type expansions (although that never stopped working for me - but it has been reported elsewhere). Should be in the v1.69.2 release out soon.
It is a known issue with the v1.69 release, see html emmet suggestion not automatically display or for example. Lots of issues on github on ! and * not working.
So the emmet snippet will not appear automatically when you type !, but you can press Ctrl/Cmd+Space (which is the command Trigger Suggest) to make it appear and select normally.
Try Ctrl/Cmd+Space for anything emmet-related nnnnnot working in vscode v1.69.
You could also go back to v1.68 to solve the issue.
Try to write "doc" instead of "!". "doc" works for me.
On Windows 10, this worked for me:
Go to "Settings" and type "emmet.trigger" in the search
A checkbox for "Emmet: Trigger Expansion On Tab" will appear
Check the checkbox for allowing Emmet to trigger expansion on tab
After I did that, it worked just fine for !+TAB and any type of mulitpliers (i.e. li*4+TAB).
You need to check this option or put "emmet.triggerExpansionOnTab": true in settings.json to use the emmet abbreviation pressing TAB. I realized this ones what is not working:
!, lorem, >, and .
Examples of use: ul>li, li3, ul>li*3
None of them shows the preview of the emmet, and you can't use them pressing TAB without enabling the option that I sayed above, and even checking the option you won't be able to see the previews, you'll need to know them by yourself and press the TAB even though nothing showing that it's a emmet abbreviation.
You can use CTRL + SPACE too.
Edition Windows 11 Pro
Version 21H2
VSCODE Version 1.69.0
I had the same issue with the ! not working. I found another shortcut that does the same thing: type html:5, and press enter.
Looks like a bug, I have the same problem with 1.69.1, the VSC team is aware and fixing it. Should be fixed with the next release soon.
Meanwhile, you can use either HTML:5 or doc
meanwhile use "HTML:5"
enter image description here
or use "doc"
enter image description here
While #Mark's answer works, another work around would be to use the html:5 snippet which still works as expected in v1.69
Yes, I am facing this issue too since the latest update.
Somehow the solution I have got is :
You can check the box “Emmet: Use Inline Completions”
In settings by typing “emmet” in the setting’s search.
You can see the suggestion now and choose it by pressing the tab.
This is the solution I have got till now but hoping that we could have the previous version back.

Indentation issue after pushing code from Brackets Editor to Github

For my code I'm using Brackets. In editor, code looks proper but after pushing it to github repository, indentations are messed up.
I'm using tab key to make indentation but in preferences there is set "use 2 spaces" after pressing tab key.
I've find out that Github is using 8 spaces for recognised tab keys. But still, it does not give me anything.
The biggest problem is when I use "one var statement".
I've also used jsbeautifier and it doesn't help me at all.
Here you can find an example: My Github code example
Does anybody had such a problem with brackets and github indentations?
Yes I had such problems.
These problems did not reappear when we moved to eslint inside of our IDE. The setup varies for each IDE. You can refer
If setting eslint is hard for you. Try bracket extensions like . When used correctly it will beautify on save. Caution: Dont beautify code written by others or a team.

Strange behavior of Xcode

I am doing iOS project in Xcode . It was working properly but now it is giving me strange character in place of space.It is also reflecting in all Xcode projects.
why this is happening?
in xCode go to Menu->Editor->Hide invisible Characters
Why is this happening? because sometimes you need to know if your indentation or spacing is correct, or even you want to know if you are using spaces or tabs, then you will Show Invisibles, it maybe useful sometimes

Problems with Xcode Syntax Highlighting

In Xcode 3.2.1 I have this problem where it stops highlighting Objects in purple, and such. For example:
In that example, NSAutoreleasePool, pool, img, size, width and height should be highlighted, however, they are not. Here is a screenshot of what that looks like.
Anyone know how to fix this?
Edit: Also, code sense isn't showing correct options.
Xcode is often glitchy for me in similar ways. Restarting xcode often clears up the issue. Also, sometimes a missing semi-colon or curly brace will keep codeSense and highlighting from working as you want it to. Try Opt-B (build) to see if you have any errors that could be causing this.
I noticed that opening projects from the XCode welcome screen causes this issue. If I dismis the welcome screen and then go file open (or file open recent) and open the project that way the syntax highlighting works