STM32 Temperature sensor power off - stm32

I am using internal ADC temp sensor , in a low power device without the sensor in stop mode ,the uController consumes around 4 uA but when the temp sensor is on the consumption goes up to 8-9 uA
the problem is i can not turn the sensor OFF / i just measured the off current by setting it off from start by stmcube
i am searching for a code that can turn off the temp sensor
up until now i have tested these:
i prefer to work with HAL , it dose not seems to cut the Sensor power

Your ADC1->CR &= 0x00000000; line looks wrong to me, depending on the controller you're using.
There is usually a bit to disable the ADC which needs to be set, rather than writing all 0s. Try ADC1->CR = (0x01 << 1); instead. If you have the ST Micro written defines for your processor ADC1->CR = ADC_CR_ADDIS; should be the same but more readable. After disabling the ADC you will be able to turn off the TSEN bit of ADC->CCR.


STM32F04xx UART transmit unreadable chars when HAL_Delay is set higher than 90 milliseconds

I'm working on transceiving data on stm32F04xx. When I transmit data from the MCU at lower speed, it looks like if the baudrate was wrong and I get a bunch of question marks. When I increate transmission speed. I can read the data I'm sending. I've used to stm32cubeIDE to generate a simple UART code and only added
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, "test\r\n", sizeof("test\r\n"), 1000);
in the while loop.
On my NUCLEO-F042K6 evaluation board, I don't see any issues printing data on the tty port. But I have another device which uses the same stm32f042xx chip that only works when transmitting UART data at higher speed. so when i change my delay to something like 80 milliseconds, I can read the data flow.
I've attempted to flash the same binary that I flashed on my evaluation board on the other MCU I have but again the data only readable at higher transmission speed.
I'm flashing the MCU with stm32flash tool so I don't know if that can make a difference where on the eval board, I'm using the stm32cubeIDE to flash it.
I'm not sure what's going on here, I've tried different baudrates and different clock configurations and that doesn't seem to help too.
What could possibly cause the data to be unreadable like if the baudrate was wrong when transmitting at low speed?

STM32F4 Timer Triggered DMA SPI – NSS Problem

I have a STM32F417IG microcontroller an external 16bit-DAC (TI DAC81404) that is supposed to generate a Signal with a sampling rate of 32kHz. The communication via SPI should not involve any CPU resources. That is why I want to use a timer triggered DMA to shift the data with a rate of 32kHz to the SPI data register in order to send the data to the DAC.
Information about the DAC
Whenever the DAC receives a channel address and the new corresponding 16bit value the DAC will renew its output voltage to the new received value. This is achieved by:
Pulling the CS/NSS/SYNC – pin to low
Sending the 24bit/3 byte long message and
Pulling the CS back to a high state
The first 8bit of the message are containing among other information the information where the output voltage should be applied. The next and concurrently the last 16bit are containing the new value.
Information about STM32
Unfortunately the microcontroller of ST are having a hardware problem with the NSS-pin. Starting the communication via SPI the NSS-pin is pulled low. Now the pin is low as long as SPI is enabled (. (reference manual page 877). That is sadly not the right way for communicate with device that are in need of a rise of the NSS after each message. A “solution” would be to toggle the NSS-pin manually as suggested in the manual (When a master is communicating with SPI slaves which need to be de-selected between transmissions, the NSS pin must be configured as GPIO or another GPIO must be used and toggled by software.)
If DMA is used the ordinary way the CPU is only used when starting the process. By toggling the NSS twice every 1/32000 s this leads to corresponding CPU interactions.
My question is whether I missed something in order to achieve a communication without CPU.
If not my goal is now to reduce the CPU processing time to a minimum. My pIan is to trigger DMA with a timer. So every 1/32k seconds the data register of SPI is filled with the 24bit data for the DAC.
The NSS could be toggled by a timer interrupt.
I have problems achieving it because I do not know how to link the timer with the DMA of the SPI using HAL-functions. Can anyone help me?
This is a tricky one. It might be difficult to avoid having one interrupt per sample with this combination of DAC and microcontroller.
However, one approach I would look at is to have the CS signal created as a timer output-compare (like PWM). You can use multiple channels of the same timer or link multiple timers to create a delay between the CS output and the DMA trigger. You should allow some room for jitter, because depending on what else is happening the DMA might not respond instantly. This won't hurt your DAC output signal though, because it only outputs the value on the rising edge of chip select (called SYNC in the DAC datasheet) which will still be from your first timer.

ESP32 i2c GY-906 0xFF 1037.55 response, temperature sensor

I'm trying to run the code below on an ESP32 TTGO T-display running micropython from loboris. (It's esp32 pre-loaded with display drivers for TTGO Display) I have attached a GY-906 temp sensor through i2c for testing. i2c.scan() finds it without issue on 0x5a [80] like it is supposed to, but when I request temperature data, the response is always 0xFF instead of proper temperature readings.
When I run the exact same code on a WeMos D1 (only difference is the pin numbers) I get temperature data returned. I am attaching both logic analyzer screenshots hoping someone can tell me what I need to do differently. Both are directly wired from 3.3, gnd, and the 2 i2c pins.
Things I have tried: adding pull up resistors to SDA, SLC (10k, 1k, 100). Switching to different i2c pins. Result seems to be the same. What am I missing? Is there supposed to be a resistor somewhere I don't know about? Other hardware? The screenshots make me think that the GY906 is responding, just the wrong response value.
Main Code
import temp_sensor
Pin = machine.Pin
I2C = machine.I2C
i2c = machine.I2C(0, scl=Pin(22), sda=Pin(21), freq=100000)
temp1 = temp_sensor.Temp.init(i2c)
import mlx90614 ##From
class Temp():
def init(i2c):
sensor = mlx90614.MLX90614(i2c)
print('couldnt connect to an i2c temp sensor')
sensor = False
print('temp found')
#return sensor
return sensor
bad esp32 TTGO T-Display:
good 8266:
For anyone receiving 1037.55 responses from your gy-906 or MXL90614 sensor, that translates to 0xFF, 0xFF or all high (ones) from the sensor. This seems to happen when the sensor doesn't understand how to respond. (Thank you, #jasonharper for helping me understand this)
Here's how the math works:
The 0xFF, 0xFF in decimal is 65535.
The sensor resolution is 1/50 of
a degree which means you divide 65535 x 0.02 to convert to Kelvin, or
1310.7 (K)
Kelvin to Celsius (subtract 237.15) gets you 1037.55 C
Celsius to Fahrenheit gets you 1899.59 F
Bottom line, your sensor is hiccuping because it doesn't like the stop bit between the write and read, or you have a problem with your I2C bus, either the protocol is doing the request wrong or you have a cabling issue (length or wire gauge or connection, etc).
If it's the protocol like it was for me, see if anyone has updated the I2C system library recently and try a different version if possible.
I traced this issue down for days. Luckily I had a number of different MicroPython capable chips and was able to narrow it down to an old version of the machine.I2C library adding that stupid "stop" above.
I bought a $10 protocol analyzer on amazon to make that image above, and I tried loading the code on each of these: Wemos D1, HitLego ESP32S and TTGO T-Display. By trying the code on each, I was able to narrow it down to only the T-Display not working, which needed an custom old firmware version to get the ST7789 display working. The next step is to try to update and recompile the display library from loboris to work with the most recent Micropython firmware. If I make it work, I will reply below.

Delay interfacing Arduino and Simulink

I am trying to read data from potentionmeter using an arduino microcontroller (tried both arduino UNO, arduino FIO) and using serial communication interface it to Simulink (I tried baud rates ranging from 57600-921600).
Here is the Arduino source code:
Reads an analog input on pin 0, prints the result to the serial monitor.
#define ana_pin A0
void setup() {
// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop() {
// read the input on analog pin 0:
int sensorValue = analogRead(ana_pin);
// print out the value you read:
// delay(500); // delay in between reads for stability
I interfaced it with Tera Term software and there is instantaneous change of values corresponding to 3 V or 0V.
However when I tried to interface it with Simulink model using instrument control toolbox:
there is a 10 second lag when value changes from ASCII representation of 3V to 0V
The block sample time is 0.01 seconds and the model configuration parameters are adjusted accordingly (I tried it for 1 second or more and the delay still remains. Also, I was able to record data from another sensor and LPC1768 development board without any delay.
I also tried it with Arduino support libraries in Simulink:
And it seems that no data is received, as you can see from Scope1 in the png file the status signal is always 0. I have also attached hardware implementation properties from Arduino block in Simulink:
Could you help me understand what is going on and how to solve this issue?
#Patrick Trentin -
I get a delay of 4 seconds when I use baud rates of 230400, 460800 and 921600.
For baud rate of 57600, 115200 I get a delay of 10 seconds.
Thank you for pointing it out I did not focus on that previously.
However since I will be using the sensor in an application which accurately needs reading every 0.01 sec. I dont think I can work with 4 sec delay.

Understanding some ADC instructions

I am trying to program an adc in stm32f4. I want to know what are the roles of these five instructions?
ADC_CommonInitStructure.ADC_Mode = ADC_Mode_Independent;
ADC_CommonInitStructure.ADC_Prescaler = ADC_Prescaler_Div2;
ADC_CommonInitStructure.ADC_DMAAccessMode = ADC_DMAAccessMode_Disabled;
ADC_CommonInitStructure.ADC_TwoSamplingDelay = ADC_TwoSamplingDelay_5Cycles;
ADC_InitStructure.ADC_DataAlign = ADC_DataAlign_Right
ADC_Mode_Independent The ADC functions independently of others. Other modes allow two ADC to be read at exactly the same time (for power measurement) or interleaved (2 or 3 ADC cooperate to read the same channel more often)
ADC_Prescaler_Div2 - How fast the ADC works its SAR algorithm
ADC_DMAAccessMode_Disabled - DMA provides the ability to take a number of readings and have them automatically put into a table in memory
ADC_TwoSamplingDelay_5Cycles - There are two registers, this one one is a delay between successive readings, the other is the sampling time, the time taken to physically sense the voltage on the pin. You must have a low impedance source to use shorter sampling. explained in the manual. Some processors can read the same pin more than once before stepping to the next pin, hence the delay read the ADC accuracy appnotes.