Understanding some ADC instructions - stm32

I am trying to program an adc in stm32f4. I want to know what are the roles of these five instructions?
ADC_CommonInitStructure.ADC_Mode = ADC_Mode_Independent;
ADC_CommonInitStructure.ADC_Prescaler = ADC_Prescaler_Div2;
ADC_CommonInitStructure.ADC_DMAAccessMode = ADC_DMAAccessMode_Disabled;
ADC_CommonInitStructure.ADC_TwoSamplingDelay = ADC_TwoSamplingDelay_5Cycles;
ADC_InitStructure.ADC_DataAlign = ADC_DataAlign_Right

ADC_Mode_Independent The ADC functions independently of others. Other modes allow two ADC to be read at exactly the same time (for power measurement) or interleaved (2 or 3 ADC cooperate to read the same channel more often)
ADC_Prescaler_Div2 - How fast the ADC works its SAR algorithm
ADC_DMAAccessMode_Disabled - DMA provides the ability to take a number of readings and have them automatically put into a table in memory
ADC_TwoSamplingDelay_5Cycles - There are two registers, this one one is a delay between successive readings, the other is the sampling time, the time taken to physically sense the voltage on the pin. You must have a low impedance source to use shorter sampling. explained in the manual. Some processors can read the same pin more than once before stepping to the next pin, hence the delay read the ADC accuracy appnotes.


Is there a way to sample from an STM32 ADC at a specific frequency, without the use of interrupts?

For this specific problem, we are tasked to ensure that our ADC samples at a specific frequency, around 30kHz, as we need to sample an input which will have a frequency of at least 10KHz. The plan I had initially had was to set up a timer with interrupts and set the timer to have a 30KHz frequency, then have it generate an interrupt for every Hz and on this interrupt I would sample, however this is obviously a terrible idea since 30000 interrupts per second would most likely break everything I've done so far.
All the ADC examples we have done so far did not require us to sample at a specific frequency and thus, simply keeping the HAL_ADC_GetValue in the main while loop was sufficient.
We were also told that DMA would not be necessary to solve the problem.
Any tips?

STM32F4 Timer Triggered DMA SPI – NSS Problem

I have a STM32F417IG microcontroller an external 16bit-DAC (TI DAC81404) that is supposed to generate a Signal with a sampling rate of 32kHz. The communication via SPI should not involve any CPU resources. That is why I want to use a timer triggered DMA to shift the data with a rate of 32kHz to the SPI data register in order to send the data to the DAC.
Information about the DAC
Whenever the DAC receives a channel address and the new corresponding 16bit value the DAC will renew its output voltage to the new received value. This is achieved by:
Pulling the CS/NSS/SYNC – pin to low
Sending the 24bit/3 byte long message and
Pulling the CS back to a high state
The first 8bit of the message are containing among other information the information where the output voltage should be applied. The next and concurrently the last 16bit are containing the new value.
Information about STM32
Unfortunately the microcontroller of ST are having a hardware problem with the NSS-pin. Starting the communication via SPI the NSS-pin is pulled low. Now the pin is low as long as SPI is enabled (. (reference manual page 877). That is sadly not the right way for communicate with device that are in need of a rise of the NSS after each message. A “solution” would be to toggle the NSS-pin manually as suggested in the manual (When a master is communicating with SPI slaves which need to be de-selected between transmissions, the NSS pin must be configured as GPIO or another GPIO must be used and toggled by software.)
If DMA is used the ordinary way the CPU is only used when starting the process. By toggling the NSS twice every 1/32000 s this leads to corresponding CPU interactions.
My question is whether I missed something in order to achieve a communication without CPU.
If not my goal is now to reduce the CPU processing time to a minimum. My pIan is to trigger DMA with a timer. So every 1/32k seconds the data register of SPI is filled with the 24bit data for the DAC.
The NSS could be toggled by a timer interrupt.
I have problems achieving it because I do not know how to link the timer with the DMA of the SPI using HAL-functions. Can anyone help me?
This is a tricky one. It might be difficult to avoid having one interrupt per sample with this combination of DAC and microcontroller.
However, one approach I would look at is to have the CS signal created as a timer output-compare (like PWM). You can use multiple channels of the same timer or link multiple timers to create a delay between the CS output and the DMA trigger. You should allow some room for jitter, because depending on what else is happening the DMA might not respond instantly. This won't hurt your DAC output signal though, because it only outputs the value on the rising edge of chip select (called SYNC in the DAC datasheet) which will still be from your first timer.

I2C slave implementation - clock frequency?

I want to implement a I2C SLAVE in an FPGA, just for learning purposes. I read in the I2C specification that for the FAST mode there is a timing parameter tPS = 50ns (max) which means "pulse width of spikes that must be suppressed by the input filter". Should this be a digital filter inside the slave? If yes, does that mean my slave must have a maximum clock period of 25ns (or something)?
Another question would be: is there a (robust) way of implementing this slave using the SCL line as the only clock? Or a faster second clock is needed (and in this case I would treat the SCL line as "data")? If so, how do I calculate the minimum frequency of this other clock?
Thanks in advance!

STM32 SPI bandwith evaluation procedure

I'm testing the SPI capabilities of STM32H7. For this I'm using the SPI examples provided in STM32CubeH7 on 2 Nucleo-H743ZI boards. I will perhaps not keep this code in my own development, rigth now the goal is to understand how SPI is working and what bandwith I can get in the different modes (with DMA, with cache enabled or not, etc...).
I'd like to share the figures I've computed, as it doesn't seem very high. In the example, if I understood correctly, the CPU is # 400Mhz and the SPI bus frequency # 100MHz.
For polling mode I've measured the number of cycles of the call to function HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive.
For DMA I've measured between call to HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA and call to the transfer complete callback.
Measurements of cycles where made with SysTick clocked on internal clock. Since there is no low power usage, it should be accurate.
I've just modified ST's examples to send a buffer of 1KB.
I get around 200.000 CPU cycles in polling mode, which means around 2MB/s
And around 3MB/s in DMA mode.
Since the SPI clock runs at 100Mhz I would have expected much more, especially in DMA mode, what do you think ? Is there something wrong in my test procedure ?

How computers can receive data quickly?

In computer networks, we are trying to increase the transmission speed of data. Since data is nothing but electrical signals. How these electric signals can be converted into bits so quickly? This conversion is done by ADC - DAC. We can’t control the speed of computation of ADC then how can we translate the electric signals to bits so quickly. Next, Is this ADC integrated in our computer chipset?
Also, does it mean that every peripheral has ADC. For example, NIC card will have ADC. Is the information carried in the LAN cable like CAT 5, 6 are analog in nature?
You clock bits in by detecting a rising edge on a signal wired up to one of the pins of your chip. Then the rise lasts for a certain period of time, but only a fraction of a millisecond. There's a bit of tolerance so sender and receiver don't have to be exactly synchronised. The chip then transfers the bit to a buffer in very low level code. When it has a byte, slightly higher level code transfers the byte to another buffer, then the next level is user level - we have a stream of input bytes.
Whilst the wire is of course analogue, that is not analogue to digital conversion. Analogue to digital conversion is where we measure the signal, quantise it, then create a binary representation in place value notation.