how to find commands related to selenium ide 3.4.5 - command

when I was making test cases through selenium ide 3.4.5 and then I wanted to store some values in that but I couldn't find any command or link to relate about it. Please help me out with some clue.


NetBeans IDE: Resolve Missing Native Build Tools

I am trying to install Fortran in my Windows 10 laptop.
I followed step-by-step this tutorial.
On the last step I am promted to run the following piece of code:
program testfortran
implicit none
print*,'Hello world '
end program testfortran
However a Resolve Missing Native Build Tools window pops-up: it seems that the Make command field is empty.
To be more specific at the bottom of this window there is a message that Tolls marked with * are required. There are three such fields:
(1)C++ compiler to which is attributed the message C:\MinGW\bin\g++.exe
(2)Fortran compiler to which is attributed the message C:\MinGW\bin\gfortran.exe
(3) Make command which is empty (it comes with a red *)
What should I write inside the Make command field?
P.S. All I want is Fortran 90/95 installed on my Windows 10 laptop. I try to do this with step-by-step tutorials because installing software is not exactly what I am good at. So any alternatives would be welcome.
MinGW comes with the mingw32-make program (or it can be installed by mingw-get install mingw32-make). So you should use

configuring the interpreter for eclipse 4.6.0

I am trying to start a new PyDev Project and first need to setup the interpreter. The auto-config does not find a "valid interpreter". And so I must manual config. Perhaps someone with experience in this procedure knows of the specific name for the Interpreter Executable I am looking for. Thanks!
To get the interpreter you need to use, start the python interactive console in a shell and then do:
import sys; print(sys.executable)
The path printed is the interpreter you should use.
As a note, PyDev 4.6.0 is pretty old already, so, my suggestion would be upgrading to the latest release as many things were improved in the meanwhile.

Pony language on Windows with VS2017 or VSCode

I am looking for a complete instruction on how to setup Pony and make VS2017 or VSCode recognize its syntax, compile and debug program.
So far I've found a plugin for VS2015 (; however I cannot build the project (project is of course being converted to VS2017 format by VS2017 itself). I've also found some syntax colorizer for VSCode; however I have no clue how to configure building pipe, not mentioning the debugging environment.
Ps. On YouTube there is a lecture on Pony and guys there seem to use VSCode (
How did they do that? Does any one know?
Currently the plugin only supports syntax highlighting. I haven’t used it myself, but if you go to the Pony mailing list you might be able to find someone who has more information. I believe Sylvan is using Sublime Text in the video you linked to.

Paraview Build in VS

I´m trying to build paraview from source, therefore using:
Windows 7
Visual Studio 2010
Qt 4.8.7
Python 2.7.8
msmpi 7
paraview source, version 5.1.0
In CMake I can choose different options to specify what functionality to include into the build process. I tried different combinations, like setting BUILD_EXAMPLES or PARAVIEW_USE_MPI, respectively. Now I have got following questions:
When I set BUILD_SHARED_LIBS and PARAVIEW_ENABLE_PYTHON as well (besides others), configuring and generating the project with CMake is successful, but compiling in VS fails; it keeps freezing right after starting the compilation. Did anybody experience the same problem and how did you solve it? (By the way, if I unset BUILD_SHARED_LIBS it works, but I don´t want a static build of Paraview).
By using the combination BUILD_EXAMPLES, BUILD_TESTING, PARAVIEW_BUILD_QT_GUI, PARAVIEW_ENABLE_CATALYST, PARAVIEW_ENABLE_PYTHON and PARAVIEW_USE_MPI the same problem as described in 1.) occurs, but that is more or less what I need to use Catalyst to perform in-situ analysis of my FEM simulation. (Incidentally, if I unset BUILD_TESTING in the above combination it works, but I need CTest to test the Catalyst examples as described here. Does anybody now how to fix that problem?
As shown at GitHub, some examples have been updated to work properly in Paraview 4.4. Is my version of Paraview (5.1.0) unsuitable for the Catalyst examples? Is that the reason why VS is always hanging up for particular variable settings in CMake and which version of Paraview is most suitable to get the Catalyst examples going?
I'd appreciate any help!
That's odd! There's no known reason for this. Although I haven't used VS2010 explicitly, we do have dashboards testing with 2013 and I build with VS2015 with no issue.
I'd recommend using the Ninja as the builder rather than the IDE, however. Just run cmake-gui.exe from appropriate VS studio command prompt and pick Ninja as the build generator. Then, to build, just run ninja in the build directory.

batchfiles eclipse main application external tools

I am working with Lejos and java Eclipse on Windows 7. As my machine is 64 bit it will not allow me run the standard Lejos driver as an Eclipse plugin I installed it as an external tool . I followed this super helpfull tutorial However for my project I need to be able to regularly send instructions to my Nxt brick. is there anyway that I can call external tools from the main application while it is running ??Alternatively is it possible to call batch files in main programs or even make command line arguments while a program is running ??? I have read allot of forums on this and no where have I found the solution to my problem, if people have any Idea I would appreciate the help,
Right after allot of reading around there is and article on java world
that sums up beautifully what you should and shouldn't do .. hope this is helpfull for anyone coming after me ......