NetBeans IDE: Resolve Missing Native Build Tools - netbeans

I am trying to install Fortran in my Windows 10 laptop.
I followed step-by-step this tutorial.
On the last step I am promted to run the following piece of code:
program testfortran
implicit none
print*,'Hello world '
end program testfortran
However a Resolve Missing Native Build Tools window pops-up: it seems that the Make command field is empty.
To be more specific at the bottom of this window there is a message that Tolls marked with * are required. There are three such fields:
(1)C++ compiler to which is attributed the message C:\MinGW\bin\g++.exe
(2)Fortran compiler to which is attributed the message C:\MinGW\bin\gfortran.exe
(3) Make command which is empty (it comes with a red *)
What should I write inside the Make command field?
P.S. All I want is Fortran 90/95 installed on my Windows 10 laptop. I try to do this with step-by-step tutorials because installing software is not exactly what I am good at. So any alternatives would be welcome.

MinGW comes with the mingw32-make program (or it can be installed by mingw-get install mingw32-make). So you should use


VS Code cannot find Arduino IDE path

I have been trying to use the Arduino extension for VS Code in Ubuntu 18, but when I execute the initialize command, I get the error "Cannot find the Arduino IDE. Please specify the arduino.path in the user settings". So I wrote every path that comes out when executing the command "whereis arduino", I've also tried leaving the box empty (in theory that makes VS Code search for the IDE) and reinstalling both the Arduino IDE and VS Code several times, without any result. Does somebody knows a possible fix for this issue?
Download and extract the appropriate Arduino version according to your need from here, and install it using command sudo ./install. In my case, I have downloaded Arduino 1.8.6 Linux 64 Bit .
Goto Files -> Preferences -> Settings, Open Settings(JSON) as shown below.
Change arduino.path to the path location of extracted Arduino file. In my case it is /home/user/Downloads/arduino-1.8.6 and arduino.commandPath to arduino.
For those who installed Arduino through snap platform refer this post.
Your Settings JSON file should look like this.
"arduino.path": "/home/user/Downloads/arduino-1.8.6",
"arduino.commandPath": "arduino",
Save and restart.
It's Done!!
Good Luck
P.S.:Add arduino.commandPath if not already exist and should point to Arduino executable present in the arduino.path.
Even when its on mac, someone can find this helpful as I had the same problem and found this thread. On MAC I have solved this one with arduino-cli and following:
install homebrew (if you have, proceed to step 2)
install arduino-cli with brew install arduino-cli
find where the arduino-cli is installed. Usually (on mac) it will be /opt/homebrew/bin/arduino-cli... Which means, if you run the command arduino-cli, it will execute this script... You can find the location with:
which arduino-cli (I have zsh, I am not aware if it will be the same for older bash, probably it will, I am not so skilled in this one, but you can try to use find instead of which. But which is working for me
lets assume you have the path, for me it was /opt/homebrew/bin/arduino-cli
proceed to VScode, go to settings (well, lets assume we will be working with the json settings
in my case, the input is following:
"arduino.useArduinoCli": true,
"arduino.path": "/opt/homebrew/bin/",
"arduino.commandPath": "arduino-cli"
Note, even when the path to arduino-cli is /opt/homebrew/bin/arduino-cli, we are removing the script name from the path... But we are adding this to the commandPath
I found that running whereis arduino or which arduino gave me /usr/local/bin/arduino. However, this didn't make Visual Studio Code happy. After some more digging, it turns out that that path is just a symlink to /opt/arduino-1.8.13. (Use ls -la /usr/local/bin/arduino to see where the symlink points to on your system.)
Also of note: be sure to give the path to the directory, not to the actual executable. For instance, in my case, the proper path was /opt/arduino-1.8.13 NOT /opt/arduino-1.8.13/arduino!
Use /opt/arduino-1.8.13, but be sure to update the version number to whatever is installed on your system.
This might not work for everyone, but the problem for me was using Visual Studio Code for flatpak. There was probably a better way to fix this, but the easiest way to do it (for me) was to install the binary from their website.
Go to "User Settings" > "Extensions" > "arduino.commandPath" > change it to "arduino_debug.exe"
In my case whereis arduino gave me /usr/bin/arduino and /usr/share/arduino, however putting either of them in the arduino.path didn't work.
Entering /usr/bin did the trick though. hope it helps!
(Ubuntu 20.04)
I use Windows and I solved it as follows.
The problem is because you are using the new version Arduino IDE 2.x.x and it has another way to code its sketches and more (I don't know how to say it, I'm a beginner in this) or you haven't activated to use Arduino Cli at least, so -- ->
Intall Arduino 1.8.x. You can donwload it here: Arduino Software
Open your vscode, go to Files>preferences>settings and find your Arduino extension under "Extensions". and put the standard path for Arduino 1.8.x like: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino (Remember this is where you installed the Arduino 1.8.x path) in "Arduino Path".
Next, you need to click on "Arduino: Use ArduinoCli" to link the Arduino extension to the correct version (Arduino Legacy is not allowed).
Arduino CLI option in vscode settings
Here's what fix my issue!
1st - Make sure you have the right path ("The path to the folder which contains the 'arduino.exe'", and not the path with the 'arduino.exe') copied to your Arduino Settings in VS Code.
2nd (The Actual Fix for me) - After installing the Arduino IDE and the VS Code extension RESTART you entire computer!! This somehow updates the Registry.
After which you can just Initialize your project, F1 - Arduino Initialize.
That's it enjoy and start up your Golden IoT project.

TieredCompilation is disabled in this release - running Leiningen in Counterclockwise

I'm running Leiningen in Counterclockwise in Eclipse (Windows, if it's relevant).
The thing is, when I run Leiningen from the command prompt, it runs just fine. However when I run it inside Eclipse, although it runs fine it haunts me with the following warning:
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM warning: TieredCompilation is disabled in this release.
The only relevant thing I found on the Internet is this. However the solution doesn't work for me as I don't have this line in lein.bat file. I've tried fiddling with Java options in lein.bat to enable TieredCompilation explicitly with no avail. I'm trying to understand - what's different when Eclipse runs lein, compared to when I run it from the prompt, how does it run it? How do I hide this message?
EDIT: this warning seems to appear only in 32-bit JVM; for anyone having the same problem, using 64-bit JVM solves it. For anyone that as to use 32-bit JVM for whatever reason, I'm still looking for a good solution.
(converted from comment as I have to add additional info)
CCW uses its own version of Leiningen - for example, when I execute lein version from inside CCW I get 2.5.1, but if I drop to the command line and execute the same command I get 2.7.1. In my install (Neon + CCW - couldn't make the standalone CCW install work) there's a leiningen-standalone.jar in C:\eclipse\plugins\ccw.core_0.35.1.STABLE001. There may be a way to get Counterclockwise to use a separate version of Leiningen - perhaps more knowledgeable users will chime in with how to do this.
Also note that in the Windows install of Leiningen the LEIN_JVM_OPTS environment variable isn't defined at all in lein.bat, although it is used when invoking Java. Thus it seems you have two options:
Less-preferred option: edit lein.bat and add the definition of LEIN_JVM_OPTS, probably somewhere near the beginning of the file. This has the disadvantage that when you upgrade Leiningen you'll lose your definition of LEIN_JVM_OPTS and have to find this message again.
More-preferred option: since this is Windows you can go into Control Panel, type "environ" in the search box, then click on on the "Edit environment variables for your account" link which comes up under System (or click on "Edit the system environment variables" if you like). Create a new entry for LEIN_JVM_OPTS, specifying something like
and you should be good to go. While I don't know for certain if this environment variable is used by the standalone .jar version of Leiningen I'd certainly hope and expect it would be.
Best of luck.

A Java Development Kit must be available in order to run Eclipse

I was able to run Eclipse until I tried to install another compiler, suggested by a online tutorial for C++. Now I'm getting the 'No virtual machine was found error'. I know I'm suppose to match the versions of the programs but I can't seem to figure it out. I thought I had downloaded 64 bit version of each program in Eclipse and JDK but I don't know how to verify it. I go to each file and try to get the info but I must be looking in the wrong places. I have copied the file location of JDK and pasted it in the Advanced System Settings in Environment Variables. In the Systems Variables for User on the variable line I typed "path", on the value line I pasted the location: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_05\bin. I have even uninstalled both programs several times and reinstalled them. I've been at it for several hours now with no success. Any suggestions, anybody. Thank you.

Eclipse: Cannot run program "cs-make": Launching failed

For the past week, i have been hunting a free development environment for STM32F1xx, which is supported by FreeRTOS. And no success yet :( .
Now I've found this:
It's an Eclipse configuration for STM32 compiling and debugging, and there is a FreeRTOS demo too. Perfect!
So I downloaded a preconfigered version of eclipse and tried to compile a demo project to get this error:
Cannot run program "cs-make": Launching failed.
Depressing. Please help, i am very bad at configuring IDE's, compilers and linkers so this has to be newbie-friendly :)
The Eclipse project is configured for CodeSourcery toolchain. You need to install CodeSourcery compiler toolchain from: Choose Lite Edition, ARM-NONE-EABI package. After the installation make sure you can start cs-make from command prompt (by typing it's name there). Generally, you want all toolchain programs to be accessible from command prompt, which implies that their installation path must be in system PATH variable.
Make sure the path DOES NOT contain spaces like standard Windows programs directory "C:\Program Files", instead install the tools in a directory like "C:\arm-none-eabi", "C:\ARM_tools" or something like that.
Ah, thank you got it to work now!
And I ran into another problem too. When I tried to compile another error came up saying something like: "C:\Program is no file or directory". I Solved it by placing all compilers and OpenOCD in the root of my C-drive. I think it's because the make doesn't understand spaces in the make file, if anyone else get the same problem.

Eclipse does not find Valgrind

I installed Valgrind on SUSE Linux SLES 11SP2 under my home directory and added it to the path. I then installed eclipse Juno for C/C++ Service Release 2 Build id: 20130225-0426 and installed the Valgrind plugin.
When I try to create a profile configuration with Valgrind I get an error message:
"[Valgrind Options]: Couldn't determine version of Valgrind", and though it allows me to make the configuration it prevents me from proceeding by greying out all buttons except for the close button.
I know I am missing something trivial like defining the location of the Valgrind executable in eclipse, but I was unable to find it, not in the project properties nor in the window preferences.
I will appreciate your help.
Ok, I figured it out.
I moved the Valgrind installation to a new shared location, and tried it out with a new computer (same architecture).
It did not affect the original computer I installed it on, but Valgrind had a problem with the new one, as indicated in the README (and I meanwhile forgot):
“Important! Do not move the valgrind installation into a place different from that specified by --prefix at build time. This will cause things to break in subtle ways, mostly when Valgrind handles fork/exec calls.”.
This caused Valgrind to break when run standalone with the message:
“valgrind: failed to start tool 'memcheck' for platform 'amd64-linux': No such file or directory”,
however when running Valgrind from eclipse it probably translated it to the message:
"[Valgrind Options]: Couldn't determine version of Valgrind".
In short: Do not move the Valgrind installation but re-install it. And this message from eclipse indicates that something bad happened with the installed Valgrind and not that it cannot find it.
I am getting the same error but its not caused by the explanation you have given.
You can get this error if you are using valgrind on mac os x because valgrind is usually not installed in the directory eclipse is looking for. In order to fix the issue on mac, you need to make a symbolic link to the valgrind location by
typing ln -s valgrind_location /usr/bin/valgrind. Note this differs from what are in the directions on eclipse's site For some reason they have the call backwards on their site. Once I made this correction valgrind worked correctly from within Eclipse.
So on macs at least the error that it can't determine the version of valgrind at least matches up with eclipse not being able to find the file.