mocking method inside another method scala - scala

I am having a problem while mocking a method that is being called in another method.
For example: Below in my main class.
class Trial extends TrialTrait {
def run(): String ={
val a = createA()
val b = a.split(" ")
val c = b.size
val d = c + " words are there"
def createA(): String = {
var a = "above all the things that have been done, one thing remained in silent above all the things that have been done one thing remained in silent above all the that "
Below is my mock code.
class TryMock4 extends FunSuite with BeforeAndAfterEach with MockFactory {
val trial = new Trial
val st = stub[TrialTrait]
test("Mocking the DataFrame") {
val input = "above all the things that have been done, one thing remained in silent above "
(st.createA _).when().returns(input)
val expected = "14 words are there"
val actual =
What I am trying to do is, passing mocking data to createA and use that in the run method.
But, it is giving null value after running the run method.
Could you please suggest how it can be achieved?

I don't think you need a mock in this case, just a regular override should suffice.
class TrialTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
behavior of "Trial"
it should "count words" in {
val input = "above all the things that have been done, one thing remained in silent above "
val trial = new Trial {
override def createA(): String = input
val expected = "14 words are there"
val actual =
actual should be (expected)
However, should you really want to use a mock here, it's possible with scalamock.
You can define our own class that makes part of the class final (the bit you don't want to mock), see below:
class TrialTestWithMock extends FlatSpec with Matchers with MockFactory {
behavior of "Trial"
it should "count words" in {
val input = "above all the things that have been done, one thing remained in silent above "
class FinalTrial extends Trial {
final override def run(): String =
val trial = mock[FinalTrial]
(trial.createA _).expects().returning(input).anyNumberOfTimes()
val expected = "14 words are there"
val actual =
actual should be (expected)


Scala, Specs2 and shared state

I am writing some Specs2 specifications; that looks like:
class ComponentSpecification extends Specification with Mockito {
private val dependency = mock[Dependency]
private val subject = new Component(..)
"methodOne" should {
"handle happy path" in {
val result = subject.methodOne("Param1", 42)
result must ...
there was one(dependency).something()
"deal with border case" in {
val result = subject.methodOne("", -1)
result must ...
there was one(dependency).something()
However, those tests fails because the mock[Dependency] is shared.
One solution would be to make them sequential and reset the mock before each test but this look odd and as written in the doc about "Parallel by default":
it encourages to write independent examples when the result of a given example should not be influenced by others
Another would be to move the val to the test itself. But while I should be able to reduce the duplication with this still looks like a strange structure. And looks like the subject is stateful while it should not.
I can also try to use a less strict approach by verifying with there was atLestOne(dependency).something() but:
this does not validate that the method was called in this specific test case and
argument capture and validation is painful.
So my question is:
How can I create readable tests with detailed verifications on mock.
Thanks a lot.
Scopes can provide fresh state to each test like so
class ComponentSpecification extends mutable.Specification with Mockito {
trait FooScope extends Scope {
val dependency = mock[Dependency]
val subject = new Component(dependency)
"methodOne" should {
"handle happy path" in new FooScope {
val result = subject.methodOne("Param1", 42)
there was one(dependency).something()
"deal with border case" in new FooScope {
val result = subject.methodOne("", -1)
there was one(dependency).something()
where there is no need to reset the mock before each test.
I was going to accept the answer from #Mario Galic. However, regarding the comment of #Eric (author of Specs2) I ended with a method that creates the context as expected but removes duplication. By using pattern matching I extract the interesting part :
class ComponentSpecification extends mutable.Specification with Mockito {
def givenOneCallToMethodOneWithDependency(s:String, i:Int):(Result, Dependency) = {
val dependency = mock[Dependency]
val subject = new Component(dependency)
val result = subject.methodOne(s, i)
(result, dependency)
"methodOne" should {
"handle happy path" in new FooScope {
val (result, dependency) = givenOneCallToMethodOneWithDependency("Param1", 42)
there was one(dependency).something()
"deal with border case" in new FooScope {
val (result, dependency) = givenOneCallToMethodOneWithDependency("", -1)
there was one(dependency).something()

Def vs. val, functional syntax not working in Scala.js?

To give you a minimal example:
object Main extends JSApp
val someThing: String = determineSomething("test")
def main(): Unit =
Now, two possibilities here:
private def determineSomething(s: String): String = "succeeded"
If the project is executed like this, well, I get a log entry saying
But when I use the more functional syntax:
private val determineSomething: (s: String) => "succeeded"
I get
TypeError: this.determineSomething$1 is null
I am curious as to the why this happens as in the (JVM) repl, both ways work perfectly fine.
I think what you want is something like this:
object Main extends JSApp {
private val determineSomething: String => String = (s: String) => "succeeded"
val someThing: String = determineSomething("test")
def main(): Unit = {
The declaration of determineSomething needs to come before the declaration of something, otherwise the former will be uninitialized when the compiler attempts to initialize the latter.

Test a nested method call on a mocked class using ScalaMock

I am new to both ScalaMock and mocking in general. I am trying to test a method which calls a method in another (mocked) class and then calls a method on the returned object.
Detailed information:
So I am using ScalaTest and there are five classes involved in this test...
SubInstruction which I am testing
class SubInstruction(label: String, val result: Int, val op1: Int, val op2: Int) extends Instruction(label, "sub") {
override def execute(m: Machine) {
val value1 = m.regs(op1)
val value2 = m.regs(op2)
m.regs(result) = value1 - value2
object SubInstruction {
def apply(label: String, result: Int, op1: Int, op2: Int) =
new SubInstruction(label, result, op1, op2)
Machine which must be mocked for the test
case class Machine(labels: Labels, prog: Vector[Instruction]) {
private final val NUMBEROFREGISTERS = 32
val regs: Registers = new Registers(NUMBEROFREGISTERS)
override def toString(): String = {
prog.foldLeft("")(_ + _)
def execute(start: Int) =
start.until(prog.length).foreach(x => prog(x) execute this)
object Machine extends App {
if (args.length == 0) {
println("Machine: args should be sml code file to execute")
} else {
println("SML interpreter - Scala version")
val m = Translator(args(0)).readAndTranslate(new Machine(Labels(), Vector()))
println("Here is the program; it has " + m.prog.size + " instructions.")
println("Beginning program execution.")
println("Ending program execution.")
println("Values of registers at program termination:")
println(m.regs + ".")
Registers which is required to construct a Machine object
case class Registers(size: Int) {
val registers: Array[Int] = new Array(size)
override def toString(): String =
registers.mkString(" ")
def update(k: Int, v: Int) = registers(k) = v
def apply(k: Int) = registers(k)
MockableMachine which I have created as the original Machine class does not have an empty constructor and therefore (as I understand) can not be mocked
class MockableMachine extends Machine(Labels(), Vector()){
and finally my test class SubInstructionTest which compiles but throws the exception below.
class SubInstructionTest extends FlatSpec with MockFactory with Matchers {
val label1 = "f0"
val result1 = 25
val op1_1 = 24
val op2_1 = 20
val sub1 = SubInstruction(label1, result1, op1_1, op2_1)
"A SubInstruction" should "retrieve the operands from the correct registers in the given machine " +
"when execute(m: Machine) is called, and perform the operation saving the " +
"result in the correct register." in {
val mockMachine = mock[MockableMachine]
inSequence {
(mockMachine.regs.apply _).expects(op1_1).returning(50)
(mockMachine.regs.apply _).expects(op2_1).returning(16)
(mockMachine.regs.update _).expects(result1, 34)
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: Registers.mock$apply$0()
I have been searching for a straightforward way to mock this class for hours, but have found nothing. For the time being I have settled on the workaround detailed below, but I was under the impression that mocking would offer a less convoluted solution to the problem of testing my SubInstruction class.
The workaround:
Delete the MockableMachine class and create a CustomMachine class which extends Machine and replaces the registers value with mockedRegisters provided at construction time.
class CustomMachine (mockedRegister: Registers) extends Machine(Labels(), Vector()) {
val regs: Registers = mockedRegister
a MockableRegisters class which I have created as the original does not have an empty constructor and therefore (as I understand) can not be mocked
class MockableRegisters extends Registers(32) {
and the SubInstructionTest class written in a slightly different way
class SubInstructionTest extends FlatSpec with MockFactory with Matchers {
val label1 = "f0"
val result1 = 25
val op1_1 = 24
val op2_1 = 20
val sub1 = SubInstruction(label1, result1, op1_1, op2_1)
"A SubInstruction" should "retrieve the operands from the correct registers in the given machine " +
"when execute(m: Machine) is called, and perform the operation saving the " +
"result in the correct register." in {
val mockRegisters = mock[MockableRegisters]
val machine = new CustomMachine(mockRegisters)
inSequence {
(mockRegisters.apply _).expects(op1_1).returning(50)
(mockRegisters.apply _).expects(op2_1).returning(16)
(mockRegisters.update _).expects(result1, 34)
As indicated, this feels like a workaround to me, is there not a simpler way to do this (perhaps similar to my original attempt)?
I have just included the essential code to ask the question, but you can find the full code on my GitHub account.
I don't think mocking nested objects is supported by Scalamock implicitly. You'll have to mock the object returned by the first call which is what your working example does.
FWIW, Mockito supports this. Search for RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS.

Existential types in Scala

Please find below a short example which puzzles me.
I must concede that I have some difficulties to manipulate existential types in Scala.
How should I solve the type mismatch line 56 ?
proposer is OK type _$1 while proposers is of type _$1 <: Individual
Thanks in advance,
class Individual(n: String) {
protected val name=n
var preferred: Individual = this
override def toString(): String=name
class Man(n: String) extends Individual(n) { }
class Woman(n: String) extends Individual(n) { }
class Marriage(m: Man, w: Woman){
private val man=m
private val woman=w
def this(w: Woman, m: Man) = this(m,w)
override def toString(): String = man+"--"+woman
class Matching(){
private var list: List[Marriage] = Nil
def add(m: Marriage): Unit = { list = m ::list }
override def toString(): String= {
var s: String = ""
for (elm<-list) s=s+elm+" "
return s
object Test{
protected var male = true
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val al = new Man("Al")
val bob = new Man("Bob")
val alice = new Woman("Alice")
val barbara = new Woman("Barbara")
al.preferred = alice
bob.preferred = barbara
alice.preferred = bob
barbara.preferred = al
val men = Set(al, bob)
val women = Set(alice, barbara)
val m = new Matching()
//var proposers=women
var proposers: Set[_ <:Individual] = Set[Individual]()
if (male) proposers = men
else proposers = women
while (!proposers.isEmpty) {
for(proposer <- proposers) {
val proposer=proposers.head
if (proposer.isInstanceOf[Man])
m.add(new Marriage(
m.add(new Marriage(
proposers-=proposer//There is an error here
This code is messy. It's poorly formatted, it mixes tabs and spaces, and it uses mutability even in the most trivial of places where a functional solution requires little thought.
This code also won't scale internationally to countries where same-sex marriage is a possibility.
Working from the top down...
I suspect you'll never want to directly instantiate an Individual, only ever a Man or a Woman. So a algebraic data type makes more sense, this is done with a sealed trait and case class subtypes.
I'll also drop the preferred property, as it can lead to circular references. Dealing with this in immutable data is beyond the level I'm willing to go in this answer.
sealed trait Individual {
def name: String
override def toString(): String=name
//as it's a case class, `name` becomes a val,
//which implements the abstract `def name` from the trait
case class Man(name: String) extends Individual
case class Woman(name: String) extends Individual
Marriage can also be a case class, and let's drop the clumsy duplication of class parameters into vals - it's just pointless boilerplate. This is also a good time to move the auxiliary constructor to a factory method in the companion object:
case class Marriage(man: Man, woman: Woman) {
override def toString(): String = man + "--" + woman
object Marriage {
def apply(w: Woman, m: Man) = new Marriage(m,w)
Matching is almost pointless, an entire class just to wrap a List? This kind of thing made sense in pre-Generics Java, but not any more. I'll keep it anyway (for now) so I can fix up that toString implementation, which is painfully mutable and uses return for no good reason:
case class Matching(){
private var list: List[Marriage] = Nil
def add(m: Marriage): Unit = { list ::= m }
override def toString() = list.mkString(" ")
Finally, the "meat" of the problem. Comments are inline, but you'll note that I don't need (or use) Matching. It's replaced in its entirety by the final println
object Test{
//better name, and a val (because it never changes)
protected val menPropose = true
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// `new` not required for case classes
val al = Man("Al")
val bob = Man("Bob")
val alice = Woman("Alice")
val barbara = Woman("Barbara")
// remember how preference was removed from `Individual`?
val mprefs = Map( al -> alice, bob -> barbara )
val fprefs = Map( alice -> bob, barbara -> al )
val men = Set(al, bob)
val women = Set(alice, barbara)
// nicely immutable, and using the returned value from if/else
val proposers = if (menPropose) men else women
// no while loop, name shadowing, or mutability.
// just a simple for-comprehension
val marriages = for(proposer <- proposers) yield {
//pattern-matching beats `isInstanceOf`... every time
proposer match {
case m: Man => Marriage(m, mprefs(m))
case f: Woman => Marriage(f, fprefs(f))
println(marriages mkString " ")
There's more that can be done here, way more. What of same-sex relationships? What if two or more people share the same preference? What if someone has no preference?
I could also encode the type of someone's preference into Individual instances. But that's getting a bit more advanced.

sys.process to wrap a process as a function

I have an external process that I would like to treat as a
function from String=>String. Given a line of input, it will respond with a single line of output. It seems that I should use
scala.sys.process, which is clearly an elegant library that makes many
shell operations easily accessible from within scala. However, I
can't figure out how to perform this simple use case.
If I write a single line to the process' stdin, it prints the result
in a single line. How can I use sys.process to create a wrapper so I
can use the process interactively? For example, if I had an
implementation for ProcessWrapper, here is a program and it's output:
// abstract definition
class ProcessWrapper(executable: String) {
def apply(line: String): String
// program using an implementation
val process = new ProcessWrapper("cat -b")
1 foo
2 bar
3 baz
It is important that the process is not reloaded for each call to process because there is a significant initialization step.
So - after my comment - this would be my solution
import scala.annotation.tailrec
class ProcessWrapper(cmdLine: String, lineListenerOut: String => Unit, lineListenerErr: String => Unit,
finishHandler: => Unit,
lineMode: Boolean = true, envp: Array[String] = null, dir: File = null) {
class StreamRunnable(val stream: InputStream, listener: String => Unit) extends Runnable {
def run() {
try {
val in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
def readLines {
val line = in.readLine
if (line != null) {
finally {
val process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdLine, envp, dir);
val outThread = new Thread(new StreamRunnable(process.getInputStream, lineListenerOut), "StreamHandlerOut")
val errThread = new Thread(new StreamRunnable(process.getErrorStream, lineListenerErr), "StreamHandlerErr")
val sendToProcess = process.getOutputStream
def apply(txt: String) {
if (lineMode)
object ProcessWrapper {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val process = new ProcessWrapper("python -i", txt => println("py> " + txt),
err => System.err.println("py err> " + err), System.exit(0))
while (true) {
The main part is the StreamRunnable, where the process is read in a thread and the received line is passed on to a "LineListener" (a simple String => Unit - function).
The main is just a sample implementation - calling python ;)
I'm not sure, but you want somethings like that ?
case class ProcessWrapper(executable: String) {
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
lazy val process = sys.runtime.exec(executable)
def apply(line: String, blockedRead: Boolean = true): String = {
val r = new ByteArrayOutputStream
if (blockedRead) {
while (process.getInputStream().available() > 0) {
def close() = process.destroy()
val process = ProcessWrapper("cat -b")
Result :
1 foo
2 bar
3 baz
4 buz
5 puz
I think that PlayCLI is a better way. came across this today and looks exactly like what you want
How about using an Akka actor. The actor can have state and thus a reference to an open program (in a thread). You can send messages to that actor.
ProcessWrapper might be a typed actor itself or just something that converts the calls of a function to a call of an actor. If you only have 'process' as method name, then wrapper ! "message" would be enough.
Having a program open and ready to receive commands sounds like an actor that receives messages.
Edit: Probably I got the requirements wrong. You want to send multiple lines to the same process. That's not possible with the below solution.
One possibility would be to add an extension method to the ProcessBuilder that allows for taking the input from a string:
implicit class ProcessBuilderWithStringInput(val builder: ProcessBuilder) extends AnyVal {
// TODO: could use an implicit for the character set
def #<<(s: String) = builder.#<(new ByteArrayInputStream(s.getBytes))
You can now use the method like this:
scala> ("bc":ProcessBuilder).#<<("3 + 4\n").!!
res9: String =
Note that the type annotation is necessary, because we need two conversions (String -> ProcessBuilder -> ProcessBuilderWithStringInput, and Scala will only apply one conversion automatically.