sys.process to wrap a process as a function - scala

I have an external process that I would like to treat as a
function from String=>String. Given a line of input, it will respond with a single line of output. It seems that I should use
scala.sys.process, which is clearly an elegant library that makes many
shell operations easily accessible from within scala. However, I
can't figure out how to perform this simple use case.
If I write a single line to the process' stdin, it prints the result
in a single line. How can I use sys.process to create a wrapper so I
can use the process interactively? For example, if I had an
implementation for ProcessWrapper, here is a program and it's output:
// abstract definition
class ProcessWrapper(executable: String) {
def apply(line: String): String
// program using an implementation
val process = new ProcessWrapper("cat -b")
1 foo
2 bar
3 baz
It is important that the process is not reloaded for each call to process because there is a significant initialization step.

So - after my comment - this would be my solution
import scala.annotation.tailrec
class ProcessWrapper(cmdLine: String, lineListenerOut: String => Unit, lineListenerErr: String => Unit,
finishHandler: => Unit,
lineMode: Boolean = true, envp: Array[String] = null, dir: File = null) {
class StreamRunnable(val stream: InputStream, listener: String => Unit) extends Runnable {
def run() {
try {
val in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
def readLines {
val line = in.readLine
if (line != null) {
finally {
val process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdLine, envp, dir);
val outThread = new Thread(new StreamRunnable(process.getInputStream, lineListenerOut), "StreamHandlerOut")
val errThread = new Thread(new StreamRunnable(process.getErrorStream, lineListenerErr), "StreamHandlerErr")
val sendToProcess = process.getOutputStream
def apply(txt: String) {
if (lineMode)
object ProcessWrapper {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val process = new ProcessWrapper("python -i", txt => println("py> " + txt),
err => System.err.println("py err> " + err), System.exit(0))
while (true) {
The main part is the StreamRunnable, where the process is read in a thread and the received line is passed on to a "LineListener" (a simple String => Unit - function).
The main is just a sample implementation - calling python ;)

I'm not sure, but you want somethings like that ?
case class ProcessWrapper(executable: String) {
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
lazy val process = sys.runtime.exec(executable)
def apply(line: String, blockedRead: Boolean = true): String = {
val r = new ByteArrayOutputStream
if (blockedRead) {
while (process.getInputStream().available() > 0) {
def close() = process.destroy()
val process = ProcessWrapper("cat -b")
Result :
1 foo
2 bar
3 baz
4 buz
5 puz
I think that PlayCLI is a better way. came across this today and looks exactly like what you want

How about using an Akka actor. The actor can have state and thus a reference to an open program (in a thread). You can send messages to that actor.
ProcessWrapper might be a typed actor itself or just something that converts the calls of a function to a call of an actor. If you only have 'process' as method name, then wrapper ! "message" would be enough.
Having a program open and ready to receive commands sounds like an actor that receives messages.

Edit: Probably I got the requirements wrong. You want to send multiple lines to the same process. That's not possible with the below solution.
One possibility would be to add an extension method to the ProcessBuilder that allows for taking the input from a string:
implicit class ProcessBuilderWithStringInput(val builder: ProcessBuilder) extends AnyVal {
// TODO: could use an implicit for the character set
def #<<(s: String) = builder.#<(new ByteArrayInputStream(s.getBytes))
You can now use the method like this:
scala> ("bc":ProcessBuilder).#<<("3 + 4\n").!!
res9: String =
Note that the type annotation is necessary, because we need two conversions (String -> ProcessBuilder -> ProcessBuilderWithStringInput, and Scala will only apply one conversion automatically.


First click on button has an odd behaviour

I am working on a todo list app using
cats (free monads), and
When I am using a simple model like the code below, everything works like expected.
class TodoModel() {
private object State {
var todos = Seq.empty[Todo]
def mod(f: Seq[Todo] => Seq[Todo]): Callback = {
val newTodos = f(todos)
Callback(todos = newTodos)
def add(t: Todo): Callback = State.mod(_ :+ t)
def todos: Seq[Todo] = State.todos
Once I use the free monads from cats, I have an odd behaviour. The first click always inserts two todo entries. Every click afterwards works like expected. See the pictures below.
What is wrong here?
import japgolly.scalajs.react._
import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.html_<^._
import org.scalajs.dom
case class Todo(text: String)
sealed trait TodoModelOp[A]
case class Add(todo: Todo) extends TodoModelOp[Unit]
case class Todos() extends TodoModelOp[Seq[Todo]]
object FreeTodoModelOps {
// type alias for lifted TodoModelOp
type TodoModelOpF[A] = Free[TodoModelOp, A]
def add(Todo: Todo): TodoModelOpF[Unit] = liftF[TodoModelOp, Unit](Add(Todo))
def todos: TodoModelOpF[Seq[Todo]] = liftF[TodoModelOp, Seq[Todo]](Todos())
object StateInterpreter {
import cats.arrow.FunctionK
import cats.{ Id, ~> }
val interpet: TodoModelOp ~> Id = new (TodoModelOp ~> Id) {
val todos = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Todo]
def apply[A](fa: TodoModelOp[A]): Id[A] = fa match {
case Add(todo) => todos += todo; ()
case Todos() => todos.toSeq
class TodoModel() {
import cats.instances.list._
import cats.syntax.traverse._
import FreeTodoModelOps._
def add(t: Todo): Callback = {
def program: TodoModelOpF[Unit] = for {
_ <- FreeTodoModelOps.add(t)
} yield ()
def todos: Seq[Todo] = {
def program: TodoModelOpF[Seq[Todo]] = for {
n <- FreeTodoModelOps.todos
} yield n
object TodoPage {
case class Props(model: TodoModel)
case class State(todos: Seq[Todo])
class Backend($: BackendScope[Props, State]) {
val t = Todo("a new todo")
def onSubmit(e: ReactEventFromInput) =
e.preventDefaultCB >>
$.modState(s => State(s.todos :+ t)) >>
$.props.flatMap(P => P.model.add(t))
def render(S: State) =
^.onSubmit ==> onSubmit,
<.button("Add #", S.todos.length + 1)),
<.ul( => <.li(t.text)): _*))
val component = ScalaComponent.builder[Props]("Todo")
.initialStateFromProps(p => State(p.model.todos))
def apply(model: TodoModel) = component(Props(model))
object Test {
val model = new TodoModel()
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
empty, no click on button
first click on button
second click on button
In your first snippet there's a bug:
Here you've got a variable todos (inpure) which you're accessing in a pure context:
def mod(f: Seq[Todo] => Seq[Todo]): Callback = {
val newTodos = f(todos)
Callback(todos = newTodos)
Impurity should be in Callback. Even reading a variable outside of a Callback is unsafe, so it should be:
def mod(f: Seq[Todo] => Seq[Todo]): Callback =
Callback(todos = f(todos))
(See scalajs-react's Ref.scala an example of safely working with a variable.)
Secondly, with regards to your larger snippet, scalajs-react is very FP friendly but that's very unconventional way of trying to use it, and has some significant problems:
StateInterpreter.interpet isn't referentially-transparent; there's shared global state underlying that. Fails the FP test. Stops being a lawful natural transformation.
You're tracking two sets of identical state separately: the component state and the state in TodoModel (impure, fails the FP test). Not only is this approach redundant and runs the risk of the two states getting out-of-sync, but it also makes the component less reusable; imagine you decided to draw it twice on the same screen for the same data - they're going to go out of sync. Best to keep the component stateless and pure.
If you're going to transform a free structure into a component effect, it's best to transform it into a state monad, see here for an example.
It's really, really awesome that you're learning about free monads and scalajs-react. FP will make your entire program really, really easy to reason about and prevent confusing surprises in behaviour, but you've got to not cut any corners and make sure that you keep all of your code pure. Any impurity will render the entire stack all the way up to the entrypoint impure and remove those nice dependable FP properties from those layers. I'd suggest making everything as pure as possible using the points above as starting points, and then I think you'll find that the bug just disappears, or at least is very easy to then detect. Cheers

How to pass input in scala through command line

object Sum {
def main(args :Array[String]):Unit = {
println("Enter some numbers and press ctrl-c")
val input = Source.fromInputStream(
val lines = input.getLines.toList
println("Sum "+sum(lines))
def toInt(in:String):Option[Int] =
catch {
case e: NumberFormatException => None
def sum(in :Seq[String]) = {
val ints = in.flatMap(s=>toInt(s))
ints.foldLeft(0) ((a,b) => a +b)
} }
I am trying to run this program after passing input I have press
ctrl + c but
It gives this message E:\Scala>scala HelloWord.scala Enter some
numbers and press ctrl-c 1 2 3 Terminate batch job (Y/N)?
Additional observations, note trait App to make an object executable, hence not having to declare a main(...) function, for instance like this,
object Sum extends App {
import scala.util._
val nums = Source.stdin.getLines.flatMap(v => Try(v.toInt).toOption)
println(s"Sum: ${nums.sum}")
Using Try, non successful conversions from String to Int are turned to None and flattened out.
Also note objects and classes are capitalized, hence instead of object sum by convention we write object Sum.
You can also use an external API. I really like scallop API
Try this piece of code. It should work as intended.
object Sum {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val lines = io.Source.stdin.getLines
val numbers =
println(s"Sum: ${numbers.sum}")
Plus, the correct shortcut to end the input stream is Ctrl + D.

only once in while loop with scala

I'm beginning with Scala. I have a program which have a method with a while loop which run until the program is not ended.
But for my test, I need to execute this method only once (or twice). In java, I would have used a mutable variable that I would have decremented in order to stop my treatment.
Maybe a condition inside my while loop that I override for my test.
def receive = {
val iterator = stream.iterator()
while (iterator.hasNext && my_condition()) {
I know it's a stupid question, but could you please advice me ?
if you just want the first n entries.
Or, if something_to_do returns a result (rather than Unit), and you want to return an iterator of those results, you can use:
(or .take(n).map(...) )
Consider this for comprehension,
for (_ <- iterator if my_condition()) something_to_do
where each iterated value is ignored (note _) and the todo part is invoked while the condition holds.
I think an approach like the following is acceptable:
import{Props, Actor}
object TestableActor {
def props = Props(new TestableActor())
def testProps = Props(new TestableActor(true))
case class Message(stream: Stream)
class TestableActor(doOnce: Boolean = false) extends Actor {
import TestableActor._
val stream: Stream = ???
def receive = {
case Message(stream) =>
val iterator = stream.iterator
if(doOnce) {
} else {
while (iterator.hasNext && my_condition()) {
def my_condition(): Boolean = ???
def something_to_do: Unit = ???
In your production code, use
In your test use

Scala pass function args through to case class copy constructor?

I have some (Akka) actor code that is using a case class + the copy constructor to update state:
def foo(state:StateCaseClass) : Receive = {
import state._
case Bar(updates) =>
context become foo(copy(/* change a limited number of things */))
// ... other message processing w/ lots of context become foo(copy(...))
I'd like to add below the import
def update = context become foo(copy(_))
so that the code can be
def foo(state:StateCaseClass) : Receive = {
import state._
def update = context become foo(copy(_))
case Bar(updates) =>
update(/* change a limited number of things */)
// ... etc
but that doesn't compile. I can of course tweak the def update a bit to get rid of most of boilerplate, but the copy still sticks around:
def foo(state:StateCaseClass) : Receive = {
import state._
def update(newState:StateCaseClass) = context become foo(newState)
case Bar(updates) =>
update(copy(/* change a limited number of things */))
// ... etc
Is there comparable syntax that will let me pass through the args to the case class copy constructor and dry out that last bit?
Disclaimer: I guess the best solution is to use context become explicitly. And I don't recommend you to use the code below.
I guess it's impossible without metaprogramming (macros). You have to create a method with default values for named parameters.
You could always create such method manually like this:
def update(filed1: Int = state.field1, field2: String = state.field2) =
context become foo(StateCaseClass(filed1, filed2))
update(field1 = 0)
update(field2 = "str")
But I guess it's not what you want.
The only way to get such method without metaprogramming is... to use method copy itself. Method copy calls constructor and you could call become in constructor.
The code below works, but I strongly don't recommend you to use it! It's a cryptocode and it will confuse all other developers.
trait ReceiveHelper extends PartialFunction[Any, Unit] {
def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit]
override def apply(v: Any) = receive(v)
override def isDefinedAt(v: Any) = receive isDefinedAt v
sealed trait TestActorMessage
case object Get extends TestActorMessage
case class SetInt(i: Int) extends TestActorMessage
case class SetString(s: String) extends TestActorMessage
class TestActor extends Actor {
case class Behaviour(intField: Int, strField: String) extends ReceiveHelper {
context become this
val receive: Receive = {
case Get => sender ! (intField -> strField)
case SetInt(i) => copy(intField = i)
case SetString(s) => copy(strField = s)
def receive = Behaviour(0, "init")
val system = ActorSystem("testSystem")
val testActor = system.actorOf(Props[TestActor], "testActor")
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.util.Timeout
import scala.concurrent.duration._
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
testActor ? Get foreach println
// (0,init)
testActor ! SetInt(666)
testActor ? Get foreach println
// (666,init)
testActor ! SetString("next")
testActor ? Get foreach println
// (666,next)

Scala actor to non-actor interaction (or synchronizing messages from an actor to a servlet)

I have the following scala code:
package dummy
import javax.servlet.http.{HttpServlet,
HttpServletRequest => HSReq, HttpServletResponse => HSResp}
import scala.actors.Actor
class DummyServlet extends HttpServlet {
override def doGet(req: HSReq, resp: HSResp) = {
def message = <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>RandomNumber </TITLE></HEAD><BODY>
Random number = {getRandom}</BODY></HTML>
def getRandom: String = {var d = new DummyActor;d.start;d.getRandom}
class DummyActor extends Actor {
var result = "0"
def act = { RNG ! GetRandom
react { case (r:Int) => result = r.toString }
def getRandom:String = {
// below code is not modifiable. I am using it as a library
case object GetRandom
object RNG extends Actor {
def act{loop{react{case GetRandom=>sender!scala.util.Random.nextInt}}}
In the above code, I have to use thread.sleep to ensure that there is enough time for result to get updated, otherwise 0 is returned. What is a more elegant way of doing this without using thread.sleep? I think I have to use futures but I cannot get my head around the concept. I need to ensure that each HTTP reaquest gets a unique random number (of course, the random number is just to explain the problem). Some hints or references would be appreciated.
Either use:
!! <-- Returns a Future that you can wait for
!? <-- Use the one with a timeout, the totally synchronous is dangerous
Given your definition of RNG, heres some REPL code to verify:
scala> def foo = { println(RNG.!?(1000,GetRandom)) }
foo: Unit
scala> foo
scala> foo
scala> foo
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