Error: make: *** No rule to make target `makefile'. Stop. using Powershell and Gnuwin32 - powershell

I'm working through a coding tutorial/book called Curious Moon. One of the assignments is to normalize and load data from a CSV file put in a Postgres table. The database name is "enceladus" and the table name is "master_plan". I was told to use make to do this. I can't figure out how to run the Makefile in PowerShell.
I installed GNUWin32 with make.exe on my Windows laptop running Windows 10. I used PowerShell to run make.exe. I did this by running notepad $profile and saved New-Item alias:make -Value 'C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\make.exe' in the file. I gave it a new alias because I was getting an error message. Now when I'm calling the alias like this:
PS C:\Users\Sabrina> make
I'm getting this error:
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
I wrote the Makefile in sublime and saved it as a makefile extension. It's in the same folder 'C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin' as make.exe and named Makefile. I tried running it as
PS C:\Users\Sabrina> make -f Makefile
and then I get the error
make: Makefile: No such file or directory
I'm not sure how to get the makefile to open and run.
This is my code in the Makefile:
NORMALIZE = $(SCRIPTS)/normalize.sql
all: normalize
psql $(DB) -f $(BUILD)
#cat $(MASTER) >> $(BUILD)
import: master
#echo "COPY import.master_plan FROM $(CSV) WITH DELIMITER ',' HEADER CSV;" >> $(BUILD)
normalize: import
#cat $(NORMALIZE) >> $(BUILD)
#rm -rf $(BUILD)

Makefile is in C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin, but you're current working directory is C:\Users\Sabrina. When running make or make -f Makefile the command is looking for a Makefile in the current working directory, not in the directory where the executable resides.
Put the Makefile into your current working directory and the problem will disappear.
Move-Item 'C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\Makefile' .


lcov for flutter sees just part of files

I try to use lcov for flutter project in Ubuntu 20.04.
Firstly i run flutter test --coverage, then genhtml coverage/ -o coverage/html.
But finally only small part of files is mentioned in report. There are no entire subdirectory such as logic, ui, etc, where code is placed too. And even if directory is processed for example named domain it processed partially.
first, execute this command for create a coverage helper test archive, make sure the test folder is created
echo "// Helper file to make coverage work for all dart files\n" > $file
echo "// ignore_for_file: unused_import" >> $file
then execute this command for create imports of all files of your project o package, replace {YourName} for your name project or package, if you need exclude more extension add '!' -name '*.freezed'
find lib '!' -name '*.md' '!' -name '*.g.dart' -name '*.dart' | cut -c4- | awk -v package=$1 '{printf "import '\''package:{YourName}%s%s'\'';\n", package,$1}' >> $file
echo "void main(){}" >> $file
then run flutter test --coverage

running rsync in cygwin

I am trying to run rsync from cygwin in a PowerShell script of a remote folder with having space (File - One) and gets the below error. Tried to escape the space but still it does not work. As in the error, the directory name taken is "/e/Files/File" which is incomplete, whereas the actual folder name should be "/e/Files/File - One/root/" . Also tried the escape the space with multiple backslashes but still same error. What could be issue here?
Write-Output $rsync-cmd
Invoke-Expression -command $rsync_cmd
Command and Error:
C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c 'rsync -tvhPrI --stats jason#"/e/Files/File\ -\ One/root/" "/e/Files/File\ -\ One/root"'
receiving incremental file list
rsync: link_stat "/e/Files/File" failed: No such file or directory (2)
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1637) [Receiver=3.1.1]
I've just been wrestling with this and all problems solved by running my script through dos2unix to remove rogue ^M

Why do I get an error with fopen when using matlab's mcc?

Windows 7 Enterprise.
Matlab 7.10.0 (R2010a).
mcc compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express.
What's happening:
My project runs fine when running it through Matlab, but when trying to run the .exe through the command prompt after using mcc to compile, the command prompt generates an error.
The mcc command I issue is:
mcc -m -v STARTUP1.m -o EXE_REDUC
The error I receive in the command prompt is:
??? Error using ==> textscan
Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier.
I have a file called LoadXLS.m that loads and reads a .csv file using:
fid = fopen(file,'r');
temp_data = textscan(fid,...args...);
And then I process temp_data.
The csv file I'm trying to load is called spec.csv. It is located two directories down from where I have STARTUP1.m stored. The location of STARTUP1.m is also the place that the mcc generated files are stored to. I have used the pathtool to "Add with subfolders" this location, but am aware that those locations are not transferred to mbuild when compiling.
What I've Tried:
I have gone in and added print statements to print the value of fid to make sure it is valid. When I run it in Matlab, it has a valid value, however when I run in the command prompt it always returns an invalid value of -1.
I have removed all addpath() calls, I have tried adding the STARTUP1.m directory to the mcc ctf archive using:
mcc -m -v -a 'C:\Users\...path...\STARTUP1.m_location' STARTUP1.m -o EXE_REDUC;
However when I do this, I get a different error when running in the command prompt:
Cannot open CTF archive file
??? Undefined function or variable 'matlabrc'.
To fix this, I've tried adding the pragma
%#function matlabrc
to the top of STARTUP1.m to try and enforce its inclusion, but had no success.
I also copied the spec.csv file to a new directory in the ctfroot and changed
fid = fopen(...)
[tempFile, message] = fopen(fullfile(ctfroot, 'Added Config Files', ad.spec_file));
The message is:
message is: No such file or directory
Rearranging file locations is a sufficient workaround while the exectuable only runs on my computer, however the idea is to take this standalone and distribute it to multiple people on many different computers. I would like to be able to have a top folder with a startup file and within this folder, have as many subfolders as the package requires. The startup file should be able to access all subfolders and files within them as necessary.
I read something about the exectuable actually running from a "secret location" on the machine here:
I would just like to be able to group one entire folder tree with all its files into a package containing the executable and be able to run it anywhere.
More info:
When I put the spec.csv file in the same directory as STARUTP1.m, it finds it fine using mcc without the -a 'path' option and using the following in the LoadXLS.m file:
[tempFile, message] = fopen(ad.spec_file,'r');
This project contains GUIs, generates PDFs, generates plots, and also creates a zip directory.
Thank you in advance.

How do I create an alias for a directory in ipython?

On Windows I want to create an alias for my working directory so I can quickly cd into it.
I have tried this command
%alias $UWHPSC echo 'c:/Users/xxxx/Documents/uwhpsc'
which gives the following error
[Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified: u'$UWHPSC'
%cd has a notion of bookmarks, which persist across IPython sessions:
%bookmark UWHPSC c:/Users/xxxx/Documents/uwhpsc
See the output of %bookmark? for more info.
Just define a normal Python variable, and then use it with a $ in the cd command:
UWHPSC = 'c:/Users/xxxx/Documents/uwhpsc'

Change file extensions of multiple files in a directory with terminal/bash?

I'm developing a simple launchdaemon that copies files from one directory to another. I've gotten the files to transfer over fine.
I just want the files in the directory to be .mp3's instead of .dat's
Some of the files look like this:
I want them to look like this:
This is what I have at the end of the bash script to rename the file extensions.
cd $mp3_dir
mv *.dat *.mp3
exit 0
Problem is the file comes out as *.mp3 instead of 6546785.8786.mp3
and when another 6546785.8786.dat file is imported to $mp3_dir, the *.mp3 is overwritten with the new .mp3
I need to rename just the .dat file extensions to .mp3 and keep the filename.
Ideas? Suggestions?
for file in *.dat; do mv "$file" "${file%dat}mp3"; done
Or, if your shell has it:
rename .dat .mp3 *.dat
Now, why your command didn't work: first of all, it is more than certain that you only had one file in your directory when it was renamed to *.mp3, otherwise mv would have failed with *.mp3: not a directory.
And mv does NOT do any magic with file globs, it is the shell which expands globs. Which means, if you had this file in the directory:
and you typed:
mv *.dat *.mp3
the shell would have expanded *.dat to t.dat. However, as nothing would match *.mp3, the shell would have left it as is, meaning the fully expanded command is:
mv t.dat *.mp3
Which will create a file named, literally, *.mp3.
If, on the other hand, you had several files named *.dat, as in:
t1.dat t2.dat
the command would have expanded to:
mv t1.dat t2.dat *.mp3
But this will fail: if there are more than two arguments to mv, it expects the last argument (ie, *.mp3) to be a directory.
For anyone on a mac, this is quite easy if you have BREW, if you don't have brew then my advice is get it. then when installed just simply do this
$ brew install rename
then once rename is installed just type (in the directory where the files are)
$ rename -s dat mp3 *