lcov for flutter sees just part of files - flutter

I try to use lcov for flutter project in Ubuntu 20.04.
Firstly i run flutter test --coverage, then genhtml coverage/ -o coverage/html.
But finally only small part of files is mentioned in report. There are no entire subdirectory such as logic, ui, etc, where code is placed too. And even if directory is processed for example named domain it processed partially.

first, execute this command for create a coverage helper test archive, make sure the test folder is created
echo "// Helper file to make coverage work for all dart files\n" > $file
echo "// ignore_for_file: unused_import" >> $file
then execute this command for create imports of all files of your project o package, replace {YourName} for your name project or package, if you need exclude more extension add '!' -name '*.freezed'
find lib '!' -name '*.md' '!' -name '*.g.dart' -name '*.dart' | cut -c4- | awk -v package=$1 '{printf "import '\''package:{YourName}%s%s'\'';\n", package,$1}' >> $file
echo "void main(){}" >> $file
then run flutter test --coverage


Standalone Shell script working fine but when used is srcs of sh_binary its not working

I have project structure as follows-
Now is as below -
find ../../ \( -name "*.java" -o -name "*.xml" -o -name "*.html" -o -name "*.js" -o -name "*.css" \) | grep -vE "/node_modules/|/target/|/dist/" >> temp-scan-files.txt
# scan project files for offensive terms
for file in $(cat temp-scan-files.txt); do
grep -iF -f temp-scan-regex.txt $file >> its-scan-report.txt
This script works completely fine when invoked individually and gives required results.But when I add the below sh_binary in my BUILD file I do not see anything in temp-scan-files.txt file and thus nothing in its-scan-report.txt file
name = "findFiles",
srcs = ["src/test/resources/"],
data = glob(["temp-scan-files.txt", "temp-scan-regex.txt", "its-scan-report.txt"]),
I ran sh_binary from intellij using the play icon and also tried running it from terminal using bazel run :findFiles. No error is shown but I cannot see data in temp-scan-files.txt.
Any help on this issue.The documentation of bazel is very confined with approx no information whatsoever except the use case.
When a binary is run using bazel run, it's run from the "runfiles tree" for that binary. The runfiles tree is a directory tree that bazel creates that contains symlinks to the binary's inputs. Try putting pwd and tree at the beginning of the shell script to see what this looks like. The reason that the runfiles tree doesn't contain any of the files in src/main is that they're not declared as inputs to the sh_binary (e.g. using the data attribute). See
Another thing to note is that the glob in data = glob(["temp-scan-files.txt", "temp-scan-regex.txt", "its-scan-report.txt"]), won't match anything, because those files are in src/test/resources relative to the BUILD file. However, the script tries to modify these files, and it's not typically possible to modify input files (if this sh_binary were being run as a build action, the inputs would be effectively read-only. This would work only because bazel run is similar to running the final binary by itself outside bazel, e.g. like bazel build //target && bazel-bin/target)
The most straight-forward way to do this might be something like this:
name = "gen_report",
srcs = [
# This must be the first element of srcs so that
# the regex file gets passed to the "-f" of grep in cmd below.
] + glob([
exclude = [
outs = ["its-scan-report.txt"],
# The first element of $(SRCS) will be the regex file, passed to -f.
cmd = "grep -iF -f $(SRCS) > $#",
$(SRCS) are the files in srcs delimited by a space, and $# means "the output file, if there's only one". $(SRCS) will contain the temp-scan-regex.txt file, which you probably don't want to include as part of the scan, but if it's the first element, then it will be the parameter to -f. This is maybe a bit hacky and a little fragile, but it's also kind of annoying to try to separate the file out (e.g. using grep or sed or array slicing).
Then bazel build //project/root/myPackage:its-scan-report.txt

Error: make: *** No rule to make target `makefile'. Stop. using Powershell and Gnuwin32

I'm working through a coding tutorial/book called Curious Moon. One of the assignments is to normalize and load data from a CSV file put in a Postgres table. The database name is "enceladus" and the table name is "master_plan". I was told to use make to do this. I can't figure out how to run the Makefile in PowerShell.
I installed GNUWin32 with make.exe on my Windows laptop running Windows 10. I used PowerShell to run make.exe. I did this by running notepad $profile and saved New-Item alias:make -Value 'C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\make.exe' in the file. I gave it a new alias because I was getting an error message. Now when I'm calling the alias like this:
PS C:\Users\Sabrina> make
I'm getting this error:
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
I wrote the Makefile in sublime and saved it as a makefile extension. It's in the same folder 'C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin' as make.exe and named Makefile. I tried running it as
PS C:\Users\Sabrina> make -f Makefile
and then I get the error
make: Makefile: No such file or directory
I'm not sure how to get the makefile to open and run.
This is my code in the Makefile:
NORMALIZE = $(SCRIPTS)/normalize.sql
all: normalize
psql $(DB) -f $(BUILD)
#cat $(MASTER) >> $(BUILD)
import: master
#echo "COPY import.master_plan FROM $(CSV) WITH DELIMITER ',' HEADER CSV;" >> $(BUILD)
normalize: import
#cat $(NORMALIZE) >> $(BUILD)
#rm -rf $(BUILD)
Makefile is in C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin, but you're current working directory is C:\Users\Sabrina. When running make or make -f Makefile the command is looking for a Makefile in the current working directory, not in the directory where the executable resides.
Put the Makefile into your current working directory and the problem will disappear.
Move-Item 'C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\Makefile' .

Eclipse, Add all source file paths to an external tool as an argument

I would like to add an External Tool to my Eclipse CDT Project.
This external tool, which is a program that I have written myself, requires different arguments (the map file and a list of all *.c *.cpp and *.h files). I already managed to hand over the map file but is there any way of getting a list of all *.c and *.h files (maybe with an Eclipse Variable) so that I can directly add this to the argument field?
I found one solution which can be used on a linux system. Just use a a pipe with the following command and put it in a shell script.
First of all, how to find all source code files:
find <rootfolder> -name '*.c' -o -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.h'
Complete command:
find <rootfolder> -name '*.c' -o -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.h' | xargs <myTool>
The first command will find out all absolute paths to the all .c .cpp and .h files listed in the rootfolder and the second one will convert its input into a set on arguments. The result will be the same as if every found file path would have been handed over as a single argument to mytool.

Visual Studio Online automatic build version number increment and assembly patching

i am using for a long time TeamCity.
The AssemblyInfo patcher has the ability to patch all assemblyinfo files with a version number that is generated and incremented by TeamCity.
Is this somehow possible with Visual Studio Online Build (the new scriptable, cross-platform one)?
I've created a Bash Script which automatically replaces the version number in files such as AssemblyVersion.cs and can be used in a build-step, similar to the Power Shell Script published by Microsoft:
# Sample call: ./ ../Source/ AssemblyInfo.cs XamarinAndroid_1.0.0.1
echo "Script to automatically set the version-number in files (e.g. AssemblyInfo.cs)"
if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 path_to_search filename build_number"
# Input is something like XamarinAndroid_1.2.3.4 and we want to extract only the
# See for more infos
for file in $(find $1 -name $2); do
echo "Replacing Version string in $file with ${VERSION_NUMBER}"
sed -i '' -e 's/"[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*"/"'${VERSION_NUMBER}'"/' "$file"
First, create variables for Major and Minor version
Second, set the build-number format to $(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Major).$(Minor).$(Year:yy)$(DayOfYear).$(Rev:rr) in the General tab of your build definition
And finally create a bash-script or a Powershell step with the scripts from above:

Find unused resource files (.jsp, .xhtml, images) in Eclipse

I'm developing a large web application in Eclipse and some of the resources (I'm talking about files, NOT code) are getting deprecated, however, I don't know which are and I'm including them in my ending war file.
I know Eclipse recognizes file paths into its directory because I can access the link to an image or other page while I'm editing one of my xhtml pages (using Control). But is there a way to localize the unused resources in order to remove them?
Following these 3 steps would work for sites with a relatively finite number of dynamic pages:
Install your site on a filesystem mount'ed with atime (access time).
Try harvesting the whole site with wget.
Use find to see which files were not accessed recently.
As I know Eclipse doesn't have this (need this too).
I'm using grep in conjuction with bash scripting - shell script takes files in my resource folder, put filenames in list, greping throught source code for every record in the list and if grep find it it is removed.
At the end list is printed on console - just unused resources retain in the list.
UCDetector might be your best bet, specifically, the custom marker aspects of this tool.
In Eclipse I have not found a way. I have used the following shell command script.
Find .ftl template files which are NOT referenced in .java files
cd myfolder
find . -name "*.ftl" -printf "%f\n" |while read fname; do grep --include \*.java -rl "$fname" . > /dev/null || echo "${fname} not referenced" ; done;
Find all .ftl template files which are NOT referenced in .java, .ftl, .inc files
cd myfolder
find . -name "*.ftl" -printf "%f\n" |while read fname; do grep --include \*.java --include \*.ftl --include \*.inc -rl "$fname" . > /dev/null || echo "${fname} not referenced" ; done;
Note: on MacOSX you can use gfind instead of find in case -printf is not working.
Example output
productIndex2.ftl not referenced
showTestpage.ftl not referenced