Unable to connect to the NBAndroid because of Unexpected end of file from server - netbeans

I have just installed NetBeans 8.0.2, and I want to install NBAndroid plugin. I have the link which is http://nbandroid.org/release81/updates/updates.xml
when I click to update and install it it gives me a message saying "Unable to connect to the NBAndroid because of Unexpected end of file from server" I have tried many ways to solve it but none of them worked. Help please

this is the problem of plugin here is the solution by gitHub for Netbeans 8.1 and Netbeans 8.2 https://github.com/NBANDROIDTEAM/NBANDROID-V2


Eclipse save error when trying to open the design view of a synapse config file in WS02 Developer Studio

I'm following the tutorials and samples of the official WSO2 ESB documentation. When I create (or load) a synapse configuration in the WSO2 Developer Studio I'm getting the error as shown below:
Save problems
Save could not be completed.
resources\sunErrorHandler.esb_diagram (The system cannot find the path specified)
This error shows up when I want to open anything in the Design view. Even when I'm not trying to save anything.
So far I have tried to add the path specified in the error, but without success. I already found a workaround to be able to save and deploy my ESB configurations. By using "Save as" I'm able to keep the changes I made in the XML files. However the error stills shows up when I open the new version of the file.
Does anyone know a better solution to permanently resolve this error message?
I had this problem as well, running eclipse.exe as administrator fixed it.
Issue remains unresolved for my Eclipse + DevStudio 3.8.0 install on a Windows 10 environment. However since I was experiencing some other issues with the WSO2 ESB I decided to migrate to a Linux (Ubuntu) environment. This seems to work much better, the eclipse does not seem to have this issue on Linux.
Eclipse want to write in C:\Program Files\eclipse\resources. I solve problem by adding full permissions to group users on folder C:\Program Files\eclipse
If this happens in Mac you can provide the required permission to the "/Applications/IntegrationStudio.app/Contents/MacOS/resources" folder.

maven was6:installApp TransferFailed

I'm trying to deploy my ear to a remote Websphere 8.5 with maven plugin was6 via SOAP.
I set up the correct ear with correct host, node,cell,server, port etc.
But when I try to install app I got WASX7017E: ConnectException - Connection refused with a TransferFailedException
In logs, there is nothing in local and remote neither. As I see with netstat when I run the mvn installApp there are many connection trying on serverside whiches have status TIME_WAIT.
The plugin seems to be working with v8.5 cause other functions for example wsListApp work.
I tried to google it but with no results.
Does anyone get this error before me? Or has anyone idea what should I do?
Thank you.
was6-maven-plugin generates a temporal ant file under "target\was6-maven-plugin\" folder and then calls $WAS_HOME\bin\ws_ant.sh/bat utility using -f option with the previously generated ant file.
If you don't use the clean target, the files should continue there so you can use ws_ant to find the real error and find if there is an error on your configuration or in the plugin.
If you find an error in the plugin, please open an issue here: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MWAS
In this link you'll find all the options available in the wsInstallApp target:
Javier Murciego

ECLIPSE 4.1.0; 4.1.1; Indigo - install/update plugins fail to connect to sites - fail to connect to SVN repo with Subclipse

Need help figuring out why I keep 'getting the following error :
permission denied: connect
Unable to read repository at http://update1.aptana.org/rails/
Permission denied: connect
Basically for all of my installed plug-ins. I was trying to update or install the latest Subclipse plug-in since I can't seem to connect to my repository (even one I knew was working before - and the svn url works elsewhere like with TortoiseSVN).
svn: Cannot connect to 'svn+ssh://kosh.nku.edu': There was a problem while connecting to kosh.nku.edu:22
svn: Cannot connect to 'svn+ssh://kosh.nku.edu': There was a problem while connecting to kosh.nku.edu:22
There was a problem while connecting to kosh.nku.edu:22
Permission denied: connect
I did switch the interface to SVNkit - which solved the issue before.
I feel like the two issues are connected somehow? I did make sure to turn off the firewall and that didn't change anything.
I am on a Windows 7 laptop - just using my home internet.
Any ideas or help would be appreciated.
....."adding '-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true' to the eclipse.ini under -VMARGS:
An alternative is to run Eclipse under a 1.6 jvm by adding
C:/Program Files/Java/jre6/bin/javaw.exe
above -VMARGS."
--this worked for me. found solution here: http://www.java.net/node/703177
I am using JDK 7
I encounter same problem and solved by:
"adding '-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true' to the eclipse.ini under -VMARGS:
After modification,the ini file looks like:
I've had similar problem with Android SDK and Eclipse 3.7.2.
Android SDK said: "permission denied: connect".
Eclipse was failed in blue screen.
My laptop is running under Windows Vista and protected by Dr.Web Security Space.
Advises with "-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true" and "Window --> Preference --> General --> Network Connection --> select Direct" did not help.
Problem was resolved by installing last version of anti-virus without firewall.
After upgrading to Windows 8, I've found many of the programs on the toolbar, etc are not set to run as administrator. Though this didn't seem to make a difference in Windows 7 (perhaps because I was running unzip from the command line in an administrator cmd window), it does now.
I had the problem described in this thread because WinRAR used to unzip the downloaded zip file was not run as administrator so the installation was not properly configured. After removing the installation of eclipse and using the Properties / Shortcut / Advanced to set Run as Administrator on the WinRAR launch icon, then running it and selecting the eclipse download zip and extracting it, I was able to access the Eclipse and Android update sites without any problem. What threw me for a loop was, I was running the Oracle Java 6 JDK so the preferIPv4Stack didn't seem to apply.
I hope this alternative provides insight to others where the IPv4 issue doesn't help.

Eclipse-Marketplace Error

Once i go to Eclipse Marketplace option i get this error message:
MarketplaceDiscoveryStrategy failed with an error
Unable to read repository at http://marketplace.eclipse.org/api/p?product=org.eclipse.epp.package.java.product&os=linux&runtime.version=3.6.0.v20100505&client=org.eclipse.epp.mpc.core&java.version=1.6.0_26&product.version= ws=gtk.
No route to host
This in my linux machine can i know why am i getting this message, i am not able to choose any new softwares from Marketplace
Please, add this line on eclipse ini, restart eclipse, open Marketplace and good installations: -Dorg.eclipse.epp.internal.mpc.core.service.DefaultCatalogService.url=https://marketplace.eclipse.org/catalogs/api/p
This problem is that link without ssl is not working.
For me that is working normal.
Try removing RelaventKnowledge software from your machine. Mine is Windows 10. I am not getting that error once i removed that software from the machine.

Type Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: wrapper was not properly loaded first

I have had all sorts of bizarre errors, like the one in the title, happen when I am using the Android SDK and AVD Manager with Eclipse. Generally I just unplug the phone and plug it back in or close and reopen Eclipse but it is frustrating. Apparently Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: wrapper was not properly loaded first doesn't allow me to compile my app, i think it is because I was trying to run the emulator with some suggestions from emulator is so slow to no avail. thought i should add im running eclipse 3.5.2 on Ubuntu 11.04
Just restart the eclipse and run the project. The error arises while installing a new target version. After completion of the installation it will get fix automatically. Else restart eclipse.
I met with the same error on my Macbook. I tried one of the methods explained at this link http://techmologies.blogspot.com/2009/05/conversion-to-dalvik-format-failed-with_06.html and solved the problem.
Put the following 2 lines in the eclipse.ini file:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_07\bin\javaw.exe
Please modify the 2nd line according to the actual situation.
If you have upgraded your SDK, and if you have not updated ADT plugin it will show this error. Please check it once by updating ADT plugin
I made a new installation of Eclipse in different folder(with the same SDK folder) and imported the code to the workspace & it started to work again.