O365 : TenantUsage_getOffice365ActiveUserDetail not updated since a week? - azure-ad-graph-api

I'm using Graph API to report and create PKI about my Office Tenant.
Since a week, when I ask for [getOffice365ActiveUserDetail] the report date is still the same : 2019-01-06... So no data updated since the 6th january.
The other log are updated !

You need a Premium license to view these activities and cannot see this information with a Free or Basic license. If you have recently switched to a Premium license it can take a few days for the data to show up and you'll only be able to retrieve data up to one week back. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/reports-monitoring/reports-faq
If you already have the right licensing then it is likely a problem with the filter you are using.


How can I trigger a contact workflow on a specific date in Bitrix24?

I would like to trigger a workflow resetting a sum on all contacts every 1st January of the year. The workflow is implemented. It could be triggered on the specific date or even everyday, because the date is verified in the workflow before resetting.
How can i run it on every contact?
Hello and welcome to Stackoverflow, the answer to your question is as the following:
You need to create a Rest API outbound webhook in your Bitrix account with "CRM" & "Business Process" permissions.
You will write down a PHP code that will be executed on the exact date/time of you choice
The PHP script will do 2 process:
Will retrieve all the contacts that you have on your Bitrix account and store them into a string value.
It will run that Business process and pass the list of all the found contacts, and inside your Business process you're going to set it up in a way that it will run the required actions on every contact from eh contacts IDs passed by the first step.
The PHP script can be hosted in a webhosting or even on your local machine since it's once a year.
This is only the concept of the solution, I can't share the script code because I don't have it at the moments, please contact me if you faces problems.

Paypal Sync Api last_refreshed_datetime - what does it mean, how often it refreshes?

Paypal documentation for PayPal Sync API (https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/sync/v1/).
It gives some mysterious date, named "last_refreshed_datetime".
On the sandbox server it is usually in the past, once it was a few days in the past, now it is 2 hours in the past.
What does it mean? How often it refreshes?
I only know that if I create a transaction it will not be visible on PayPal Sync API until the refresh date will not be later than the transaction date. And I'm guessing it should be the transaction approval date that does not presented on this report. The transaction approval date is available on transaction object (https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/subscriptions/v1/#definition-transaction), it is called "time".
time string
The date and time when the transaction was processed, in Internet date and time format.
Read only.
I have reached out to the product development team for the SYNC API and have gotten the following clarifications in regards to your questions:
If the "last_refreshed_datetime" (Time until which we have data available in our system) is smaller than the requested end date then, in the API response we show end date as "last_refreshed_datetime". As we only have data up until that point. In general there should be around 4-6hrs of delay.
From my own experience on sandbox, on different occasions it was 6.5, 2.5 hours and even 2 days behind.

Facebook graph api doesn't return currency

I have problem getting user local currency and usd-exchange rate from facebook, so this one: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/currency/
I'm trying to show my shop prices in local currency, just like fb shows prices in local currency in its own purchase dialog after facebook-purchase is launched.
I'm trying to get currency like this:
(Actually using Unity and Facebook's Unity SDK to do this, but exactly same thing happens when using url above.)
That have definitely worked before. I've also tried api version 3.2. It returns id and name, but no currency info of any kind. But it doesn't give any error message either, as it does with invalid fields.
I really can't find any useful info or help to this. Does getting currency require special permissions these days? But I can't find anything currency related from FB dev console App Review / Permissions and Features either.
Answering to my own question. It just seems that currency info is no longer available.
Starting from January 8th (2019) that field is no longer available for any apps:
There's discussion about this issue here, without any solution so far (may require having FB developer account to access):
There are some workarounds to get user currency like:
New way to detect Facebook API user currency
But that doesn't give you exchange rate to USD, so that isn't too helpful showing prices in local currency before Facebook's own purchase dialog is displayed.
Very unfortunate. Still, if someone knows way to get local currency and exchange rate that will surely match exchange rates used by FB, please let me know.

time interval after which analytics server is updated

I am creating a report, in which i have to show the number of sessions, users and registrations that have occurred today in a live feed. I see that the ga dashboard is updated only till 7 am in the morning although its 10:41 am right now. Can I know after what time interval does the analytics server is updated? I am using core analytics api to fetch the data as of now, if any other api suits my requirements do suggest.

Separating data from different months in Google Analytics

I'm using the Google Analytics API to get info from my website and I want to collect info from more than one month at the same time, but the GA functions give me data from only the last month I ask for.
Here's an example:
I request info for dates from 1st of February of 2012 to today, but when I get the information, the API gives me data from 1st to 22th of March and then from 23th to 29th of February.
Is there any solution for sepatating this data and get the whole information?
Thank you!
You can add "start-date=" & "end-date" as query string to the request
such as start-date=2012-07-01&end-date=2012-07-25
You can try this tool provided by google: http://ga-dev-tools.appspot.com/explorer/
Just log in with your credentials and you can build your API queries in a simple GUI. Maybe you are just missing something?