How to resize all particles from a particle system? - unity3d

I'm trying to dynamically resize particles using a slider, as well as change their colour.
Particles are used to display datapoints in a 3D scatterplot. I'm using this code:
private ParticleSystem.Particle[] particlePoints;
void Update () {
pointScale = sizeSlider.value;
for (int i = 0; i < pointList.Count; i++) {
Quaternion quaternion = Camera.current.transform.rotation;
Vector3 angles = quaternion.eulerAngles;
// Set point color
particlePoints[i].startColor = new Color(angles.x, angles.y, angles.z, 1.0f);
particlePoints[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(pointScale, pointScale, pointScale);
The issue is that there's no transform method for Particles, and changing the "startColour" doesn't change anything.
The API states that "The current size of the particle is calculated procedurally based on this value and the active size modules."
What does that mean, and how can I change the size of the particles ?

Thanks to previous answers I managed to get this working:
In the PlacePrefabPoints method I add every instantiated prefab to a List, and I add a listener to the slider, which looks like this:
void changedPointSize(){
pointScale = sizeSlider.value;
for (int i = 0; i < objects.Count; i++) {
objects[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(pointScale, pointScale, pointScale);
Thanks all !

I just had a look at PointRenderer.cs -> CreateParticles and PlacePrefabPoints give a good hint what has to be changed.
So I guess you would simply change the scale values
foreach (var point in particlePoints)
Quaternion quaternion = Camera.current.transform.rotation;
Vector3 angles = quaternion.eulerAngles;
// Set point color
point.startColor = new Color(angles.x, angles.y, angles.z, 1.0f);
point.startSize = sizeSlider.value;
and than re-call
GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().SetParticles(particlePoints, particlePoints.Length);
it is questionable though if you really would do this in Update. I would rather do it in sizeSlider.onValueChanged to only do it when neccesarry (you could even make a certain treshold that has to be changed before updating the view) but well for the color there might be no other option than doing it in Update but atleast there I would use a Threshold:
privtae ParticleSystem ps;
// I assume you have that referenced in the inspector
public Slider sizeSlider;
// flag to control whether system should be updated
private bool updateSystem;
privtae void Awake()
ps = GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();
private void OnEnable()
// add a listener to onValueChanged
// it is secure to remove it first (even if not there yet)
// this makes sure it is not added twice
private void OnDisable()
// cleanup listener
private void OnSliderChanged()
foreach (var point in particlePoints)
point.startSize = sizeSlider.value;
// do the same also for the instantiated prefabs
foreach(Transform child in PointHolder.transform)
child.localScale = * sizeSlider.value;
updateSystem = true;
private Quaternion lastCameraRot;
public float CameraUpdateThreshold;
private void Update()
if(Quaternion.Angle(Camera.current.transform.rotation, lastCameraRot) > CameraUpdateThreshold)
foreach (var point in particlePoints)
Quaternion quaternion = Camera.current.transform.rotation;
Vector3 angles = quaternion.eulerAngles;
// Set point color
point.startColor = new Color(angles.x, angles.y, angles.z, 1.0f);
lastCameraRot = Camera.current.transform.rotation;
updateSystem = true;
if(!updateSystem) return;
updateSystem = false;
ps.SetParticles(particlePoints, particlePoints.Length);


Stop outlining object when no longer looking at it?

I'm trying to make a pickup system and I thought it would be cool to do an outline around the item when you're looking at it. The issue I'm facing though is when you're no longer looking at the object I need to disable the outline. I ended up doing an odd solution and would like to get some help improving it.
public class PlayerCamera : MonoBehaviour
public Transform playerBody;
public Transform cameraHolder;
public float sensitivity;
public float currentY;
void Update()
Outline objectOutline;
void LookingAtObject()
if(Physics.Raycast(cameraHolder.transform.position, cameraHolder.transform.forward, out var hit, Mathf.Infinity))
var obj = hit.collider.gameObject;
var outline = obj.GetComponent<Outline>();
if (obj && outline)
objectOutline = hit.transform.GetComponent<Outline>();
if (objectOutline)
objectOutline.OutlineWidth = 7;
else if (objectOutline)
objectOutline.OutlineWidth = 0;
You can store the outlined object in a variable, and whenever you hit a different outline object or hit nothing, set the outline back to zero.
Outline objectOutline;
void LookingAtObject()
if (Physics.Raycast(...))
var outline = hit.collider.GetComponent<Outline>();
// Make sure the hit object is not the same one we already outlined
if (outline != objectOutline)
// Remove the outline from our previously viewed object
if (objectOutline != null)
objectOutline.OutlineWidth = 0;
// Store the new outline object
objectOutline = outline;
// Since outline could be null, we need to check null before outlining
if (objectOutline != null)
objectOutline.OutlineWidth = 7;
// If we have an object we outlined and we didnt hit anything,
// remove the outline and reset the variable
else if (objectOutline != null)
objectOutline.OutlineWidth = 0;
objectOutline = null;
You need two events to solve the problem. Input frame and ray output frame. This code detects which raycast event is by recording the previous raycastHit frame and comparing it to the current hit, and sets the outline accordingly.
private RaycastHit lastHit;
void Update()
var ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
Physics.Raycast(ray, out var hit);
//Physics.Raycast(cameraHolder.transform.position, cameraHolder.transform.forward, out var hit, Mathf.Infinity);
if (hit.transform != lastHit.transform)
if (hit.transform) // when raycast Begin
var outline = hit.transform.GetComponent<Outline>();
outline.OutlineWidth = 7;
else if (lastHit.transform) // when raycast out
var outline = lastHit.transform.GetComponent<Outline>();
outline.OutlineWidth = 0;
lastHit = hit;
Hint: I commented on your raycast code for testing. If you want to change the raycast code as before.

How to enlarge a ragdoll in game - Unity

I have a ragdoll. I want to increase the scale of this ragdoll in game mode. But when I increase the scale ragdoll' bones mingle and drool. How can i prevent this from happening? Related pictures below.
Normal Scale
3x Scale
Welcome to StackOverflow. After a quick search on Google and I've found an answer for you:
TL;DR: joints calculate anchor only on start, but are never updated later. To make them update later, just reassign them
Transform[] children;
private Vector3[] _connectedAnchor;
private Vector3[] _anchor;
void Start()
children = transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>();
_connectedAnchor = new Vector3[children.Length];
_anchor = new Vector3[children.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++)
if (children[i].GetComponent<Joint>() != null)
_connectedAnchor[i] = children[i].GetComponent<Joint>().connectedAnchor;
_anchor[i] = children[i].GetComponent<Joint>().anchor;
private void Update()
for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++)
if (children[i].GetComponent<Joint>() != null)
children[i].GetComponent<Joint>().connectedAnchor = _connectedAnchor[i];
children[i].GetComponent<Joint>().anchor = _anchor[i];
Just make sure you do this reassign only when needed as it will hurt your performance...

Unity renders object before updating Rigidbody2D's properties

I am trying to implement a way for the player to switch between a square and a circle. For this to work my player object has two colliders, one circle and one box. When switching between them I simply disable one collider and enable the other, and switch the current sprite. The issue arises when I switch from a circle to a square.
I want the square to be able to glide across the floor, whereas the circle is supposed to roll. In order to make the switch seamless I have to reorient the square to be aligned with the current velocity, and remove the angular velocity. This does seem to work, however there is a slight period of frames (or frame) where the square has the same rotation the circle had before switching. This seems odd to me since the new rotation and sprite is changed in the same part of the code. This is a video showcasing the issue.
If this is an issue resulting from the way the objects are rendered I can solve this another way. I would just like to understand why it happens.
Code snippet of the part that changes the properties from circle to square when switching:
else if (Input.GetKeyDown("2"))
// Update rotation of box to velocity:
float newAngleRadians = Mathf.Atan2(rb.velocity.y, rb.velocity.x);
float newAngleDegrees = newAngleRadians * 180 / Mathf.PI;
rb.rotation = newAngleDegrees;
rb.angularVelocity = 0;
playerShape = Shape.SQUARE;
spriteRenderer.sprite = spriteArray[1];
circleCollider.enabled = false;
boxCollider.enabled = true;
updateShape = true;
Logging the angle of the rigidbody directly after setting it to newAngleDegrees shows that the rotation has been set correct, yet the issue persists.
And just in case it is needed, full code of the script:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class scr_StateMachine : MonoBehaviour
// Types of shapes:
public enum Shape { SQUARE, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE }
// Variables:
public Rigidbody2D rb;
public SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer;
public Sprite[] spriteArray;
public Shape playerShape;
public CircleCollider2D circleCollider;
public BoxCollider2D boxCollider;
private bool updateShape;
void Start()
playerShape = Shape.CIRCLE;
updateShape = true;
void Update()
// Get input for shape change:
playerShape = Shape.CIRCLE;
spriteRenderer.sprite = spriteArray[0];
circleCollider.enabled = true;
boxCollider.enabled = false;
updateShape = true;
else if (Input.GetKeyDown("2"))
// Update rotation of box to velocity:
float newAngleRadians = Mathf.Atan2(rb.velocity.y, rb.velocity.x);
float newAngleDegrees = newAngleRadians * 180 / Mathf.PI;
rb.rotation = newAngleDegrees;
rb.angularVelocity = 0;
playerShape = Shape.SQUARE;
spriteRenderer.sprite = spriteArray[1];
circleCollider.enabled = false;
boxCollider.enabled = true;
updateShape = true;
// Update movement script's shape:
if (updateShape)
GetComponent<scr_Movement>().shape = playerShape;
updateShape = false;
I think the issue is Rigidbody/Rigidbody2D physics are applied in fixed time steps (see FixedUpdate). Therefore yes, on a strong device it can definitely happen that you render some frames before the next FixedUpdate call kicks in and changes the Rigidbody/Rigidbody2D behavior.
I think what you could do is actually wait with the change for the next FixedUpdate call e.g. using a Coroutine and WaitForFixedUpdate like e.g.
public class scr_StateMachine : MonoBehaviour
// Types of shapes:
public enum Shape { SQUARE, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE }
// Variables:
public Rigidbody2D rb;
public SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer;
public Sprite[] spriteArray;
public Shape playerShape;
public CircleCollider2D circleCollider;
public BoxCollider2D boxCollider;
[SerializeField] private scr_Movement _scrMovement;
void Start()
if(!_scrMovement) _scrMovement = GetComponent<scr_Movement>();
// Still get User Input in Update
void Update()
// Get input for shape change:
else if (Input.GetKeyDown("2"))
private void ChangeShape(Shape newShape)
// if the same shape comes in we already have -> nothing to do
if(newShape == playerShape) return;
// Stop any already running coroutine since we only want to handle the last input before the FixUpdate call
// Start a new coroutine for the new shape
// see
private IEnumerator ChangeShapeInNextFixedUpdate(Shape newShape)
// just in case again, if the same shape comes in we already have -> nothing to do
if(newShape == playerShape) yield break;
// Wait until the next FixedUpdate call
// see
yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate();
// Now do your required changes depending on the new shape
circleCollider.enabled = newShape == Shape.CIRCLE;
boxCollider.enabled = newShape == Shape.SQUARE;
case Shape.CIRCLE:
spriteRenderer.sprite = spriteArray[0];
case Shape.SQUARE:
// Update rotation of box to velocity:
var newAngleRadians = Mathf.Atan2(rb.velocity.y, rb.velocity.x);
// see
var newAngleDegrees = newAngleRadians * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
rb.rotation = newAngleDegrees;
rb.angularVelocity = 0;
spriteRenderer.sprite = spriteArray[1];
playerShape = newShape;
_scrMovement.shape = playerShape;

Draging camera to a limit (x, y axis) - UNITY

i did a tutorial about doing a camera drag on a 2D or 3D worldmap.
The code is working. Looks like the following:
void Update_CameraDrag ()
if( Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) )
Debug.Log("Cancelling camera drag.");
// Right now, all we need are camera controls
Vector3 hitPos = MouseToGroundPlane(Input.mousePosition);
//float maxWidth = 10;
//if (hitPos.x > maxWidth)
// hitPos.x = maxWidth;
Vector3 diff = lastMouseGroundPlanePosition - hitPos;
Debug.Log(diff.x+ Space.World);
Camera.main.transform.Translate (diff, Space.World);
lastMouseGroundPlanePosition = hitPos = MouseToGroundPlane(Input.mousePosition);
Now my problem is, that you can drag unlimiited into any directions.
I would rather like to difine something like borders on the x and y axis.
Basically maximum values for the camera. If the camera would surpass these values, their position value would be set to the given maximum value.
Unfortunately, i am not sure how it works, especially, since the tutorial set everything into relation to Space.World - and i am not even sure what that is. I mean i understand that "diff" is the change between the current position and the new positon in relation to Space.World and then the camera gets moved accordingly. I would just like to define a max value which the camera can not surpass. Any ideas how to do that. I am unfortunately still learning - so kinda hard for me and i was hoping for help.
If you were to record the X and Y position of the camera as it goes in a variable and use the MathF function. I.e
if you have a map that is 100(x)x150(y)units you could use
xPositionOfCamera = Mathf.Clamp(xPositionOfCamera, -50, 50);
yPositionOfCamera = Mathf.Clamp(YPositionOfCamera, -75, 75);
I'm not 100% sure if that's what you want it to do, but it's how I would limit it.
I write a simple and reliable script for my game to handle camera drag and swipe for any camera aspect ratio. Everyone can use this code easily :) Just adjust the xBoundWorld and yBoundWorld values
using UnityEngine;
public class CameraDragController : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private Vector2 xBoundWorld;
[SerializeField] private Vector2 yBoundWorld;
[SerializeField] public bool HorizentalDrag = true;
[SerializeField] public bool VerticalDrag = true;
[SerializeField] public float speedFactor = 10;
private float leftLimit;
private float rightLimit;
private float topLimit;
private float downLimit;
public bool allowDrag = true;
private void Start()
public void UpdateBounds(Vector2 xBoundNew, Vector2 yBoundNew)
xBoundWorld = xBoundNew;
yBoundWorld = yBoundNew;
private void CalculateLimitsBasedOnAspectRatio()
leftLimit = xBoundWorld.x - Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0, 0, 0)).x;
rightLimit = xBoundWorld.y - Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(1, 0, 0)).x;
downLimit = yBoundWorld.x - Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0, 0, 0)).y;
topLimit = yBoundWorld.y - Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0, 1, 0)).y;
Vector3 lastPosView; // we use viewport because we don't want devices pixel density affect our swipe speed
private void LateUpdate()
if (allowDrag)
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
lastPosView = Camera.main.ScreenToViewportPoint(Input.mousePosition);
else if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
var newPosView = Camera.main.ScreenToViewportPoint(Input.mousePosition);
var cameraMovment = (lastPosView - newPosView) * speedFactor;
lastPosView = newPosView;
cameraMovment = Limit2Bound(cameraMovment);
if (HorizentalDrag)
Camera.main.transform.Translate(new Vector3(cameraMovment.x, 0, 0));
if (VerticalDrag)
Camera.main.transform.Translate(new Vector3(0, cameraMovment.y, 0));
private Vector3 Limit2Bound(Vector3 distanceView)
if (distanceView.x < 0) // Check left limit
if (Camera.main.transform.position.x + distanceView.x < leftLimit)
distanceView.x = leftLimit - Camera.main.transform.position.x;
else // Check right limit
if (Camera.main.transform.position.x + distanceView.x > rightLimit)
distanceView.x = rightLimit - Camera.main.transform.position.x;
if (distanceView.y < 0) // Check down limit
if (Camera.main.transform.position.y + distanceView.y < downLimit)
distanceView.y = downLimit - Camera.main.transform.position.y;
else // Check top limit
if (Camera.main.transform.position.y + distanceView.y > topLimit)
distanceView.y = topLimit - Camera.main.transform.position.y;
return distanceView;

Finding gameObject via direction of input

I have a list of gameObjects added to a List within the area as shown. What I need is a directional input to choose a target from the origin point. I have got it work to get this origin point.
My first attempt of this was to get it via rayCast, but by doing that there were times directional inputs need to directly hit target object by the ray. This is no problem if input was done like case #1.
However, what I need it to really work is when input direction was as if case #2 or #3 the input will still get a target. My second attempt was to do this with sphereCast, but it still needed a target in sphere proximity and multiple targets hit by sphereCast still needed to result in only one and more accurate target selection by input.
Since I have all the transform.position of all the possible targets as well as the origin point I wondered there would be a more elegant way of resolving this via comparing vector3's of these coordinates(origin and targets in the general direction).
Here's my latest approach:
// m_targetList is the list containing all GameObjects as GameObjects in other script m_collector. All m_collector does is this.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class TargetSwitcher : MonoBehaviour
private TargetCollector m_collector;
private Transform m_origin;
public bool m_targetChanged = false;
public GameObject m_target;
public LayerMask m_targetMask;
private Dictionary<Vector3, float> m_targetInfo = new Dictionary<Vector3, float>();
private void Awake()
m_collector = GetComponent<TargetCollector>();
m_origin = GameObject.Find("TargetOrigin").transform;
m_tracker = GameObject.Find("TargetTracker").transform;
m_bound = GetComponent<BoxCollider>();
public void UpdateBearing(GameObject origin)
m_origin = origin.transform;
foreach (GameObject target in m_collector.m_targetList)
Vector3 dir = (target.transform.position - origin.transform.position).normalized
float dist = Vector3.Distance(origin.transform.position, target.transform.position);
m_targetInfo.Add(dir, dist);
public void SwitchTarget()
if (!m_targetChanged)
Vector2 dir = new Vector2(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), Input.GetAxis("Vertical")).normalized;
// Find closest direction value from Dictionary to dir of here
// Compare distance from origin if multiple targets and choose the nearest
public void ReturnToIdle()
m_origin.position = m_target.transform.position;
m_targetChanged = false;
public struct TargetInfo
public Vector3 bearing;
public float distance;
public TargetInfo(Vector3 bearing, float distance)
this.bearing = bearing;
this.distance = distance;
Generally, I'm trying to compare the normalized vector of directional input to the normalized vector from the origin to each target before SwitchTarget(). The input method here is Gamepad axis x and y as Horizontal and Vertical.
Reposting this question since a provided answer was very far from the question and marked as duplicate(Given answer was about finding gameObject by distance only, this question is about direction and distance portion is to compare second-handedly when multiple items were found in the direction)
After some trials with dot product now I'm sure this is much likely where I want to head. There are much inconsistency I need to get on with, though.
Here's my most recent attempt:
private void Update()
Vector3 input = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), Input.GetAxis("Vertical"), 0);
if (input !=
public void UpdateBearing(GameObject origin)
m_origin.position = origin.transform.position;
foreach (GameObject target in m_collector.m_targetList)
Vector3 dir = (target.transform.position - origin.transform.position).normalized;
if (!m_targetInfo.ContainsKey(target))
m_targetInfo.Add(target, dir);
public void SwitchTarget()
GameObject oldTarget = m_collector.m_target;
if (!m_targetChanged)
Vector3 dir = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), Input.GetAxis("Vertical"), 0).normalized;
Debug.DrawRay(m_origin.position, dir * 100, Color.yellow, 0.5f);
foreach (KeyValuePair<GameObject, Vector3> possibleTarget in m_targetInfo)
float dot = Vector3.Dot(dir, possibleTarget.Value);
if (dot > 0.5f) // Compare DP difference of added dot and input dot
GameObject newTarget = possibleTarget.Key;
if (oldTarget != newTarget)
Debug.Log(possibleTarget.Value + " // " + dot);
m_target = newTarget;
m_collector.m_target = newTarget;
m_targetChanged = true;
With this, I'm kind of getting gameObject selection without raycasting and missing any targets. However, I'm sure I need better case comparison than if(dot > 0.5f). Also, my rough assumption is that if I don't update the value of the dictionary m_targetInfo for each Key I'd have another inconsistency if those targets ever move. Anyways, I'm still confused how properly utilize this to achieve my end goal.
Since you have all the desired game objects in the area you can create a for loop and check the angle between your look direction and their position, if it is lower than some value (you can make it super low so it's precise or a little bit higher to allow for some margin of error) put it in a list of gameobjects and if there's more than one object there get the closest one.
The code for getting closest object in angle would look something like this:
GameObject CheckObjects()
List<GameObject> InAngle = new List<GameObject>();
for(int i = 0; i < YourObjectsList.Count; i++)
GameObject tested = YourObjectsList[i];
Vector3 dir = tested.transform.position - origin.transform.forward;
// I'm assuming here that youre rotating your origin with the
directional input, not then instead of origin.transform.forward
place there your directional vector3
float angle = Vector3.Angle(dir, tested.transform.position);
if(angle <= desiredAngle)
GameObject closest = null;
for(int j = 0; j < InAngle.Count; i++)
GameObject tested = InAngle[i];
Vector3 dir1 = tested.transform.position - origin.transform.position;
Vector3 dir2 = closest.transform.position - origin.transform.position;
closest = tested;
if(dir2.sqrMagnitude > dir1.sqrMagnitude)
closest = tested;
return closest;