Unity renders object before updating Rigidbody2D's properties - unity3d

I am trying to implement a way for the player to switch between a square and a circle. For this to work my player object has two colliders, one circle and one box. When switching between them I simply disable one collider and enable the other, and switch the current sprite. The issue arises when I switch from a circle to a square.
I want the square to be able to glide across the floor, whereas the circle is supposed to roll. In order to make the switch seamless I have to reorient the square to be aligned with the current velocity, and remove the angular velocity. This does seem to work, however there is a slight period of frames (or frame) where the square has the same rotation the circle had before switching. This seems odd to me since the new rotation and sprite is changed in the same part of the code. This is a video showcasing the issue.
If this is an issue resulting from the way the objects are rendered I can solve this another way. I would just like to understand why it happens.
Code snippet of the part that changes the properties from circle to square when switching:
else if (Input.GetKeyDown("2"))
// Update rotation of box to velocity:
float newAngleRadians = Mathf.Atan2(rb.velocity.y, rb.velocity.x);
float newAngleDegrees = newAngleRadians * 180 / Mathf.PI;
rb.rotation = newAngleDegrees;
rb.angularVelocity = 0;
playerShape = Shape.SQUARE;
spriteRenderer.sprite = spriteArray[1];
circleCollider.enabled = false;
boxCollider.enabled = true;
updateShape = true;
Logging the angle of the rigidbody directly after setting it to newAngleDegrees shows that the rotation has been set correct, yet the issue persists.
And just in case it is needed, full code of the script:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class scr_StateMachine : MonoBehaviour
// Types of shapes:
public enum Shape { SQUARE, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE }
// Variables:
public Rigidbody2D rb;
public SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer;
public Sprite[] spriteArray;
public Shape playerShape;
public CircleCollider2D circleCollider;
public BoxCollider2D boxCollider;
private bool updateShape;
void Start()
playerShape = Shape.CIRCLE;
updateShape = true;
void Update()
// Get input for shape change:
playerShape = Shape.CIRCLE;
spriteRenderer.sprite = spriteArray[0];
circleCollider.enabled = true;
boxCollider.enabled = false;
updateShape = true;
else if (Input.GetKeyDown("2"))
// Update rotation of box to velocity:
float newAngleRadians = Mathf.Atan2(rb.velocity.y, rb.velocity.x);
float newAngleDegrees = newAngleRadians * 180 / Mathf.PI;
rb.rotation = newAngleDegrees;
rb.angularVelocity = 0;
playerShape = Shape.SQUARE;
spriteRenderer.sprite = spriteArray[1];
circleCollider.enabled = false;
boxCollider.enabled = true;
updateShape = true;
// Update movement script's shape:
if (updateShape)
GetComponent<scr_Movement>().shape = playerShape;
updateShape = false;

I think the issue is Rigidbody/Rigidbody2D physics are applied in fixed time steps (see FixedUpdate). Therefore yes, on a strong device it can definitely happen that you render some frames before the next FixedUpdate call kicks in and changes the Rigidbody/Rigidbody2D behavior.
I think what you could do is actually wait with the change for the next FixedUpdate call e.g. using a Coroutine and WaitForFixedUpdate like e.g.
public class scr_StateMachine : MonoBehaviour
// Types of shapes:
public enum Shape { SQUARE, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE }
// Variables:
public Rigidbody2D rb;
public SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer;
public Sprite[] spriteArray;
public Shape playerShape;
public CircleCollider2D circleCollider;
public BoxCollider2D boxCollider;
[SerializeField] private scr_Movement _scrMovement;
void Start()
if(!_scrMovement) _scrMovement = GetComponent<scr_Movement>();
// Still get User Input in Update
void Update()
// Get input for shape change:
else if (Input.GetKeyDown("2"))
private void ChangeShape(Shape newShape)
// if the same shape comes in we already have -> nothing to do
if(newShape == playerShape) return;
// Stop any already running coroutine since we only want to handle the last input before the FixUpdate call
// https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/MonoBehaviour.StopAllCoroutines.html
// Start a new coroutine for the new shape
// see https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/MonoBehaviour.StartCoroutine.html
private IEnumerator ChangeShapeInNextFixedUpdate(Shape newShape)
// just in case again, if the same shape comes in we already have -> nothing to do
if(newShape == playerShape) yield break;
// Wait until the next FixedUpdate call
// see https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/WaitForFixedUpdate.html
yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate();
// Now do your required changes depending on the new shape
circleCollider.enabled = newShape == Shape.CIRCLE;
boxCollider.enabled = newShape == Shape.SQUARE;
case Shape.CIRCLE:
spriteRenderer.sprite = spriteArray[0];
case Shape.SQUARE:
// Update rotation of box to velocity:
var newAngleRadians = Mathf.Atan2(rb.velocity.y, rb.velocity.x);
// see https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Mathf.Rad2Deg.html
var newAngleDegrees = newAngleRadians * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
rb.rotation = newAngleDegrees;
rb.angularVelocity = 0;
spriteRenderer.sprite = spriteArray[1];
playerShape = newShape;
_scrMovement.shape = playerShape;


Integrate RigidBody kinematic After Press GetAxis Unity

I would like to integrate the rigidbody kinematic, when I finish pressing one of the axis, because in my code after my tank moves, it keeps moving for a while as if it were a force. I tried to add it, if it stopped pressing the buttons but it didn't work.
I tried to add them in the update, or in the form of a boolean but I think I have problems to set the logic of where it should be so that it works correctly.
What I would like is for the object's kinematic to activate when the axis is released.
Thank you very much for the help
public class TankController : MonoBehaviour
public int m_PlayerNumber = 1;
public float m_Speed = 12f;
public float m_TurnSpeed = 180f;
public AudioSource m_MovementAudio;
public float m_PitchRange = 0.2f;
private string m_MovementAxisName;
private string m_TurnAxisName;
private Rigidbody m_Rigidbody;
private float m_MovementInputValue;
private float m_TurnInputValue;
private float m_OriginalPitch;
private void Awake()
m_Rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
private void OnEnable()
// When the tank is turned on, make sure it's not kinematic.
m_Rigidbody.isKinematic = false;
// Also reset the input values.
m_MovementInputValue = 0f;
m_TurnInputValue = 0f;
private void OnDisable()
// When the tank is turned off, set it to kinematic so it stops moving.
m_Rigidbody.isKinematic = true;
private void Start()
// The axes names are based on player number.
m_MovementAxisName = "CarroV" ;
m_TurnAxisName = "CarroH";
// Store the original pitch of the audio source.
private void Update()
// Store the value of both input axes.
m_MovementInputValue = Input.GetAxis(m_MovementAxisName);
m_TurnInputValue = Input.GetAxis(m_TurnAxisName);
private void FixedUpdate()
// Adjust the rigidbodies position and orientation in FixedUpdate.
/* if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Keypad8) || !Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Keypad2) || !Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Keypad4) || !Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Keypad6))
m_Rigidbody.isKinematic = true;
private void Move()
//m_Rigidbody.isKinematic = false;
// Create a vector in the direction the tank is facing with a magnitude based on the input, speed and the time between frames.
Vector3 movement = transform.forward * m_MovementInputValue * m_Speed * Time.deltaTime;
// Apply this movement to the rigidbody's position.
m_Rigidbody.MovePosition(m_Rigidbody.position + movement);
private void Turn()
// m_Rigidbody.isKinematic = false;
// Determine the number of degrees to be turned based on the input, speed and time between frames.
float turn = m_TurnInputValue * m_TurnSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
// Make this into a rotation in the y axis.
Quaternion turnRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, turn, 0f);
// Apply this rotation to the rigidbody's rotation.
m_Rigidbody.MoveRotation(m_Rigidbody.rotation * turnRotation);
/* else
m_Rigidbody.isKinematic = true;
When you set isKinematic, you're telling the physics engine to not apply forces to the game object.
However, your object still has velocity and you need to cancel that yourself.
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Keypad8) || !Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Keypad2) || !Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Keypad4) || !Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Keypad6))
m_Rigidbody.isKinematic = true;
m_Rigidbody.velocity = Vector3.zero;
Additional consideration:
Is there a reason you're using the physics engine? If you want it to use physics then stopping should be either using "drag" in the RigidBody inspector or place a force in the opposite direction:
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Keypad8) || !Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Keypad2) || !Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Keypad4) || !Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Keypad6))
m_Rigidbody.AddForce(-m_Rigidbody.velocity * someScalingValue); // where someScalingValue is a float you choose
If you're doing physics, you should try and keep isKinematic to false.
Alternatively don't use the physics engine, keep isKinematic set to true and move the transform instead.

Difficulties flipping a collider in Unity when attacking

I am working on a small game for a school project, in which my player needs to attack enemies in a level. My plan is to have a collider that is enabled in an attached script, and then disabled when the attack is done. My current problem is that that the collider does not flip the way it is supposed to, it seems to flip directly on the overall x axis instead of flipping in the x axis related to the player. It is a child of the player so I am clueless as to why it is doing this. Any solutions or other approaches would be greatly appreciated. I will attach the current script that controls the collider below.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class VerticalSword : MonoBehaviour
//Variables use to active the colliders
Collider2D AttackColliderVertical;
//Variables for the location of the collider
Vector2 attackOffset;
private void Start()
AttackColliderVertical = GetComponent<Collider2D>();
attackOffset = transform.position;
AttackColliderVertical.enabled = false;
public void FixedUpdate()
attackOffset = transform.position;
public void AttackUp()
AttackColliderVertical.enabled = true;
if (attackOffset.y > 0)
transform.position = attackOffset;
else if (attackOffset.y < 0)
transform.position = new Vector2(attackOffset.x, (attackOffset.y * -1)); //I think the problem is somewhere in this if and else if statement
print("Attack up successful"); //Error checking (This works when run)
public void AttackDown()
AttackColliderVertical.enabled = true;
if (attackOffset.y > 0)
transform.position = new Vector2(attackOffset.x, (attackOffset.y * -1));
else if (attackOffset.y < 0)
transform.position = attackOffset; //I think the problem is somewhere in this if and else if statement
print("Attack down successful"); //Error checking (This works when run)
public void StopAttack()
AttackColliderVertical.enabled = false;
Use transform.localPosition, not transform.position (that's its world space position). You need to change it everywhere in this script; the Start() function and the two attack functions

How to resize all particles from a particle system?

I'm trying to dynamically resize particles using a slider, as well as change their colour.
Particles are used to display datapoints in a 3D scatterplot. I'm using this code: https://github.com/PrinzEugn/Scatterplot_Standalone
private ParticleSystem.Particle[] particlePoints;
void Update () {
pointScale = sizeSlider.value;
for (int i = 0; i < pointList.Count; i++) {
Quaternion quaternion = Camera.current.transform.rotation;
Vector3 angles = quaternion.eulerAngles;
// Set point color
particlePoints[i].startColor = new Color(angles.x, angles.y, angles.z, 1.0f);
particlePoints[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(pointScale, pointScale, pointScale);
The issue is that there's no transform method for Particles, and changing the "startColour" doesn't change anything.
The API states that "The current size of the particle is calculated procedurally based on this value and the active size modules."
What does that mean, and how can I change the size of the particles ?
Thanks to previous answers I managed to get this working:
In the PlacePrefabPoints method I add every instantiated prefab to a List, and I add a listener to the slider, which looks like this:
void changedPointSize(){
pointScale = sizeSlider.value;
for (int i = 0; i < objects.Count; i++) {
objects[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(pointScale, pointScale, pointScale);
Thanks all !
I just had a look at PointRenderer.cs -> CreateParticles and PlacePrefabPoints give a good hint what has to be changed.
So I guess you would simply change the scale values
foreach (var point in particlePoints)
Quaternion quaternion = Camera.current.transform.rotation;
Vector3 angles = quaternion.eulerAngles;
// Set point color
point.startColor = new Color(angles.x, angles.y, angles.z, 1.0f);
point.startSize = sizeSlider.value;
and than re-call
GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().SetParticles(particlePoints, particlePoints.Length);
it is questionable though if you really would do this in Update. I would rather do it in sizeSlider.onValueChanged to only do it when neccesarry (you could even make a certain treshold that has to be changed before updating the view) but well for the color there might be no other option than doing it in Update but atleast there I would use a Threshold:
privtae ParticleSystem ps;
// I assume you have that referenced in the inspector
public Slider sizeSlider;
// flag to control whether system should be updated
private bool updateSystem;
privtae void Awake()
ps = GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();
private void OnEnable()
// add a listener to onValueChanged
// it is secure to remove it first (even if not there yet)
// this makes sure it is not added twice
private void OnDisable()
// cleanup listener
private void OnSliderChanged()
foreach (var point in particlePoints)
point.startSize = sizeSlider.value;
// do the same also for the instantiated prefabs
foreach(Transform child in PointHolder.transform)
child.localScale = Vecto3.one * sizeSlider.value;
updateSystem = true;
private Quaternion lastCameraRot;
public float CameraUpdateThreshold;
private void Update()
if(Quaternion.Angle(Camera.current.transform.rotation, lastCameraRot) > CameraUpdateThreshold)
foreach (var point in particlePoints)
Quaternion quaternion = Camera.current.transform.rotation;
Vector3 angles = quaternion.eulerAngles;
// Set point color
point.startColor = new Color(angles.x, angles.y, angles.z, 1.0f);
lastCameraRot = Camera.current.transform.rotation;
updateSystem = true;
if(!updateSystem) return;
updateSystem = false;
ps.SetParticles(particlePoints, particlePoints.Length);

want to get screen point on render texture camera unity3d

I am making sniper game, I have 2 cameras, one is rendering whole environment, and second one is in scope of the gun, which has high zoom quality.
I am able to show, enemy point on screen through main camera. and it shows proper on main camera, but in scope camera(2nd camera), it not showing properly. I want to show these points exactly same as enemy is.
here is my script to show point so far. I am attaching screen shots, first one is for scope camera and does not showing proper place, and 2nd one is for main camera, showing at proper place (Red circle is pointing)
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class identity_shower : MonoBehaviour {
public Texture tex;
public GameObject helt;
public bool target_is_high =false;
private int counter_for_high = -1;
private int counter_for_low = -1;
private int counter_value = 50;
private bool bool_for_high = false;
private bool bool_for_low = false;
private Camera scope_cam_active;
private RectTransform rectTransform;
private Vector2 uiOFFset;
// Update is called once per frame
void OnGUI()
GameObject[] objs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("enemy_soldier");
if( objs.Length<=0 )
if (bool_for_high)
Vector2 pos_to_display = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint (this.transform.position);
GUI.DrawTexture (new Rect(pos_to_display.x-10.0f,(Screen.height- pos_to_display.y)-40.0f,15,15),tex);
public void show_your_identity()
if (target_is_high) {
if (counter_for_high >= counter_value)
counter_for_high = counter_for_high + 1;
if (counter_for_high >= counter_value)
bool_for_high = true;
} else if(!target_is_high)
if (counter_for_low >= counter_value)
counter_for_low = counter_for_low + 1;
if (counter_for_low >= counter_value)
bool_for_low = true;

Need to disable Particle System as soon as it stops playing

I am trying to implement a Flame Thrower. I have setup the Particle System for flame. It is pooled object. It is not the child of the Flame Thrower. When I press the Fire button the particle system starts and when the button is up it stops. But a problem arised that when player is moving the particle system doesn't move . this was solved by adding the below line
particles.transform.position = transform.GetChild(0).position;
But the I discovered another problem that when rotating the player(This is a 2D sidescroller game) the particles are rotated with it instantly. So when the player changes the direction current particles are stopped and a new particle is activated and played. But now the problem is whenever I change the direction while pressing Fire buttons new objects are created.
The code of my flame thrower is
using UnityEngine;
public class FlameThrower : Gun
private ParticleSystem particles;
private int direction = 0;
private bool isFiring = false;
public override void Update()
public override void InitShoot()
//Check direction has changed
if(direction != playerManager.direction)
if(particles != null)
particles.transform.position = transform.GetChild(0).position;
public override void Fire()
isFiring = true;
direction = playerManager.direction;
InstantiateParticles(weapon.bulletName, transform.GetChild(0).position, rotation);
public override void SelectDirection()
if (playerManager.direction == 1)
rotation = Quaternion.Euler(transform.rotation.x, transform.rotation.y, -90);
else if (playerManager.direction == -1)
rotation = Quaternion.Euler(transform.rotation.x, transform.rotation.y, 90);
public override void InstantiateParticles(string name, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
GameObject bullet = ObjectPooler.instance.GetObject(name);
while (bullet == null)
bullet = ObjectPooler.instance.GetObject(name);
if (bullet != null)
particles = bullet.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();
//Set Position and rotation
bullet.transform.position = position;
bullet.transform.rotation = rotation;
private void StopFire()
if (particles != null)
isFiring = false;
particles = null;
The problem is that in the function StopFire() it checks whether particle is playing or not. If it is not playing it will disable the Gameobject. But it that part doesn't execute since it is checked soon after particles is stopped and it will still be playing. I want this particle system to be disabled as soon as it stops playing
It seems that the particle system is rendering in local space, that's why it rotates with the object.
Change the Simulation Space to World.
For the other issue, if you disable the game object then particles which are already emitted will disappear. And if you deactivates them with a delay (using Invoke or similar) then within that delay new particles can be emitted.
The best way to handle this is to stop the emission, not deactivating the game object. You can do this in inspector or via code. myParticles.emission.enabled
using UnityEngine;
public class ParticleSystemControllerWindow : MonoBehaviour
ParticleSystem system
if (_CachedSystem == null)
_CachedSystem = GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();
return _CachedSystem;
private ParticleSystem _CachedSystem;
public Rect windowRect = new Rect(0, 0, 300, 120);
public bool includeChildren = true;
void OnGUI()
windowRect = GUI.Window("ParticleController".GetHashCode(), windowRect, DrawWindowContents, system.name);
void DrawWindowContents(int windowId)
if (system)
GUILayout.Toggle(system.isPlaying, "Playing");
GUILayout.Toggle(system.isEmitting, "Emitting");
GUILayout.Toggle(system.isPaused, "Paused");
if (GUILayout.Button("Play"))
if (GUILayout.Button("Pause"))
if (GUILayout.Button("Stop Emitting"))
system.Stop(includeChildren, ParticleSystemStopBehavior.StopEmitting);
if (GUILayout.Button("Stop & Clear"))
system.Stop(includeChildren, ParticleSystemStopBehavior.StopEmittingAndClear);
includeChildren = GUILayout.Toggle(includeChildren, "Include Children");
GUILayout.Label("Time(" + system.time + ")");
GUILayout.Label("Particle Count(" + system.particleCount + ")");
GUILayout.Label("No particle system found");
This might help you in playing,pausing and fully stopping your particle system from emitting particles.
Hope i helped.