What am I missing? Send data from Matlab to Arduino to Micro SD - matlab

First off. This is not in any way a class assignment. This is my own personal work and research. I just want to get that out of the way.
I am learning how to use Matlab with various Arduino projects. I am a seasoned Matlab user but I am fairly new to the entire Arduino space.
I am trying to send some numerical data from Matlab (via a GUI) to my Arduino Uno and have the Arduino write it to my micro SC card. This is a temporary step to my larger project. However, there is no need to go into those specifics as they are outside of the scope of my issues.
I am fairly confident that the Matlab code works and the Arduino code is slightly modified from another project I did where I wrote and read random numbers from my micro SD card.
However, as I run the Matlab code, the Arduino blinks as if it is receiving the data but after I check the micro SD card it remains blank.
I am confident that my Arduino is wired correctly to my micro SD card adapter since this remains the same from my prior project.
Therefore, I am sure I am missing something trivial to get it to work.
I have researched several websites on the subject and their method and mine seem to align very well.
I am fairly certain the problem is in the conditional statement:
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
As you will see.
The Matlab code is below:
arduinoCom = serial('COM3', 'BaudRate', 115200);
sendData = 5;
fprintf(arduinoCom,'%i',sendData); %this will send 5 to the arduino
The Arduino code is as follows:
#include <SD.h> // load SD library
int chipSelect = 4; // Chip select pin for the MicroSD Card Adapter
int incomingByte = 0; // for incoming serial data.
File SDF; // Serial data received is saved here.
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); // start serial connection to print out debug messages and data
pinMode(chipSelect, OUTPUT); // chip select pin must be set to OUTPUT mode
while (!Serial) {
void loop() {
// Open file, Write data, Close file only when you receive data
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
incomingByte = Serial.read();
SDF = SD.open("SerialDataFile.txt", FILE_WRITE); // open "SerialDataFile.txt" to write data
SDF.println(incomingByte, DEC); // write ASCII-encoded decimal number to file
SDF.close(); // close file
The expected result would be a file "SerialDataFile.txt" stored on my micro SD card with the value 5.
Thank you for your help!


Having Difficulty configuring FatFs for flash memory

I am but a lowly intern, cast into the unforgiving fires of firmware development. I have been tasked with implementing a file system onto an STM32 chip, using a w25qxx through SPI. I have been able to successfully read and write to the w25q through SPI, and have a class created to handle the basic i/o with the chip.
I have decided on using FatFS as it is partially built into STM32CubeID, and it seemed to be the best for what our needs are. I have seen quite a few people implement FatFS through on SD cards, but an SD card would be more complexity that we need. In all of the tutorials I saw you need to edit the methods of user_diskio.c to be consistent with the storage you are using. However, when I do this I find that my code never actually uses user_diskio.c, nor does it use diskio.c. I have a line of code set up in these to set an LED to tell if the program ever actually reaches these points in the code, and it appears that it does not.
Method from my user_diskio.cpp
BYTE pdrv, /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */
BYTE *buff, /* Data buffer to store read data */
DWORD sector, /* Sector address in LBA */
UINT count /* Number of sectors to read */
w25->sectorRead(sector, (char*)buff, count);
return RES_OK;
In my main.cpp, I am trying to create a file, write a string to it, close it, and then open it again to read the string.
f_getfree("", &fre_clust, &pfs);
total = (uint32_t)((pfs->n_fatent - 2) * pfs->csize * 0.5);
free_space = (uint32_t)(fre_clust * pfs->csize * 0.5);
fresult = f_open(&fil, "file67.txt", FA_OPEN_ALWAYS | FA_READ | FA_WRITE);
f_puts("This data is from the FILE1.txt. And it was written using ...f_puts... ", &fil);
fresult = f_close(&fil);
fresult = f_open(&fil, "file67.txt", FA_READ);
f_gets(buffer, f_size(&fil), &fil);
fresult returns FR_NOT_ENABLED when I go to open the file, and returns FR_INVALID_OBJECT when I got to close. Attempting to read the file into buffer results in the first byte in the buffer being read as a null char. Is there any additional information I should add?
The FR_NOT_ENABLE can likely caused by not f_mount the disk first before doing anything else.

Data received by my HC-05/Arduino Uno from MATLAB Bluetooth is in a strange format or the setup is incorrect

I am trying to use MATLAB's bluetooth object to connect to my HC-05 (connected to Arduino Uno by Serial) and send it strings ('1','2',etc). However, the issue is that when the data arrives it is in a strange format, and it seems like different inputs from MATLAB can give the same output in the HC05. Here is my problematic output: And here is the code I'm using:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); // RX, TX
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
if (mySerial.available()) {
// read the incoming byte:
int c = mySerial.read();
I've tried different baud rates for the software serial and switching the TX/RX wires. Also different println formats. The output just always seems odd no matter what format I put it in. Any idea what could be the problem?

I2C: Raspberry Pi (Master) read Arduino (Slave)

I would like to read a block of data from my Arduino Mega (and also from an Arduino Micro in another project) with my Raspberry Pi via I2C. The code has to be in Perl because it's sort of a plug-in for my Home-Automation-Server.
I'm using the Device::SMBus interface and the connection works, I'm able to write and read single Bytes. I can even use writeBlockData with register address 0x00. I randomly discovererd that this address works.
But when I want to readBlockData, no register-address seems to work.
Does anyone know the correct register-address, or is that not even the problem that causes errors?
Thanks in advance
First off, which register(s) are you wanting to read? Here's an example using my RPi::I2C software (it should be exceptionally similar with the distribution you're using), along with a sketch that has a bunch of pseudo-registers configured for reading/writing.
First, the Perl code. It reads two bytes (the output of an analogRead() of pin A0 which is set up as register 80), then bit-shifts the two bytes into a 16-bit integer to get the full 0-1023 value of the pin:
use warnings;
use strict;
use RPi::I2C;
my $arduino_addr = 0x04;
my $arduino = RPi::I2C->new($arduino_addr);
my #bytes = $arduino->read_block(2, 80);
my $a0_value = ($bytes[0] << 8) | $bytes[1];
print "$a0_value\n";
Here's a full-blown Arduino sketch you can review that sets up a half dozen or so pseudo-registers, and when each register is specified, the Arduino writes or reads the appropriate data. If no register is specified, it operates on 0x00 register.
The I2C on the Arduino always does an onReceive() call before it does the onRequest() (when using Wire), so I set up a global variable reg to hold the register value, which I populate in the onReceive() interrupt, which is then used in the onRequest() call to send you the data at the pseudo-register you've specified.
The sketch itself doesn't really do anything useful, I just presented it as an example. It's actually part of my automated unit test platform for my RPi::WiringPi distribution.

Simple UDP socket in VC++ MFC

I have been trying to write a working program that takes in data from a UDP socket and displays it in an edit control box as you receive the data (My exposure to c++ is also only about a week :P have only done embedded C code before). I have a working program that can send and output data on a button click but I want something that can do it in real time. The aim is scale this up into a larger GUI program that can send control data to hardware and get responses from them.
I have run into various problems including:
The program just not executing my OnReceivefunction (derived from
Getting the OnReceive function to run on a separate thread so that it can still run after a button has been clicked sending a control packet to the client then waiting for a response in a while loop
Not being able to output the data in the edit box (tried using both CEdit and CString)
ReplaceSel error saying that the type char is incompatible with LPCTSTR
My code is based on this codeproject.com tutorial, being almost exactly what I want but I get the error in 4.
EDIT: the error in 4. disappears when I change it to a TCHAR but then it outputs random chinese characters. The codeproject.com tutorial outputs the correct characters regardless of char or TCHAR declaration. When debugged my code has type wchar_t instead type char like the other code.
Chinese output
In the working program echoBuffer[0] the character sent and displayed was a 1
UINT ReceiveData(LPVOID pParam)
CTesterDlg *dlg = (CTesterDlg*)pParam;
CSocket echoServer;
// Create socket for sending/receiving datagrams
if (echoServer.Create(12345, SOCK_DGRAM, NULL) == 0)
AfxMessageBox(_T("Create() failed"));
for (;;)
{ // Run forever
// Client address
SOCKADDR_IN echoClntAddr;
// Set the size of the in-out parameter
int clntAddrLen = sizeof(echoClntAddr);
// Buffer for echo string
char echoBuffer[ECHOMAX];
// Block until receive message from a client
int recvMsgSize = echoServer.ReceiveFrom(echoBuffer, ECHOMAX, (SOCKADDR*)&echoClntAddr, &clntAddrLen, 0);
if (recvMsgSize < 0)
AfxMessageBox(_T("RecvFrom() failed"));
echoBuffer[recvMsgSize] = '\0';
After reading the link that #IInspectable provided about working with strings and checking the settings differences between the two programs it became clear that the issue lay with an incorrect conversion to UNICODE. My program does not require it so I disabled it.
This has cleared up the issue in 4. and provided solutions for 2 and 3.
I also think I know why another instance of my program would not run OnReceivein 1. because that file was not being defined by one that was already being run by the program, but that is now irrelevant.

Send data from Visual C++ via socket on the same machine

I am currently in a project involving data visualization of a signal captured from a device which has a Visual C++ API. I currently can log each datasample to file, but I'd like to do some sort of plot to screen.
I have had a previous successful experience with a similar job using socket between C++ and Python, but the code was lost. I have the Python socket "receiver" to reuse, but don't have the Visual C++ "sender" to reverse engineer or otherwise copy/paste.
My current Python code, which was working very fine, is:
import SocketServer
class SocketHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler):
def handle(self):
data = self.request[0].strip()
## do something with 'data' here!
server = SocketServer.UDPServer(("", 8888), SocketHandler)
And the part of the Visual C++ that currently logs to file and I want to send to the socket is:
#include <fstream>
//(...lots of code...)
short int * dataBuff;
unsigned int dataNum;
int isAcqRunning;
int startFromTrg, stopFromTrg;
unsigned int firstSample, lastSample;
int errcode;
int i;
std::ofstream out("./out.txt");
// device->transferData is called inside a loop
// to get data from aquisition hardware's buffer
errcode = device->transferData(&dataBuff, &dataNum, &isAcqRunning,
&startFromTrg, &stopFromTrg,
&firstSample, &lastSample);
if(errcode == 0)
printf("\n Acquired samples: %d", dataNum);
for (i=firstSample; i<lastSample; i++)
out<<dataBuff[i]<<'\n'; /////// I'd like to send dataBuff[i] via socket!!
//(...lots of more code...)
Possibly useful additional information:
I'm using VisualStudio 2010 in Windows7;
This is the first time I touch C++ code in my life, I use Python almost exclusively;
I haven't have success trying to follow C++ examples from books and sites because, as it appears, C++ and VISUAL C++ are NOT the same thing and can behave very differently :o(
I thank very much for any help, and for reading this.
(EDIT: if there is a better way to do that without any additional complexity overhead for a noob, I would be glad to try. I like the socket stuff because it is language-transparent and solved a previous problem with very good speed)