Creating a primitive ramp in Unity - Not working as expected - unity3d

Using cubes as my primitive game objects, I've created a runway, ramp and player. I expect my player to be flung into the sky on hitting the ramp at velocity, however the ramp stops my player cold in its tracks. I have friction and drag set low. Do I need to adjust mass? Should I use a rounded player?
Here are my object settings:
Ramp 3D

In the Collider component, you need to use Physical Material. In the Physical material, enter Bounciness "1"


How to prevent sliding with rigid bodies in Unity?

So, I am using Unity's Rigid body physics engine. And I made the player using a capsule collider. And after creating another rigid body with a Box collider I tried to jump onto it, only, the player starts to ever so slightly slide on top of it until eventually sliding off.
I want to be able to make the player jump onto movable objects without sliding on top unless there is enough of a slope to make sense for the player to slide off of. Is this possible, or does Unity's physics engine prevent this?
This can be achieved by applying a Physic Material to the player's capsule collider. Specifically, take a look at the Dynamic Friction and the Static Friction of the Physic Material. You may also want to set the Friction Combine to Maximum, if you want to ensure your player has a good grip on the platform regardless of what kind they land on.
A higher Dynamic Friction will quickly stop your player object if it starts sliding, while a higher Static Friction will make it harder for the player object to start sliding if it is otherwise stationary.
There isn't an exact science behind choosing these values; you'll really have to play around with it to see what feels right for your game.

How to have Unity Particle System render behind other GameObjects

I am using Unity Particle System to generate confetti when a user has finished a level. However, I am not able to have the particles appear behind the gameobjects. Any help would be appreciated.
I added the particle system to a gameobject, created a camera for it and have the camera for the particle gameobject. From there, I set the depth of the gameobject to 0 so that it renders behind the other gameobjects. Did not work.
I have tried the following solution. However, I am unable to set the camera alpha to 0. I am able to put the particle system to an object but not able to set the camera alpha to 0. How can I do that?
This is what I am seeing.
Particle Camera
You can set the layer of particle system "Particle" and make two cameras, 1 for particle and set occlusion layer to "Particle" and other camera to have all layers except the "Particle" and set its priority higher than the previous camera.

Rate Over Distance Particle System Not Showing - 2D Gameplay

I have bought a particle system pack from the Asset Store of Unity:
Epic Toon FX
Now within my project, I want to use object trail effects for my player spaceship.
So I have added my selected particle system object within the child of player spaceship object.
But I can't able to see any trail when I run my project within Unity editor.
Within the particle system, I have noticed that the emission rate is based on distance.
How to emission this particle system?
That is big question in the mind.
At present, its parent spaceship object is moving.
Your space ship game object must be having a kinematic rigidbody. The problem with rate over distance is that they are not good to go with kinamatic rigidbody. Try setting the type of rigidbody to dynamic with gravity scale to 0. This should help .
Moreover, remember to move the rigidbody by changing its velocity and not the transform. Also set the simulation space to world.

Preventing collider from glitching through terrain

I'm using a terrain in Unity 2019.2.1f1 and a custom mesh of a cave with a mesh collider.
My character that has a Capsule Collider way bigger than the entry of the cave should not be able to enter in. But due to the roundness of both colliders, he can come into force in the cave, glitching through the terrain collider.
I think it's velocity is not excessive, I'm moving the character with rb.MovePosition() in the FixedUpdate(), and I set its rigidbody collision detection to Continuous speculative (tried all the "continuous" modes)
In the animation below, you can see the mesh of the cave and the capsule collider around the character.
How can I prevent this from happening? How can I say to Unity: "I want the colliders to be rock solid and not marshmallow"?
Colliders in Unity are rock-solid. They are incapable of any kind of soft physics, and the only moment they will warp through each other is when you force them to.
Here, you are setting the rigidBody position by force, into an impossible location. The game tries its best to fit your rigidBody despite the lack of room.
You can
Only use forces, and velocities. You can simply set the velocity to the direction of your choosing, and set it to 0 when you stop moving, or use AddForce, which is basically the same thing.
Keep using MovePosition, but use a SphereCast or CapsuleCast to check if you have enough room to move first.

make gameObject visible and have correct color in gameplay, and make object have appropriate speed

I'm new to Unity2D,
So I'm creating a game in 2D where AI agent and enemies walks around a floor with doors to spawn the enemies and alcoves to hold the items that the agents has to collect. I created circles to represent the enemies and applied a material with red color on it. But in the game play, the color is black as you can see in the following picture:
Also, the two of the grey walls are missing as well in the game play. The floor has z-position = 0 and the obstacles has z position -2.
Furthermore, I used transform.Translate(new Vector3(movingSpeed,0,0) * Time.deltaTime); in the fixedUpdate method to move the object, but in the game play it went off super fast. However, the movingSpeed is only set to 0.01.
I created circles to represent the enemies and applied a material with red color on it. But in the game play, the color is black as you can see in the following picture
You should add a light component or change your shader of material.
transform.Translate(new Vector3(movingSpeed,0,0) * Time.deltaTime);
You should use Rigidbody2D.AddForce funciton.
When dealing with Rigidbody never change the position through the Transform component but rather use Rigidbody2D.MovePosition. This keeps the Physics and collisions etc intact.
That it kind of flies off right at the beginning suggests there might be an issue with colliders probably?
The colors seem to be a lightning problem. The disappearing objects might be related to the positioning of your Camera and the near clipping plane but both is hard to tell without more details.