How to have Unity Particle System render behind other GameObjects - unity3d

I am using Unity Particle System to generate confetti when a user has finished a level. However, I am not able to have the particles appear behind the gameobjects. Any help would be appreciated.
I added the particle system to a gameobject, created a camera for it and have the camera for the particle gameobject. From there, I set the depth of the gameobject to 0 so that it renders behind the other gameobjects. Did not work.
I have tried the following solution. However, I am unable to set the camera alpha to 0. I am able to put the particle system to an object but not able to set the camera alpha to 0. How can I do that?
This is what I am seeing.
Particle Camera

You can set the layer of particle system "Particle" and make two cameras, 1 for particle and set occlusion layer to "Particle" and other camera to have all layers except the "Particle" and set its priority higher than the previous camera.


Unity camera particle system rendering

I have a problem, I have created a particle system and I want to play it on camera in front of everything. How can I do this? If I only position it in front of camera it doesnt look good. It is about a water effect when a player comes out of water.
Prefab>ParticleSystem>Renderer>SortingLayer> here you set it to the highest foreground

Rate Over Distance Particle System Not Showing - 2D Gameplay

I have bought a particle system pack from the Asset Store of Unity:
Epic Toon FX
Now within my project, I want to use object trail effects for my player spaceship.
So I have added my selected particle system object within the child of player spaceship object.
But I can't able to see any trail when I run my project within Unity editor.
Within the particle system, I have noticed that the emission rate is based on distance.
How to emission this particle system?
That is big question in the mind.
At present, its parent spaceship object is moving.
Your space ship game object must be having a kinematic rigidbody. The problem with rate over distance is that they are not good to go with kinamatic rigidbody. Try setting the type of rigidbody to dynamic with gravity scale to 0. This should help .
Moreover, remember to move the rigidbody by changing its velocity and not the transform. Also set the simulation space to world.

Prevent explosion particle effect clipping through terrain

I have implemented blast particle within my game but when it spawns, it gets cutout to correspond to the nearest environment object.
This problem, I was getting:
Overall there are multiple particle systems are running to achieve this but I am attaching one particle system inspector panel details:
A similar kind of renderer exists for mostly all particle systems. So please guide me to solve the above effect cut related problem with the wall.
I have added a VFX rendering camera and created separate later too for the effects but there is no change in the result.
Here you have a screenshot for the Main Camera of the game:
You could add collisions to the particles so that they either bounce away from the world object or are just destroyed.
Example Collision Setup
It will add a little overhead but depending on how many particles the effect uses it shouldn't be an issue, and if it is you could test it with a lower collision quality.
I found this advice on the polycount forums written by user AlecMoody:
[1.] Create a second camera parented to the primary camera...
[2.] Create a render layer for your [particle effect] (or assign it to an existing layer).
[3.] Set the main camera culling mask to everything except your explosion layer.
[4.] Set the child camera culling mask to only be your explosion layer. The child camera should have the clear flag set to "don't clear"
[5.] and put a positive value into the [child] camera depth.
Since for you having a higher depth on the child camera doesn't make it render above the lower depth cameras, setting the clear flag to "depth only" may help you.

Unity Particle System cannot appear in game scene

I have problems with my unity particle system. It is appearing in the scene but it does not appear in the game scene after it is being played. What do you think the problem lies in?
1.ParticleSystem is not loop, not enable or not play...
2.Your particles are too small.
3.Particles are not in the camera's view.
4.If you are using Unity's 2D tool, maybe sprite's sorting order is above your particle. <- Change ParticleSystem's sortingLayerName and sortingOrder.
There's also a bug where the particle's origin (usually the centre) is well outside the camera's frustum they can be incorrectly culled. I found this with giant sunbeams.
I had a similar issue. The problem for me ended up being related to the Renderer Module's "Render Alignment" being set to "World". Pair this with -90 rotation on X and it made my particles disappear (2D game with an orthographic camera probably didn't help). Switching Render Alignment to "Facing" fixed my issue.

GameObject with DirectionalLight component not being iluminated

I'm doing an augmented reality application using Unity3D and Vuforia. For each gameObject in my augmented reality scene I add a Light component to it and define it as a DirectionalLight.
In this scene the gameObjects are iluminated, but when I change to another scene (not destroying the gameObjects) they are not.
I already checked and they still have the Light component, but are not iluminated for some reason.
Do you guys have any clue of what might be the problem?
P.S.: The second scene is a normal scene with no interaction with the phone's camera. And the projection on the camera is orthographic.
Without more detail it's difficult to say with certainty, but the first thing I would suspect is whether you've culled layers on your lights or your cameras.
What "Layer" are the lights on? Are the cameras set to ignore these layers?
What "Layers" are the lights set to illuminate? Are the objects on these layers?