Shadows using Point Light - unity3d

I have a car garage area and I have placed a point light to give lighting and shadows for all objects of the garage area.
I can able to get lights but there are no shadows, I hope you can see in the above screenshot. Here you have light inspector data:
In the same scene, there is a Directional Light too and it can able to generate shadows too. But I want to use only Point Light for my garage area so I have created a separate layer for this.
After this Point Light can't able to generate shadows but Direction Light can able to show shadows in the Garage area too that I have checked.
Now guide me to display shadows using Point Light.

Now I can able to find help from Unity Forum member.
If you have directional light exist and you are also using other types of lights in the same scene then you have to increase Pixel Light Count figure in Rendering section, I have 0 over there and now I set to 1 and now I can able to get shadow over my garage area.
This is the exact reply from the right person:
I hope this reply become useful to other members.


Light passes through walls

I've just build few models in MagicsVoxel editor and imported them into unity 2019.3.10f1.
But when adding any light (Point, Object with emissive materials) to one of the room, saw that liht passes through walls.
Help please, tried many different solutions.
I think the emmision is in the walls. What i mena by that is that you have an emission shape of the light source it looks like a hitbox and i think you have that going trough the walls, and that may be the reason it passes trough them
Just select the light, and set shadow type to 'hard shadows' or 'soft shadows'
Be sure shadows are enabled from quality settings

How to light the whole scene?

A directional light illuminates only a part, but I need the light to be “everywhere”. I do not want any shading anywhere, as in the screenshot
You can use Ambient Light, and set it from the Lighting Window
Otherwise consider that you might also set an Area Light - see more in Types of Light - Unity Manual.

Unity - Turning off ambient light is not making my scene completely black

I have been looking around for a way to make my scene 100% dark, except for the single light source, and all of my sources mention turning off ambient lighting which I have done.
As you can see, light still permeates my scene.
It appears that only the X axis has been darkened where the Y and Z are still lit by a light source that I don't have. The only light source is the single orange source at the center of my scene. This is extremely frustrating because all help sites say to turn off ambient lighting which I have done, I have not found any other solutions.
I had a directional light that I had forgotten about, rookie mistake

Light in one direction in Unity

I'm making a soccer stadium, with lamps to shine on the pitch. The lamp now contain cubes, with a point light inside. I hoped that, when I put the point light inside the cubes (in the empty space, inside the 'walls' of the lamp), the light would shine only to the pitch. Because only this side of the cubes is 'open'. But it's still a 'light circle'.
This is what I have now:
What I want:
Could anyone tell me how I can do this?
Use spotlight instead of point light. Spotlight is use for lighting in a precise direction.
And check the culling mask on your light. If the cube's layer is not include in the light culling mask, then the light will not care about your cube. The shadow type use by the spotlight can also change the way the light look on your cube.

Equally Distributing Light On a Quad Object 2D - Unity

I am using a directional light in order to light up my background for my 2D game. I am using a quad because I need this background to repeat and thus I am using offset to be as efficient as possible. However, the light does not seem to de distributed evenly. I want the background to be bright, but adding a directional light creates a center of light on my background. This is not what I want. I want the light to be evenly distributed over this background. How would I go about this?
Here is a picture to give you a fuller description of what I am talking about:
Thank you in advance.
I want the background to be bright, but adding a directional light
creates a center of light on my background.
Directional light is not good for something like this. I suggest you disabled or remove the Directional light.
You have 2 options to fix this:
1.Ambient light
2.Material Emissive
Since you are using the Standard shader, Enable Emission on the material then change the Emission color to white to make the image brighter.
I recommend you go with #2 since you don't need extra processing power that is required when you use light so #2 is the best option for you.
All the other lights can be found in the GameObject --> Light menu. You can read more about each one here.