Light passes through walls - unity3d

I've just build few models in MagicsVoxel editor and imported them into unity 2019.3.10f1.
But when adding any light (Point, Object with emissive materials) to one of the room, saw that liht passes through walls.
Help please, tried many different solutions.

I think the emmision is in the walls. What i mena by that is that you have an emission shape of the light source it looks like a hitbox and i think you have that going trough the walls, and that may be the reason it passes trough them

Just select the light, and set shadow type to 'hard shadows' or 'soft shadows'
Be sure shadows are enabled from quality settings


How to add light effects to buildings in unity (building light)

To be more precise I need a type of lighting that looks good to put on building models that already have a texture, I can't texturize the textures with light turned on apartments such as in GTA5 because I do not know how to create textures. I tried putting point light and spot light on buildings but it looks pretty bad, neon cubes are not good either as it makes the building look back.
I hope you understand what I meant.
Like that but no texturization
To achieve the results in the image, you should use an emission map.
Creating these types of lights using the Light Component is inefficient. You must not Spot Light OR Point Light for this purpose.
How to TURN ON Lights in Unity
How to Use EMISSIVE MATERIALS in Unity! Step-by-Step Tutorial

Shadows doesn't disappear

I made an endless runner game where the horse runs in a canyon. So i noticed that in the walls makes shadows on theirselves so i wanted to remove it beacuse it's ugly. So my problem comes here, how can i remove that shadow even if i disabled the shadow casting from the mesh renderer of that walls? I also tried to place a light point near the walls but it still don't work. How can i resolve this. I attach a photo so you can understand what i am talking about.
Those are most likely just objects interacting with a directional light in the scene. Instead of shadows, those are just sides of objects that as less illuminated.
I can throw in two potential solutions:
Go to Window->Rendering->Lighting, select Environment, change the Environment Lighting Source value and modify the color values to your liking.
Add a material which changes how the objects interact with lighting. One option could be to just add a standard material with some emission.

NavMesh not including all the surfaces

I have a level made with pro builders and at that level there is an agent who attacks the player. The problem is that when i baked the navMeshSurface i did not include all the walkable surfaces. See the image below :-
I am now really frustrated with how to solve the problem, i tried nearly everything. I tried changing the layers and also tried placing other game objects over the area which are not baked. But, it did not work.
Please tell how can i include all the surfaces in the navMeshSurface.
make sure you have selected all the blocks, because if you didn't it will only bake the ones that are selected.

Unity - Vertex light ignored by static objects (lightmapped)

Vertex lights work fine on dynamic objects, but the second I make them static and bake lightmaps they're ignored.
I've tried changing to different "lightmodes" within the shader, but none has worked. Lightmode "ForwardBase" seems to really mess up, even though I would assume its the one to use given its description on
Any suggestions would be very appreciated :)
My understanding of the question at hand
As I understand, when you bake a lightmap, the only light source that will change the light of the baked objects is a pixel light. But you would like to make it work with a vertex light.
I'm still not entirely sure whether you mean that the light simply won't bake into the baked map in the first place, or whether it cannot affect the light level of the object after it has been baked.
In any case, I did some searching.
Possible solution/explanation 1
When I searched I came across this tool and description.
By default, using Unity’s built-in shader Mobile/VertexLit lighting
works only as either baked or realtime but you cannot display a
realtime light on a baked surface. This shader allows a baked surface
to also receive realtime lighting.
Note that the tool is free.
Possible solution/explanation 2
I also came across this tutorial:
Where the author writes
When lightmaps are used, Unity will never include vertex lights. Their
keywords are mutually exclusive. So we don't need a variant with both
VERTEXLIGHT_ON and LIGHTMAP_ON at the same time.
Lastly please note that these solutions seem to be developed at earlier versions of Unity. Newer solutions more appropriate may exist.
Hope this helps you.

Shadows going through objects

I'm new to Lighting in 3D. Just started working with Unity3D. I was creating a sample for myself to test shadows and there is a problem.
As you can see that i have created two simple walls with two cubes. Also I have setup a directional light. Let's go the backside of the walls to view the problem
Technically the front wall should be blocking the shadow of the back wall. But it is not. I have painted a read line to show that where the shadow of front wall is overlapping the shadow of the other, meaning going all the was through the wall. Why is that happening. Help please...
set your shader to DIFFUSE. i have the same problem and solved this. my spotlight is passing thor
that is interesting indeed, i have used unity3d for 5 plus years and never seen or noticed this. however, this might seem like a weird request, could you set the ground and the two cubes to bumped diffuse and make sure the cubes are touching the ground.
Since the shader that is used might allow shadows to pass, secondly, could you go to player settings and check if you are using forward of differed rendering, since their lighting techniques are very different they might have different results.
but all in all, best guess is that the shader you are using allows shadows to pass.