wso2 debugging a handler in eclipse - eclipse

I am new to WSO2. I need to write a new handler.
Is it possible to debug the handler inside the eclipse?
I saw the documents of WSO2 Developer Studio here at a glance, but
it seems the documents are not suitable for beginners and I'm not sure that's about what I mean.

You can remotely debug the code from Eclipse. Please follow
You need to do the following.
Write the handler
Engage the handler
Start the WSO2 server as mentioned in the above blog.
When your code gets hit, you can debug in the Eclipse.


Start Point for writing own debugger extension for Visual Studio Code

I want to migrate from Eclipse based IDE to VSC for working with remote Ruby apps and I stuck with writing VSC debugger extension.
Currently, the debugger in the Ruby App and debugger part in Eclipse IDE communicates via HTTP.
I have read the known widely article "Debugger Extension" and don't have yet clear understanding how exact to do it.
In my mind I must use Server type of VSC debugger, which starts to listen HTTP on specific port and translate commands to from DAP. But I cannot get workable sample of this.
Do somebody smthng like this?

toy web service on Eclipse- trouble with glassfish4 server

I am new to Java EE, and am trying to learn how to create a web service. I followed the instructions given at this link- to create a simple Hello World web service. I got into trouble when trying to get Eclipse to start the glassfish4 server. I get the error shown below-
I am not sure what ${sunappserver.rootdirectory} means and how it is defined. Much appreciate anyone who can help me understand this and get it working.
Check your glassfish installation. This file contains lots of configuration details. Your Exception means it is missing! Maybe there is a backup called domain.xml.bak in the same directory.
Mine is in /usr/local/glassfish4_1/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/domain.xml

Node.js Code Assist in the Eclipse Debugger

Does anyone know how to get code-assist working while debugging (say for instance while forming a watch expression) Node.js in Eclipse?
One of the motivations for my wanting to use Node.js on the server side was the idea that I could debug applications just as easily as I can debug client-side javascript code in a browser console like the one Chrome includes.
This seems like it should be a pretty easy one.
Thanks in advance.
For better Node.js debugging in Eclipse there is Nodeclipse project
It comes with Tern that gives mouse over hints

Create GAE eclipse project

I have installed Eclipse Java EE Luna Release (4.4.0) and App Engine SDK 1.9.10
I have created a new Google - Web Application Project and selected the Generate Project Sample Code option. I changed nothing about the project.
The generated project successfully deploys and runs locally. However when I deploy this to AppSpot I get an error message "Remote Procedure Call - Failure" when clicking on the "Send" button on the sample form.
Are there other steps I need to perform in order for the generated project to be successfully deployed to AppSpot?
My goal is to have a starting application that deploys so I can start learning to use Objectify and GWT to build applications. If there is a better way to go about this please suggest it.
Kind regards
I think seem to remember that sample code for the GWT builds a RPC-based HelloWorld or greeting example. In the auto-generated sample interface you type a name, a RPC call is made to server side and you get "Hello"+yourName or similar as a callback.
Check this link:
This is a more advanced app, StockWatcher, from the GWT tutorials which is also RPC based and adapted for the GAE. You could start here: to build this app (is really easy) and follow to the link above to deploy StockWatcher on the GAE, or check directly the steps on the first link and try to deploy the GWT "Greetings" example.
If you have already tried this or you do and there's still a problem, please provide the full stack trace, or the code you think might be causing the problem, so we have a better insight of the problem.

Debug Rest API in Eclipse

I am writing a program to connect with JIRA and create tickets automatically.
For this i used JIRA rest API. The code is done in Eclipse-Kepler using java as a stand alone program.
For some request, this program is throwing "Bad Request" and response code "400".
I want to debug what is wrong with a particular request. Is there any plug in to debug that?
I tried using Rest client in eclipse, but its asking for URL to hit in this tool.
I want if I run my program as Java, some tool can show me the required debug statements.