openstreetmaps migration from apache to litespeed webserver - openstreetmap

in my 000-default.conf of my apache configuration I have the following directives in order to make my Open Street Map tileserver work.
LoadTileConfigFile /usr/local/etc/renderd.conf
ModTileRenderdSocketName /var/run/renderd/renderd.sock
# Timeout before giving up for a tile to be rendered
ModTileRequestTimeout 0
# Timeout before giving up for a tile to be rendered that is otherwise missing
ModTileMissingRequestTimeout 30
Now I'm trying to migrate to litespeed(I'm a total newbie at litespeed) but don't know where to configure these renderd/modtile settings in litespeed.
Anyone knows where I should put these?
I assume that this should be in my vhconf.xml file but what exactly should I modify?
(I'm running Ubuntu)
anyone any idea?

Unfortunately, Open Street Map tileserver is written as an Apache module, it wont be compatible with LiteSpeed. You may need to keep Apache tile server running on a different port, let litespeed proxy requests for the map image to Apache.


Load balancing MySQL ndbcluster

I have successfully setup ndbcluster version 7.1.26.
This contains 2 data nodes[NDBD], 2 mysql [MYSQLD] nodes and one management [MGMD] node.
Replication works successfully.
My Web application is deployed in JBoss-5.0.1 and using JNDI for connection resources which are specified in application specific ds.xml file in load balanced url forms e.g. jbdc:mysql:loadbalance:host1:port1,host2:port2/databaseName.
host1 : refers to first mysqld node and port1 refers the port it is running on.
host2 : refers to second mysqld node and port2 refers the port it is running on.
When both of the [MySQLD] nodes are up and running everything works fine and cluster responds well, replicates data, and data retrieval operations also work properly.
But issues are raised when any of the [MySQLD] nodes goes down. Data gets inserted/updated/replicated but the application is unable to retrieve data from cluster and web page remains busy working which means busy retrieving data. As soon as the node which was down goes up it responds properly and application goes forward and shows up data retrieved from cluster.
At JBoss 5.0.1 startup it showed up a NullPointerException in class LoadBalancingConnectionProxy.invoke( Tell me if the above Exception plays any role in the above explained issues.
If anyone had faced issues like above and if has any solution regarding the issues please let me know.
Thanks and regards.
I have resolved the issue as it was a bug in the connectorJ's version.
As The project I am working on was already using both the buggy jar mysql-connector-java-5.0.8.jar and the jar version in which the issue is already resolved i.e. mysql-connector-java-5.1.13-bin.jar.
After all the search when I removed the jar mysql-connector-java-5.0.8.jar my issues got resolved.
All that was problematic was that the ConnectorJ/Driver was getting referred from the buggy jar.
The bug id and url which refers to this issue is:
Thanks for considerations.
Are you using different userids and passwords for each of the hosts(host1, host2) specified in the tag ? (Either directly or using tag) ?

ElasticSearch with Play 2 configuration

I am trying to use the ElasticSearch module ( with my Play 2 application. In the readme, it says I should add the following to my application.conf:
## define local mode or not
## list clients
# ex : elasticsearch.client=","
What is local mode? What is my client URL supposed to be? I can not find any information on what these options should be. With my current options, I get a NoNodeAvailableException.
Some people suggest:
elasticsearch.local=false elasticsearch.client=mynode1:9200,mynode2:9200
But what is mynode1 and mynode2? It doesn't work with my application. Can anyone help? Thanks
What is local mode?
If elaticsearch.local=true, a elasticsearch node is started in your application ( embedded )
What is my client URL supposed to be?
It's your host:port, but the port is the tcp transport define on your elasticsearch node.
By default, the port start on 9300 ( )
I can not find any information on what these options should be. With my current options, I get a NoNodeAvailableException.
I think you have a problem on port number.
mynode1 and mynode2 are elasticsearch nodes.
Do you have any Elasticsearch node running?
On which IP address?
Can you try to connect on these nodes using curl, for example:
curl localhost:9200
If one of this is successful, then configure your play app using YOURIPADDRESS:9300 as Nicolas Boire wrote before.
If no one is successful, check that you have installed Elasticsearch and launched it before.
I've just had the same problem, be sure that you respect the version requirements written in the table :
At the beginning, I set up the latest version of the plugin 0.8.1 but my ElasticSearch version was 1.0.2.
By starting ES with version 0.9.13, it worked.

Stop framework from using HTTP Proxy

After nearly drowning in tears of frustration I have to ask you a question.
My play (2.0.3, scala) application is consuming a wsdl, which works perfectly fine, if I run the dev version of my webservice on localhost, which makes the wsdl-url something like http://localhost:8080/Service/Service?wsdl.
When I try to consume the WSDl from the remote test system server, with an Url like, I get:
[WebServiceException: Failed to access the WSDL at: It failed with: Got Server returned HTTP response code: 502 for URL: while opening stream from]
My company uses a http proxy for internet use, which is the reason for the 502 error. So I want play to stop using the proxy.
So far I have tried (all together):
deleted proxy from Intenet Explorer
set _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dhttp.noProxyHosts=""
set JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dhttp.noProxyHosts=""
play run -Dhttp.noProxyHosts=""
None of this worked. Any ideas? How can I stop play from using the HttpProxy?
I found it has someting to do with java Webservices-api / jaxws libraries.
Any ideas?
EDIT 2012-10-17:
It seams to depend on system proxy settings. I still don't know why it didn't work that day although I deleted the whole proxy from IE and restarted everything. Is there any way to make my play app independend from system settings?
play -Dhttp.noProxyHosts="" run
I noticed a typo in your property, the correct property is http.nonProxyHosts so add and extra n after no.

haproxy - which configuration files

I have an HAProxy install which was configured by someone who left the company. It runs on Ubuntu 10.04 and it seems to use 3 configuration files in the directory /etc/haproxy
I don't see the point in using the haproxy.https.cfg file as I believe (in our configuration) it can all be configured from a single haproxy.http.cfg file but when I remove that httpS file it complains bitterly and refuses to run. My question
Is this the standard configuration haproxy uses or if not, I can't find a reference to the "S" file anywhere. Can anyone suggest how HAProxy concludes it should use it?
The very answer to your question: your haproxy is simply launched with those three config files ( -f haproxy.cfg -f haproxy.http.cfg -f haproxy.https.cfg, maybe from /etc/init.d/haproxy but mileage varies depending on your distribution ).
If you remove the file, of course it will complain.
This is not particularly standard, but ain't bad either, it helps structuring the conf rather than having a very long file.
The task of the .https version will certainly be to redirect the https traffic towards a service that can handle HTTPS (stunnel or nginx usually), since haproxy cannot terminate ssl connections. (stunnel has to be patched, see on the haproxy page)
If you want you can merge those files into one or two, just find out how haproxy is launched (check for init.d or let us know which distribution) and fix it appropriately.
I believe that it is only /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg that is used by default.
This may be of use to you (1.4 configuration reference):

ASP.Net MVC 2 on nginx/mono 2.8

I am trying to setup ASP.Net MVC 2 application on Linux environment. I've installed Ubuntu 10.10 on VirtualBox, then installed Mono 2.8 from sources. After that I have installed nginx and configure it as recommended here.
Unfortunately, FastCGI shows me standard error 500 page:
No Application Found
Unable to find a matching application for request:
Host localhost:80
Port 80
Request Path /Default.aspx
Physical Path /var/www/mvc/Default.aspx
My application is located in /var/www/mvc directory. I've tried to create some stub Default.aspx file and place it in root dir of my application, but it didn't help, same error occured.
I've been doing some testing with this as well, using all ubuntu10.10 binaries.
From what I can make from it, either nginx fails to pass the hostname of the mono server fails to receive it over the fastcgi protocol. Anyhow, the tutorial line:
fastcgi-mono-server2 / /socket=tcp:
doesn't work. Removing the hostname makes the thing work:
fastcgi-mono-server2 /applications=/:/var/www/ /socket=tcp:
but this of course blocks the use of multiple virtual mono hosts.
Since you are running ASP.NET MVC 2 application you should use fastcgi-mono-server4.
Adding following line in /etc/nginx/fastcgi_param resolves the issue for me. It also allows to use multiple virtual hosts.
fastcgi_param HTTP_HOST $host;
Does your application work with xsp (xsp4 if you are using .net 4.0)? You'll want to make sure that is working before you try configuring the connection to another web server.
Does nginx know where to find mono? You most likely have a parallel install and it won't be in the default paths.
I use apache, but you may still find some of the instructions on my blog useful:
I had this problem just now, I too had been following the document on the mono site:
I was trying to start the fastcgi-mono-server as it suggested:
sudo fastcgi-mono-server4 / /socket=tcp: &
However when I did it like that I got the same problem as you. I changed it to this:
sudo fastcgi-mono-server4 /applications=/:/var/www/ /socket=tcp: &
And it worked ( I had to type in to see my MVC page, not worked out how to stop it looking for yet XD ).
You need to make sure the domain set in your site config matches the domain passed to the fastcgi server. So for example if your default site (/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default) has the following config:
server {
You would need to pass that domain into the fastcgi server:
sudo fastcgi-mono-server4 / ...
Then when you access the site it will obviously need to be with that domain you set.