Dataflow: set DataflowPipelineDebugOptions - apache-beam

My pipeline gives OOM errors constantly so I read a fowllowing answer and try to set --dumpHeapOnOOM and --saveHeapDumpsToGcsPath. But it seems that these options do not work. Do I need to change my code or modify something else?
Memory profiling on Google Cloud Dataflow

You will want to check configuring-pipeline-options.
The current way in Apache Beam (2.9.0) to configure pipeline option in command line is --<option>=<value>.
In your case, you can set --dumpHeapOnOOM=true --saveHeapDumpsToGcsPath="gs://foo"


How to suppress default outputs on serverless cloudformation yml?

I'm using serverless-stack-output to save my serverless output to a file with some custom values that I setup. Works well, but serverless has some other default outputs such as these:
FunctionQualifiedArn (one for each function)
I don't want these to show on my file, how to disable serverless/cloudformation from outputting them?
This is not possible at this stage.
I've dug through the code and there's no switch that to suppress outputs.
Unfortunate, as I have the exact same requirement.

Can I enable / Disable an Azure Service Bus Topic using Powershell

I have spent a couple of hours search for a solution to disable my Azure Service Bus Topics using Powershell.
The background for this is we want to force a manual failover to our other region.
Obviously I could click in the Portal:
but I want to have a script to do this.
Here is my current attempt:
Any help would be great.
Assuming you're sure your $topic contains the full description, modify the status parameter in the array and then splat it back using the UpdateTopic method. I'm afraid I can't test this at present.
$topic.Status = "Disabled"
$topicdesc = $NamespaceManager.UpdateTopic($topic)
I don't think you'll need to set the entity type for the Status, nor do you require semi-colons after each line of code in your loop.
PowerShell Service Bus creation sample script (which this appears to be based off):
UpdateTopic method:
Additional note: please don't screenshot the code - paste it in. I'd rather copy-and-paste than type things out.

How do we examine a particular job in GTM?

Just as we have in Intersystem Cache D ^JOBEXAM to examine the jobs running in background or scheduled.
How can we do the same in GTM?
Do we have any command for the same. Please advice.
The answer is $zinterrupt; and what triggers it: mupip intrpt. Normally it dumps a file on your GT.M start-up directory containing the process state via ZSHOW "*"; however, you can make $zinterrupt do any thing you want.
$ZINT documentation:
A complex example of using $ZINT:
Late answer here. In addition to what Sam has said, there is a code set, "^ZJOB" that is used in the VistA world. I could get you copies of this if you wanted.

How do I use the Get-AutoscaleHistory cmdlet in Azure?

When I try to use Get-AutoscaleHistory, I always get no results.
I've taken a look at but don't really have any hints. I've imitated the example specified to no avail.
Get-AutoscaleHistory -Star 2015-11-11T18:35:00 -end 2015-11-15T18:40:00 -det
I've verified that I am using a subscription that has autoscale settings configured, and that those settings have actually caused scaling to happen, both up and down.
Has anybody used this cmdlet successfully?

Cleanup for running spec files in series in Protractor

I am running multiple specs using a Protractor configuration file as follows:
specs: [abc.js , xyz.js]
After abc.js is finished I want to reset my App to an initial state from where the next spec xyz.js can kick off.
Is there a well defined way of doing so in Protractor? I'm using Jasmine as a test framework.
You can use something like this:
specs: ['*.js']
But I recommend you to separate the specs with a suffix, such as abc-spec.js and xyz-spec.js. Thus your specs will be like this:
specs: ['*-spec.js']
This is done to avoiding the config file to be 'run'/tested if you put the config file in the same folder as your tests/spec files.
Also there is downside that the test will be run in 0 -> 9 and A -> Z order. E.g. abc-spec.js will run first then xyz-spec.js. If you want to define your custom execution order, you may prefix your spec files' names, for instance: 00-xyz-spec.js and 01-abc-spec.js.
To restart the app, sadly there is no common way (source) but you need to work around to achieve it. Use something like
whenever you need to reload your app. It will force the page to be reloaded. But if your app uses cookie, you will also need to clean it out in order to make it completely reset.
I used a different approach and it worked for me. Inside my first spec I am adding Logout testcase which logouts from the app and on reaching the log in page, just clear the cookie before login again using following:
The flag named restartBrowserBetweenTests can also be specified in a configuration file. However, this comes with a valid warning from the Protractor team:
// If [set to] true, protractor will restart the browser between each test.
// CAUTION: This will cause your tests to slow down drastically.
If the speed penalty is of no concern, this could help.
If the above doesn't help and you absolutely want to be sure that the state of the app (and browser!) is clean between specs, you need to roll out your own shellscript which gathers all your *_spec.js files and calls protractor --specs [currentSpec from a spec list/test suite].