How do we examine a particular job in GTM? - intersystems-cache

Just as we have in Intersystem Cache D ^JOBEXAM to examine the jobs running in background or scheduled.
How can we do the same in GTM?
Do we have any command for the same. Please advice.

The answer is $zinterrupt; and what triggers it: mupip intrpt. Normally it dumps a file on your GT.M start-up directory containing the process state via ZSHOW "*"; however, you can make $zinterrupt do any thing you want.
$ZINT documentation:
A complex example of using $ZINT:

Late answer here. In addition to what Sam has said, there is a code set, "^ZJOB" that is used in the VistA world. I could get you copies of this if you wanted.


Can I enable / Disable an Azure Service Bus Topic using Powershell

I have spent a couple of hours search for a solution to disable my Azure Service Bus Topics using Powershell.
The background for this is we want to force a manual failover to our other region.
Obviously I could click in the Portal:
but I want to have a script to do this.
Here is my current attempt:
Any help would be great.
Assuming you're sure your $topic contains the full description, modify the status parameter in the array and then splat it back using the UpdateTopic method. I'm afraid I can't test this at present.
$topic.Status = "Disabled"
$topicdesc = $NamespaceManager.UpdateTopic($topic)
I don't think you'll need to set the entity type for the Status, nor do you require semi-colons after each line of code in your loop.
PowerShell Service Bus creation sample script (which this appears to be based off):
UpdateTopic method:
Additional note: please don't screenshot the code - paste it in. I'd rather copy-and-paste than type things out.

Can I return the tag and routine name?

I am working on a code "maintenance" idea where I would like to populate a global when routines are accessed and by who. I can pull the current routine name using $t(+0) or $ZNAME, but what about the current tag and/or line offset? Is there a way so I can put a standard line in the routines I want to track?
Rob, you can get these information from $STACK.
If you call your own tracking function, you get the calling stack info like this:
zExecute+2^%Studio.General.1 +1
Take a look at the Caché ObjectScript Reference for $STACK for detailed description and examples.
Maybe you just turn on Audit? It gathers logs for different users activities in InterSystems Caché database. See the documentation on Caché Audit.
Also, see this solution which will help you to examine analytics in DeepSee regarding Audit entries.
You can find the routine that's calling your label, by the following ClassMethod.
write ##class(%SYSTEM.Process).CallingRoutine()
As well as the database which is calling your label.
write ##class(%SYSTEM.Process).CallingDatabase()

Why would LayoutObjectNames return an empty string in FileMaker 14?

I'm seeing some very strange behavior with FileMaker 14. I'm using LayoutObjectNames for some required functionality. On the development system it's working fine. It returns the list of named objects on the layout.
I close the file, zip it up and send it to the client, and that required functionality isn't working. He sends the file back and I open it and get a data viewer up. The function returns nothing. I go into layout mode and confirm that there are named objects on the layout.
The first time this happened and I tried recovering the file. In the recovered file it worked, so I assumed some corruption had happened on his end. I told him to trash the file I had given him and work with a new version I supplied. The problem came up again.
This morning he sent me the oldest version that the problem manifested in. I confirmed the problem, tried recovering it again, but this time it didn't fix the problem.
I'm at a loss. It works in the version I send him, doesn't on his system. We're both using FileMaker 14, although I'm using Advanced. My next step will be to work from a served file instead of a local one, but I have never seen this type of behavior in FileMaker. Has anyone seen anything similar? Any ideas on a fix? I'm almost ready to just scrap the file and build it again from scratch since we're not too far into the project.
Thanks, Chuck
There is a known issue with the Get (FileName) function when the file name contains dots (other that the one before the extension). I will amend my answer later with more details and a possible solution (I have to look it up).
Here's a quote from 2008:
This is a known issue. It affects not only the ValueListItems()
function, but any function that requires the file name. The solution
is to include the file extension explicitly in the file name. This
works even if you use Get (FileName) to return the file name
ValueListItems ( Get ( FileName ) & ".fp7" ; "MyValueList" )
Of course, this is not required if you take care not to use period
when naming your files.
Apparently the issue is still with us - I wonder if the solution is still the same (I cannot test this at the moment).

Cron Job in Kohana

How do you create a cron job in Kohana? I setup a regular controller which extends off the Controller_Base and I ran the command line:
/usr/bin/wget http://domain/controller/custom_cron
But I can't get it to work. It just doesn't execute. No error, nothing. I didn't put any special code in my controller ... just what I need to run my program. So if there is like a special command to call a cron job, I didn't add it (cause I don't know what it would be).
Also, I need it to make MySQL calls so I would need to include the db info and connection and what not (if it doesn't do that automatically). And I work off a custom model. How would I include that (if it doesn't do it automatically).
Thank you.
php /path/to/index.php --uri=controller/action/etc/etc
Calling it like this pretty much makes it act exactly like in a web environment. The only difference is the protocol for requests is 'cli'. You'll need to keep that in mind if you are generating links.
So if there is like a special command
to call a cron job, I didn't add it
(cause I don't know what it would be)
Daft question - have you added that wget command to crontab or similar?
If on the other hand you're looking to make a "poor man's cron", you could try creating a hook that runs on every page load and checks the last time the job was run, perhaps storing the last timestamp in a file or database.
I had to use cURL as my fire-this-script command in curl
30 18 * * * curl ""
php and wget didn't work, even when calling index.php and adding the uri as suggested above.
Also, FYI, Most transparent way to test this was just running the line from SSH manually to see what the results were. Once I confirmed it was working there, then I put it in the cron.

Change attributes of change-set from command line

I tried using aegis -change_attributes to change the brief_description of my current change set but it didn't work.
aegis -change_attributes description="test"
What should I do to make this work?
EDIT: The command I was looking for was
aegis -change_attributes brief_description="$DESC";
Since no answer was given (for quite some time) I'm adding the solution I gave in the comments, as the anser:
The above command is correct if you want to set the extensive description. If one wants to just set the brief description "aegis -change_attributes brief_description="$DESC"" has to be used