How can I place multiple things in an ag-grid cell? - ag-grid

ag-grid has some nice feature for my application needs and I plan to use it. However, I want to know whether it's possible to place multiple things in a single cell. Specifically, I want to place a multi-line code snippet, a "copy me" button and some link. Is this possible?

Multi-line content with AutoRowHeight -
Buttons and Links with Custom CellRenderer Components -
Links can also be done with cellClicked event -


How can I add a custom column menu tab in ag-grid?

Is there a way to add a custom column menu tab with my own favourite icon which on click would render my custom react component?
something like
myColDef.menuTabs: ['generalMenuTab', 'filterMenuTab', 'myCustomMenuTab']
FYI I'm using v12.0.2
What you're after can't be done I'm afraid. The grid supports React components in all sorts of ways (renderers, editors, filters etc), but not via the column menu.
I've updated the docs page to remove the gibberish issue - it'll be fixed properly in the next release, thanks for highlighting this.
This would be helpful to have. In particular for us, we'd like to filter based off row properties, and not row values. Creating our own tab to filter by cell colors that we have assigned with our own set of labels would be useful.
I agree that it would be a nice feature to have. Apparently, there's no quick out-of-the-box solution to do it. The only workaround I see is to implement your own custom Header component which would display any buttons your want.
There you can put a button to open your own custom menu, which you can implement as any regular UI component. It also means you'll need to manually implement all standard menu options that Ag-Grid provides out of the box if you need them.

"Segmented Button" with Multi-line Text

I'm not sure exactly what keyword I should be searching, but I wasn't able to find the answer to my problem - I'm new to iOS development so apologies in advanced if I'm not using the correct UI components.
I want to create something like a segmented control (two choices) with multi-line descriptions in them, except I'm not sure if I should be using a segmented control to do so, or to customize a button to create it. The user should be able to select a "choice" and that will switch views and tint the choice not selected depending on the choice the user makes. How exactly would I design this / is this possible?
I've already attempted to modify the segmented control but couldn't get the desired results. I've thought about creating a text box and modifying it to act like a button selector, but wasn't sure if that was the best way. I would love some input, thanks!

Monotouch.Dialog Customizing cells

I wanna customize cells in MonoTouch.Dialog.
For example make custom background in BoolElement and make custom image for this small bool thing that can be on or off, sorry forgot the name, or make custom disclosure indicator image in StringElement.
Is there simple way to do this without making own custom elements?
In some cases you'll need to create custom Element-derived types to customize cells. In other cases you will be able to add some custom code inside your application. FWIW I think it's cleaner to create your own everytime.
You can find a lot of examples in the Sample application that is available on github along with MonoTouch.Dialog (that includes having a custom background and totally owner-drawn elements).
There are also several questions (with answers) about common MonoTouch.Dialog customizations here on stackoverflow. Click on the monotouch.dialog tag and read them.
If you get stuck on a particular customization then don't hesitate to ask for help.

Is there a way to create custom UIDataDetectorTypes?

What I am trying to do is create tooltip functionality so that certain words in my instructional app can be tapped and the definition pops up. For the popup part I plan on using code from “AFInformationView” which provides bubbles on the iPhone.
The part I'm struggling with is how to associate A particular word's location with the bubble. Currently I have the text on a UILabel that is on a custom UITableCell. Since I calculate the row height on the fly with:
[textToUse sizeWithFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:FONT_SIZE] constrainedToSize:CGSizeMake(stop-start, 500)];
I'm not sure what the coordinates for a specific word will be. I was thinking that if I created a custom DataDetectorType that could be the fix.
If anyone knows how to do this or has any other ideas I would be happy to hear them.
I didn't create a custom UIDataDetectorTypes but Craig Hockenberry did something like it with his TwitterrificTouch.
He uses regular expressions to detect links and other things. I provide it with my keywords and then they become tappable. He places buttons on top of the matching text from the underlying labels. You can google a lot of posts that talk about "putting transparent buttons on top" of various things but Craig's code is the only example/working code I could find.
Here is the link:
I don't think this is possible. The (few) Data Detector types that the iPhone currently supports are hard-coded with a integer type id. There does not seem to be a mechanism to extends that list of types.
File a feature request in their bug tracker. I will do the same.
AFAIK, you can't create custom data detectors.
The best approach for this sort of thing seems to be using UIWebViews. At least that's what I did. However, you shouldn't use a UIWebView inside a UITableViewCell. In fact, no subview of a UITableViewCell should respond to user input. So I think the best approach would be to display a UIWebView when the cell is tapped.
UIWebViews could be a possible approach but on scrolling you should consider that the whole text should be parsed to detect the words.You could use HTMl tags to make them blue and provide the links.But how could i then assign a custom behavior then opening in safari?
If you want custom data detector you could write an extractor method to primarly patch the links with help of NSregularExpression. For example
NSString regex = #"(http|https|fb)://((\w)|([0-9]*)|([-|_]))+(\.|/)"; to patch alll the links including Facebook URLs inside text like fb://friends.
Then you could use NSattributedString yo mark the links with different colors etc.
ThreeTwenty has a great library called TTTAttributedLabel where you could assign links to certain parts of a text. I also scrolls quite fast if you use it in tableviews

Best approach for adding non-web links to UITextView

I am creating a dictionary-style app that presents a tableview full of words, and when a word is selected, a UITextView is displayed that shows the definition of the word. What I would like to do is add a line that says "See also: synonym1, synonym2" where synonym1 and synonym2 are links that will take the user to the definition for the synonym that is touched.
What is the best way to add these dynamic links? Buttons? Somehow add a small UIWebView a UItable on the fly?
I would replace your UITextView with a UIWebView and use that contain your description text and your links. It's fairly trivial to generate HTML on the fly for something like that.
You could register a custom URL scheme for your app, or you could intercept links as they're clicked.
If your links are always grouped together there's no reason why you couldn't use a bunch of UIButtons inside a custom view, but then you'd have to handle layout and wrapping on your own. It seems a lot easier to do it in HTML.